Looking at the whole furnace of greed. I fell asleep and now the price has gone up, so the profit is small. If not, I would have enough to go from 39 to 30.
You should divide the amount of pepe coins you hold to sell. Prioritize the principal and leave the remaining balance to hold further. Divide by 4 or 5 to take profits. Wish you good luck.
Shark MPT
$PEPE is the brightest name in my investment list hehe, I am really lucky to return to this crypto market when PEPE was priced at ~0.000007 and then suddenly my account tripled after I took profits at the price of 0.000021 and then went to regret when it soared to 0.000025 🥹 this feeling is probably only for those who are also holding it at the initial price like me. After tripling my profit, my hold mentality became stronger as I was trading on profit money, previously I was trading on my own funds so I set stop-loss very often... And today I am writing this article to express my belief to newbie friends like me to keep hope, don't trade in the short term, it will make you lose a lot of money. In conclusion, today I am still holding my profits as PEPE is soaring again. I wonder if anyone can give me advice on whether it can soar back to 0.000025 or not 😜