Binance Square
Call me Draco too. I am benevolent. I represent the energy of fire and transformation. I am the oldest badge in the blockchain and I want to share it with you.
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I'll be quick. Definitely $BTC is being manipulated by elites. I have no proof nor doubts...
I'll be quick. Definitely $BTC is being manipulated by elites. I have no proof nor doubts...
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The market collapses. Whales manipulating exchanges. $btc bearish
The market collapses. Whales manipulating exchanges.
$btc bearish
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If anyone is missing a blum invitation that is difficult, here I leave them @blumcrypto 3 invitations left
 Take advantage of
If anyone is missing a blum invitation that is difficult, here I leave them

3 invitations left

Take advantage of
about BTC#Bitcoin❗ died. The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait. What do you think of $BTC? Leave your comment.

about BTC

#Bitcoin❗ died. The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait. What do you think of $BTC ? Leave your comment.
#Bitcoin❗ died. The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait. What do you think of $BTC? Leave your comment.
#Bitcoin❗ died. The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait. What do you think of $BTC ? Leave your comment.
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On #Bitcoin❗ he died. The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait. What do you think of $BTC ? Leave your comment.
On #Bitcoin❗ he died.

The market was filled with traps, scams, speculation and whales. We just have to wait.
What do you think of $BTC ? Leave your comment.
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Yes, cryptocurrencies are decentralized and were originally created as an independent means of payment. So under what framework are we, which we do not know, and who is manipulating the price of $BTC ? I read them...
Yes, cryptocurrencies are decentralized and were originally created as an independent means of payment. So under what framework are we, which we do not know, and who is manipulating the price of $BTC ?
I read them...
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Are airdrops a scam?Airdrops are rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies that are usually given to the first people to support certain projects. However, they can also be a form of scam if you are not careful. According to the FTC, Americans lost about $80 million (€71 million) in thousands of scams related to these investments between October 2020 and May 2021. Some of the most common scams are: Receiving a mysterious airdrop of a token unknown and access a fake web page that asks to connect the electronic wallet. By doing so, the scammer can steal all of the user's funds. An example is the VERA token ( which has affected many Metamask users. Receiving an email, message or call from someone posing as a representative of a cryptocurrency platform and asking for personal data, passwords or private keys. By providing this information, the user may lose access to their account and cryptocurrencies. Invest in projects that promise high and guaranteed returns, but are actually pyramid or Ponzi schemes. These projects usually have an unprofessional website, an anonymous or non-existent team, and a lack of transparency about how the protocol works. An example is Bitconnect, which was declared a scam in 2018 after raising more than $2 billion. To avoid falling for these scams, it is recommended to follow some precautions, such as: Research the project before investing or accepting an airdrop. Verify the project's reputation, track record, team, source code, and community. Consult reliable sources and compare the information. Do not provide personal data, passwords or private keys to anyone. Use a secure e-wallet and protect it with a recovery phrase. Do not access suspicious or unknown websites that ask you to connect your electronic wallet. Be skeptical of offers that are too good to be true. Don't get carried away by greed or fear of missing out on an opportunity. Remember that investments in cryptocurrencies have risks and there are no guarantees of profits.#Write2Earn #BinanceCommunity #BinanceSquare. #Binance #BinanceTips

Are airdrops a scam?

Airdrops are rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies that are usually given to the first people to support certain projects. However, they can also be a form of scam if you are not careful. According to the FTC, Americans lost about $80 million (€71 million) in thousands of scams related to these investments between October 2020 and May 2021. Some of the most common scams are: Receiving a mysterious airdrop of a token unknown and access a fake web page that asks to connect the electronic wallet. By doing so, the scammer can steal all of the user's funds. An example is the VERA token ( which has affected many Metamask users. Receiving an email, message or call from someone posing as a representative of a cryptocurrency platform and asking for personal data, passwords or private keys. By providing this information, the user may lose access to their account and cryptocurrencies. Invest in projects that promise high and guaranteed returns, but are actually pyramid or Ponzi schemes. These projects usually have an unprofessional website, an anonymous or non-existent team, and a lack of transparency about how the protocol works. An example is Bitconnect, which was declared a scam in 2018 after raising more than $2 billion. To avoid falling for these scams, it is recommended to follow some precautions, such as: Research the project before investing or accepting an airdrop. Verify the project's reputation, track record, team, source code, and community. Consult reliable sources and compare the information. Do not provide personal data, passwords or private keys to anyone. Use a secure e-wallet and protect it with a recovery phrase. Do not access suspicious or unknown websites that ask you to connect your electronic wallet. Be skeptical of offers that are too good to be true. Don't get carried away by greed or fear of missing out on an opportunity. Remember that investments in cryptocurrencies have risks and there are no guarantees of profits.#Write2Earn #BinanceCommunity #BinanceSquare. #Binance #BinanceTips
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy Halving 2024 for all #Binance family My #binanwish is that bitcoin enlighten you next year.
Merry Christmas and Happy Halving 2024 for all #Binance family

My #binanwish is that bitcoin enlighten you next year.
El halving 2024. ÂżdispararĂĄ el precio de las cryptomonedas? 1. si 2. no
El halving 2024.

ÂżdispararĂĄ el precio de las cryptomonedas?
1. si
2. no
trading botsÂżson confiables?Los bots de trading son programas informĂĄticos que operan de manera automĂĄtica los mercados financieros, siguiendo ciertas instrucciones o algoritmos. Los bots de trading pueden tener ventajas como la rapidez, la capacidad de anĂĄlisis y la eliminaciĂłn del factor emocional. Sin embargo, tambiĂ©n tienen riesgos como la posibilidad de errores de programaciĂłn, la manipulaciĂłn del mercado, la falta de control humano y la volatilidad del mercado. Por lo tanto, no se puede garantizar que los bots de trading sean confiables o rentables en todo momento. Depende de la calidad del software, la estrategia empleada, las condiciones del mercado y la supervisiĂłn del trader. Si quieres saber mĂĄs sobre los bots de trading, puedes consultar estos enlaces:ÂżCĂłmo funcionan los bots en trading?Los bots en trading se encargan de ejecutar Ăłrdenes de compra y venta en los mercados cuando se cumplen ciertas condiciones. Para poder realizar esto, es necesario que establezcas criterios para que el bot opere de acuerdo con tus objetivos. De esta manera, utilizando indicadores tĂ©cnicos, el programa se encarga de tomar las decisiones con base en el cumplimiento de las condiciones del mercado. BĂĄsicamente, un bot sigue las instrucciones que le das y una vez que detecta una oportunidad la ejecuta de manera automĂĄtica. Estos pueden emplearse por medio de aplicaciones para smartphones o como un plug-in instalado en tu buscador de internet. La ventaja que tienen los bots sobre cualquier trader comĂșn es su capacidad de anĂĄlisis, pues, pueden revisar y estudiar cantidades enormes de informaciĂłn en segundos. AdemĂĄs, son capaces de tomar una o mĂĄs decisiones de manera instantĂĄnea y simultĂĄnea. Los mejores bots de trading para binance.BitsgapCryptohopper3CommasTradeSantaMuchos bots para trading ofrecen una prueba o versiĂłn gratuita de su producto. Es una buena opciĂłn el probar estos servicios, sin embargo, no es recomendado hacer esto a largo plazo ya que suelen ofrecer muchas menos funciones y opciones en comparaciĂłn con las versiones completas. CaracterĂ­sticas como el soporte limitado, menor cantidad de pares de trading, volumen limitado o menor cantidad de estrategias son algunas de estas.Existen bastantes puntos claves que tendrĂĄs que considerar al momento de elegir tu soluciĂłn perfecta. Uno de estos aspectos mĂĄs importantes es la reputaciĂłn del servicio. Ya hablamos de la posibilidad de que los servicios se vean comprometidos, asĂ­ que este punto es extremadamente importante.Siempre debes asegurarte de que estĂĄs usando un servicio con buena reputaciĂłn y reseñas. El usar una herramienta de una organizaciĂłn de terceros, implica darle acceso a tu cuenta de Binance a travĂ©s de tu llave API. El elegir un desarrollador con una buena reputaciĂłn es esencial, ya que no existe manera fĂĄcil de descubrir si es que un bot de trading serĂĄ completamente seguro o no.La IU (Interfaz de usuario) tambiĂ©n es muy importante, ya que generalmente encontrarĂĄs plataformas con interfaces muy congestionadas y llenas de funciones. Es importante elegir una interfaz simple y sencilla. Los bots para trading generalmente tienen activado un montĂłn de estrategias, de las cuales la mayorĂ­a ofrece un par de algoritmos bastante conocidos, pero, aun asĂ­, es importante tener la opciĂłn de crear tu propia estrategia.Es extremadamente importante asegurarte de que el servicio te permita realizar un backtesting o prueba retrospectiva. El backtesting te permite ejecutar el script usando informaciĂłn pasada, siendo la manera mĂĄs segura de probar y revisar cĂłmo funcionan tus estrategias.Otro aspecto importante son las estadĂ­sticas. Algunos servicios de bots para trading ofrecerĂĄn un amplio rango de estadĂ­sticas mientras que otros simplemente te mostrarĂĄn las pĂ©rdidas y las ganancias.La atenciĂłn al cliente tambiĂ©n es crucial ya que, idealmente, querrĂĄs tener un servicio de soporte 24/7 en caso de que ocurra algĂșn error o bug. Otra buena caracterĂ­stica es tener la habilidad de ejecutar mĂșltiples scripts. Los servicios gratuitos, por lo general, permitirĂĄn usar solo un par de bots de trading, mientras que los servicios pagados ofrecerĂĄn una cantidad ilimitada, por lo que es realmente Ăștil si es que quieres operar con mĂșltiples pares de trading simultĂĄneamente.#bot #botstrading #BinanceResearch #BinanceSquare #BinanceTips

trading bots

Âżson confiables?Los bots de trading son programas informĂĄticos que operan de manera automĂĄtica los mercados financieros, siguiendo ciertas instrucciones o algoritmos. Los bots de trading pueden tener ventajas como la rapidez, la capacidad de anĂĄlisis y la eliminaciĂłn del factor emocional. Sin embargo, tambiĂ©n tienen riesgos como la posibilidad de errores de programaciĂłn, la manipulaciĂłn del mercado, la falta de control humano y la volatilidad del mercado. Por lo tanto, no se puede garantizar que los bots de trading sean confiables o rentables en todo momento. Depende de la calidad del software, la estrategia empleada, las condiciones del mercado y la supervisiĂłn del trader. Si quieres saber mĂĄs sobre los bots de trading, puedes consultar estos enlaces:ÂżCĂłmo funcionan los bots en trading?Los bots en trading se encargan de ejecutar Ăłrdenes de compra y venta en los mercados cuando se cumplen ciertas condiciones. Para poder realizar esto, es necesario que establezcas criterios para que el bot opere de acuerdo con tus objetivos. De esta manera, utilizando indicadores tĂ©cnicos, el programa se encarga de tomar las decisiones con base en el cumplimiento de las condiciones del mercado. BĂĄsicamente, un bot sigue las instrucciones que le das y una vez que detecta una oportunidad la ejecuta de manera automĂĄtica. Estos pueden emplearse por medio de aplicaciones para smartphones o como un plug-in instalado en tu buscador de internet. La ventaja que tienen los bots sobre cualquier trader comĂșn es su capacidad de anĂĄlisis, pues, pueden revisar y estudiar cantidades enormes de informaciĂłn en segundos. AdemĂĄs, son capaces de tomar una o mĂĄs decisiones de manera instantĂĄnea y simultĂĄnea. Los mejores bots de trading para binance.BitsgapCryptohopper3CommasTradeSantaMuchos bots para trading ofrecen una prueba o versiĂłn gratuita de su producto. Es una buena opciĂłn el probar estos servicios, sin embargo, no es recomendado hacer esto a largo plazo ya que suelen ofrecer muchas menos funciones y opciones en comparaciĂłn con las versiones completas. CaracterĂ­sticas como el soporte limitado, menor cantidad de pares de trading, volumen limitado o menor cantidad de estrategias son algunas de estas.Existen bastantes puntos claves que tendrĂĄs que considerar al momento de elegir tu soluciĂłn perfecta. Uno de estos aspectos mĂĄs importantes es la reputaciĂłn del servicio. Ya hablamos de la posibilidad de que los servicios se vean comprometidos, asĂ­ que este punto es extremadamente importante.Siempre debes asegurarte de que estĂĄs usando un servicio con buena reputaciĂłn y reseñas. El usar una herramienta de una organizaciĂłn de terceros, implica darle acceso a tu cuenta de Binance a travĂ©s de tu llave API. El elegir un desarrollador con una buena reputaciĂłn es esencial, ya que no existe manera fĂĄcil de descubrir si es que un bot de trading serĂĄ completamente seguro o no.La IU (Interfaz de usuario) tambiĂ©n es muy importante, ya que generalmente encontrarĂĄs plataformas con interfaces muy congestionadas y llenas de funciones. Es importante elegir una interfaz simple y sencilla. Los bots para trading generalmente tienen activado un montĂłn de estrategias, de las cuales la mayorĂ­a ofrece un par de algoritmos bastante conocidos, pero, aun asĂ­, es importante tener la opciĂłn de crear tu propia estrategia.Es extremadamente importante asegurarte de que el servicio te permita realizar un backtesting o prueba retrospectiva. El backtesting te permite ejecutar el script usando informaciĂłn pasada, siendo la manera mĂĄs segura de probar y revisar cĂłmo funcionan tus estrategias.Otro aspecto importante son las estadĂ­sticas. Algunos servicios de bots para trading ofrecerĂĄn un amplio rango de estadĂ­sticas mientras que otros simplemente te mostrarĂĄn las pĂ©rdidas y las ganancias.La atenciĂłn al cliente tambiĂ©n es crucial ya que, idealmente, querrĂĄs tener un servicio de soporte 24/7 en caso de que ocurra algĂșn error o bug. Otra buena caracterĂ­stica es tener la habilidad de ejecutar mĂșltiples scripts. Los servicios gratuitos, por lo general, permitirĂĄn usar solo un par de bots de trading, mientras que los servicios pagados ofrecerĂĄn una cantidad ilimitada, por lo que es realmente Ăștil si es que quieres operar con mĂșltiples pares de trading simultĂĄneamente.#bot #botstrading #BinanceResearch #BinanceSquare #BinanceTips
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Conan $VLLC The first libertarian memecoin Life, liberty and private property In the immense world of digital connectivity, a beacon of liberalism emerges that illuminates the path towards individual freedom and respect for diverse life projects. Introducing the Conan Token $vllc, a coin that stands as an emblem of non-aggression, life, liberty and the unwavering right to private property in the cryptocurrency space. Tribute to Liberalism In the genesis of empowering ideas, the Conan Token $vllc was born as a tribute to unrestricted respect for the life project of others. Its creators, fervent defenders of liberalism, envisioned a unique opportunity to represent these values ​​within a token, which embodies the essence of non-aggression, the defense of individual rights and the noble principles of life, liberty and private property. personal sovereignty Tokenizing self-ownership and respect the Conan Token $vllc is more than a crypto token; symbolizes the essence of self-ownership. Just as each individual has the power to shape their destiny, each holder of the Conan Token $vllc becomes a guardian of the principles they uphold. The decentralized nature of the currency reflects the ethic of personal sovereignty. #DYOR #BinanceCoin #BinanceTips #BinanceSquare
Conan $VLLC

The first libertarian memecoin

Life, liberty and private property

In the immense world of digital connectivity, a beacon of liberalism emerges that illuminates the path towards individual freedom and respect for diverse life projects. Introducing the Conan Token $vllc, a coin that stands as an emblem of non-aggression, life, liberty and the unwavering right to private property in the cryptocurrency space.

Tribute to Liberalism

In the genesis of empowering ideas, the Conan Token $vllc was born as a tribute to unrestricted respect for the life project of others. Its creators, fervent defenders of liberalism, envisioned a unique opportunity to represent these values ​​within a token, which embodies the essence of non-aggression, the defense of individual rights and the noble principles of life, liberty and private property.

personal sovereignty

Tokenizing self-ownership and respect the Conan Token $vllc is more than a crypto token; symbolizes the essence of self-ownership. Just as each individual has the power to shape their destiny, each holder of the Conan Token $vllc becomes a guardian of the principles they uphold. The decentralized nature of the currency reflects the ethic of personal sovereignty.

#DYOR #BinanceCoin #BinanceTips #BinanceSquare
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Vocabulary in CryptoChats. part 2.Vocabularies in cryptochats are the words or expressions used in conversations about cryptocurrencies, whether in forums, social networks or messaging applications. Some of these vocabularies are:DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization, it is an organization governed by the rules previously established in a smart contract.DApp: It is a decentralized application which is not under the control of any company and in which users They interact with each other on a blockchain network, without intermediaries. DeFi: It is a decentralized finance system. Set of applications and smart contracts that, operating on a blockchain network, allow for the creation of a decentralized finance system in which there are no intermediaries or organizations that control operations. Rug pull: It is pulling the blanket, keeping the money of all investors. It refers to the action of the creators of an altcoin, shitcoin or memecoin type cryptocurrency selling all their tokens at once to keep the investors' money, sinking the price of the asset in a matter of seconds, without anyone being able to do so. nothing to prevent its price collapse. Shitcoin: It is any cryptocurrency of dubious credibility. It is an altcoin, or alternative cryptocurrency, that has the characteristic that it was born under a project of dubious credibility. ICO: Initial Coin Offering, is an initial currency offering, it could be compared to a public offering, in which a company goes public to offer its shares to potential investors in exchange for money.#BinanceSquare #BinanceTips #BinanceCoin

Vocabulary in CryptoChats. part 2.

Vocabularies in cryptochats are the words or expressions used in conversations about cryptocurrencies, whether in forums, social networks or messaging applications. Some of these vocabularies are:DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization, it is an organization governed by the rules previously established in a smart contract.DApp: It is a decentralized application which is not under the control of any company and in which users They interact with each other on a blockchain network, without intermediaries. DeFi: It is a decentralized finance system. Set of applications and smart contracts that, operating on a blockchain network, allow for the creation of a decentralized finance system in which there are no intermediaries or organizations that control operations. Rug pull: It is pulling the blanket, keeping the money of all investors. It refers to the action of the creators of an altcoin, shitcoin or memecoin type cryptocurrency selling all their tokens at once to keep the investors' money, sinking the price of the asset in a matter of seconds, without anyone being able to do so. nothing to prevent its price collapse. Shitcoin: It is any cryptocurrency of dubious credibility. It is an altcoin, or alternative cryptocurrency, that has the characteristic that it was born under a project of dubious credibility. ICO: Initial Coin Offering, is an initial currency offering, it could be compared to a public offering, in which a company goes public to offer its shares to potential investors in exchange for money.#BinanceSquare #BinanceTips #BinanceCoin
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Vocabulary in CryptoChats. Part 1Vocabularies in cryptochats are the words or expressions used in conversations about cryptocurrencies, whether in forums, social networks or messaging applications. Some of these vocabularies are:Moon: used to indicate that the price of a cryptocurrency is rising a lot and that it may reach the moon. Example: Bitcoin is going to the moon!Lambo: used to refer to the desire to buy a Lamborghini, a luxury car, with the profits obtained from investing in cryptocurrencies. Example: When I reach 100k, I'll buy a lambo. Whale: Used to describe investors who own large amounts of cryptocurrency and can influence the market with their movements. Example: Be careful with whales, they can manipulate the price. Shill: used to accuse someone of promoting a cryptocurrency in order to increase its value or attract more buyers. Example: Don't pay attention to him, he's just shilling that altcoin.DYOR: is the acronym for “Do Your Own Research”, which means “Do your own research”. It is used to advise users not to be influenced by the opinions of others and to do their own research before investing in a cryptocurrency. Example: Don't trust what they say in the chat, DYOR.#cryptonews #BinanceSquare #BinanceOptions

Vocabulary in CryptoChats. Part 1

Vocabularies in cryptochats are the words or expressions used in conversations about cryptocurrencies, whether in forums, social networks or messaging applications. Some of these vocabularies are:Moon: used to indicate that the price of a cryptocurrency is rising a lot and that it may reach the moon. Example: Bitcoin is going to the moon!Lambo: used to refer to the desire to buy a Lamborghini, a luxury car, with the profits obtained from investing in cryptocurrencies. Example: When I reach 100k, I'll buy a lambo. Whale: Used to describe investors who own large amounts of cryptocurrency and can influence the market with their movements. Example: Be careful with whales, they can manipulate the price. Shill: used to accuse someone of promoting a cryptocurrency in order to increase its value or attract more buyers. Example: Don't pay attention to him, he's just shilling that altcoin.DYOR: is the acronym for “Do Your Own Research”, which means “Do your own research”. It is used to advise users not to be influenced by the opinions of others and to do their own research before investing in a cryptocurrency. Example: Don't trust what they say in the chat, DYOR.#cryptonews #BinanceSquare #BinanceOptions
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what does DYOR mean? DYOR stands for Do Your Own Research and is a common phrase used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. However, the acronym is not advice exclusive to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It is frequently used throughout the internet due to how quickly and easily misinformation can spread. Doing your own research involves checking the credibility, potential, and security of a cryptocurrency project before investing in it. It also means not blindly trusting the opinions of others, but rather looking for reliable sources and contrasting information. Some aspects you can research about a cryptocurrency project are: the team behind it, the vision and mission, the problem it solves, the economic model, the source code, the roadmap, partners, competitors, reviews and community comments. Doing your own research can help you avoid scams, make informed decisions, and have a better understanding of the cryptocurrency space. Remember that investing in cryptocurrencies involves high risk and high reward, so you must be responsible and prudent with your money. If you want to know more about cryptocurrencies, you can visit Binance Academy at #BinanceTips #BinanceSquare #BinanceAventura #BinanceCoin
what does DYOR mean?

DYOR stands for Do Your Own Research and is a common phrase used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. However, the acronym is not advice exclusive to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It is frequently used throughout the internet due to how quickly and easily misinformation can spread.

Doing your own research involves checking the credibility, potential, and security of a cryptocurrency project before investing in it. It also means not blindly trusting the opinions of others, but rather looking for reliable sources and contrasting information.

Some aspects you can research about a cryptocurrency project are: the team behind it, the vision and mission, the problem it solves, the economic model, the source code, the roadmap, partners, competitors, reviews and community comments.

Doing your own research can help you avoid scams, make informed decisions, and have a better understanding of the cryptocurrency space. Remember that investing in cryptocurrencies involves high risk and high reward, so you must be responsible and prudent with your money. If you want to know more about cryptocurrencies, you can visit Binance Academy at #BinanceTips #BinanceSquare #BinanceAventura #BinanceCoin
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Trading of Memecoin on #Binance will start on November 3rd at 8 AM (UTC) with #MEME /BTC, MEME/USDT, and MEME/BNB trading pairs.
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