Traders are the most stressful person in the world.When they make a loss, they say they should have reduced it. When they make a profit, they say they should have increased it. Regret! Regret! Regret! $BTC $ETH $XRP
Trading is very simple probably a person make trading hard or easy it is all depends on us. Nowadays everyone is Mentor they thinks that money is grow on trees and personally i believe that don't use trading for survival purpose. Trading is passion. Trading is not what you think? Trading is the best teacher for those people who adopt trading as a career. Big Loss is your Big lesson keep it in mind! $BTC $ETH $XRP
i am trading on #Binance from this age and i have a experience of 2 year i know one thing about trading. Trading is 90% waiting don't waste your parents money on future/Option trading. Just believe on crypto cycle and learn crypto from books, especially use coinglass application for good opportunity. $BTC $ETH $XRP
if you have bnb you can stake on binance web3 and earn myshell coin from pancake sponser platform minimum stake 3 bnb. hurry up some hoirs left. $CAKE $BNB #BNBChainMeme