Remember at some point you’re all going to want to move all your money into #bitcoin because it’s the first true hard money (if you don’t understand what that means research) that humans ever created, before #bitcoin for thousands of years it was just kings faces on fake Monopoly money and coins.
After massive bull markets and everyone’s asking you about bitcoin and crypto and their all in with euphoria saying how they’re going to be so rich, this is your warning to get out.
At the bottom when everyone’s panic selling and getting out and says Crypto is a scam thats your sign to get in and every dip as you move up is a buying opportunity, until friends euphoria speech.
Undervalued projects that will trade higher soon. Mc under 100 mil
$ARC 35 mil mc $ZIG 14 mil mc $PROPC 12 mil mc $planet 55 mil mc $SDEX 85 mil mc $MLT 18 mil mc $MTRG 43 mil mc $Ator but its above 100 mil mc now. Trading at 140 mil mc. Higher in bulla market. $DIONE aswell with only 30 mil mc. 💥