برای اینکه بتوانید در بازار های مالی پایدار بمانید و به قلعه های بلند موفقیت برسید و یک تریدر عالی شوید پس با سنور بپیوندید استاد عالی و با تجربه از میان افغانها برای افغانها افتخار وطن 🇦🇫🥰👑 #sanor016CommUNITY #sanor016 #Binance #Afghanistan @sanor016
Dressed in formal attire, Wright refuted claims that Satoshi (a pseudonym for Bitcoin's founder) was a hoax. He claimed that the documents supporting Satoshi's claim, including the Bitcoin white paper, were fake. Wright denied Satoshi's claims and clarified the ambiguities in the present arguments with his lawyers. The court is currently examining the evidence and various allegations related to this case, and Wright is in the interrogation stage.