All cryptocurrency tokens seem to be scams at this point. When Bitcoin rises, it eventually falls. When Bitcoin falls, it drops even further. It feels like they’re only out to deceive people. That's why some countries are banning crypto. In fact, it's worse than gambling. If you invest, you end up losing, and if you don’t invest, they just manipulate the tokens. #TRUMPTokenWatch
this token has a relatively high 30-day-staking rate, around 11% p.a planting now and waiting at least for 30 days before harvesting is worth a game we will gain not only additional coins from staking but also potential capital gain when we sell it on the right time
#MyFirstSquarePost New to Binance Square, thrilled to share and connect with everyone here!
GMT after planting enough... we just have to wait for the harvest... as long as the rainfall :sweat_drops: is still > 37% then the harvest is just a matter of counting the days ☺