In these 2 conversions you paid 2 fees, you could have done it directly without having to convert to USDT, thus saving on the fee, converting from BRL to BTC.
Boy! There is no one dumber than a PT supporter! These bunch of donkeys think that buying crypto with the Brazilian real will be having an advantage kkkkkkk where the dominance is dollar. lol
Boy! There is no one dumber than a PT supporter! These bunch of donkeys think that buying crypto with the Brazilian real will be having an advantage kkkkkkk where the dominance is dollar. lol
With the fall of the market $1MBABYDOGE remains at around 0.0051, 0.0050, even when falling, continues to remain firm and strong! where the same happened when it was falling at the level of 0.0039, 0.0040 where in a correction it remained in position, when an increase came it quickly surpassed the level of 0.0050 reaching 0.0062, probably in the next increase it will reach the level of 0.0070 .