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Record of 20,000, especially rolling position of 1 million, currently 283,488 This order charges ↓1012 points If pride is not coldly photographed by the sea of ​​reality, how can we understand how hard we have to work hard to go far?
Record of 20,000, especially rolling position of 1 million, currently 283,488

This order charges ↓1012 points

If pride is not coldly photographed by the sea of ​​reality, how can we understand how hard we have to work hard to go far?
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Xiaobai learns these methods to quickly achieve wealth freedom! 1. Rebound and callback method: After a wave of sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term rebound or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator used is the K-line pattern, which requires a very good sense of the market and the ability to accurately judge the high or low point of the stage. 2. Time period method: Generally, the morning and afternoon trading fluctuates less, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle personality. The disadvantage is that the time to place an order to make a profit is extended, and sufficient patience must be possessed. The late and early morning trading fluctuates violently, and can quickly make a profit and have multiple operating spaces. It is suitable for aggressive investors to operate. The disadvantage is that the market is difficult to grasp, easy to make mistakes, and requires a relatively high level of technical level and judgment ability. 3. Oscillation method: The market is in an oscillating pattern most of the time. Selling high and buying low between boxes when the market is oscillating is the basic method for stable profit. The indicators used are BOLL and box theory. The premise of success is to find the resistance support based on various technical indicators and graphics. The principle of using the oscillation method is to buy and sell short-term and not to be greedy. 4. Resistance and support approach: When the market encounters very important resistance and support, it is often blocked or supported. Entering an order when it is blocked or supported is our common method and a common method for stable profit. The indicators used are trend line, moving average, Bollinger band, and parabolic indicator, which require very accurate judgment of resistance and support. 5. Change and breakthrough approach: After a long period of consolidation, the market will eventually choose a direction. After the market chooses a direction and changes, chasing in is a stable and fast way to make profits. It is required to have a good ability to judge the change of the market, a stable mentality, and avoid greed and fear. 6. Unilateral trend approach: After the market breaks through the market, the market will choose a direction. After the unilateral market is formed, it is an eternal truth to follow the trend. In every callback or rebound, it is an opportunity to enter an order, which is the best guarantee for stable profit! The technical indicators used are: K line, moving average, BOLL, trend line, and it is required to be proficient in the above indicators.
Xiaobai learns these methods to quickly achieve wealth freedom!
1. Rebound and callback method: After a wave of sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term rebound or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator used is the K-line pattern, which requires a very good sense of the market and the ability to accurately judge the high or low point of the stage.
2. Time period method: Generally, the morning and afternoon trading fluctuates less, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle personality. The disadvantage is that the time to place an order to make a profit is extended, and sufficient patience must be possessed. The late and early morning trading fluctuates violently, and can quickly make a profit and have multiple operating spaces. It is suitable for aggressive investors to operate. The disadvantage is that the market is difficult to grasp, easy to make mistakes, and requires a relatively high level of technical level and judgment ability.
3. Oscillation method: The market is in an oscillating pattern most of the time. Selling high and buying low between boxes when the market is oscillating is the basic method for stable profit. The indicators used are BOLL and box theory. The premise of success is to find the resistance support based on various technical indicators and graphics. The principle of using the oscillation method is to buy and sell short-term and not to be greedy.
4. Resistance and support approach: When the market encounters very important resistance and support, it is often blocked or supported. Entering an order when it is blocked or supported is our common method and a common method for stable profit. The indicators used are trend line, moving average, Bollinger band, and parabolic indicator, which require very accurate judgment of resistance and support.
5. Change and breakthrough approach: After a long period of consolidation, the market will eventually choose a direction. After the market chooses a direction and changes, chasing in is a stable and fast way to make profits. It is required to have a good ability to judge the change of the market, a stable mentality, and avoid greed and fear.
6. Unilateral trend approach: After the market breaks through the market, the market will choose a direction. After the unilateral market is formed, it is an eternal truth to follow the trend. In every callback or rebound, it is an opportunity to enter an order, which is the best guarantee for stable profit! The technical indicators used are: K line, moving average, BOLL, trend line, and it is required to be proficient in the above indicators.
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Earn your first million goal in 2024 Looking back on the past days, I stayed up late at night holding the list and not daring to fall asleep. Fearful. Finally, I have achieved my small goal. Some advice for newcomers who want to enter the currency circle! ! ! first The cryptocurrency market has gone through the period of brutal explosion. Next is the stage of formal financialization and the stage of competition between capital institutions. Stop dreaming about pinching a coin and buying it dozens of times or a hundred times. According to the current market sentiment, coins that can multiply a hundred times are very rare. Even if the bull market really comes, there won't be many coins that can increase more than 50 times. second advice Although you can make a lot of money by playing contract full position stud + multiplier max, you can also lose a lot of money. I don’t think anyone will tell you that the essence of currency speculation lies in rolling positions, not how much you earn from a single profit. The fourth piece of advice Under normal circumstances, when someone is crazy about a certain CX currency, it is basically coming to an end. At this time, if you have held this currency before, you can consider getting off. The fifth piece of advice Blessings cannot come into a house without virtue, and wealth cannot come into a poor house. Under what circumstances is water suitable for nourishing all things? Is water suitable for nourishing all things when it is still? Therefore, when you gain profits from trading, please don’t be too arrogant. When you experience losses from trading, don’t blame yourself too much. We must understand the principle of "profit and loss come from the same source". Regardless of whether you make a profit or loss, you should summarize yourself from time to time and ask yourself why this order is profitable, and why is this order a loss? Remember, a young person or an emotional person cannot do well in trading. The sixth piece of advice Others will not easily tell you about making money. If someone tells you how much you can earn by investing in this coin, then you have to be careful. Maybe they just want to make a fortune out of you. The seventh piece of advice If you want to do a good job in trading, you should have your own opinions instead of following other people's opinions. Just like a blogger sharing his profit-making experience, he can make profits from this set of theories, and When you suffer losses while holding this set of theories, it is mostly due to your own factors.
Earn your first million goal in 2024
Looking back on the past days, I stayed up late at night holding the list and not daring to fall asleep.
Fearful. Finally, I have achieved my small goal.
Some advice for newcomers who want to enter the currency circle! ! !
The cryptocurrency market has gone through the period of brutal explosion. Next is the stage of formal financialization and the stage of competition between capital institutions.
Stop dreaming about pinching a coin and buying it dozens of times or a hundred times. According to the current market sentiment, coins that can multiply a hundred times are very rare.
Even if the bull market really comes, there won't be many coins that can increase more than 50 times.
second advice
Although you can make a lot of money by playing contract full position stud + multiplier max, you can also lose a lot of money.
I don’t think anyone will tell you that the essence of currency speculation lies in rolling positions, not how much you earn from a single profit.
The fourth piece of advice
Under normal circumstances, when someone is crazy about a certain CX currency, it is basically coming to an end. At this time, if you have held this currency before, you can consider getting off.
The fifth piece of advice
Blessings cannot come into a house without virtue, and wealth cannot come into a poor house. Under what circumstances is water suitable for nourishing all things? Is water suitable for nourishing all things when it is still?
Therefore, when you gain profits from trading, please don’t be too arrogant. When you experience losses from trading, don’t blame yourself too much. We must understand the principle of "profit and loss come from the same source". Regardless of whether you make a profit or loss, you should summarize yourself from time to time and ask yourself why this order is profitable, and why is this order a loss? Remember, a young person or an emotional person cannot do well in trading.
The sixth piece of advice
Others will not easily tell you about making money. If someone tells you how much you can earn by investing in this coin, then you have to be careful. Maybe they just want to make a fortune out of you.
The seventh piece of advice
If you want to do a good job in trading, you should have your own opinions instead of following other people's opinions. Just like a blogger sharing his profit-making experience, he can make profits from this set of theories, and When you suffer losses while holding this set of theories, it is mostly due to your own factors.
在币圈如何快速脱离韭菜 成为币圈市场中的镰刀,需要做到以下七点: 1、先把心态调整好:要把炒币看成游戏,不管赢亏,都无所谓。只有这样,才能在币市里轻松炒币。 2、用闲钱炒:炒币的资金一定是没了不会影响自己生活的闲钱,用闲钱炒币,才能做到拿得起,放得下。 3、抓紧时间学习:想炒好币,尽快把实用的技术指标°和战法搞清楚,多实战,多总结。 4、慎重初战:韭菜的资金本来就少,必须讲究实效。尤其第一次炒,更要精心准备,力求首战告捷。操作之前,要多利用模拟系统,加以练习,取得一定经验后再出手。否则一入市,资金就被套或割肉,对信心的打击是相当大的。 5、保住本金:用赚来的钱炒币,会使你变得轻松,会让你的操作更加自如。 6、总结出自己的一套方法:要想从韭菜变成镰刀,要杜绝追涨、满仓心理,永远记住只要不追高,韭菜变镰刀这句话。要善于学习,并能通过操作实战,总结出一套适合自己的操作技巧,这是变镰刀的根本。 7、只炒强势龙币,集中使用资金:炒币要炒龙头。资金分散,不但提高了交易成本,还会使你顾此失彼,不能准确分析把握每个币的行情特点。







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I have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for several years. I started with 20,000 yuan and now I support my family by speculating in cryptocurrencies. The following is my hard-earned experience: 1. Divide the funds into 5 parts and invest only one-fifth each time! Strictly control the stop loss of 10%. If you make a mistake once, you will only lose 2% of the total funds. If you make a mistake 5 times in a row, you will lose 10%. If you operate correctly and set a stop profit of more than 10%, do you think you will be stuck? 2. The key to improving the winning rate is only two words: follow the trend! In a downward trend, rebounds are usually a lure to buy more, while in an upward trend, each callback often creates a "gold pit". Do you think it is easier to make money by buying at the bottom or by buying at a low price? 3. Don't touch those coins that have skyrocketed in the short term. Whether it is mainstream coins or copycat coins, there are very few coins that can go through multiple rounds of main rising waves. It is very difficult to continue to rise after a short-term surge, and it will naturally fall after stagnation at a high level. This is a simple truth, but many people always want to take a gamble. 4. MACD can be used to determine the entry and exit points. If the DIF line and the DEA line form a golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis, this is a steady entry signal. When the MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward, it is a signal to reduce positions. 5. The word "covering positions" has caused countless retail investors to fall! Many people make more and more losses, and the more they make more, the more they lose. This is the most taboo operation in currency trading. Always remember: do not cover positions when you lose, but increase positions when you make profits. 6. The volume and price indicators are the most critical references, and the trading volume is the "lifeline" of the currency circle. When the currency price is consolidating at a low level, you should pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough, and when the high-level volume is stagnant, you must exit decisively. 7. Only do currencies with an upward trend, so that the winning rate is the highest and time is not wasted. In the short term, look at the turning direction of the 3-day line, 30-day line, 84-day line and 120-day line. Only currencies in an upward trend are worth operating. 8. Insist on reviewing and checking whether your position logic has changed. Through technical analysis of weekly K-line trends, determine whether they meet expectations and adjust strategies in a timely manner.
I have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for several years. I started with 20,000 yuan and now I support my family by speculating in cryptocurrencies. The following is my hard-earned experience:
1. Divide the funds into 5 parts and invest only one-fifth each time! Strictly control the stop loss of 10%. If you make a mistake once, you will only lose 2% of the total funds. If you make a mistake 5 times in a row, you will lose 10%. If you operate correctly and set a stop profit of more than 10%, do you think you will be stuck?
2. The key to improving the winning rate is only two words: follow the trend! In a downward trend, rebounds are usually a lure to buy more, while in an upward trend, each callback often creates a "gold pit". Do you think it is easier to make money by buying at the bottom or by buying at a low price?
3. Don't touch those coins that have skyrocketed in the short term. Whether it is mainstream coins or copycat coins, there are very few coins that can go through multiple rounds of main rising waves. It is very difficult to continue to rise after a short-term surge, and it will naturally fall after stagnation at a high level. This is a simple truth, but many people always want to take a gamble.
4. MACD can be used to determine the entry and exit points. If the DIF line and the DEA line form a golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis, this is a steady entry signal. When the MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward, it is a signal to reduce positions.
5. The word "covering positions" has caused countless retail investors to fall! Many people make more and more losses, and the more they make more, the more they lose. This is the most taboo operation in currency trading. Always remember: do not cover positions when you lose, but increase positions when you make profits.
6. The volume and price indicators are the most critical references, and the trading volume is the "lifeline" of the currency circle. When the currency price is consolidating at a low level, you should pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough, and when the high-level volume is stagnant, you must exit decisively.
7. Only do currencies with an upward trend, so that the winning rate is the highest and time is not wasted. In the short term, look at the turning direction of the 3-day line, 30-day line, 84-day line and 120-day line. Only currencies in an upward trend are worth operating.
8. Insist on reviewing and checking whether your position logic has changed. Through technical analysis of weekly K-line trends, determine whether they meet expectations and adjust strategies in a timely manner.
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The pinnacle of the art of cryptocurrency trading: 1. Operate with your own funds: never venture into the boundaries of borrowing and overdraft, and only rely on your own strength to ride in the cryptocurrency circle. 2. Invest leisurely, with idle money as a companion: only let those idle money that does not affect your life participate in this digital feast. 3. Persistently wait and wait for the flowers to bloom: long-term investment, not shaken by short-term fluctuations. 4. Wait and act, stability first: I would rather wait and see what happens than blindly rush into an unknown market. 5. Make smart decisions and don’t be confused: Don’t be blinded by technical indicators, use comprehensive analysis and rational judgment to lead the direction. 6. Stay away from copycats and focus on value: low-quality or nominal crypto assets, never touch them. 7. Seek victory in stability, risk control first: even in the face of attractive high-quality currencies, always stick to the bottom line of risk. 8. The market is unpredictable, and you need to be flexible: the bull market ends, and you need to adjust your positions in time to avoid potential risks. 9. Set a clear goal and move forward courageously: Once the goal is determined, we will mobilize all forces and move forward courageously.
The pinnacle of the art of cryptocurrency trading:
1. Operate with your own funds: never venture into the boundaries of borrowing and overdraft, and only rely on your own strength to ride in the cryptocurrency circle.
2. Invest leisurely, with idle money as a companion: only let those idle money that does not affect your life participate in this digital feast.
3. Persistently wait and wait for the flowers to bloom: long-term investment, not shaken by short-term fluctuations.
4. Wait and act, stability first: I would rather wait and see what happens than blindly rush into an unknown market.
5. Make smart decisions and don’t be confused: Don’t be blinded by technical indicators, use comprehensive analysis and rational judgment to lead the direction.
6. Stay away from copycats and focus on value: low-quality or nominal crypto assets, never touch them.
7. Seek victory in stability, risk control first: even in the face of attractive high-quality currencies, always stick to the bottom line of risk.
8. The market is unpredictable, and you need to be flexible: the bull market ends, and you need to adjust your positions in time to avoid potential risks.
9. Set a clear goal and move forward courageously: Once the goal is determined, we will mobilize all forces and move forward courageously.
想要在币圈风生水起,牢牢掌握这九大技巧,财富自由不是梦! 这九大技巧,非学不可币圈是造富的地方,但是高收益的背后往往伴随着风险,给大家整理了一些币圈投资的技巧,也是我的经验之谈,分享给大家。 第一,果断 一个优秀的投资者需要果断的特质,看准了,跟从自己的想法走,不要怕亏,合理的亏损可以规避风险,切忌优柔寡断。 第二,点位 入单的点位,数字货币有两种模式,利多和利空,可以分为低多,低空高多,高空四种。如果是单边势头,这都是可行的,但是要是震荡趋势,那么就不用低空和高多,切忌追涨杀跌。 第三,仓位 分配资金要与心理承受能力一致,过大和满仓的时候,一旦趋势发生变化,亏损加大心理出现变化从而不能冷静操作分析造成错误。 第四,止盈 单边趋势下,推止损法可以加大利润空间,而震荡行情,止盈需要个人思考点位平仓,在震荡行情中,有可能每单很少的利润可以积少成多。 第五,止损 在投之前就得想好止损价,在下单之后就填好止损价,如果行情不是你所预期的走势那么可以第一时间减少亏损,保住元气。 第六,频率 数字货币是24小时可交易,所以会漏掉一些行情,需要掌握自己的交易频率,过多的交易会导致技术分析错误。 第七,心态 心态是这个行业立身最为重要的,赚钱的多少会影响心态,但我们要想,是赚还是亏而不是赚多少,宁可赚的少也不能把心态搞乱亏本。 第八,加仓 在单边势头中,我们可以加顺势仓,但是不能逆势加仓,逆势中加仓有很大几率会导致亏损加大,我们更加不可随意撤销改动逆势单止损。 第九,顺势 当市场出现单边的行情时,我们不可想着随时调整,也许所有指标全部高位吨化,但是指标也会背离,不能逆势而为。
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Record of 20,000, especially rolling position of 1 million, currently 269,305 This order charges ↓1741 points Beauty belongs to the confident, calmness belongs to the prepared, miracles belong to the persistent, and success belongs to the tenacious.
Record of 20,000, especially rolling position of 1 million, currently 269,305

This order charges ↓1741 points

Beauty belongs to the confident, calmness belongs to the prepared, miracles belong to the persistent, and success belongs to the tenacious.
炒币就得胆大心细,敢拼才可赢 1、一定不要追高买币,一定要有这样的心态,它爱长多少是多少,权当这币不存在。 2、币只有两种,买点上的币都是好币,否则就是垃圾。 币;大级别买点的就是最好的绩优币,耐心等待大级别建仓的币成为真正的绩优币,这才是真正的心态。 3、其实炒币心态最重要。很多人明明知道不是买点,就是手痒忍不住,这就是心态问题,不解决这个,任何理论都没用。 4、心态要稳,对任何币种、点位都不要有感情,只看市场的信号。应该对买卖点有感情。技术好,如果资金又大,例如可以按周,月钟操作,可以分批建仓,可以分散建仓。那什么时间都不存在晚的问题。 5、失误的原因永远与市场无关,找原因,只能找自己的原因,任何一次失误都要马上总结。 6、急着挣一钱的心理是我们炒币参与者的大忌,连自己的心都控制不住,对自己的贪婪、欲望都不能控制,是不能在市场中长久成功的。空两种形式,当自己拿着币时,思维就被多头所控制,反之,就是空头的奴隶。 而市场的情绪,就是由此而积聚、被引导。脱离不了这种状态的,永远成了不真正的市场参与者。 7、炒币考验的是长期的赢利能力,而不是一次爆发的能力,关键是长期有效的交易策略。买入时要把各种情况想好,持有要坚决,卖更要坚决,这才能逐步提高。 是你炒?币,不是币炒你,先从自己下手。 8、虚拟币市场只会给耐心者以回报;任何好的币种是需要养大的,天天换新币的,肯定永远是小资金,小打小闹。专一点吧,每天跑来跑去的,一定挣不了大钱。9、跟着市场的节奏舞蹈,只要跟着市场的节奏,在刀锋上一样可以凌波微步。节奏,永远是市场的节奏,一个没有节奏感的市场参与者,等待他的永远都是折磨,抛开你的贪婪、恐惧,去倾听市场的节奏。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前243807 这單收↓635点位 竭力履行你的义务,你应该就会知道,你到底有多大价值。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前243807


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I have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for two years. I entered the market with 30,000 yuan and made eight figures in just one year. For me, the method is very simple. 1. Find potential currencies 1. Look for currencies that have risen by more than 100% in the past two months. Some currencies will show obvious signs before they are about to rise. We can compare it to the situation in life: excellent people usually perform well in the past, and unreliable people may do something stupid. When choosing an investment, put the currencies that have performed strongly recently into the self-selected list. In specific operations, prefer those currencies with stable growth. This is a bit like choosing a good-looking person. Everyone is excellent. Let's see who performs better next. 2. Pay attention to the currency that has hit a record high and has been online for more than half a year. Don't be afraid of missing out just because the currency price has risen. Any currency that can double ten times starts with doubling. The price of the big bull currency usually hits a record high first, which is not blindly following the trend. 2. Patiently wait for the mid-term adjustment It is very important to wait for the mid-term adjustment. What is the mid-term adjustment? It means at least two months of shock or correction. Why wait so long? Because it is necessary to calm down the over-excited funds in the market and let investors with larger profits change hands, so as to stabilize the market. This strategy helps to integrate the thinking and strength of investors. The first wave of particularly strong currencies can be slightly shorter, and only need to adjust for two weeks. The sign of particularly strong is that the currency price doubles in two months. 3. Resonance of indexes and sectors Waiting for the mid-term adjustment to meet the requirements does not mean buying immediately. You must wait patiently for the resonance of the overall market and specific sectors, and then enter the market according to the following signals: 1. The medium and long positive lines with large volume start. 2. Narrow fluctuations with shrinking volume. There is no need to wait for the currency price to exceed the high point before the adjustment again. Because surpassing again does not mean that it will definitely succeed, it will be more advantageous to enter the market at the starting point. The above methods can help you find potential currencies in the market and invest at the right time to increase the possibility of investment success. My personal suggestions for doing a good job in trading First: Technical aspects, including technical indicators, K-line patterns, and trading volume. Trend judgment, bull energy division, grasp of buying and selling points, judgment of support and pressure, and the use of volume, price, time and space
I have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for two years. I entered the market with 30,000 yuan and made eight figures in just one year. For me, the method is very simple.
1. Find potential currencies
1. Look for currencies that have risen by more than 100% in the past two months.
Some currencies will show obvious signs before they are about to rise. We can compare it to the situation in life: excellent people usually perform well in the past, and unreliable people may do something stupid. When choosing an investment, put the currencies that have performed strongly recently into the self-selected list.
In specific operations, prefer those currencies with stable growth. This is a bit like choosing a good-looking person. Everyone is excellent. Let's see who performs better next.
2. Pay attention to the currency that has hit a record high and has been online for more than half a year.
Don't be afraid of missing out just because the currency price has risen. Any currency that can double ten times starts with doubling. The price of the big bull currency usually hits a record high first, which is not blindly following the trend.
2. Patiently wait for the mid-term adjustment
It is very important to wait for the mid-term adjustment. What is the mid-term adjustment? It means at least two months of shock or correction.
Why wait so long? Because it is necessary to calm down the over-excited funds in the market and let investors with larger profits change hands, so as to stabilize the market. This strategy helps to integrate the thinking and strength of investors.
The first wave of particularly strong currencies can be slightly shorter, and only need to adjust for two weeks. The sign of particularly strong is that the currency price doubles in two months.
3. Resonance of indexes and sectors
Waiting for the mid-term adjustment to meet the requirements does not mean buying immediately. You must wait patiently for the resonance of the overall market and specific sectors, and then enter the market according to the following signals:
1. The medium and long positive lines with large volume start.
2. Narrow fluctuations with shrinking volume.
There is no need to wait for the currency price to exceed the high point before the adjustment again. Because surpassing again does not mean that it will definitely succeed, it will be more advantageous to enter the market at the starting point.
The above methods can help you find potential currencies in the market and invest at the right time to increase the possibility of investment success.
My personal suggestions for doing a good job in trading First:
Technical aspects, including technical indicators, K-line patterns, and trading volume.
Trend judgment, bull energy division, grasp of buying and selling points, judgment of support and pressure, and the use of volume, price, time and space
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1. Patience is golden, don’t panic in sideways trading When currency prices seem to be stuck in one place, don't rush in. At this time, patience is your treasure. Because the good stuff always comes later, and the wait is worth it! 2. The price and quantity are both good, buy it! If you see a coin's trading volume and price break through previous levels, and then continue to stand there steadily, it's like seeing a green light, buy it quickly! 3. Has the leading currency fallen? The opportunity has come! The leading coin that everyone is grabbing has fallen? Don't be afraid, this is your chance! Grab it, maybe you will be the next one to double it! 4. Gaps are a sign of strength If the price of a certain currency suddenly jumps up and leaves a gap, its power is very strong. If the price pulls back later but does not fall below that gap, then wait and see it continue to fly! 5. Speculating on the daily limit? Don't be jealous Did you see that the currency being speculated by others has reached its daily limit? Don't be envious, that may be the main game, don't be easily fooled! 6. Hold the currency in the bull market, don’t let go When the bull market comes, grab your coins like a life-saving straw! Don’t let go easily, otherwise you may miss a big wave of market trends! 7. The top is not pointed, at least there is a double top Don’t rush to sell when you see the price rising too high. The real top won't be that pointed, at least there will be a double top. Remember this and you won’t sell too soon! 8. MACD tests the 0 axis, and the buying point appears MACD is a magical indicator. When its DIF line reaches near the 0 axis but does not break, that is the buying point! Remember this formula and the operation will be easier! 9. The 120-day line is upward, buy on dips If you see a bullish arrangement on the 120-day line of a certain currency and the trend is upward, then don’t hesitate to buy on dips! This accuracy rate is very high! 10. Continuous small positive lines°, the main force is taking action If a certain currency has continuous small positive lines, it is like seeing the main signal. They are quietly collecting chips! At this time, you should pay more attention!
1. Patience is golden, don’t panic in sideways trading
When currency prices seem to be stuck in one place, don't rush in. At this time, patience is your treasure. Because the good stuff always comes later, and the wait is worth it!
2. The price and quantity are both good, buy it!
If you see a coin's trading volume and price break through previous levels, and then continue to stand there steadily, it's like seeing a green light, buy it quickly!
3. Has the leading currency fallen? The opportunity has come!
The leading coin that everyone is grabbing has fallen? Don't be afraid, this is your chance!
Grab it, maybe you will be the next one to double it!
4. Gaps are a sign of strength
If the price of a certain currency suddenly jumps up and leaves a gap, its power is very strong. If the price pulls back later but does not fall below that gap, then wait and see it continue to fly!
5. Speculating on the daily limit? Don't be jealous
Did you see that the currency being speculated by others has reached its daily limit? Don't be envious, that may be the main game, don't be easily fooled! 6. Hold the currency in the bull market, don’t let go
When the bull market comes, grab your coins like a life-saving straw! Don’t let go easily, otherwise you may miss a big wave of market trends!
7. The top is not pointed, at least there is a double top
Don’t rush to sell when you see the price rising too high. The real top won't be that pointed, at least there will be a double top. Remember this and you won’t sell too soon!
8. MACD tests the 0 axis, and the buying point appears
MACD is a magical indicator. When its DIF line reaches near the 0 axis but does not break, that is the buying point! Remember this formula and the operation will be easier!
9. The 120-day line is upward, buy on dips
If you see a bullish arrangement on the 120-day line of a certain currency and the trend is upward, then don’t hesitate to buy on dips! This accuracy rate is very high!
10. Continuous small positive lines°, the main force is taking action
If a certain currency has continuous small positive lines, it is like seeing the main signal. They are quietly collecting chips! At this time, you should pay more attention!
币圈的新朋友们!想在数字货币的世界里大展拳脚?那我得分享点干货给你们!虽然我是炒币的老鸟,但当年也是从新手过来的。今天,我就给你们带来一套“新手宝典”,让你们在币圈也能游刃有余! 1.耐心是金,横盘别慌 当币价好像停在一个地方不动时,别急着冲进去。这时候,耐心就是你的宝藏。因为好戏往往在后头,等待是值得的! 2. 量价齐飞,买它! 如果看到某个币的成交量和价格都突破了之前的水平,并且之后还能稳稳地站在那里,那就像看到了绿灯,赶紧买它! 3.龙头币跌了?机会来了! 大家都抢的龙头币跌了?别害怕,这是给你的机会! 抓住它,或许下一个翻倍的就是你! 4. 缺口是力量的象征 如果某个币的价格突然跳空上涨,留下一个缺口,那它的力量可是很强劲的。如果之后价格回调但不跌破那个缺口,那就等着看它继续飞飞吧! 5. 爆炒涨停?别眼红 看到别人爆炒的币涨停了?别羨慕,那可能是主力的游戏,别轻易上当! 6.牛市持币,别放手 牛市来了,就要像抓住救命稻草“一样抓住你的币!别轻易放手,否则可能错过一大波行情! 7.顶部不尖,至少有个双顶 别看到价格涨得高就急着卖。真正的顶部不会那么尖,至少会有个双顶。记住这个,就不会卖得太早! 8. MACD下探0轴,买点出现 MACD这个指标很神奇,当它的DIF线下探到0轴附近但不破时,那就是买点!记好这个口诀,操作更轻松! 9.120日线『向上,逢低买入 如果看到某个币的120日线呈现多头排列,并且趋势向上,那就别犹豫,逢低买入吧!这个准确率可是很高的! 10.连续小阳线°,主力在行动 如果某个币连续出现小阳线,那就像看到了主力的暗号。他们在悄悄收集筹码呢!这时候,你可要多加留意!
2. 量价齐飞,买它!
4. 缺口是力量的象征
5. 爆炒涨停?别眼红
8. MACD下探0轴,买点出现
币圈牛市到来前的一些特征 一,比特币、以太坊°双双超越上个牛市的历史高点,这就是大牛市开启的标志了。 二,九神指数°ahr999在10以上,ahr999X指数化低于 0.2,江卓尔连续60日涨幅指数高于80%。 这些基本上是牛顶。 三,比特币以太坊日K线价格,偏离60日均线”达30%以上,60日均线持续上行。说明各个时间段入场的人都盈利了 四,30日60日 120日200日均线分散,说明筹码不集中开始派发了,大家都赚钱了 这就很危险 五,交易所的活动层出不穷,基本上是一个月1-2次活动,各个项目方趁着有钱使劲发项目 争取卖个好价钱。 六,朋友圈到处都是晒收益的,群里面到处都是暴富神话,你自己也赚了点钱了,情绪激动想跟他们一样暴富一把。 七,比特币市值占比下降到了30%左右,因为山寨都涨到几千亿市值了,这个时候就危险了。 八,交易量换手续非常高,交易量一天可以打上干亿美金。 九,以太坊基金会开始频繁卖币,他们的钱包资产开始打入交易所卖出。 十,市场好消息不断,一个接一个,故事讲不完,而且每个故事都不同。
二,九神指数°ahr999在10以上,ahr999X指数化低于 0.2,江卓尔连续60日涨幅指数高于80%。
四,30日60日 120日200日均线分散,说明筹码不集中开始派发了,大家都赚钱了 这就很危险
五,交易所的活动层出不穷,基本上是一个月1-2次活动,各个项目方趁着有钱使劲发项目 争取卖个好价钱。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前234822 这單收↓1022点 如果骄傲没有被现实的大海冷冷拍下,又怎么会明白要多努力才能走到远方。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前234822


8条铁律您一定得瞧好了,全是炒币赚钱的实用招儿,建议收藏起来! 1. 现货定投得是大头,至少占 70%的仓位。剩下 30%左右的钱,可以拿去打新,或者投那些风险大但赢面也大的项目! 2. 币圈的项目那叫一个多,对于有成本要求的项目,大多数时候得多瞅瞅少动手,真要参与就得保证一出手就中。 3. 现货二级市场定投,从熊市到牛市的时候,只管买别卖,跌了就买,跌得厉害就多买。从牛市到熊市的时候,就只卖不买,涨了就卖,一点点地卖。 4. 可别去玩合约杠杆,也别碰国内那些有风险的项目。 5. 再跟您讲讲吃鱼理论。从您加的各种群里,能判断您投的项目到了啥阶段。要是群里都在喊着买,十个群有八个都在喊,那这个项目可能就阶段性到顶了,可以考虑卖出去一部分。 6. 要是碰上一些短期项目涨得特别厉害,卖的时候先把成本和一部分利润拿回来,剩下的利润留在里头,这样心里踏实。 7. 买入的时机也能从群里判断。要是发现这个项目在群里大家都在骂,网上也都在吐槽,那这个项目大概就到阶段性的底部了。 8. 不管是短期热门的还是长期有故事的项目,您参与的一定得是这个细分领域或者协议里的老大或者老二,因为它们得到的认可更多,能讲的故事也更多,更容易被炒起来!
1. 现货定投得是大头,至少占 70%的仓位。剩下
2. 币圈的项目那叫一个多,对于有成本要求的项目,大多数时候得多瞅瞅少动手,真要参与就得保证一出手就中。
3. 现货二级市场定投,从熊市到牛市的时候,只管买别卖,跌了就买,跌得厉害就多买。从牛市到熊市的时候,就只卖不买,涨了就卖,一点点地卖。
4. 可别去玩合约杠杆,也别碰国内那些有风险的项目。
5. 再跟您讲讲吃鱼理论。从您加的各种群里,能判断您投的项目到了啥阶段。要是群里都在喊着买,十个群有八个都在喊,那这个项目可能就阶段性到顶了,可以考虑卖出去一部分。
6. 要是碰上一些短期项目涨得特别厉害,卖的时候先把成本和一部分利润拿回来,剩下的利润留在里头,这样心里踏实。
7. 买入的时机也能从群里判断。要是发现这个项目在群里大家都在骂,网上也都在吐槽,那这个项目大概就到阶段性的底部了。
8. 不管是短期热门的还是长期有故事的项目,您参与的一定得是这个细分领域或者协议里的老大或者老二,因为它们得到的认可更多,能讲的故事也更多,更容易被炒起来!
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前223222 这單收↓500点 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前223222


炒币的关键在择时,何时买入,何时卖出。 炒币的诀窍归纳成两句话:亏损无限小,利润随它跑。这句话的意思是发现代币的走势情况不太对,立即止损,把损失缩小到越小越好。一旦有了利润,就必须保持耐心,让小利润变成大利润。 选买点的第一要务:选择止损点买代币的三个依据:价值分析、技术分析以及市场周期。有些人买代币只看价值分析,即研究项目本身的价值,不看其他,有些人只只看技术分析,认为市场对该代币的看法尽数表现在股价及其成交量的变化之上。 大多数的交易员属于第二类。代币的价格反映的是未来公司前景。更合适的方法是用价值分析选代币。找到代币后的操作主要依靠技术分析。然后本着亏钱时亏小钱,赚钱时赚大钱,及时止损。想象你是大户,会怎么调动公众的心理? 大户的花招其实也很简单。他们想买进的时候,要么静悄悄地。要么就想法引发大众的恐慌性抛售,前者你会发现交易量增加,但不明显,价格慢慢地一步步升高。后者便是搞一些大家公认的好卖点。大户想卖的时候,要么先买进,造成价格狂升。找币价波动临界点的过程就是学习炒币的过程,需要不断发现适合自己个性及风险承受力的临界点。 何时卖考虑可以分为两部分:第一是怎么选择止盈点;第二是有了利润之后怎么选择合适的卖点获利。代币的头和尾都是很难抓到的,交易者应该学习怎么抓中间70%的波幅。不要试图寻找代币的最高,你永远不知道这个币会升多高。决定何时卖出比决定何时买入更为困难,亏的时候希望回本,赚的时候想要赚更多,思想在不断斗争。对于刚学习炒币的新手来说,常有不赚不卖的心态是极其要不得的。带着这样的心态,失败的命运也就差不多注定了。

记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前217822 这單收↓1409点 想做的事情就快去做吧,不要到最后只剩下“来不及”了。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前217822


记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前201521 这單收↓693点 能力是练出来的,潜能是逼出来的,习惯是养成的,我的成功是一步步走出来的。
记录2万尤滚仓100万 目前201521


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