The TFL project was unlawfully liquidated by the SEC led by Gary Gensler, who has no idea what the crypto industry is and how and why it came to be and exists. To break it is not to build and create. Well, we will wait for the arrival of Trump and his team, which will give a boost to the pioneers and justice.
Gary Gensler get behind the cryptocurrency lunk, and return the funds to the crypto community, a fine is not a punishment, but a means for the further development of the crypto world.
dear brothers and sisters, we see that guys with trillions in their pockets decided to merge Terraluna quietly, and without consequences for themselves, but nothing will come of it, for 2 years now the crypto market has been stagnating due to that catastrophe, and from this point it can fall to zero, unless they restore trust and rehabilitate the Terra project
there is information that Blackrock wants to restore the Terraluna project in order to restore confidence in the crypto industry and its further progress