Google recently announced the development of the Quantum AI service, which uses advanced quantum computing. This technology is capable of solving complex problems very quickly compared to traditional computers. For example, it was able to solve a complex problem in just 5 minutes, while traditional computers would have needed 10 million trillion years to solve it. To clarify, this number means 1 followed by 19 zeros.
Why is this important? Quantum computing poses a major threat to the security of cryptocurrencies, because it is capable of breaking current encryption technologies at a very high speed. Simply put, your digital wallet may be at risk.
The purpose of this warning
The purpose is not to scare you, but you must be aware of these developments and maintain your digital security. Quantum computing may change the shape of cryptocurrencies in the future, and this requires you to be careful and follow up on anything new.
You can't buy or sell, the deal value must be $5 or higher.
Please advise, guys. If a currency was bought for $1, the next day it became $2. Do I need to sell or transfer this profit to my personal account or keep these profits safe? Can someone explain this point!? Thank you.