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Thank you for the overview of Gravity Chain. It effectively highlights how Galxe's new Layer 1 blockchain addresses key challenges in the crypto space, such as cross-chain interactions and efficient verification. The integration of zk-SNARKs for privacy and the use of high-performance technologies like Reth and Jolteon are notable advancements. Appreciate the detailed insights!
Thank you for the overview of Gravity Chain. It effectively highlights how Galxe's new Layer 1 blockchain addresses key challenges in the crypto space, such as cross-chain interactions and efficient verification. The integration of zk-SNARKs for privacy and the use of high-performance technologies like Reth and Jolteon are notable advancements. Appreciate the detailed insights!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Introducing Gravity: A Layer 1 Blockchain Designed for Mass Adoption and an Omnichain Future
The crypto space faces critical challenges that are slowing down its adoption rate. With existing blockchains struggling to handle the increasing transaction volumes demanded by a growing user base, blockchains operating independently, lacking efficient communication channels, and complex user experiences - there is a need for a solution that can solve these problems.
Galxe’s Gravity Chain emerges as a solution to these problems, promising seamless cross-chain interactions and enhanced Web3 functionality.
What is Galxe?
Galxe, formerly known as Project Galaxy, is the largest credential data network in the Web3 space. Created in 2021, Galxe is an open credential infrastructure network, enabling developers and brands to build more impactful products and connect with the right communities.
Galxe aims to be an open and collaborative credential data network accessible to all developers in Web3. It provides the infrastructure for community members to curate digital credentials and contribute to the data network. Galxe’s goal is to address the fragmentation of credential data, which is often scattered across closed databases owned by various applications and institutions. By centralizing and aggregating this data, Galxe ensures that it is accessible to the individuals who should have it and the applications that need it.
Galxe Products
Galxe Identity Protocol: A permissionless self-sovereign identity infrastructure powered by zero-knowledge proof technology. With the Galxe Identity protocol, users can own, manage, and share verifiable credentials securely and privately.
Galxe Passport: A universal identity for Web3. It securely stores identity information, allowing users to use it across various applications with privacy protection.
Galxe Quest: The leading platform for Web3 community growth and engagement. It connects projects with millions of users through reward-based loyalty programs. Over 414 million quests have been completed, shaping Web3 reputations.
Galxe Score: The Web3 reputation score across the metaverse. It unlocks exclusive benefits based on users achievements, expertise, and assets.
Galxe Compass: The one stop guide to exploring airdrop campaigns across Web3. Users can track active campaigns and engage directly in on-chain tasks using Galxe’s compass.
Galxe Alva: The AI copilot built for Web3 research and exploration. Whether as a browser extension or chatbot agent, Alva provides real-time insights and in-depth analyses across the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape
Gravity Chain: This is the latest product of Galxe. Gravity Chain builds upon Galxe’s foundation, bridging credentials across different blockchains.
What is Gravity Chain?
Galxe developed Gravity Chain, a Layer 1 blockchain that serves as an omnichain—a bridge connecting various blockchains and ecosystems. It transcends the limitations of individual chains, enabling seamless interactions.
Gravity Chain facilitates cross-chain transactions, allowing users to move digital assets between networks effortlessly. Whether swapping tokens, transferring NFTs, or executing smart contracts, Gravity Chain streamlines the process. It employs zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that enables efficient verification without revealing transaction details. This enhances security while maintaining privacy.
Core Features of Gravity Chain
Cross-Chain Transactions
Gravity Chain breaks down the barriers between blockchains, allowing developers to define and settle transactions across multiple networks. Here’s why this matters; Imagine seamlessly swapping tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain or executing a smart contract spanning Solana and Polygon. Gravity Chain enables efficient and secure cross-chain interactions.
Efficient Verification with Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
Gravity Chain supports zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technique that verifies transactions without revealing sensitive details. This cost-efficient verification ensures both privacy and scalability.
Enhanced User Experience (UX)
Gravity Chain introduces cryptographic building blocks such as the “secp256r1 curve” through precompiled contracts. This enables use cases such as cost-effective passkey authentication for Account Abstraction wallets, making user interactions smoother and more secure.
High-Performance Execution
Gravity Chain integrates Reth, the fastest execution layer, and Jolteon (AptosBFT), a state-of-the-art consensus algorithm. Together, they provide high throughput and near-instant finality. This ensures that transactions happen swiftly, and developers can build responsive applications.
Secure and Robust Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Mechanism
Gravity’s Proof-of-Stake will be powered by combining G token native staking and restaking protocols, including Babylon and EigenLayer. These restaking protocols incentivize a cross-spectrum community to collectively safeguard the Gravity chain making security a shared responsibility.
EVM Compatibility
Gravity Chain is fully EVM-compatible, making deploying and interacting with smart contracts familiar and straightforward.
Technology Behind Gravity Chain
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (zk-SNARKs)
Gravity Chain leverages zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), a cryptographic technique that allows users to prove the validity of a statement without revealing the underlying data. This ensures transactions remain confidential while shielding sensitive information from prying eyes. With zk-SNARKs, Gravity achieves efficient verification as transactions are verified succinctly, reducing computational overhead and ensuring cost-effective operations and scalability.
Staking-Powered Architecture
Validators play a pivotal role in Gravity Chain’s security model. They stake tokens as collateral, demonstrating their commitment to network integrity. By doing so, validators actively participate in consensus, proposing and validating blocks. Their economic interest aligns with the network’s stability, creating a self-reinforcing mechanism.
Staking isn’t just about financial commitment; it’s about safeguarding the entire ecosystem. Validators ensure that transactions are valid, preventing malicious actors from disrupting the network. The collective effort of validators fortifies the Gravity Chain against attacks, making it resilient and robust.
Advanced Consensus Mechanisms
Gravity Chain’s consensus mechanism relies on PoS (Proof-of-Stake) with validators taking turns to propose and validate blocks based on their stake. This design minimizes energy consumption compared to Proof of Work (PoW) systems while encouraging active participation and rewarding those who contribute positively to the network.
Gravity Chain combines PoS with Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to enhance security. This ensures that consensus can be reached even in the presence of malicious nodes.
Galxe Ecosystem Integration
Gravity Chain is a vital component of the Galxe ecosystem. Here’s how it fits in:
Existing Suite of Products: Gravity Chain will harmoniously coexist with Galxe’s suite of products, including Quest, Compass, Passport, Score, Alva, and the Galxe Identity Protocol. These interconnected tools will create a robust environment for users and developers.
Cross-Chain Settlement: Gravity Chain will serve as the settlement layer for user intents across any chain. Imagine seamlessly executing transactions, swapping assets, or interacting with smart contracts—all while Gravity handles the intricacies behind the scenes.
User Activity: Gravity Chain is estimated to handle over 60 million monthly transactions. That’s twice the activity of Ethereum. It’s not just active; it’s hyperactive, establishing itself as one of the most vibrant chains in the Web3 space.
Use Cases of Gravity Chain
Balance Abstraction with Yield
Gravity Chain enables users to manage their digital asset balances efficiently. With Gravity users can abstract their balances across different chains, optimizing yield by participating in liquidity pools, staking, or yield farming. Gravity Chain’s cross-chain capabilities make this seamless.
Intent-Based Transactions
Navigating infrastructure-level transactions between chains can be daunting. Gravity simplifies this process by allowing intent-based transactions — whether it’s a recurring payment, a token swap, or a smart contract interaction — and executing it across the relevant chains automatically. Developers can create platforms where users buy ETH on any chain with minimal slippage. Users don’t need to worry about sourcing liquidity — it’s all handled seamlessly by Gravity.
Gas Abstraction
Gravity Chain abstracts gas fees. Users no longer need to bridge tokens between chains to complete multi-chain transactions. With support for smart contract wallets, Gravity enables transaction batching and gas sponsorships.
Omnichain Loyalty Points
Galxe Quest’s existing loyalty points system will be migrated to Gravity, with all loyalty points becoming on-chain. Gravity Chain will power loyalty points marketplaces with features like permission control, snapshot taking, and points trading. This will make Gravity the foundational layer for fully on-chain quests.
Gravity Chain Release Schedule
Gravity Chain is planned to be released in two phases
Gravity Alpha Mainnet: The Alpha Mainnet, launched in early June 2024, serves as the initial launch phase for Gravity Chain. It is an Ethereum Rollup powered by the Arbitrum Nitro stack. Early adopters and developers can explore Gravity’s features firsthand during this phase. The Gravity Alpha Mainnet is a real-value testnet where users can experiment, provide feedback, and identify issues. This feedback will help Gravity Chain’s development team actively iterate the blockchain and fine-tune the network for stability and performance.
Gravity Mainnet: The Gravity Mainnet, planned to launch in Q2 2025, represents the culmination of development efforts. In this phase, Gravity Chain would have achieved stability, security, and scalability and would be ready for production use. In this phase, seamless cross-chain interactions will become the norm, and users can move assets effortlessly across different networks.
Proposed Tokenomics of Gravity Chain
Gravity Chain is set to introduce its native token, $G, as the lifeblood of the ecosystem. It plans to migrate existing $Gal tokens from the Galxe ecosystem to Gravity Chain, ensuring continuity for Galxe users and allowing them to engage seamlessly with Gravity Chain.
Here are the proposed utilities of $G
👉Governance: Holders of $G will be able to participate in decision-making. They will shape the future of Gravity Chain through proposals, voting, and protocol upgrades.
👉Staking Rewards: Validators can stake $G tokens to secure the network. In return, they will earn rewards, ensuring network stability.
👉Transaction Fees: G will be used for transaction fees. Whether you’re transferring assets, executing smart contracts, or participating in DeFi, $G will power these interactions.
Gravity Chain isn’t just a blockchain—it’s a force that unites ecosystems, empowers users, and accelerates the Web3 revolution. It makes use of different technologies to ensure there are seamless cross-chain interactions within different blockchains. Gravity Chain joins forces with Galxe’s other tools to create a bigger ecosystem of secure and scalable networks. You can try out the Gravity Alpha Mainnet while keeping an eye on the launch of the full-scale Gravity Mainnet.
$G #GravityAlphaMainnet
The article succinctly explains Binance’s Launchpool and Super Earn for TON, highlighting the chance to earn higher APRs by staking BNB, TON, and FDUSD. It also covers the history of TON and the impact of Binance's promotional offers on user engagement and investment returns Thanks CRM 🙌
The article succinctly explains Binance’s Launchpool and Super Earn for TON, highlighting the chance to earn higher APRs by staking BNB, TON, and FDUSD. It also covers the history of TON and the impact of Binance's promotional offers on user engagement and investment returns

Thanks CRM 🙌
Crypto Revolution Masters
Binance Launchpool & Super Earn: Earn $TON by Staking BNB, TON, and FDUSD Less than 4 days to go!
What is The Open Network (TON)?
The Open Network (TON) is a blockchain-based platform originally developed by the team behind Telegram, a popular messaging app. TON was designed to enable fast, secure, and scalable transactions, with the ultimate goal of supporting a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and services.
The project managed to reach many of its early goals. TON integration within the Telegram messenger is ever more prevalent and allows developers to build Web3 mini apps that are supported by blockchain. In addition, Telegram messenger comes with a TON wallet that allows users to send money from one another and participate in various DeFi use cases, like staking TON and USDT, and more.
It’s worth noting that the project was originally envisioned as the Telegram Open Network, intended to provide a blockchain infrastructure that could support Telegram's vast user base with a native cryptocurrency called "Gram." Telegram's involvement with TON faced significant regulatory challenges, particularly from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which argued that the sale of Gram tokens constituted an unregistered securities offering. Due to these issues, Telegram officially stepped back from the project in 2020, and the community-led TON Foundation has taken over the development since then.
TON to benefit from a higher APR introduced by Binance Super Earn
Binance announced that TON would be listed on Binance Super Earn, a new platform that allows users to earn higher-than-average rewards (referred to as Special APR) by staking newly listed tokens through Simple Earn Locked Products. This opportunity is typically available right after the tokens are listed on Binance and is fully sponsored by the respective token projects.
Key features of Binance Super Earn:
đŸ”„The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) offered through Super Earn is generally higher than the typical rates on other Simple Earn Locked Products. This is because the rewards are funded by the token projects themselves as a promotional incentive to encourage users to hold and stake their newly listed tokens.
đŸ”„Super Earn is available for a short period after the token's listing and may include tokens distributed through airdrops, Launchpool, or other Binance events.
đŸ”„Users can subscribe to Super Earn products by selecting the desired token and duration on the Binance platform. If they choose to redeem their positions early, they can do so, but they will forfeit any accrued rewards.
đŸ”„Super Earn products are marked with a "Special Offer" tag on the Binance Simple Earn page, making them easy to identify.
The launch of the Super Earn event underscores Binance's commitment to improving user engagement and offering attractive investment opportunities within the Toncoin ecosystem. With the potential for higher returns and the continued backing of a leading exchange like Binance, Toncoin is well-positioned to attract even more attention from the crypto community. Users interested in participating in the event should act quickly, as the promotion is available for a limited time only.
What’s the difference between Super Earn and other Binance Simple Earn Products?

Super Earn is exclusively available to tokens newly listed, airdropped via Launchpool, Megadrop or HODLer Airdrops. With these newly listed tokens you can subscribe Simple Earn Locked Products and enjoy Special APR for limited time.
What is Special APR?
Special APR is referring to APR rewards that are 100% sponsored by the respective token projects for the purpose of enabling users to enjoy higher returns with newly listed tokens on Binance Earn. Generally, Special APR is higher than the normal average APR that are commonly offered on Simple Earn Locked products.
How to Participate in TON’s Launchpool on Binance
Participating in TON’s launchpool on Binance is straightforward. Here are the three main steps:
👉Set up a Binance Account
👉Transfer some BNB or FDUSD to your account
👉Lock your funds and start earning rewards
👉Let’s break down each step in detail.
Step 1: Setting Up a Binance Account
If you don’t already have a Binance account, creating one is easy. You can sign up here using your Google profile. Simply click on “Continue with Google,” select your account, confirm via email, set a password, and you’re in!
Next, you’ll need to complete Binance’s Know Your Customer (KYC) process, which takes about 5–10 minutes. Once that’s done, you’re all set to proceed.

Step 2: Get Some BNB or FDUSD
To participate in TON’s launchpool, you’ll need either BNB or FDUSD in your Binance account. Here’s how to get some:
Click on “Add Funds” and select “Deposit Crypto”
Search for BNB using the top search bar
Choose your preferred blockchain and copy the deposit address
Transfer funds from your wallet or another exchange.
If you don’t already have BNB or FDUSD, you can deposit fiat and buy it directly on Binance.
Alternatively, you can use Binance’s P2P market but proceed with caution to avoid potential scammers.

Step 3: Lock Your Funds
With BNB in your account, locking it to start earning rewards is simple:
Use the search bar to find the Launchpool page
Scroll down to find the TON launchpool
Click on “Lock” and specify the amount you want to stake
That’s it! Now, all you need to do is sit back and wait for the returns.
How Much Can You Earn?
The daily interest rate for the campaign is approximately 0.8219%, which means you’ll earn 0.8219% on your staked amount every day. Here’s a quick breakdown of potential earnings:
1 TON staked for 20 days at 300% APR will earn you approximately 0.1733 TON, equivalent to $1.144
1350 TON staked for 20 days at 300% APR will earn you around 240 TON, worth $1576
The TON Launchpool, especially with the Super Earn campaign, is an excellent opportunity to make quick profits while supporting a promising project like TON.
#Tonlaunchpool #BinanceSuperEarn
My vote is for you—let’s keep the momentum going together.
My vote is for you—let’s keep the momentum going together.
Crypto Revolution Masters
Hey Folks!

Binance Square Creator Awards are Live. If you like my content, if you enjoy what I post and you want me to keep going please vote for me daily!

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And the best part is that by voting you participate in my many prizes!

More info here:

Thank you in advance to everyone! Love you all đŸ”„đŸ”„
Toncoin on Binance Launchpool is a game-changer! This is a solid chance to earn big by staking. 🚀
Toncoin on Binance Launchpool is a game-changer! This is a solid chance to earn big by staking. 🚀
Crypto Revolution Masters
TON - 56th Project on Binance Launchpool. Binance Super Earn Review! LFG đŸ”„
The leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has announced Toncoin as the next project featured on their Binance Launchpool staking platform. The exchange has also introduced a new feature called Binance Super Earn, which allows stakers to earn a special APR for a limited time.
Until September 3, you can earn Toncoin (TON) tokens on Binance simply by staking your TON, BNB, or the FDUSD stablecoin. You can withdraw the coins you’ve staked at any time and keep the TON token rewards.
You can earn TON on Binance Launchpool between August 15 and September 3. The amount of token rewards you earn will depend on how many coins you stake.
What is The Open Network (TON)?
The Open Network (TON) is a blockchain-based platform originally developed by the team behind Telegram, a popular messaging app. TON was designed to enable fast, secure, and scalable transactions, with the ultimate goal of supporting a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and services.
The project managed to reach many of its early goals. TON integration within the Telegram messenger is ever more prevalent and allows developers to build Web3 mini apps that are supported by blockchain. In addition, Telegram messenger comes with a TON wallet that allows users to send money from one another and participate in various DeFi use cases, like staking TON and USDT, and more.
It’s worth noting that the project was originally envisioned as the Telegram Open Network, intended to provide a blockchain infrastructure that could support Telegram's vast user base with a native cryptocurrency called "Gram." Telegram's involvement with TON faced significant regulatory challenges, particularly from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which argued that the sale of Gram tokens constituted an unregistered securities offering. Due to these issues, Telegram officially stepped back from the project in 2020, and the community-led TON Foundation has taken over the development since then.
Of course when it comes to price prediction with this Market is pretty hard to do any but in my personal opinion TON is a great long-term hold and the price will go consistently up next few months!
How to earn TON tokens on Binance Launchpool
If you want to earn Toncoin farming rewards, you’ll need a Binance account.
Please keep in mind that only users who complete an identity verification process with Binance are eligible to participate in Toncoin farming on Binance Launchpool.
Once your account is ready, you’ll need some BNB or FDUSD tokens to stake. If you already own these tokens, you can deposit some to your Binance account. Otherwise, Binance offers plenty of ways to buy them with crypto or fiat.

After your account is verified and loaded with BNB and/or FDUSD, go to the menu on the top side of the Binance interface and select "More." Then, go to "Launchpool."
Then, find the available Toncoin farming pools. Depending on which tokens you want to stake, select the FDUSD Pool or BNB Pool. Then, follow the instructions provided by the exchange.
As an important note, here’s a quick breakdown of key dates and information about the Toncoin Launchpool campaign:

TON to benefit from a higher APR introduced by Binance Super Earn
Binance announced that TON would be listed on Binance Super Earn, a new platform that allows users to earn higher-than-average rewards (referred to as Special APR) by staking newly listed tokens through Simple Earn Locked Products. This opportunity is typically available right after the tokens are listed on Binance and is fully sponsored by the respective token projects.
đŸ”„Key features of Binance Super Earn đŸ”„
👉The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) offered through Super Earn is generally higher than the typical rates on other Simple Earn Locked Products. This is because the rewards are funded by the token projects themselves as a promotional incentive to encourage users to hold and stake their newly listed tokens.
👉Super Earn is available for a short period after the token's listing and may include tokens distributed through airdrops, Launchpool, or other Binance events.
👉Users can subscribe to Super Earn products by selecting the desired token and duration on the Binance platform. If they choose to redeem their positions early, they can do so, but they will forfeit any accrued rewards.
👉Super Earn products are marked with a "Special Offer" tag on the Binance Simple Earn page, making them easy to identify.
Super Earn presents a valuable opportunity for users, particularly BNB holders, to maximize their returns. Building on existing earning options like Megadrop, HODLer Airdrop, and Launchpool, Super Earn provides another avenue for users to increase their earnings by subscribing their BNB to Earn and participating in airdrops, then using the received tokens in Super Earn to secure additional APR.
#BinanceLaunchpoolTON #Tonlaunchpool #BinanceSuperEarn
From my perspective, the yen's decline reflects broader weaknesses in fiat currencies and central bank policies, which seem increasingly inadequate. This situation makes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, with their decentralized nature, an intriguing alternative to traditional financial systems. While they offer potential benefits, they also come with their own risks. In navigating both financial markets and personal endeavors, I believe that patience is essential, as it often leads to more favorable outcomes in the long run.
From my perspective, the yen's decline reflects broader weaknesses in fiat currencies and central bank policies, which seem increasingly inadequate.

This situation makes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, with their decentralized nature, an intriguing alternative to traditional financial systems. While they offer potential benefits, they also come with their own risks.

In navigating both financial markets and personal endeavors, I believe that patience is essential, as it often leads to more favorable outcomes in the long run.
Crypto Revolution Masters
Topic debate, 200USDT bonus

Rules, quote my article and express your own views on the current trend!

👉 Personal thoughts:
The Yen is collapsing to zero.
The BoJ is powerless to stop it,
Fiat currency represents monopolistic money.
Any market facilitated by a central bank can never free.
Every tech is a double-edged sword.
Study Bitcoin and free your mind.
Be patient!
There is no alternative.

As I always say Patience in Crypto, in your daily Job, in your relationship, in everything opens a lot of doors!

Welcome everyone to exchange views rationally. I will select 10 posts with the highest content quality and the highest interaction in the quotes. 🎁20U per person.

🎈This post is jointly sponsored by Binance Square #BNB
It sounds like Manta Network is making some significant waves in the crypto space! Exciting times ahead for sure.
It sounds like Manta Network is making some significant waves in the crypto space! Exciting times ahead for sure.
Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - All you need to know and why I am bullish on it!
In 2023, Manta Network experienced explosive growth, characterized by remarkable advancements, groundbreaking product launches, and an unwavering commitment to innovation in the realm of zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. Serving as a revolutionary modular ecosystem tailored for ZK applications, Manta Network has achieved a significant milestone as the first EVM-equivalent ZK application platform. The ecosystem offers an unmatched experience for developing and adopting advanced web3 applications, thanks to its effective use of ZK cryptography. We’ll take a look at the Manta Network ecosystem today, exploring its journey to success and what lies ahead for the network in the future.
With a Series A valuation of $500 million, Manta Network has raised over $60 million across pre-seed, seed, community, and Series A funding stages. Notable investors such as Polychain Capital, DeFiance Capital, and Qiming Venture Partners have contributed to its growth. The strategic backing from Binance Labs underscores the network’s significance in the industry. Founded in 2020 by Victor Ji and Kenny Li, the founding team, operating under p0x Labs, Manta Network received initial support from a Web3 Foundation grant, marking the beginning of its journey.
Arising from a visionary initiative to surpass the constraints of current blockchain solutions, Manta Network introduces a multi-modular ecosystem consisting of two blockchain networks. These networks provide advanced ZK tooling, streamlining the deployment of ZK-applications — Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Pacific
Manta Pacific introduces an EVM-native Layer 2 solution with versatile ZK capabilities, enabling the exclusive creation of ZK applications through Solidity with Universal Circuits. Leveraging Celestia for DA and the OP Stack for Solidity-based ZK application development ensures not only efficient scalability but also a significant reduction in transaction fees.
The shift from Ethereum for DA to Celestia’s specialized DA solution significantly reduces L2 network transaction fees, resulting in savings exceeding $1.5 million in gas fees. The upcoming developmental phase targets the establishment of a fully modular zkEVM rollup using the Polygon CDK, promising further amplification of Manta Pacific’s capabilities. The transition into zkEVM utilizing Polygon CDK is set for early 2024.
Manta Atlantic
In contrast, Manta Atlantic emerges as the fastest and most decentralized ZK Layer 1 chain designed, strategically crafted to facilitate modular on-chain compliance identities through zkSBTs. Officially launched in January 2024, its primary focus lies in the ZK compliance credential layer, emphasizing practical application and seamless interoperability. This unique approach empowers projects to attain interoperable identities without necessitating direct cryptographic involvement.
Manta Atlantic establishes a composable execution environment tailored for ZK applications and seamlessly integrates Manta Network’s ZK tooling infrastructure. Built upon the Substrate framework, it operates as a parachain within the Polkadot ecosystem, placing a significant emphasis on interoperable identity verification and the deployment of ZK applications.
ZK Toolings
Universal Circuits
Manta Network’s Universal Circuits revolutionize the landscape of ZK application development by addressing inherent complexities. Traditionally, developers face daunting learning curves, requiring deep expertise in cryptographic techniques and the manual creation of intricate ZK circuits using languages such as Circom.
To overcome these obstacles, Universal Circuits offer a comprehensive library of pre-built ZK circuits for seamless integration into applications, particularly those developed using Solidity for Ethereum. This approach simplifies the development process, empowering developers to incorporate ZK functionalities effortlessly, without the need for extensive cryptographic knowledge.
Functioning as ZK-as-a-Service, Universal Circuits enable Solidity developers to interact with Manta Pacific contracts via APIs, facilitating the integration of ZK features with minimal adjustments to existing codebases. Noteworthy circuit designs within Universal Circuits encompass zkContracts like zkShuffle and Semaphore-based circuits, developed by the Privacy Scaling and Exploration (PSE) Labs at the Ethereum Foundation.
Manta Network’s upcoming initiatives involve enhancing Manta Atlantic’s capabilities, expanding the adoption of zkSBT and MantaPay for Rust developers, and rolling out the Manta Pacific Testnet to engage a wider community of developers and applications. The aim is to broaden the network’s impact and offer comprehensive solutions across both Web3 and Web2 domains.
zkSBTs and Manta NPO
zkSBTs, known as ZK-enabled SoulBound Tokens, are non-transferable NFTs anchored to individual user identities on the blockchain. Harnessing ZKPs for heightened user security, these tokens excel in on-chain gaming items, identity authentication, and asset verification. Moreover, developers can seamlessly integrate zkSBTs into ZK applications without requiring advanced cryptographic skills or expertise in ZKP.
Key functionalities of zkSBTs:
👉On-chain Data Verification: zkSBT acts as a streamlined solution for on-chain data verification, especially beneficial for mobile applications. Despite having user-friendly wallets like Particle and Unipass, validating data such as KYC details, credentials, and assets still poses challenges on mobile platforms
👉Decentralized Compliance: KYC, valued at around $1.6 trillion, is crucial for web platforms, necessitating the distinction between real users and bots. Tools like zkBAB and zkGalxe allow users to authenticate their legitimacy without disclosing personal data or linking to a wallet. Many applications leverage zkSBT for this verification purpose.
👉Credential Verification for On-chain Activities: Galxe and Cyberconnect process substantial on-chain activities but struggle with privacy concerns. zkSBT provides a solution, enabling private credential verification without the need for constant wallet connections. It also supports multi-chain verification.
👉Game/Social Items: zkSBTs can serve as in-game items or assets in social platforms. Notable examples include Ultiverse and ReadON zkSBTs, minted on the Manta chain and utilized across diverse applications.
👉Asset Verification: zkSBTs play a crucial role in asset verification applications. Tools like POMP enable users to create zkSBTs, offering a confidential on-chain statement to verify their asset holdings. This functionality proves valuable in both traditional and decentralized financial contexts.
Manta Network’s Robust Ecosystem

Manta Network’s focus on cost efficiency and enhanced throughput for ZK applications, and has swiftly become a favored choice among decentralized applications (dApps). Since its launch in September 2023, Manta Pacific’s L2 network has seamlessly integrated more than 150 dApps, with nearly 15 of them being native ZK applications.
Manta Pacific’s mainnet has facilitated the processing of more than 10 million transactions since its initial debut. Despite its recent entry into the L2 scene, the network has amassed an impressive Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $1.5 billion, securing a prominent position among L2s according to L2 Beat. The significant increase in TVL can be attributed to the success of the New Paradigm bridge launch in December 2023, which brought in over 200,000 new users. Barely two months after the launch, users had bridged over $750 million in assets to the L2 network.
Manta Pacific’s rollout strategy kicked off with MantaFest, a dynamic 5-week promotional campaign launched alongside its mainnet debut. This initiative aimed to invigorate network activity by introducing users to a diverse array of newly integrated dApps spanning Bridging, DeFi, SocialFi, and GameFi. Participants in MantaFest had the opportunity to accrue points, which could be exchanged for MANTA rewards during the Token Generation Event (TGE). Additionally, in October 2023, just one month following Manta Pacific’s mainnet alpha launch, Manta Network unveiled the Uncharted Grants program, further fueling the ecosystem’s growth and fostering innovation.
Looking Forward To The Future Of Manta Network
Following its mainnet debut, Manta Pacific has unveiled a comprehensive four-phase roadmap to guide its developmental trajectory following the mainnet debut. The team aims to collaboratively achieve each milestone in tandem with the broader Manta Network ecosystem and community. At present, Manta Pacific has successfully concluded the second phase, operating as an OP Stack rollup with Celestia for DA. The imminent full transition to a zkEVM validium using the Polygon CDK stands as a pivotal objective for 2024.

If Manta Network effectively executes its roadmap, it is primed to become a preferred choice for developers entering the dApp ecosystem. The ongoing evolution of Manta Network underscores a commitment to refining its offerings, expanding its influence, and bridging the web2 and web3 domains while upholding user privacy and data security.
Pretty Bullish on $MANTA and everything coming đŸ”„đŸ”„
The SEC's nod to spot Ether ETFs is a boon, opening doors for investors and boosting confidence in crypto. FIT21's progress signals a shift towards clearer regulations, despite obstacles. Bankman-Fried's situation adds intrigue, highlighting the need for fair treatment. With Bitcoin eyeing $200,000, optimism prevails. Thanks for the insights! #CryptoCheers
The SEC's nod to spot Ether ETFs is a boon, opening doors for investors and boosting confidence in crypto. FIT21's progress signals a shift towards clearer regulations, despite obstacles. Bankman-Fried's situation adds intrigue, highlighting the need for fair treatment. With Bitcoin eyeing $200,000, optimism prevails. Thanks for the insights! #CryptoCheers
Crypto Revolution Masters
TOP Stories of the Last Week And Can Bitcoin reach $200000
SEC Approves Spot Ether ETFs
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has granted approval for multiple spot Ether ETFs, ushering in a significant advancement for prominent firms such as VanEck, BlackRock, and Fidelity. This decision may suggest a regulatory shift, possibly categorizing Ether not as a security but more favorably in terms of investment potential. It opens up new avenues for institutional investors seeking exposure to cryptocurrency without the direct risks associated with traditional crypto trading platforms.
US House Passes FIT21 Crypto Bill
The Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21) was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on May 22 and is now pending in the Senate, where it faces uncertainty due to opposition from Senator Elizabeth Warren. The bill aims to assign the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as the primary regulator for cryptocurrencies, considered more favorable than the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC would still oversee cryptocurrencies that are not fully decentralized, while FIT21 also introduces a framework for certain cryptocurrencies classified as securities to be traded as commodities. The Biden administration and SEC Chair Gary Gensler have expressed their opposition to the proposed regulations.
Ex-FTX CEO SBF Held in Oklahoma Prison
Former FTX CEO Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried is no longer held in New York or California, where his family resides. Prison records indicate that as of May 23, he is detained at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. This facility is used for short-term confinement of inmates during transfers within the prison system. His transfer to Oklahoma occurred despite Judge Lewis Kaplan's recommendation that he remain at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.
Can Bitcoin reach $200,000 $BTC

Based on a comprehensive technical analysis of Bitcoin's historical price movements and trend indicators, the prospect of Bitcoin (BTC) reaching $200,000 appears plausible. The chart demonstrates a consistent upward trend within well-defined channels, with BTC historically setting higher lows, indicating a bullish trajectory over the long term. Key moving averages, specifically the 50-month (1M MA50) and 100-month (1M MA100), have acted as strong support levels during corrections and consolidation periods, suggesting that the current price level is well-supported. Additionally, momentum indicators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI), show neutral positioning, indicating that BTC is neither overbought nor oversold, further supporting the potential for upward movement.
Extrapolating from historical cycles, BTC has experienced significant bull runs approximately every three to four years, typically following periods of consolidation and correction. Given the current price position within the trend channel and the support from moving averages, BTC could potentially reach the $200,000 mark within the next major bullish phase, possibly within the next one to two years. However, it is crucial to consider external factors such as market sentiment, macroeconomic conditions, and regulatory developments, which could impact this projection. While the technical outlook is optimistic, these additional factors must remain favorable for BTC to achieve this milestone.
#btc70k #NewsAboutCrypto
Great overview of the current crypto landscape! Despite the temporary FUDs, your bullish perspective shines through. The upcoming catalysts and potential for positive developments like the Ethereum ETF approval keep the optimism alive. Patience and a long-term view are key in navigating these market cycles. Well said!
Great overview of the current crypto landscape! Despite the temporary FUDs, your bullish perspective shines through. The upcoming catalysts and potential for positive developments like the Ethereum ETF approval keep the optimism alive. Patience and a long-term view are key in navigating these market cycles. Well said!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Crypto FUDs after $BTC Halving:

- Rumor of $ETH spot ETF rejection in May
- US seeks 36-month sentence for CZ
- Mt. Gox's $9Bn $BTC Repayments
- Potential delays in rate cuts
- SEC "Wells Notice" to ConsenSys
- DTCC "Haircut" FUD
- Forbes Lists Top 20 'Zombie Coins'
- FBI warns against Unregistered Crypto Transmitters
- SEC postpones verdict on Bitcoin ETF options

Ironically, just as Bitcoin celebrated its halving, a barrage of bad news began to unfold. Simultaneously, pessimistic sentiment began to dominate my Feed, just like last September.

Once again, markets do not ascend in a straight line, and temporary price drawbacks during a bull market are merely 'healthy' corrections.

I still view the crypto market as bullish, seeing this as a great opportunity to fill my bags.

The bull market story continues.

✅ Bitcoin ETF Approval
✅ Dencun Upgrade (EIP-4844)
✅ Bitcoin Halving
✅ Stablecoin Marketcap Rise

and, upcoming catalysts:

> AAA Web3 games Release
> Global company is coming
> Influx of TradFi institutions
> U.S. Money Printing
> Ethereum ETF Approval
> U.S. presidential election

In the end, those who patiently ㅁㅁ will have the last laugh.
Great overview of the current crypto landscape! Despite the temporary FUDs, your bullish perspective shines through. The upcoming catalysts and potential for positive developments like the Ethereum ETF approval keep the optimism alive. Patience and a long-term view are key in navigating these market cycles. Well said!
Great overview of the current crypto landscape! Despite the temporary FUDs, your bullish perspective shines through. The upcoming catalysts and potential for positive developments like the Ethereum ETF approval keep the optimism alive. Patience and a long-term view are key in navigating these market cycles. Well said!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Crypto FUDs after $BTC Halving:

- Rumor of $ETH spot ETF rejection in May
- US seeks 36-month sentence for CZ
- Mt. Gox's $9Bn $BTC Repayments
- Potential delays in rate cuts
- SEC "Wells Notice" to ConsenSys
- DTCC "Haircut" FUD
- Forbes Lists Top 20 'Zombie Coins'
- FBI warns against Unregistered Crypto Transmitters
- SEC postpones verdict on Bitcoin ETF options

Ironically, just as Bitcoin celebrated its halving, a barrage of bad news began to unfold. Simultaneously, pessimistic sentiment began to dominate my Feed, just like last September.

Once again, markets do not ascend in a straight line, and temporary price drawbacks during a bull market are merely 'healthy' corrections.

I still view the crypto market as bullish, seeing this as a great opportunity to fill my bags.

The bull market story continues.

✅ Bitcoin ETF Approval
✅ Dencun Upgrade (EIP-4844)
✅ Bitcoin Halving
✅ Stablecoin Marketcap Rise

and, upcoming catalysts:

> AAA Web3 games Release
> Global company is coming
> Influx of TradFi institutions
> U.S. Money Printing
> Ethereum ETF Approval
> U.S. presidential election

In the end, those who patiently ㅁㅁ will have the last laugh.
#Ethereum on the verge of a major breakout with DTCC listing and Hong Kong ETFs trading! Strap in for big moves ahead
#Ethereum on the verge of a major breakout with DTCC listing and Hong Kong ETFs trading! Strap in for big moves ahead
Crypto Revolution Masters
#Ethereum is nearing a major breakout. 

 With the DTCC listing and Hong Kong ETFs trading, #ETH could show a major breakout.
Great analysis on #OP|USDT! The descending channel and Ichimoku cloud resistance are key levels to watch. With the MACD crossover signaling bullish momentum, a breakout above the Ichimoku cloud could lead to a strong upward trend. Exciting times ahead for OP
Great analysis on #OP|USDT! The descending channel and Ichimoku cloud resistance are key levels to watch. With the MACD crossover signaling bullish momentum, a breakout above the Ichimoku cloud could lead to a strong upward trend. Exciting times ahead for OP
Crypto Revolution Masters

OP is trading inside a descending channel. Currently, it is facing the trendline and the Ichimoku cloud resistance. The MACD crossover indicates bullish momentum. A solid breakout of the Ichimoku cloud would confirm the bullish trend, while a rejection would signal further movement within the channel.
Absolutely, Renzo Protocol seems to be riding a wave of momentum, and the integration with EigenLayer adds another layer of excitement. The opportunity to earn yield on dormant tokens while participating in the Binance Megadrop Program is a double win!
Absolutely, Renzo Protocol seems to be riding a wave of momentum, and the integration with EigenLayer adds another layer of excitement. The opportunity to earn yield on dormant tokens while participating in the Binance Megadrop Program is a double win!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo - Everything you need to know about the 53th Binance Launchpool Project + Recent Updates
Renzo protocol is a liquid staking platform and strategy manager built on EigenLayer. It allows users to stake their ETH in exchange for APR from native staking and restaking on EigenLayer, as well as the liquid staking of token from Renzo (ezETH), which can be utilized in various DeFi applications. The platform's governance layer is powered by the native $REZ token, the primary role of which is granting users access to DAO votings within the platform.
Since its inception in mid-2023, the company has garnered the attention of leading funds and investors such as Binance Labs, OKX Ventures, and others, securing over $3.2 million from them.
Renzo restaking protocol aims to provide users with an interface for the EigenLayer ecosystem not only on Ethereum but also on Arbitrum, Linea, Mode, Base, BNB and OKX L2 chain networks.
As a liquid staking protocol, Renzo offers users a ezETH - Renzo liquid staking token in exchange for staking ETH on its platform. This token is equivalent in value to the amount of ETH contributed to Renzo. The APR for staking ETH can be tracked via the growth of ezETH. Initially, this ratio is 1:1, but over time, it increases in value according to the APR promised by the platform.
However, unlike the other protocols, the rise of value of the ezETH token backed up not only by rewards from the native staking on Ethereum but also by rewards from the restaking on EigenLayer, potentially leading to the higher returns for users. The token can be also used to earn additional APR by providing it into the DeFi LP and lending protocols, similarly to the other ETH staking protocols.
This innovative approach garnered the remarkable attention not only from top tier funds such as Binance Labs and OKX Ventures, but also the crypto community. Since its inception in 2023, the protocol has managed to grow its TVL (total value locked) to over $3.3B.
Renzo Token
đŸ”„Highly demanded product, fully aligned with current market trends and narratives of "ETH restaking"
đŸ”„Huge TVL ($3B+) prior to the token launch
đŸ”„Low annual token inflation rate in the first year of the token release (4.5%).
đŸ”„Listing and IEO of the token on Binance
đŸ”„Backing from top-tier funds including Binance Labs, Maven 11 Capital, and others
đŸ”„Security and bug bounty audit hosted by Halborn and ImmuneFi
đŸ”„Strong performance in PR, Social Media, Growth, and Influencer marketing
đŸ”„Experienced leadership team

What is the ezETH Token?
The ezETH token is the native token of the Renzo Protocol that represents a user’s re-stake activities. Users that deposit ETH or other approved tokens receive ezETH tokens, which hold similar value and can be used for transactions.
The ezETH token is a reward-bearing token, so its price increases relative to the underlying asset and its earned reward. These earned rewards can be in ETH, USDC, and AVS reward tokens. Users can also withdraw their staked tokens and rewards.
Withdrawing assets involves unstaking the deposited assets, and it is subject to the re-staking strategy and EigenLayer’s unstaking protocol. The withdrawal process can take at least seven days, depending on the above factors.
Directly withdrawing ezETH tokens is not enabled. Instead, users can sell their ezETH to balancers who would convert the ezETH token to ETH. That is why the token has zero circulating supply and a total supply of 282,469 ezETH.
The ezETH token provides some potential benefits to its holders. The token leverages the EigenLayer to offer higher yields than traditional staking protocols.
It also allows for flexible asset management. With the ezETH token, users can reap the benefits of staking on Ethereum while participating in DeFi transactions.
The Renzo Protocol’s strategy manager automatically selects validators based on specific criteria to minimize slashing risks associated with validator misconduct.
Finally, the protocol allows for cross-chain staking features, allowing holders to re-stake on popular layer two projects using wETH. This expands the investment opportunities open to Renzo users.
A major advantage of the Renzo Protocol is the enhanced yield combined with the ezETH token, allowing re-staking assets on multiple projects.Another advantage is the cross-chain capacity, which simplifies the staking experience. And a user-friendly Interface with reduced cost.The project also has the possibility of future multi-token support for WBETH and Lasts from other projects. Using the EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol can provide a secure, trustless staking experience.
👉 Renzo currently is super hyped especially after Binance Launchpool Announcement. I am sure we will be way above OTC Prices long-term here. Personally farming and will buy on Listing as well!
đŸ”„ You can farm using your BNB or FDUSD:
Go to and choose either to stake your $BNB or $FDUSD
Staking your BNB is bringing you another huge benefits. You are participating in the Binance Megadrop as well!

Megadrop,” the new program is a token launch platform where users “can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange,” according to a Binance blog post.
đŸ”„With the successful upgrade to EigenLayer M2 contracts, the Renzo team has prioritized working with multiple audit firms to prepare the protocol for Mainnet withdrawals:
đŸ”„HalbornSecurity a trusted partner from Day 1 is doing a full re-audit of the protocol to be complete mid May
đŸ”„Sigma Prime a new audit partner is scheduled to be complete by the end of May
đŸ”„Code4rena audit contest is scheduled to begin the first week of May.
Snapshot & Claim Timeline:
👉Snapshot date remains on April 26th, 2024
👉Claim date is changing to April 30th, 2024 (1 hour before Binance listing)
Tokenomics Update:
👉Community: Total increasing from 30% to 32%
👉Total Airdrop allocation increasing from 10% to 12%
👉Season 1 increased from 5% to 7% total supply (2% increase is coming from Liquidity (MMs) & Foundation)
👉Season 2 allocation remains at 5% total supply
Binance Launch pool:
👉Remains at 2.5% total supply
Airdrop Eligibility:
👉Minimum qualification is 360 ezPoints per wallet
👉Majority of all eligible wallets, greater than 99%, are fully unlocked at TGE
👉A higher threshold is being applied for the largest wallets. Wallets with more than 500k ezPoints will unlock 50% at TGE with the remainder now vesting linearly over 3 months.
This Recent Updates about the Airdrop are really important and show how passionate Renzo team is and how they care for the Community and put them on 1st Place!
👉Still few days left to farm Renzo Folks. It's always good to start as early as you can! See some previous Binance Launchpool Projects performance. All are doing very good and will do even better with the upcoming Bull Cycle!
Happy Farming 🚜
#BinanceLaunchpool #RENZOLAUNCHPOOL
Absolutely, Renzo Protocol seems to be riding a wave of momentum, and the integration with EigenLayer adds another layer of excitement. The opportunity to earn yield on dormant tokens while participating in the Binance Megadrop Program is a double win!
Absolutely, Renzo Protocol seems to be riding a wave of momentum, and the integration with EigenLayer adds another layer of excitement. The opportunity to earn yield on dormant tokens while participating in the Binance Megadrop Program is a double win!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo - Everything you need to know about the 53th Binance Launchpool Project + Recent Updates
Renzo protocol is a liquid staking platform and strategy manager built on EigenLayer. It allows users to stake their ETH in exchange for APR from native staking and restaking on EigenLayer, as well as the liquid staking of token from Renzo (ezETH), which can be utilized in various DeFi applications. The platform's governance layer is powered by the native $REZ token, the primary role of which is granting users access to DAO votings within the platform.
Since its inception in mid-2023, the company has garnered the attention of leading funds and investors such as Binance Labs, OKX Ventures, and others, securing over $3.2 million from them.
Renzo restaking protocol aims to provide users with an interface for the EigenLayer ecosystem not only on Ethereum but also on Arbitrum, Linea, Mode, Base, BNB and OKX L2 chain networks.
As a liquid staking protocol, Renzo offers users a ezETH - Renzo liquid staking token in exchange for staking ETH on its platform. This token is equivalent in value to the amount of ETH contributed to Renzo. The APR for staking ETH can be tracked via the growth of ezETH. Initially, this ratio is 1:1, but over time, it increases in value according to the APR promised by the platform.
However, unlike the other protocols, the rise of value of the ezETH token backed up not only by rewards from the native staking on Ethereum but also by rewards from the restaking on EigenLayer, potentially leading to the higher returns for users. The token can be also used to earn additional APR by providing it into the DeFi LP and lending protocols, similarly to the other ETH staking protocols.
This innovative approach garnered the remarkable attention not only from top tier funds such as Binance Labs and OKX Ventures, but also the crypto community. Since its inception in 2023, the protocol has managed to grow its TVL (total value locked) to over $3.3B.
Renzo Token
đŸ”„Highly demanded product, fully aligned with current market trends and narratives of "ETH restaking"
đŸ”„Huge TVL ($3B+) prior to the token launch
đŸ”„Low annual token inflation rate in the first year of the token release (4.5%).
đŸ”„Listing and IEO of the token on Binance
đŸ”„Backing from top-tier funds including Binance Labs, Maven 11 Capital, and others
đŸ”„Security and bug bounty audit hosted by Halborn and ImmuneFi
đŸ”„Strong performance in PR, Social Media, Growth, and Influencer marketing
đŸ”„Experienced leadership team

What is the ezETH Token?
The ezETH token is the native token of the Renzo Protocol that represents a user’s re-stake activities. Users that deposit ETH or other approved tokens receive ezETH tokens, which hold similar value and can be used for transactions.
The ezETH token is a reward-bearing token, so its price increases relative to the underlying asset and its earned reward. These earned rewards can be in ETH, USDC, and AVS reward tokens. Users can also withdraw their staked tokens and rewards.
Withdrawing assets involves unstaking the deposited assets, and it is subject to the re-staking strategy and EigenLayer’s unstaking protocol. The withdrawal process can take at least seven days, depending on the above factors.
Directly withdrawing ezETH tokens is not enabled. Instead, users can sell their ezETH to balancers who would convert the ezETH token to ETH. That is why the token has zero circulating supply and a total supply of 282,469 ezETH.
The ezETH token provides some potential benefits to its holders. The token leverages the EigenLayer to offer higher yields than traditional staking protocols.
It also allows for flexible asset management. With the ezETH token, users can reap the benefits of staking on Ethereum while participating in DeFi transactions.
The Renzo Protocol’s strategy manager automatically selects validators based on specific criteria to minimize slashing risks associated with validator misconduct.
Finally, the protocol allows for cross-chain staking features, allowing holders to re-stake on popular layer two projects using wETH. This expands the investment opportunities open to Renzo users.
A major advantage of the Renzo Protocol is the enhanced yield combined with the ezETH token, allowing re-staking assets on multiple projects.Another advantage is the cross-chain capacity, which simplifies the staking experience. And a user-friendly Interface with reduced cost.The project also has the possibility of future multi-token support for WBETH and Lasts from other projects. Using the EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol can provide a secure, trustless staking experience.
👉 Renzo currently is super hyped especially after Binance Launchpool Announcement. I am sure we will be way above OTC Prices long-term here. Personally farming and will buy on Listing as well!
đŸ”„ You can farm using your BNB or FDUSD:
Go to and choose either to stake your $BNB or $FDUSD
Staking your BNB is bringing you another huge benefits. You are participating in the Binance Megadrop as well!

Megadrop,” the new program is a token launch platform where users “can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange,” according to a Binance blog post.
đŸ”„With the successful upgrade to EigenLayer M2 contracts, the Renzo team has prioritized working with multiple audit firms to prepare the protocol for Mainnet withdrawals:
đŸ”„HalbornSecurity a trusted partner from Day 1 is doing a full re-audit of the protocol to be complete mid May
đŸ”„Sigma Prime a new audit partner is scheduled to be complete by the end of May
đŸ”„Code4rena audit contest is scheduled to begin the first week of May.
Snapshot & Claim Timeline:
👉Snapshot date remains on April 26th, 2024
👉Claim date is changing to April 30th, 2024 (1 hour before Binance listing)
Tokenomics Update:
👉Community: Total increasing from 30% to 32%
👉Total Airdrop allocation increasing from 10% to 12%
👉Season 1 increased from 5% to 7% total supply (2% increase is coming from Liquidity (MMs) & Foundation)
👉Season 2 allocation remains at 5% total supply
Binance Launch pool:
👉Remains at 2.5% total supply
Airdrop Eligibility:
👉Minimum qualification is 360 ezPoints per wallet
👉Majority of all eligible wallets, greater than 99%, are fully unlocked at TGE
👉A higher threshold is being applied for the largest wallets. Wallets with more than 500k ezPoints will unlock 50% at TGE with the remainder now vesting linearly over 3 months.
This Recent Updates about the Airdrop are really important and show how passionate Renzo team is and how they care for the Community and put them on 1st Place!
👉Still few days left to farm Renzo Folks. It's always good to start as early as you can! See some previous Binance Launchpool Projects performance. All are doing very good and will do even better with the upcoming Bull Cycle!
Happy Farming 🚜
#BinanceLaunchpool #RENZOLAUNCHPOOL
Renzo Protocol's surge and the liquid restaking trend are like rocket fuel for the crypto space! With the added cherry on top of the Binance Megadrop Program, it's a recipe for bullish excitement!
Renzo Protocol's surge and the liquid restaking trend are like rocket fuel for the crypto space! With the added cherry on top of the Binance Megadrop Program, it's a recipe for bullish excitement!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo - Lastest Updates. Less than 2 days to farm on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, if you still wondering what to do with your BNB or FDUSD the best is to stake them and start farming Renzo! Also when you stake your BNB you also participate in Binance Megadrop Program!
Renzo is a Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) and Strategy Manager for EigenLayer. It is the interface to the EigenLayer ecosystem securing Actively Validated Services (AVSs) and offering a higher yield than ETH staking.
The protocol abstracts all complexity from the end-user and enables easy collaboration between users and EigenLayer node operators.
Lastest Updates
Based on Community Feedback Renzo team updated:
đŸ”„Claim timeline
đŸ”„Airdrop eligibility
đŸ’ȘSnapshot & Claim Timeline:
👉Snapshot date remains on April 26th, 2024
👉Claim date is changing to April 30th, 2024
(1 hour before Binance listing)
đŸ’ȘTokenomics Update:
👉Community: Total increasing from 30% to 32%
👉Total Airdrop allocation increasing from 10% to 12%
đŸ”„Season 1 increased from 5% to 7% total supply
đŸ”„(2% increase is coming from Liquidity (MMs) & Foundation)
Season 2 allocation remains at 5% total supply
đŸ’ȘBinance Launch pool:
👉Remains at 2.5% total supply
đŸ”„Airdrop Eligibility:
👉Minimum qualification is 360 ezPoints per wallet
👉Majority of all eligible wallets, greater than 99%, are fully unlocked at TGE
👉Higher threshold is being applied for the largest wallets. Wallets with more than 500k ezPoints will unlock 50% at TGE with the remainder now vesting linearly over 3 months.
They also announced the start of Season 2 of ezPoints which will run for 3 months
✅ 5% of total supply
đŸ”„ Season 1 participants will receive a 10% boost
🔍 Explore new rewards for key DeFi partners
🚀 Claims go live April 30th at 11:00 UTC
New ezPoints Rewards:
đŸ”„pendle_fi - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„Balancer / AuraFinance - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„CurveFinance - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„ThrusterFi / hyperlockfi Juice_Finance - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„kimprotocol - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„NileExchange - 4X ezPoints boost
đŸ”„Starting April 30th at 11:00 UTC, 1 hour prior to the binance listing, the Season 1 airdrop claim window will open. Users will have 30 days to claim their $REZ at Any unclaimed tokens will be added to the Season 2 airdrop.
👉Stake your BNB or FDUSD and start farming Renzo here:
Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
#BinanceLaunchpool #RENZOLAUNCHPOOL
"Wow, Binance continues to set the bar high with their innovative products! Can't wait to see how MEGADROP transforms the token launch landscape. Keep up the great work, #Binance team!"
"Wow, Binance continues to set the bar high with their innovative products! Can't wait to see how MEGADROP transforms the token launch landscape. Keep up the great work, #Binance team!"
Crypto Revolution Masters
MEGADROP by Binance - The new powerful Token Launch Platform with Airdrops and Web3 Quests!
Hey Folks, Let's dive into the most important details of it!

Megadrop is a new token launch platform with airdrops and Web3 quests, where users can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange.

Think how dope is that and if anyone else has something similar. Well answer is not. Again Megadrop is bringing the Revolution in #Web3 will be able to earn Rewards even when you do some simple tasks!
Also you will be able to subscribe your BNB to Locked Products! Everything easy and very simple to do!

👉You can read more about Megadrop here:

With few words Folks, as you can see, the experience with #Megadrop will be super nice. All you will need is just few minutes a day to do the available tasks or lock your BNB to earn Rewards! As I said it's truly a Revolutionary Product!
Score-Based Megadrop Mechanism:

The first project to be introduced on Megadrop will be BounceBit (BB),
đŸ’ȘBounceBit Megadrop Details:
👉Token Name: BounceBit (BB)
đŸ”„Max Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB
đŸ”„Megadrop Token Rewards: 168,000,000 BB (8% of max token supply)
đŸ”„Initial Circulating Supply: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of max token supply)

At the end this is another great Opportunity for all people around the Globe from Number 1 CEX to get involved into Projects with great long-term potential and earn Rewards easily and smoothly with just a simple steps and just a little time from your day!

Sounds like an exciting project! Building unity among rollups with such robust backing is definitely worth exploring. Thanks for sharing the details and the link to learn more about Omni. Happy farming!
Sounds like an exciting project! Building unity among rollups with such robust backing is definitely worth exploring. Thanks for sharing the details and the link to learn more about Omni. Happy farming!
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI Network - The 52th Project on Binance Launchpool! Farming Live now
Hey Folks, let's dive into OMNI Network - the 52th Project on #BinanceLaunchpool As always don't miss the Opportunity to 🚜 đŸ”„
What is OMNI Network?
👉Omni Network is a Blockchain platform based on Cosmos SDK, secured by verifiers on Ethereum. This means that to ensure safety, Omni Network will use the ETH that Eigenlayer has staking. To put it simply, Omni Network combines the security of Ethereum with the flexibility and scalability of Cosmos.
👉The operating model of Omni Network can be understood as a Layer 1 platform, in which Blockchains built on Omni Network will be Rollup Chains. However, Omni Network operates differently from Ethereum and current Layer 2 solutions. The main difference is that Omni Network targets platforms built on Cross-rollup Applications.
👉Cross-rollup Applications can interact, transact and transmit information to each other easily, creating synchronization and connectivity in the Omni Network ecosystem. This also means that there is no need for cross-chain solutions to convert assets within the ecosystem of Cross-rollup Applications.
The Omni Protocol consists of two main parts:
đŸ”„Omni EVM: This is an EVM implementation layer, capable of accepting transactions involving ETH.
đŸ”„Omni Driver: This layer enables secure interaction and connects the Omni Validator with the ETH restaker, requiring them to participate in the consensus process.
KEY BENEFITS in my Opinion are:
đŸ”„Broad Interoperability
đŸ”„Connects Ethereum rollups for easy cross-rollup interactions.
đŸ”„EVM Compatibility
đŸ”„Familiar environment for Ethereum developers and users.
đŸ”„Concentrated Liquidity
đŸ”„Helps deploy dApps on multiple layers to centralize liquidity.
đŸ”„Cross-Rollup Deployment
đŸ”„Aggregates users and liquidity from all rollups, enhancing experiences.
đŸ”„Investor Support
đŸ”„Backed by notable investors, adding credibility and financial backing.
đŸ”„ETH Restaking Feature
đŸ”„Utilizes Eigenlayer for real-time Ethereum rollup data for dApps
Guys as always participating in #BinanceLaunchpool Projects is a Golden Opportunity in my Opinion. We all can see how the recent oner performed so far. I'm expecting very good ROI for OMNI as well!
Let's dive into the Utilities and Use Cases for the OMNI token
đŸ”„Governance: OMNI token holders have voting rights on proposals that shape the future of the network. These proposals can address protocol upgrades, fee structures, and integrations with other blockchains.
đŸ”„Staking: Users can stake their OMNI tokens to contribute to the security of the network and earn rewards in return. Staked OMNI, alongside restaked ETH, forms the foundation of the dual staking mechanism that safeguards the network.
đŸ”„Transaction Fees: OMNI tokens are the primary currency used to pay transaction fees on the Omni Network. This simplifies user experience by eliminating the need for multiple tokens across different rollups.
đŸ”„Gas Abstraction: OMNI tokens facilitate gas abstraction, a core feature of the network. Users can pay transaction fees on any rollup within the network, regardless of the location of their funds. OMNI acts as the universal fuel for transactions across the entire Omni Network.
Also it's important that OMNI Network announced Genesis Airdrop for early community members and partners. You can read more about it here:
OMNI Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Omni Network (OMNI)
👉Max Token Supply: 100,000,000 OMNI
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,500,000 OMNI (3.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (10.39% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
đŸ”„3,098.95 OMNI in BNB pool
đŸ”„546.87 OMNI in FDUSD pool
đŸ’ȘStake $BNB and farm Omni:
đŸ’ȘStake $FDUSD and farm Omni:
The article effectively highlights Binance Lite's user-friendly features, making it ideal for beginners in cryptocurrency trading. Its concise overview provides a clear understanding of the platform's capabilities, inviting new users to explore its simplicity. Overall, the article successfully portrays Binance Lite as an accessible option for those looking to enter the world of crypto trading. Thanks CRM for informative article
The article effectively highlights Binance Lite's user-friendly features, making it ideal for beginners in cryptocurrency trading. Its concise overview provides a clear understanding of the platform's capabilities, inviting new users to explore its simplicity. Overall, the article successfully portrays Binance Lite as an accessible option for those looking to enter the world of crypto trading.

Thanks CRM for informative article
Crypto Revolution Masters
How to trade on Binance Lite? Easy Steps to follow đŸ”„
Binance Lite is a simplified version of the Binance App. It aims to make buying and selling cryptocurrencies easier for those that are new to crypto trading. On Binance Lite, users can see the prices of the more popular cryptocurrencies, make purchases, check their wallet balance, or subscribe to Binance Earn products in just a few steps.
đŸ”„ It offers an intuitive interface with a reduced amount of information on the app homepage. Users will only see the basic features when they launch the App, making Lite mode a perfect choice for crypto novices and new Binance users. Also, if you are using an older mobile device or a limited internet connection, Binance Lite can provide better performance than the classic Pro version.
Here is how the App looks when I log in:

Compared to Binance Pro, Binance Lite has improved its usability, making it easier for new users to navigate. In the Lite version, users will only see the prices of the more popular cryptocurrencies on the app homepage, along with a green or red line to represent the price trend over a given time period. Despite the simplistic interface, users still have the option to sort the coins according to popularity, market cap, price, and 24-hour changes. They can also tap on a specific coin to check its price trend on an easy-to-read candlestick chart, which can be customized to display the trend over different time periods. Information and news about the coin are also included at the bottom.

Users can buy crypto in just a few steps on Binance Lite. All they need to do is tap on the [Trade] button on the coin page. Select the fiat currency to use, enter the amount to purchase, and choose the payment method to confirm the order. The purchased crypto can then be viewed in the wallet. The same goes for selling crypto. Tap [Sell] on the top right corner, or use the [Convert] function to convert between different coins.

As you see you can buy with different payments methods: Bank Transfer, Card, Wallet.
đŸ”„Apart from basic trading functions, Binance Lite offers other Binance Earn products for users to grow their crypto holdings. Binance Earn is similar to a savings account, users can subscribe their idle coins to BNB Vault or Flexible Savings and receive stable returns. Earn products are flexible, meaning that users can deposit funds, earn interest, and redeem them at any time without transaction fees.
Also you can buy, sell, convert and deposit straight when you enter the Markets from the App! Very simple and easy!

Despite having the more complex product functions removed from the Lite mode, the core features that are most frequently used are easily accessible from the navigation bar at the bottom. Users can tap on the middle yellow icon to buy, sell, or convert crypto, or tap on the wallet icon to check their wallet balance, asset allocation, and portfolio value.

If you are new to the space and looking for a quick and easy way to get started, I strongly recommend using the Lite mode!
#BinanceLite #Binance #Trading
Absolutely bullish about @ethena_labs Farming on #BinanceLaunchpool! Your detailed article on #BinanceSquare is a gem for those diving into $ENA. With projects like #AEVO and #ETHFI shining bright, the potential here is truly thrilling. Let's keep the momentum going and make the most of this opportunity!
Absolutely bullish about @ethena_labs Farming on #BinanceLaunchpool! Your detailed article on #BinanceSquare is a gem for those diving into $ENA . With projects like #AEVO and #ETHFI shining bright, the potential here is truly thrilling. Let's keep the momentum going and make the most of this opportunity!
Crypto Revolution Masters
What is ETHENA? Features? How to Farm on Binance Launchpool? Everything you need to know
Hey Folks, time to go more deeper in #Ethena! and explain what is about and how to Farm on Binance Launchpool.
Ethena is developing an Ethereum-based internet bond with the main product being a decentralized stablecoin called USDe.
đŸ’ȘOn March 29, Ethena became the 50th project on Binance Launchpool. Binance plans to list the ENA token at 8:00 a.m. on April 2 (UTC) with the trading pairs ENA/BTC, ENA/USDT, ENA/BNB, ENA/FDUSD and ENA/TRY, and attach a seed tag to this token. Detailed information is as follows:
👉Token name: Ethena (ENA)
👉Total supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA
👉Launchpool reward: 300,000,000 ENA (2% of total maximum supply).
👉Initial circulating supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA (9.5% of total maximum supply).
👉Staking terms: KYC required
đŸ”„Hourly hardcap per user:
👉333,333.33 ENA in BNB pool.
👉83,333.33 ENA in FDUSD pool.
What is Ethena?
Ethena is a USD (synthetic dollar) synthesis protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. The project provides a cryptocurrency investment solution that does not depend on traditional banking infrastructure and a global USD savings tool "Internet Bond".
Ethena's synthetic currency is USDe, which helps resist censorship and can be expanded stably by staking Ethereum for a certain period of time. This protects the value of the USD in the cryptocurrency market. USDe fully supports, on-chain transparency and has the ability to freely transact in the decentralized financial system (DeFi).
On March 28th, Ethena Labs announced the distribution of a 750 million ENA token airdrop to shard holders. Users can request to claim the airdrop starting from April 2nd, and the claiming portal will remain open for 30 days.
Users must continue to hold and lock USDe, maintaining a minimum balance equal to the snapshot taken on March 26th. The top 2,000 wallets with the highest shard scores will have 50% of their tokens locked, gradually unlocking them over six months.
Ethena will continue to roll out Phase 2 of the reward program from April 2nd to September 2nd, encouraging users to use BTC as collateral for the stablecoin USDe. The program may end early if the total supply of USDe reaches $5 billion. Participants will receive rewards similar to the Shard Campaign.
Characteristics of Ethena
👉USDe: Ethena Labs manages the creation and redemption of the synthetic USD coin "USDe". This is the first fully-backed, on-chain, scalable and censorship-resistant cryptocurrency. The USDe backer introduces the first “internet bond” to save synthetic USD yielding profits from staking and market arbitrage.
👉Internet bonds: Internet bonds tightly integrated with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, providing yield on staked Ethereum and spreads between price and basis in perpetual and futures markets. With large scalability and optimal capital efficiency, bonds ensure transparency and security through an automatic program custody solution, without human intervention. At the same time, the system uses the MPC "off-exchange" custody mechanism to create a fair environment for all users.

đŸ”„Profit: The project's profit comes from two sources:
đŸ”„Consensus rewards and enforcement of staked ETH.
đŸ”„Funding and arbitrage earned from delta hedging derivative positions.
đŸ”„Delta hedging: Trading strategy that allows users to profit from the price difference of USDe in the market of $1 or more. The feature helps reduce the risk of price fluctuations, automatically adjusting to maintain delta positions (price correlation) with the underlying asset. Ethena uses delta hedging during the issuance of USDe to ensure stablecoin stability.
Features of Ethena
đŸ”„Buy USDe without permission: Investors use off-chain AMM pools to buy or sell USDe with collateral such as USDT or USDC.

đŸ”„Direct USDe generation: Participants deposit stETH as collateral and receive USDe. Accounts need to pass KYC/KYB (identity verification) checks from partners to be approved.
đŸ”„Exchange USDe directly: Users send USDe to receive stETH for KYC/KYB accounts.
đŸ”„Stake and unstake USDe: Those on the authorized list will receive a portion of the generated yield.

Investors and partners
After a fundraising round in February valued at $14 million USD, Ethena's total investment has now reached $20 million USD. Several renowned investors have participated in the project, including Binance Labs, PayPal, Gemini, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, BitMEX, and Deribit. The project's valuation is currently at $300 million USD.
In addition, Ethena has partnerships with Dragonfly, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, Mirana

Ethena introduces two new concepts: USDe and internet bonds. The project provides blockchain transparency with many utilities to meet the diverse needs of users. With a TVL of $539,600,000, Ethena promises future development potential. However, investors need to research carefully before deciding to join the platform.
đŸ’Ș I'll repeat for me every Project on Binance Launchpool will do extremely good middle and long-term so expecting the same for ETHENA!
👉Stake BNB to farm Ethena:
👉Stake FDUSD to farm Ethena:
Absolutely bullish about @ethena_labs Farming on #BinanceLaunchpool! Your detailed article on #BinanceSquare is a gem for those diving into $ENA. With projects like #AEVO and #ETHFI shining bright, the potential here is truly thrilling. Let's keep the momentum going and make the most of this opportunity!
Absolutely bullish about @ethena_labs Farming on #BinanceLaunchpool! Your detailed article on #BinanceSquare is a gem for those diving into $ENA . With projects like #AEVO and #ETHFI shining bright, the potential here is truly thrilling. Let's keep the momentum going and make the most of this opportunity!
Crypto Revolution Masters
What is ETHENA? Features? How to Farm on Binance Launchpool? Everything you need to know
Hey Folks, time to go more deeper in #Ethena! and explain what is about and how to Farm on Binance Launchpool.
Ethena is developing an Ethereum-based internet bond with the main product being a decentralized stablecoin called USDe.
đŸ’ȘOn March 29, Ethena became the 50th project on Binance Launchpool. Binance plans to list the ENA token at 8:00 a.m. on April 2 (UTC) with the trading pairs ENA/BTC, ENA/USDT, ENA/BNB, ENA/FDUSD and ENA/TRY, and attach a seed tag to this token. Detailed information is as follows:
👉Token name: Ethena (ENA)
👉Total supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA
👉Launchpool reward: 300,000,000 ENA (2% of total maximum supply).
👉Initial circulating supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA (9.5% of total maximum supply).
👉Staking terms: KYC required
đŸ”„Hourly hardcap per user:
👉333,333.33 ENA in BNB pool.
👉83,333.33 ENA in FDUSD pool.
What is Ethena?
Ethena is a USD (synthetic dollar) synthesis protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. The project provides a cryptocurrency investment solution that does not depend on traditional banking infrastructure and a global USD savings tool "Internet Bond".
Ethena's synthetic currency is USDe, which helps resist censorship and can be expanded stably by staking Ethereum for a certain period of time. This protects the value of the USD in the cryptocurrency market. USDe fully supports, on-chain transparency and has the ability to freely transact in the decentralized financial system (DeFi).
On March 28th, Ethena Labs announced the distribution of a 750 million ENA token airdrop to shard holders. Users can request to claim the airdrop starting from April 2nd, and the claiming portal will remain open for 30 days.
Users must continue to hold and lock USDe, maintaining a minimum balance equal to the snapshot taken on March 26th. The top 2,000 wallets with the highest shard scores will have 50% of their tokens locked, gradually unlocking them over six months.
Ethena will continue to roll out Phase 2 of the reward program from April 2nd to September 2nd, encouraging users to use BTC as collateral for the stablecoin USDe. The program may end early if the total supply of USDe reaches $5 billion. Participants will receive rewards similar to the Shard Campaign.
Characteristics of Ethena
👉USDe: Ethena Labs manages the creation and redemption of the synthetic USD coin "USDe". This is the first fully-backed, on-chain, scalable and censorship-resistant cryptocurrency. The USDe backer introduces the first “internet bond” to save synthetic USD yielding profits from staking and market arbitrage.
👉Internet bonds: Internet bonds tightly integrated with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, providing yield on staked Ethereum and spreads between price and basis in perpetual and futures markets. With large scalability and optimal capital efficiency, bonds ensure transparency and security through an automatic program custody solution, without human intervention. At the same time, the system uses the MPC "off-exchange" custody mechanism to create a fair environment for all users.

đŸ”„Profit: The project's profit comes from two sources:
đŸ”„Consensus rewards and enforcement of staked ETH.
đŸ”„Funding and arbitrage earned from delta hedging derivative positions.
đŸ”„Delta hedging: Trading strategy that allows users to profit from the price difference of USDe in the market of $1 or more. The feature helps reduce the risk of price fluctuations, automatically adjusting to maintain delta positions (price correlation) with the underlying asset. Ethena uses delta hedging during the issuance of USDe to ensure stablecoin stability.
Features of Ethena
đŸ”„Buy USDe without permission: Investors use off-chain AMM pools to buy or sell USDe with collateral such as USDT or USDC.

đŸ”„Direct USDe generation: Participants deposit stETH as collateral and receive USDe. Accounts need to pass KYC/KYB (identity verification) checks from partners to be approved.
đŸ”„Exchange USDe directly: Users send USDe to receive stETH for KYC/KYB accounts.
đŸ”„Stake and unstake USDe: Those on the authorized list will receive a portion of the generated yield.

Investors and partners
After a fundraising round in February valued at $14 million USD, Ethena's total investment has now reached $20 million USD. Several renowned investors have participated in the project, including Binance Labs, PayPal, Gemini, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, BitMEX, and Deribit. The project's valuation is currently at $300 million USD.
In addition, Ethena has partnerships with Dragonfly, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, Mirana

Ethena introduces two new concepts: USDe and internet bonds. The project provides blockchain transparency with many utilities to meet the diverse needs of users. With a TVL of $539,600,000, Ethena promises future development potential. However, investors need to research carefully before deciding to join the platform.
đŸ’Ș I'll repeat for me every Project on Binance Launchpool will do extremely good middle and long-term so expecting the same for ETHENA!
👉Stake BNB to farm Ethena:
👉Stake FDUSD to farm Ethena:
Great to hear about the excitement around @ether_fi Farming on #Binance Launchpool! Your article sounds intriguing, can't wait to check it out. The feature you mentioned about stakers controlling their keys is definitely a game-changer. Thanks for sharing! đŸ”„
Great to hear about the excitement around @ether_fi Farming on #Binance Launchpool! Your article sounds intriguing, can't wait to check it out. The feature you mentioned about stakers controlling their keys is definitely a game-changer. Thanks for sharing! đŸ”„
Crypto Revolution Masters
Once in a Lifetime Deal - ETHFI Farming on Binance Launchpool
Yoo Folks, more and more people stake their $BNB or $FDUSD and farming #ETHFI
Let's get deeper into #ETHFI and get to understand what's about!
What is EtherFi?
đŸ”„ EtherFi is a decentralized liquid staking platform, enabling users to stake ETH to support node operators and receive rewards.

👉EtherFi is a decentralized liquid staking platform that allows users to stake ETH to support node operators and receive rewards. Notably, etherFi creates a unique Non-Fungible Token (NFT) for each validator created during the staking process.
👉These NFTs possess the distinctive characteristics of each validator and allow for the storage of metadata. Thanks to this metadata, developers can build a more advanced staking infrastructure in the future.
How EtherFi works?

👉The etherFi protocol consists of a service layer, which can serve as a platform for building other services. By providing a platform for developers to build on, etherFi aims to promote innovation within the staking ecosystem.
👉Moreover, stakers and node operators can access various services built on the staking infrastructure. As new services emerge, participants in the etherFi protocol stand to benefit from the growth and expansion of the ecosystem.
👉The etherFi project operates on the principles of decentralization and autonomy. They establish a network of reliable nodes without relying on intermediary organizations, improving system security and encouraging decentralization.
👉The etherFi protocol provides a service layer, creating conditions for the development of new services. This encourages innovation in the staking field and promotes the development of new useful applications.
👉Users of etherFi can access various services built on the staking platform. With the emergence of new services, etherFi users will benefit from the development and expansion of the ecosystem.
Highlights of etherFi

1.Native Restaking: Allows users to receive better rewards, as their ETH earns income from staking and additional income from restaking through Eigenlayer.
2.Decentralization: etherFi implements Operation Solo Staker, enhancing Ethereum’s decentralization by deploying nodes in geographically diverse locations.
3.Security and Risk Mitigation: etherFi is the only protocol where stakers control the keys, minimizing risks associated with third-party node operators and protocols.
4.Robust Development Ecosystem: eETH is designed for use in DeFi. etherFi collaborates with various DeFi protocols to enhance the utility of eETH.
Token Overview and ETHFI Launchpool Details:

👉Token Name: (ETHFI)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 ETHFI
đŸ”„Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 ETHFI (2% of max token supply)
đŸ”„Initial Circulating Supply: 115,200,000 ETHFI (11.52% of max token supply)
đŸ”„Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
đŸ”„Staking Terms: KYC required
đŸ”„Hourly Hard Cap per User:
đŸ”„16,666.66 ETHFI in BNB pool
đŸ”„4,166.66 ETHFI in FDUSD pool
Development Team
Mike Silagadze (Founder, CEO): Mike has been investing in cryptocurrency since 2010 and previously founded Top Hat. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Waterloo.
Chuck Morris (VP, Chief Engineer): Chuck has built and led engineering teams for over a decade. He holds a Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Chicago.
Rok Kopp (Director of Customer Success): With over a decade of experience in sales and marketing for startups, Rok holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame.
Investors and Partners

đŸ”„August 2023: Integration phase of Solo Node Operator – Phase 1
đŸ”„Integration phase of DVT – Phase 1
đŸ”„October 2023: Open source smart contracts
đŸ”„November 2023: Launch of eETH
👉In Progress:
đŸ”„April 2024: DVT integration phase 2, DAO Governance & TGE
Farming Details
👉 Stake $BNB
👉 Stake $FDUSD
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