Cycle layout: In this wave of market, some traditional currencies will be very strong, because the main funds are in the West. Similar to the memes and currencies on Doggo, Sui, and Sol that are linked to tradition.
But many people have forgotten a coin, that is Ton. Whether it is a product that is closely related to the cryptocurrency circle or a funding body that is Western, the main reason is that the founder of Telegram was arrested. Although he was released on bail, he is currently under house arrest and cannot leave France. This has affected the takeoff of this wave of Ton, but it is only a matter of time.
Secondly, half a year ago, I said that this wave was definitely a Meme market, and vc coins did not seem to have much growth.
In PVP, amidst the clamor of ten times a day and a hundred times in two days, I once thought that blockchain was no longer a representative of the encrypted civilization, but rather a world of gamblers. In April, when the market fell into a slump, Why joined Meme, continuously advancing in BSC. Compared to the complexity outside, Why on the BSC chain is like a doer, with no empty words, only hard work, no FOMO, only build. Transaction fees are permanently destroyed, and the only one that permanently empowers BNB is Why on BSC. The monsoon of the Pacific has stirred up the heat wave of the Huangpu River. The wind will eventually blow on BSC. #DOGE看涨情绪飙升 #比特币搜索热度攀升 #why
Today I saw news about act and pumt being listed on Binance spot. First, congratulations to both of you for enduring the painful night and waiting for dawn, while the why community continues to forge ahead. I believe that tomorrow's sun will shine on the diligent and hardworking elephant, why. The first impression of why is: a frenzy after FOMO (in dreams). A cheerful and carefree dance (in real life), compared to many serious and great expressions, why is adorable. In practice, why does not act carelessly with laughter, but executes with seriousness and rigor. Why has participated in countless offline events, happily carrying heavy signs to check in everywhere. Why is optimistic and positive. Since its launch, why has been around for eight months. In this year's meme lineup, it is quickly becoming an elder. The passion of the community and the soaring fighting spirit, every time it experiences FUD, it is reborn. The strength of the why community is endless; why possesses power. Transaction fees are permanently destroyed, permanently empowering BNB; why is unique. Memes need cultural symbols; why, the elephant, has always been praised. Steady, powerful, wise, loyal. Now I just want to ask 'why?' #币安将上市ACT、PNUT #meme板块关注热点 #why
A Memoir of a BSC Chain Meme Builder! #meme #bsc链 $TWT
The first time I played in the meme community, I chose the hardest path, the journey to vindicate BSC—community building for $why. In this community, I met many brothers and sisters from various industries and regions. Everyone is striving forward for a common goal. At the worst moment of the market, $why remained strong, allowing almost all builders to profit. As the market improved, we also overcame obstacles and earned the honor of being the first phase of the TWT POOL event, but with fame comes controversy, and the price of $why began to decline. The community was temporarily hit hard, but we were not intimidated by the difficulties. Every day, everyone encouraged each other to work hard, firmly believing that we would definitely come out of the low point, reach the summit, and overlook all the mountains. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Binance Week at the end of the month is one of the biggest events of web3. Sponsored by why, refer to Figure 3-4 This time there will be more why peripherals, and cz will also arrive at the scene.
There are only 3 coins in the entire cryptocurrency circle, which are strong enough to be washed at high levels. btc Bnb why Accept doubts. There are tens of thousands of coins in the entire cryptocurrency circle. There are large increases and depths, at least +-2% of the coins are around 200,000 US dollars. There are tens of thousands of coins in the entire cryptocurrency circle, but only 3. Don't buy strong coins, buy weak coins? #非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #9月小非农数据高于预期 #Why
$Why $Why $Why why It’s been more than half a year, and for the first time, 1% of the 5% of chips reserved for cz at the launch has been moved. A milestone event in the cryptocurrency circle is about to happen in about 10 days.
+Binance Week at the end of the month is expected to continue the popularity [Victory]
$Why is original, not similar to other memes, I think why is original, and on the bnb chain, permanently locks up lp and handling fees, and enters a black hole, pure community, pure meme, there is a real chance to become the Binance mascot, and there is a very high probability that cz and Yijie will wear $Why's clothes. Because in every Binance event, why is the brightest boy on the scene. #非农就业数据即将公布 #FTX赔偿计划 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #WHY
Regarding the first phase of Launchpool issued by Trust Wallet, Binance acquired Trust Wallet in 2018 and became the largest wallet of Binance. Binance web3 wallet is also supported by Trust Wallet. The launchpool of Binance Exchange has a market value of more than 1 billion US dollars. It is difficult for the funds and users participating in the pool to flow into the pool project. Secondly, it has been listed, and there is no expectation. It is difficult to have an effective effect of getting rich quickly. But Binance Wallet has opened a Pool on the chain, and medium-sized projects can participate, and then it will also help the development of high-quality medium-sized projects in the industry, and it can also empower bnb more. The funds and users participating in the pool will also flow into the pool project, because there is enough expectation + such a large volume and funds + exposure to medium-sized projects, and it will not be the same as the pool of Binance Exchange, with a large market value and small expectations.
This is another milestone event. I also hope that the first phase of Binance Wallet on the chain can create the same matic as the first phase of launchpad.
A market value of 500 million, above An An, no community old coin, A market value of 300 million, just one month after it came out, it has only increased 3 times to 300 million, no community, no full circulation, A market value of 100 million, from 2 million market value step by step by the community, 3 months of interval washing, BNB official first investment, participate in all Binance Labs and BNB official offline activities, When BSC was the most difficult, it has been working, bringing funds and traffic from outside, BSC is the strongest community, and the handling fee is permanently destroyed, and there is permanent deflation.
Listen to the words of the first sister, grow together with the community, instead of directly welcoming the community with a market value of several hundred million at the beginning.
#本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #meme板块关注热点 #bnb每日打卡 Before the bull market started Doge series tokens were in full swing There was the epic airdrop led by TG's dogs, and then there was the capitalization dispute of neiro. At the same time, TRON's sundog also saw a thousand-fold increase. Dogecoin will not disappoint everyone who believes in it. However, the above are just appetizers The biggest one must happen in @BNBCHAIN Binance has the world's most powerful exchange It also has the top connections Spiritual leader cz will return this month The Fed's interest rate cut is about to start These two narratives indicate that BSC's feast is already on the table The king of 21 years will take back everything that belongs to him. If @binance also needs a leading Memecoin, it must be $WHY. $WHY has fair chips and a hot community, and every hard-working pusher. These are the cornerstones of $why's success. $why is a nuclear bomb. If the fomo sentiment is detonated, it will directly increase by ten or even twenty times. I am also very sure that $WHY has the right time (bull market driven by the Fed's interest rate cut), the right place (cz returns + bsc is popular), and the right people (the strong consensus and ecology of the $WHY community is about to explode). So the road will not be difficult. Hold the#Bnbin your hand tightly, and buy some#whyby the way. Witness the birth of the new king together. Ca: 0x9ec02756a559700d8d9e79ece56809f7bcc5dc27 $Why The first one to make a real community meme in BSC, from 2 million US dollars to 120 million US dollars in market value. A real meme product in BSC, Not fake, not routine. #DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #WHY
$Why Permanent deflation, ecological empowerment. V3 handling fees are permanently destroyed, and every on-chain transaction is destroyed. The Meme boom will soon start, BSC supports Meme, It will explode, and 5-10X will only take a while. The most anticipated meme in the entire currency circle is #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #why
I think many people are speculating who is the leading meme of BSC, which is a very stupid question. Why does Binance have so many memes? Who did the first wave of BSC when it was the most difficult? Uh uh uh uh, I think the most awesome meme should be used by BNB officials to compete with wif pepe and other chains. It takes time to develop. Many big events came out in late September-October. They are super big events, and each one is no less than the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The biggest one is the trump card, which requires the best market, the best layout, and the best precipitation to compete with wif and pepe#token2049 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #why飞到月球买了why你将来也会幸
65000-52500. Almost 20% downside space, 2 weeks of downside time without rebound, both time and space are almost in place, those who want to buy coins can start to place positions, any subsequent downside space and time will be fed back into the violent rebound later, as for whether it is a rebound or a reversal, it depends on whether there are events during the rebound process, whether the stimulus is strong enough, and whether the funds derived from the reversal in the rebound can enter, anyway, whether it is a rebound or a reversal, there is no need to worry too much in the short term. The decline is to release risks. Due to ETF reasons, BTC cannot fall out of a big panic. According to the past, BTC should be 30,000, if it cannot be cleared violently, then time can only be used to exchange space, the decline becomes smaller during the period, the time is prolonged, and the shock is repeatedly washed. Finally, remember to remind, don't forget why, this wave of bear market is the only demon coin in the past six months. #WHY是一头躁郁症大象FOMO之后的横冲 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?