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A wealthy life starts here!
A wealthy life starts here!
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Evening thoughts: From the current overall market structure, it is not difficult to find that the current room for pulling up is relatively limited. Multiple attempts to pull up have not been effective, which seems to be accumulating strength for the subsequent short-selling. It can be clearly seen from the daily line structure that the price ratio shows a trend of oscillating downward. After a period of decline, although the market has given a certain rebound space, the rebound has not been sustained and continues to decline. The Bollinger Bands indicator opens downward, which indicates that there is still room for decline below. On the 1-hour chart, the trend appears to be weaker. Although there is a rebound repair after the big negative line, overall, there are more negative K lines on the market, and the short-selling atmosphere is extremely strong. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to layout with the idea of ​​rebounding and shorting in terms of operation. For the evening big cake: around 62500-62800, looking at around 61800-61500 For the evening second cake: around 2440-2460, looking at around 2400-2380#非农人数大幅升温
Evening thoughts:

From the current overall market structure, it is not difficult to find that the current room for pulling up is relatively limited. Multiple attempts to pull up have not been effective, which seems to be accumulating strength for the subsequent short-selling. It can be clearly seen from the daily line structure that the price ratio shows a trend of oscillating downward. After a period of decline, although the market has given a certain rebound space, the rebound has not been sustained and continues to decline. The Bollinger Bands indicator opens downward, which indicates that there is still room for decline below. On the 1-hour chart, the trend appears to be weaker. Although there is a rebound repair after the big negative line, overall, there are more negative K lines on the market, and the short-selling atmosphere is extremely strong. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to layout with the idea of ​​rebounding and shorting in terms of operation.

For the evening big cake: around 62500-62800, looking at around 61800-61500

For the evening second cake: around 2440-2460, looking at around 2400-2380#非农人数大幅升温
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Today's market data comparison/interpretation:#BTCis playing a "stand-alone game", and US funds continue to flow out! Today's market data is compared with yesterday's data, and an interesting phenomenon is obtained - BTC is playing stand-alone. Compared with yesterday's data, the market value fell by 11 billion, BTC accounted for 11.7 billion of the decline, and #ETH's market value rose rarely. In terms of trading volume, the market value decreased by 11.2 billion, and BTC itself decreased by 10.5 billion. Today's market has nothing to do with ETH copycats. Everyone is watching BTC's self-directed performance, and the market risk preference has improved slightly. Funds flow: The market value of stablecoins on the market has decreased by 300 million and currently remains at 173.3 billion. USDT: The official website data is 119.848 billion, which is a decrease of 9 million compared with yesterday. The outflow of funds is basically negligible, and the trading volume has decreased by 10%. Asian and European funds remain temporarily stable, and the activity has decreased, which is normal. USDC: The data website shows that the market value has decreased by 229 million. The market value of US funds has continued to decrease this week, but the trading volume has decreased instead. There is reason to suspect that US funds have flowed out of the market. The official website will give you an accurate answer to this question this Saturday. Summary: The market seems to have gotten used to BTC's confusing trend. Both ETH and altcoins have gotten used to and ignored BTC's narrow range fluctuations. The market is still waiting for Thursday's data stimulus to see if there is an opportunity. Although the US funds have been reduced continuously this week, the current stock is still sufficient. In the short term, it can only mean that the buying sentiment of US traders has declined. There is no need to worry too much. Moreover, the liquidity of US funds is relatively high, and it is very likely that they will flow back to the market in one transaction during the weekend. #非农人数大幅升温
Today's market data comparison/interpretation:#BTCis playing a "stand-alone game", and US funds continue to flow out!

Today's market data is compared with yesterday's data, and an interesting phenomenon is obtained - BTC is playing stand-alone.

Compared with yesterday's data, the market value fell by 11 billion, BTC accounted for 11.7 billion of the decline, and #ETH's market value rose rarely.

In terms of trading volume, the market value decreased by 11.2 billion, and BTC itself decreased by 10.5 billion.

Today's market has nothing to do with ETH copycats. Everyone is watching BTC's self-directed performance, and the market risk preference has improved slightly.

Funds flow:

The market value of stablecoins on the market has decreased by 300 million and currently remains at 173.3 billion.

USDT: The official website data is 119.848 billion, which is a decrease of 9 million compared with yesterday. The outflow of funds is basically negligible, and the trading volume has decreased by 10%. Asian and European funds remain temporarily stable, and the activity has decreased, which is normal.

USDC: The data website shows that the market value has decreased by 229 million. The market value of US funds has continued to decrease this week, but the trading volume has decreased instead. There is reason to suspect that US funds have flowed out of the market. The official website will give you an accurate answer to this question this Saturday.


The market seems to have gotten used to BTC's confusing trend. Both ETH and altcoins have gotten used to and ignored BTC's narrow range fluctuations. The market is still waiting for Thursday's data stimulus to see if there is an opportunity.

Although the US funds have been reduced continuously this week, the current stock is still sufficient. In the short term, it can only mean that the buying sentiment of US traders has declined. There is no need to worry too much. Moreover, the liquidity of US funds is relatively high, and it is very likely that they will flow back to the market in one transaction during the weekend. #非农人数大幅升温
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BTC market analysis: Narrow range fluctuations continue, bullish game remains, breakthrough requires external stimulation, the focus is tomorrow, Thursday!The market's attention and discussion have all shifted to A-shares.#BTChas been neglected for three days. Judging from the daily K-line, since the closing on the 7th, the amplitude has been getting smaller day by day. At present, the BTC price is still running at the lower track of the daily/weekly line, and the intraday amplitude remains between 62,000-63,000. This range is below the daily MA7 support and above the daily 63,000 key resistance. The market's intraday volatility is already the lowest this year. The current intraday volatility reminds me of the bear bottom stage in the middle of last year. The intraday volatility of 300-800 points is already considered active. However, the current market loss of activity is only due to a temporary lack of guidance. Multiple factors have led to a strong game between bulls and bears here, and a breakthrough still requires external stimulation.

BTC market analysis: Narrow range fluctuations continue, bullish game remains, breakthrough requires external stimulation, the focus is tomorrow, Thursday!

The market's attention and discussion have all shifted to A-shares.#BTChas been neglected for three days. Judging from the daily K-line, since the closing on the 7th, the amplitude has been getting smaller day by day.
At present, the BTC price is still running at the lower track of the daily/weekly line, and the intraday amplitude remains between 62,000-63,000.
This range is below the daily MA7 support and above the daily 63,000 key resistance. The market's intraday volatility is already the lowest this year. The current intraday volatility reminds me of the bear bottom stage in the middle of last year. The intraday volatility of 300-800 points is already considered active.
However, the current market loss of activity is only due to a temporary lack of guidance. Multiple factors have led to a strong game between bulls and bears here, and a breakthrough still requires external stimulation.
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The short position in the morning has been pocketed, and the long position in the afternoon is in profit! #非农人数大幅升温
The short position in the morning has been pocketed, and the long position in the afternoon is in profit! #非农人数大幅升温
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午后思路: 从 4 小时级别审视,可察觉出短线回调的端倪。日线上,MACD 指标在中轴附近晃悠,意味着市场正处在调整期。 在此次调整当中,尽管承受着回调的压力,但是每一次向下试探,都能获得布林带下轨的坚实托举,使得价格始终无法有效突破支撑位。整个市场仿佛步入蓄力,尽显多空双方激烈博弈,而 KDJ 三线在历经一段时间的沉寂后,已然开始展露向上的活力。在操作方面,建议以低多思路为主进行布局。 对于午后大饼:62300-62000附近哆,看向62800-63100附近 对于午后二饼:2420-2400附近哆,看向2450-2480附近。#非农人数大幅升温

从 4 小时级别审视,可察觉出短线回调的端倪。日线上,MACD 指标在中轴附近晃悠,意味着市场正处在调整期。

在此次调整当中,尽管承受着回调的压力,但是每一次向下试探,都能获得布林带下轨的坚实托举,使得价格始终无法有效突破支撑位。整个市场仿佛步入蓄力,尽显多空双方激烈博弈,而 KDJ 三线在历经一段时间的沉寂后,已然开始展露向上的活力。在操作方面,建议以低多思路为主进行布局。


早间思路: 从当前日线走势来看,行情反弹动能呈现出一定程度的减弱态势。昨日 K 线收阴之后,行情始终未能有效延续上行趋势,短期内反弹遭遇阻碍。K 线连续收阴且带有较长上影线,显示上方存在着一定的压力。若行情无法实现有效上行,那么就需要留意变盘情况的出现。当前已至周三这一变盘节点。在 4 小时级别上,短线走势偏弱,币价在 4 小时中轨处承压受阻,反弹动能明显不足。因此,操作上以高空思路为宜。 对于早间大饼:62500-62800附近空,看向62000-61700附近 对于早间二饼:2450-2470附近空,看向2420-2400附近。 #非农人数大幅升温 #美联储11月降息预期升温

从当前日线走势来看,行情反弹动能呈现出一定程度的减弱态势。昨日 K 线收阴之后,行情始终未能有效延续上行趋势,短期内反弹遭遇阻碍。K 线连续收阴且带有较长上影线,显示上方存在着一定的压力。若行情无法实现有效上行,那么就需要留意变盘情况的出现。当前已至周三这一变盘节点。在 4 小时级别上,短线走势偏弱,币价在 4 小时中轨处承压受阻,反弹动能明显不足。因此,操作上以高空思路为宜。



#非农人数大幅升温 #美联储11月降息预期升温
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Evening thoughts: As of the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin is fluctuating around 61800. From the perspective of the 1-hour level, it is almost about to launch a second 1-hour level rebound, and the rebound target can focus on the position around 63000. After that, it is expected that there will be a third 1-hour level decline, and the target can be seen at the support area around 58000. From the perspective of the 15-minute level, it is still in the first 15-minute level rebound stage, and it is necessary to pay attention to the area around 62000 to 62500. After that, it will experience the second 15-minute level callback and the third 15-minute level rebound. In summary, it is enough to make a layout around the high altitude at night. For the evening big cake: short around 62500-62800, looking at around 61500-61000 For the evening second cake: short around 2450-2480, looking at 2400-2370#加密市场急跌 #非农人数大幅升温 #美国失业率创6月以来新低 er
Evening thoughts:

As of the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin is fluctuating around 61800. From the perspective of the 1-hour level, it is almost about to launch a second 1-hour level rebound, and the rebound target can focus on the position around 63000. After that, it is expected that there will be a third 1-hour level decline, and the target can be seen at the support area around 58000. From the perspective of the 15-minute level, it is still in the first 15-minute level rebound stage, and it is necessary to pay attention to the area around 62000 to 62500. After that, it will experience the second 15-minute level callback and the third 15-minute level rebound. In summary, it is enough to make a layout around the high altitude at night.

For the evening big cake: short around 62500-62800, looking at around 61500-61000

For the evening second cake: short around 2450-2480, looking at 2400-2370#加密市场急跌 #非农人数大幅升温 #美国失业率创6月以来新低 er
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Afternoon thoughts: At present, from the observation of the four-hour level and the daily chart, after touching the bottom support, the trend has a faint sign of reversal. The bottom of the K-line continues to rise, and the subsequent focus should be on the closing of the K-line. However, judging from yesterday's performance, the upper resistance is still quite strong. In addition, BOLL shows a closing posture. As far as the day is concerned, before the arrival of non-agricultural data, there is a high probability that it will continue to fluctuate within the resistance and support range. As for whether the specific trend is a reversal and a sharp decline, it must wait until the data is released to know. Therefore, daytime operations need to be particularly cautious, and short-term operations can rely on the 62500-60000 range to sell high and buy low. For the afternoon big cake: around 61500-61800, looking at around 60500-60000 For the afternoon second cake: around 2380-2400, looking at around 2350-2330 #加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列
Afternoon thoughts:

At present, from the observation of the four-hour level and the daily chart, after touching the bottom support, the trend has a faint sign of reversal. The bottom of the K-line continues to rise, and the subsequent focus should be on the closing of the K-line. However, judging from yesterday's performance, the upper resistance is still quite strong. In addition, BOLL shows a closing posture. As far as the day is concerned, before the arrival of non-agricultural data, there is a high probability that it will continue to fluctuate within the resistance and support range. As for whether the specific trend is a reversal and a sharp decline, it must wait until the data is released to know. Therefore, daytime operations need to be particularly cautious, and short-term operations can rely on the 62500-60000 range to sell high and buy low.

For the afternoon big cake: around 61500-61800, looking at around 60500-60000

For the afternoon second cake: around 2380-2400, looking at around 2350-2330

#加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列
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Midnight thoughts: Big cake is under pressure from high positions and retreats repeatedly. The upper resistance is gradually expanding, and the shorts are ready to exert their strength at any time. It is definitely not feasible to buy the bottom in this market. Since the interest rate cut, the bullish sentiment has been full, and this wave of retreat is inevitable! Midnight is still around the high-altitude layout. For midnight big cake: short near the rebound of 62400-62700, look at 61900-61600 For midnight second cake: short near the rebound of 2510-2530, look at 2480-2460. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
Midnight thoughts:

Big cake is under pressure from high positions and retreats repeatedly. The upper resistance is gradually expanding, and the shorts are ready to exert their strength at any time. It is definitely not feasible to buy the bottom in this market. Since the interest rate cut, the bullish sentiment has been full, and this wave of retreat is inevitable! Midnight is still around the high-altitude layout.

For midnight big cake: short near the rebound of 62400-62700, look at 61900-61600

For midnight second cake: short near the rebound of 2510-2530, look at 2480-2460. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
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Interpretation of the big cake market: Before the release of employment data, the market must accept the decline under a cautious attitude, and the key daily support continues to move up. The price correction range still depends on the key position! BTC prices fell for two consecutive days this week. There are many superimposed factors. The risk market is cautious at the beginning of each week. The holiday of Dongda University has caused a decrease in intraday liquidity. This week faces September employment data, etc. Before the release of key employment data, the risk market is relatively cautious. The initial trend of US stocks last night was not good. It was only after Powell’s speech that it closed up at the end of the session. Then BTC, which has recently relied on the sentiment of US stocks, will also face this kind of continuous pressure to step back. Daily moving average update The daily upper track range is 62,600-67,200. The current price is still on the upper track of the daily line, but it has fallen below the weekly upper track. The pressure from the weekly level is not small. Resistance and support The most important resistance point at present is the 64,200 weekly middle line. If it breaks through, it will return to the upper track of the weekly line, and the downward pressure will be reduced. After the breakthrough, pay attention to the 64,700 daily MA7 resistance. Support, the key position of the daily line is 62,600, which has been broken. At present, the rebound is weak, and there is a possibility of further decline in the future. Oscillation range distinction The daily line oscillates on the upper track, bulls are optimistic, and it is basically regarded as a callback. The daily line oscillates on the entire track, breaks the middle line, and the callback of the entire level of the daily line, the bulls will not be too optimistic. RSI: The index fell back to around 56 and continued to fall back. It currently maintains a neutral value. The index effectively retraced and can prepare for the subsequent pull-up. Summary: The retracement without breaking the daily support may be the most optimistic situation this week. According to the current core purpose of the Federal Reserve to maintain stability, this week's unemployment data will be an opportunity for the bulls to start this week. Wait and see the results. The short holiday of the University of Tokyo has a relatively large impact on the liquidity of the market. The intraday liquidity is indeed much lower. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #美联储11月降息预期升温
Interpretation of the big cake market: Before the release of employment data, the market must accept the decline under a cautious attitude, and the key daily support continues to move up. The price correction range still depends on the key position!

BTC prices fell for two consecutive days this week. There are many superimposed factors. The risk market is cautious at the beginning of each week. The holiday of Dongda University has caused a decrease in intraday liquidity. This week faces September employment data, etc.

Before the release of key employment data, the risk market is relatively cautious. The initial trend of US stocks last night was not good. It was only after Powell’s speech that it closed up at the end of the session. Then BTC, which has recently relied on the sentiment of US stocks, will also face this kind of continuous pressure to step back.

Daily moving average update

The daily upper track range is 62,600-67,200. The current price is still on the upper track of the daily line, but it has fallen below the weekly upper track. The pressure from the weekly level is not small.

Resistance and support

The most important resistance point at present is the 64,200 weekly middle line. If it breaks through, it will return to the upper track of the weekly line, and the downward pressure will be reduced. After the breakthrough, pay attention to the 64,700 daily MA7 resistance.

Support, the key position of the daily line is 62,600, which has been broken. At present, the rebound is weak, and there is a possibility of further decline in the future.

Oscillation range distinction

The daily line oscillates on the upper track, bulls are optimistic, and it is basically regarded as a callback. The daily line oscillates on the entire track, breaks the middle line, and the callback of the entire level of the daily line, the bulls will not be too optimistic.

RSI: The index fell back to around 56 and continued to fall back. It currently maintains a neutral value. The index effectively retraced and can prepare for the subsequent pull-up.


The retracement without breaking the daily support may be the most optimistic situation this week. According to the current core purpose of the Federal Reserve to maintain stability, this week's unemployment data will be an opportunity for the bulls to start this week. Wait and see the results.

The short holiday of the University of Tokyo has a relatively large impact on the liquidity of the market. The intraday liquidity is indeed much lower. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #美联储11月降息预期升温
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Evening thoughts: The price of Bitcoin fell and closed negative in the past two days on the daily chart, and the price fell below the MA10 daily moving average (64500). However, from the overall trend, this wave of callback is not enough to change the bullish trend pattern, and the long-term upward trend may still be supported. In the short-term hourly chart, the Bollinger Bands open downward, indicating that the market may be in a downward trend in the short term. In the MACD indicator, DIF and DEA are below the zero axis, the price is below the EMA7 and EMA30 moving averages, the negative range of the MACD histogram is expanding, and the K, D, and J in the KDJ indicator diverge downward, indicating that the market short-selling force is increasing and may continue to decline in the short term. On the whole, Bitcoin cannot rule out the possibility of continuing to step back in the short term, and it is necessary to pay close attention to the support level of the lower track of the Bollinger Bands at 62500. If it can be held, the market may rebound; if it fails to hold, it may fall further. For the big cake in the evening: long around 62800-62500, looking at around 63300-63600 For the second cake in the evening: long around 2580-2560, looking at around 2610-2630#鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
Evening thoughts:

The price of Bitcoin fell and closed negative in the past two days on the daily chart, and the price fell below the MA10 daily moving average (64500). However, from the overall trend, this wave of callback is not enough to change the bullish trend pattern, and the long-term upward trend may still be supported. In the short-term hourly chart, the Bollinger Bands open downward, indicating that the market may be in a downward trend in the short term. In the MACD indicator, DIF and DEA are below the zero axis, the price is below the EMA7 and EMA30 moving averages, the negative range of the MACD histogram is expanding, and the K, D, and J in the KDJ indicator diverge downward, indicating that the market short-selling force is increasing and may continue to decline in the short term. On the whole, Bitcoin cannot rule out the possibility of continuing to step back in the short term, and it is necessary to pay close attention to the support level of the lower track of the Bollinger Bands at 62500. If it can be held, the market may rebound; if it fails to hold, it may fall further.

For the big cake in the evening: long around 62800-62500, looking at around 63300-63600

For the second cake in the evening: long around 2580-2560, looking at around 2610-2630#鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
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1. Data comparison and analysis Today, the market rebounded, and risk appetite increased significantly. The proportion of altcoins gradually increased, but the overall volume was still shrinking. Market sentiment was more optimistic than on Monday. From the stablecoin data, the total market value of stablecoins in the market decreased by 800 million in a single day, which is the largest single-day market value drop in recent times. The current total amount is 173 billion. Specifically: • In terms of USDT, the official website data showed a decrease of 37 million from yesterday, and the data website showed that its market value decreased by 115 million. At the same time, the trading volume increased by 13.2%, which means that although a small part of the funds left the market, Asian and European funds showed an active buying trend. • USDC official website data decreased by 712 million, and the trading volume increased by 36.8%. It can be seen that the funds in the US area both flowed out and bought, forming a turnover situation. 2. Summary and Outlook On the second trading day of this week, the market activity gradually increased. The funds fluctuated greatly and were in a game. Some people bought optimistically and some people left the market temporarily. We need to pay close attention to whether the US stock market can continue to drive BTC up and further boost the market. Specific data can be obtained on the official website on Saturday to gain a more accurate insight into market dynamics. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
1. Data comparison and analysis

Today, the market rebounded, and risk appetite increased significantly. The proportion of altcoins gradually increased, but the overall volume was still shrinking. Market sentiment was more optimistic than on Monday.

From the stablecoin data, the total market value of stablecoins in the market decreased by 800 million in a single day, which is the largest single-day market value drop in recent times. The current total amount is 173 billion. Specifically:

• In terms of USDT, the official website data showed a decrease of 37 million from yesterday, and the data website showed that its market value decreased by 115 million. At the same time, the trading volume increased by 13.2%, which means that although a small part of the funds left the market, Asian and European funds showed an active buying trend.

• USDC official website data decreased by 712 million, and the trading volume increased by 36.8%. It can be seen that the funds in the US area both flowed out and bought, forming a turnover situation.

2. Summary and Outlook

On the second trading day of this week, the market activity gradually increased. The funds fluctuated greatly and were in a game. Some people bought optimistically and some people left the market temporarily. We need to pay close attention to whether the US stock market can continue to drive BTC up and further boost the market. Specific data can be obtained on the official website on Saturday to gain a more accurate insight into market dynamics. #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
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