$COMBO It's a terrible coin, it's awful, I've never seen such a terrible coin, damn you, all the other coins are flying away, stay where you are, you're so shitty.
$COMBO It's literally a trash coin, I've never seen such a damn coin. I got into this coin, damn the day, this crappy coin won't do anything in bullshit because it's a terrible coin 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤮
$COMBO We have been waiting for months for the damn coin to rise but no, other coins are making 20-30%, this one has no reaction, it is only focused on falling 🤬🤬
$COMBO I've never seen a terrible coin like you, you disgraceful damn thing. You put a lot of money in it and it doesn't react at all. Just fall down and get saved. We haven't had any rise in months. All we've done is fall, that's enough 🤬🤬🤬🤬