#BitcoinHashRateSurge Wrong is he who buys the success of this world with the difficulties of things... Strengthening the weak points, where will it take you... Will you become 5% better, for example??... While strengthening the strong points is the most important... and will give you a strong push... Repeat what you know a lot and learn what you can and is easy to learn... If you are able to change, do it, but do not consider it life or death
#CryptoReboundStrategy The road to success begins with setting a goal... You cannot work without a goal... If you do not have a goal, make it your goal to set the goal The goal has specifications that do not turn into a dream or an illusion It is closely linked to the work...It has a specific duration...It is measurable...Realistic and specific...Achievable
Once in a media interview, the late genius artist Youssef Wahbi was asked: "Who is the best actor in the Arab world after Youssef Wahbi?" He answered them with confidence and said: "Neither before nor after... The best actor in the Arab world is Mahmoud El-Meligy! Honestly, is there more objectivity and detachment than this?"
So what do you think? If we go back through the different generations, who do you think deserves the title of best actor in the Arab world?
With the sound of rain beating on the glass, Enas stood with her delicate hands holding a cup of hot cocoa made of water She had always considered it her safe haven since her childhood... It was always her mother who offered her a solution to sleep or help her focus or as an effective treatment for the ghosts in her room... He was always her hero... And from behind the glass... Torrents of rain were falling from the sky, caught by the trees in a desperate attempt to prevent them from hitting the ground It might have been a normal picture if Enas was in her home, but she was in the Marwa Hotel... An old hotel there on the North Coast... And behind her was her husband, half naked, and in front of her was the dark black sea that did not care about the rain... Swallowing it without being affected and even capable of swallowing her personally... And her husband lit the last cigarette in his pack... He rolled up the empty pack and threw it in the trash can... He looked in surprise at Enas, who was completely naked... And asked her, "What's wrong with you???" She didn't answer at first... but she just took one sip from her cup of hot cocoa... and turned to him silently... What's wrong??? Wasn't that what you asked of me??
معا...اليدين و القدمين تشابكا...لو كنت تنظر عليهم من سقف الغرفة فلن تستطيع أن تميز اميرة ذات الأربعين عاما عن حسام الطالب فى كلية التجارة الفرقة الأولى ...الاثنين تلاحما معا...أصبحا حيوان واحد له ظهران..لن ينفصلا الان...أمامهم دقائق و عندهما تنطلق القنبلة المنوية سينفصلان إلى حيوانان لكل منهما ظهر واحد...ليست المرة الأولى و لهذا كان حسام متمكنا ماكرا يعرف كيف يخضعها...و هى كانت سعيدة بذلك...عقلها البسيط يجعلها ترى ما يحدث لحظات سعيدة تسرقها من زمنها الذى اقترب من الزوال...تسارعت الحركات و تزايدت ضربات القلوب ...تزايدت الاهات...اقتربت لحظة انفجار القنبلة الوحيدة القادرة على فصل هذا الحيوان ..تصلب حسام و ضغط بكلتا يديه و زاد ضغطا بقدميه على اميرة..و ترك الشلال يتدفق داخل اميرة ...التى همدت حركتها و سكنت...و انتظرت فى صبر أن ترتوى... فجاءة انفصلا الجسدان..و عاد كل حيوان منهما إلى طبيعته...يسحب الهواء و يسرقه من الاخر فى جشع و كأن الهواء سينتهى...جلست اميرة فى صمت و قررت و لاول مرة أن تدخن...جريمة تخاف منها منذ كانت طفلة...و حين همت بها...انفتح الباب...ارتعبت اميرة و انتفض حسام...كان اياد صديقه و فى عينيه الغضب...رعب اميرة جعلها تقف عارية فى نصف الغرفة... تستكمل لاحقا
A player came on in the 97th minute and the match ended in the 100th minute. He had nothing to do but hit the little football boy... something strange.
Your success is not in the quantity of what you sell… Your success is in who comes back to buy from you 🔹 Selling is not a goal… Repeated sales are what build a stable project. 🔹 The customer who buys once may be a guest… But the one who comes back is the one who builds your success. 🔹 Build a relationship with the customer… Not just an invoice. The customer who comes back… is your real treasure
This is the Egyptian league table Look down...down like this... You will find a club at the bottom of the table Future...God enlighten you Imagine, citizen, that Future has 2 points from 7 matches...bringing two goals...so lost This club has 6 professionals who get paid in dollars in a country where you can't find anything, where gasoline, medicine and food are expensive, and where there is a shortage of many medicines... Not only that...its only accusation is that the 6 players participated in one match...not that he brought them in, how and why??? Measure everything in Egypt by this
#الذهب A value preserver and not an investment because it does not generate periodic profits A safe haven in crises and natural disasters The best choice for small investors to preserve the value of their money Purchase monthly or weekly Gold is medium to long-term