The subsequent battle for the public chain #地缘政治对比特币的影响 will probably intensify. It will be interesting to see how $ETH , $BNB and $SOL compete with each other. Will there be one dominant player or a three-way competition? Who do you think will be the next leader in the public chain?
$ARKM How long is it horizontally and how long is it vertically? It’s not for now. When the NVIDIA conference is over, if it remains like this, it can be cut.
The $ARKM washout is over, and the trend is completely in line with the hourly line. It will rise for a while and then pull back to around .3, and then directly rise to around 4.5 and then consolidate and rise to 5u again.
At the beginning of January this year, I took 165u into the currency circle. It has been more than a month now, and 165u has also lost money to 132u. In this month, I have experienced two losses to only 100u, the first time I only had 100u left. I bought wld coins and made my money back. The second time was because Nvidia announced its financial report. 44u directly bought wld at 20x, and the position was liquidated overnight. It has been a week today, and the funds have been hovering around 130-140. The day before yesterday I didn't sell the ckb I bought when it reached 0.018. I finally sold it today at 0.175 and made some profit. But in the afternoon I saw a good ach and bought the daily ach. The price kept falling after I bought it. I also lost money today. Now I have bought ckb again. I hope ckb can rise sharply and let me get my money back. #ckb