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The cryptocurrency circle has experienced ups and downs, but my heart remains the same after the storm. I smile at the wind and clouds and move forward fearlessly. I have been engaged in blockchain for eight years and have experienced two rounds of bull and bear markets. I am an old blockchain investor. I analyze the trend of cryptocurrency and am a senior analyst. I have top first- and second-level resources and my own investment research team.
The cryptocurrency circle has experienced ups and downs, but my heart remains the same after the storm. I smile at the wind and clouds and move forward fearlessly. I have been engaged in blockchain for eight years and have experienced two rounds of bull and bear markets. I am an old blockchain investor. I analyze the trend of cryptocurrency and am a senior analyst. I have top first- and second-level resources and my own investment research team.
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Starting from the white line, it is likely to be a daily level impulse wave. The target will be above 120,000 in a few months. If it falls below 61987, it will confirm that the white line 3 has peaked. After the end of white line 3, it will be the adjustment of white line 4. The impulse wave will also have a rise of white line 5. It is not allowed to touch 61320. Touching 61320 means it is not an impulse wave, which negates the previous judgment. REEF SUI CATI NEIRO #DODO助力Meme发行 #币安上线CATI #BNBChain与Telegram集成
Starting from the white line, it is likely to be a daily level impulse wave. The target will be above 120,000 in a few months. If it falls below 61987, it will confirm that the white line 3 has peaked. After the end of white line 3, it will be the adjustment of white line 4. The impulse wave will also have a rise of white line 5. It is not allowed to touch 61320. Touching 61320 means it is not an impulse wave, which negates the previous judgment.
#DODO助力Meme发行 #币安上线CATI #BNBChain与Telegram集成
比特币和黄金为何飙升:分析师分享所有原因据市场分析师称,受全球流动性增加、央行资产负债表扩张以及美联储近期降息等因素推动,比特币和黄金近几日均呈现上涨态势。比特币在过去五天中上涨了 7%,自 8 月以来首次突破 64000 美元;而黄金也创下今年新高,达到每盎司 2600 美元。 Creative Planning 首席市场策略师 Charlie Bilello 指出,自 2009 年比特币诞生以来,比特币和黄金首次同时位列年度表现最佳资产之列。 分析师詹姆斯・范・斯特拉滕(James Van Straten)将这一优异表现归因于几个因素,包括全球央行资产负债表的扩张以及美联储决定降息 50 个基点以刺激投资和经济活动。美联储目前资产负债表规模为 7.1 万亿美元,尽管量化紧缩政策仍在持续,但步伐已然放缓。逆回购余额的减少(目前略高于 3000 亿美元)为金融体系增添了流动性,刺激了贷款、投资和整体经济增长。 从全球范围来看,包括美国、欧盟、日本和中国在内的全球 15 家最大央行的资产负债表总额已升至近 31 万亿美元。这一趋势自 7 月以来持续攀升,表明全球流动性正在复苏,这对与流动性趋势密切相关的加密货币比特币尤其有利。 美联储降息进一步提振了比特币和黄金,因为较低的利率往往会鼓励对风险较高的另类资产进行投资。分析师表示,流动性的增加和刺激措施正在助力这两种资产达到新高,巩固了它们在当前经济环境中作为顶级资产的地位


据市场分析师称,受全球流动性增加、央行资产负债表扩张以及美联储近期降息等因素推动,比特币和黄金近几日均呈现上涨态势。比特币在过去五天中上涨了 7%,自 8 月以来首次突破 64000 美元;而黄金也创下今年新高,达到每盎司 2600 美元。
Creative Planning 首席市场策略师 Charlie Bilello 指出,自 2009 年比特币诞生以来,比特币和黄金首次同时位列年度表现最佳资产之列。
分析师詹姆斯・范・斯特拉滕(James Van Straten)将这一优异表现归因于几个因素,包括全球央行资产负债表的扩张以及美联储决定降息 50 个基点以刺激投资和经济活动。美联储目前资产负债表规模为 7.1 万亿美元,尽管量化紧缩政策仍在持续,但步伐已然放缓。逆回购余额的减少(目前略高于 3000 亿美元)为金融体系增添了流动性,刺激了贷款、投资和整体经济增长。
从全球范围来看,包括美国、欧盟、日本和中国在内的全球 15 家最大央行的资产负债表总额已升至近 31 万亿美元。这一趋势自 7 月以来持续攀升,表明全球流动性正在复苏,这对与流动性趋势密切相关的加密货币比特币尤其有利。
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Trading is a long-term plan, not something that can be done overnight, so don't rush it. Even if there is a loss in the short term, there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as the subsequent direction is chosen correctly, what has passed away will eventually return again. However, you must pay attention to the timing of making orders and the current market trends, so that the winning rate will increase. At the same time, investment is also a process of growth. It is recommended that all coin friends should learn while operating, and make timely self-summaries of profits and losses, deepen their understanding of risks, and have the correct mentality planning, so that they can reasonably avoid risks and become a qualified investor. REEF SUI NEIRO CATI #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成
Trading is a long-term plan, not something that can be done overnight, so don't rush it. Even if there is a loss in the short term, there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as the subsequent direction is chosen correctly, what has passed away will eventually return again. However, you must pay attention to the timing of making orders and the current market trends, so that the winning rate will increase. At the same time, investment is also a process of growth. It is recommended that all coin friends should learn while operating, and make timely self-summaries of profits and losses, deepen their understanding of risks, and have the correct mentality planning, so that they can reasonably avoid risks and become a qualified investor.

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成
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The price of the currency fell back in the early morning, but the strength does not seem to be very strong. It is currently repairing the basin near 6300. From the basin, it can be seen that the 4 hours still show the demand for falling back. You can operate at a high altitude in the morning. Short at 63200/500 for the first time, defend 63900, and target 62500/62000 REEF SUI NEIRO CATI #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
The price of the currency fell back in the early morning, but the strength does not seem to be very strong. It is currently repairing the basin near 6300. From the basin, it can be seen that the 4 hours still show the demand for falling back. You can operate at a high altitude in the morning.
Short at 63200/500 for the first time, defend 63900, and target 62500/62000

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
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In the case of the general direction, although there is no point advantage when entering the market, or even floating losses, after a period of time, the orders will become profitable. Time is the best friend. There are two ways to reduce floating losses without watching the market. Find a good enough point and place an order in advance. Although it will reduce the number of transactions, the certainty will be much higher. Under the premise of the correct direction, you can also reduce leverage and increase fault tolerance. REEF CATI DOGS NEIRO #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
In the case of the general direction, although there is no point advantage when entering the market, or even floating losses, after a period of time, the orders will become profitable. Time is the best friend.

There are two ways to reduce floating losses without watching the market.

Find a good enough point and place an order in advance. Although it will reduce the number of transactions, the certainty will be much higher.

Under the premise of the correct direction, you can also reduce leverage and increase fault tolerance.

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
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If you can't catch the sand, it's better to let it go; if you can see but can't hold the opportunity, it doesn't belong to you. So, instead of entangled, it's better to let it go calmly. It's normal for everyone to have different views on the market. Many people only see the glory of successful people, but ignore the setbacks and failures they have experienced. Instead of envying others' gains, it's better to focus on planning your own transactions. Those who can't tolerate a little fluctuation can hardly see further. Only by accumulating strength can you stand out at the critical moment and achieve ultimate success. #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
If you can't catch the sand, it's better to let it go; if you can see but can't hold the opportunity, it doesn't belong to you. So, instead of entangled, it's better to let it go calmly.

It's normal for everyone to have different views on the market. Many people only see the glory of successful people, but ignore the setbacks and failures they have experienced. Instead of envying others' gains, it's better to focus on planning your own transactions. Those who can't tolerate a little fluctuation can hardly see further. Only by accumulating strength can you stand out at the critical moment and achieve ultimate success.

#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
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What is the most critical point for a novice to turn the tables? The answer is: you can attack when you advance and defend when you retreat. This is crucial in the trading logic of novices. When you make the right judgment, you should allocate positions reasonably to maximize your profits; when you make a wrong judgment, you need to effectively control risks to reduce losses. Unfortunately, many novices tend to only focus on offensive plans but ignore defensive strategies. They put all their hopes on a certain or next transaction, hoping to recover their previous losses in one fell swoop. However, this kind of thinking often leads to the gambler mentality, making them overly dependent on luck to make money. The real trading logic emphasizes tight settings and plans. Before buying, you should be clear about why you choose to buy at this time, as well as the strategies for adding positions and stop losses after buying. You must make good offensive and defensive plans to ensure that you lose less when you are wrong and earn more when you are right. Only in this way can you achieve a turnaround. #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
What is the most critical point for a novice to turn the tables?

The answer is: you can attack when you advance and defend when you retreat. This is crucial in the trading logic of novices. When you make the right judgment, you should allocate positions reasonably to maximize your profits; when you make a wrong judgment, you need to effectively control risks to reduce losses. Unfortunately, many novices tend to only focus on offensive plans but ignore defensive strategies.

They put all their hopes on a certain or next transaction, hoping to recover their previous losses in one fell swoop. However, this kind of thinking often leads to the gambler mentality, making them overly dependent on luck to make money.
The real trading logic emphasizes tight settings and plans. Before buying, you should be clear about why you choose to buy at this time, as well as the strategies for adding positions and stop losses after buying. You must make good offensive and defensive plans to ensure that you lose less when you are wrong and earn more when you are right. Only in this way can you achieve a turnaround.
#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
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BTC60000 long orders have been eliminated Next, focus on the golden ratio 236, 64500 position is expected to have a large retracement, This retracement will be our last chance to enter the market at a low price Strategy: 64000-64500 short position, target 61800, 61500, stop loss 65400 ​ REEF AAVE SUI NEIRO #币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
BTC60000 long orders have been eliminated
Next, focus on the golden ratio 236, 64500 position is expected to have a large retracement,
This retracement will be our last chance to enter the market at a low price

64000-64500 short position, target 61800, 61500, stop loss 65400 ​
#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 #加密市场反弹
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Two major events that can affect the market recently have been settled. First, Powell affirmed the interpretation of interest rate cuts that the economy continues to grow and there is no recession, which stimulated the market to rise accordingly. Second, the result of the interest rate hike by the Bank of Japan this morning was to maintain the interest rate unchanged, avoiding the expectation that the funds flowing out of the US dollar interest rate cut would flow into the Japanese yen for arbitrage, and could only flow into other risky assets. Then the market continued to rise under the stimulation of good news. ETH's trend today reversed the continued weak market performance. The previous article suggested entering the market at the key moving average, and the mid-term stop profit position is still the upper edge of the channel. The key position of the short-term pie is still the double resistance position of the middle track of the speed resistance line and the upper edge of the bull flag channel. REEF SUI NEIRO ALEO #DODO助力Meme发行 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #CATI价格预测
Two major events that can affect the market recently have been settled.

First, Powell affirmed the interpretation of interest rate cuts that the economy continues to grow and there is no recession, which stimulated the market to rise accordingly.

Second, the result of the interest rate hike by the Bank of Japan this morning was to maintain the interest rate unchanged, avoiding the expectation that the funds flowing out of the US dollar interest rate cut would flow into the Japanese yen for arbitrage, and could only flow into other risky assets. Then the market continued to rise under the stimulation of good news.

ETH's trend today reversed the continued weak market performance. The previous article suggested entering the market at the key moving average, and the mid-term stop profit position is still the upper edge of the channel.

The key position of the short-term pie is still the double resistance position of the middle track of the speed resistance line and the upper edge of the bull flag channel.
#DODO助力Meme发行 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #CATI价格预测
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In the ever-changing cryptocurrency world, novices are often overwhelmed by various complex situations. The following points will dispel the fog for you and help you make more wise decisions in the cryptocurrency world. 1. "Fast rise and slow fall = accumulation": When the price of a coin rises rapidly but falls relatively slowly, it is very likely that the dealer is quietly accumulating chips to prepare for a subsequent round of strong pull-ups. 2. "Fast fall and slow rise = delivery": If the price of a coin falls rapidly but rises very slowly, this indicates that the dealer is gradually delivering the goods, and the market is likely to enter a downward trend at this time. 3. "Don't panic when the top is large, run fast when there is no volume at the top": At a high level, if the trading volume is enlarged, the price of the coin may continue to rise; however, once the high volume is reduced, this indicates that the momentum for the rise is insufficient, and you should leave the market decisively at this time. 4. "Don't rush to buy when the bottom volume increases, and consider it again when the volume continues to increase": The bottom volume may only be the middle stage of the decline, and observation should be the main focus at this time; if there is a continuous increase in volume, it means that funds are flowing in, and you can try to buy low. 5. "Speculating on coins = speculating on emotions, and emotions determine consensus": Market sentiment drives the fluctuation of coin prices to a large extent, and trading volume is a direct reflection of consensus. In the coin circle, investors' emotions change rapidly, and the ups and downs of this emotion directly affect the consensus of the market, and then influence the trend of coin prices. Therefore, for novices, it is crucial to learn to understand market sentiment and the formation mechanism of consensus. REEF SUI ALEO NEIRO #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #新币挖矿HMSTR
In the ever-changing cryptocurrency world, novices are often overwhelmed by various complex situations. The following points will dispel the fog for you and help you make more wise decisions in the cryptocurrency world.

1. "Fast rise and slow fall = accumulation": When the price of a coin rises rapidly but falls relatively slowly, it is very likely that the dealer is quietly accumulating chips to prepare for a subsequent round of strong pull-ups.

2. "Fast fall and slow rise = delivery": If the price of a coin falls rapidly but rises very slowly, this indicates that the dealer is gradually delivering the goods, and the market is likely to enter a downward trend at this time.

3. "Don't panic when the top is large, run fast when there is no volume at the top": At a high level, if the trading volume is enlarged, the price of the coin may continue to rise; however, once the high volume is reduced, this indicates that the momentum for the rise is insufficient, and you should leave the market decisively at this time.

4. "Don't rush to buy when the bottom volume increases, and consider it again when the volume continues to increase": The bottom volume may only be the middle stage of the decline, and observation should be the main focus at this time; if there is a continuous increase in volume, it means that funds are flowing in, and you can try to buy low.

5. "Speculating on coins = speculating on emotions, and emotions determine consensus": Market sentiment drives the fluctuation of coin prices to a large extent, and trading volume is a direct reflection of consensus. In the coin circle, investors' emotions change rapidly, and the ups and downs of this emotion directly affect the consensus of the market, and then influence the trend of coin prices. Therefore, for novices, it is crucial to learn to understand market sentiment and the formation mechanism of consensus.

#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #新币挖矿HMSTR
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According to the track, NFT is dead, GameFi is struggling, DeFi is as stable as an old dog, AI is striving to be the first, exchanges are big, public chains are trying to make trouble, and Depin is not interested... In a word, if the traffic outside the circle cannot come in, the ecological construction is useless. The Fed cut interest rates and look forward to new leeks REEF NEIRO SUI ALEO #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹
According to the track, NFT is dead, GameFi is struggling, DeFi is as stable as an old dog, AI is striving to be the first, exchanges are big, public chains are trying to make trouble, and Depin is not interested... In a word, if the traffic outside the circle cannot come in, the ecological construction is useless. The Fed cut interest rates and look forward to new leeks
#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹
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