The world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve rapidly, and the future promises to be even more exciting. As we approach March 2025, speculation is rife about the possible price movement of Bitcoin (BTC) and how new cryptocurrencies and forgotten projects could re-emerge.
Bitcoin has shown remarkable resilience and growth this year. According to several analyses, the price of BTC is expected to continue its upward trend. Some experts predict that by March 2025, the price of Bitcoin could reach between $100,000 and $130,000. This growth is due to several factors, including institutional adoption, favorable regulation, and increasing acceptance as a store of value through the approval of ETFs.
No, only the cash payment method was the one that worked when you met directly in your area with the buyer/seller and handed over the cash.
P2P CASH CLOSURE #p2p Is Binance actually closing P2P trading? Hey guys, I just received this email from Binance...does this mean that P2P trading will be closed or is there another meaning of this 🤔
what a son of......he already knew about the fall, he is part of the naive we have been....
El Salvador, Nayib Bukele and Bitcoin
In the last 7 days, El Salvador had been making headlines in the cryptocurrency world because it had paused its daily Bitcoin purchases since February 17, which generated speculation about possible economic pressures or influences from the IMF, without an official explanation. Some even claimed that there was no money left to continue purchasing Bitcoin. Surprisingly, the country resumed acquisitions on February 24, buying 7 more BTC (for $659,750), raising its reserves to 6,088 BTC, valued at over $572 million.
The biggest liquidation in history?? How long have you been here, 2 years maybe??? 😅😅 poor creature you haven't seen anything...... when you think you are doing badly, remember that it can get worse...
Jake Floe fWEs
We all thought that with Trump in the presidency we would go to the moon, on the contrary, we have just witnessed the largest liquidation in history, I still believe that great things are coming.
I have been here since 2020, I heard the same thing about no Altseason, and I said Altseason, what is that??? 😅
⏩️About Market what is going on now is much Confusing Traders and some new traders,. 👉 I want to tell you that Please Calm down and Relax market will reinstate their condition time to fly will come for Altcoins and altcoins will prosper more and more. 👉Just remember in 2021 year of bullrun people was in confused till January to February so, Now in 2025 we are here in February and nothing happen so don't give up and be patient time is coming soon we have to wait alitlebit while. ⏩️Remember Altcoins bullrun is on the way waitalittlebit while.🚀🚀🚀🚀
Check below the confussions occur in 2020 up to 2021👇👇👇
The cryptocurrency market has experienced exponential growth in recent years, attracting investors from all over the world looking for lucrative investment opportunities. However, this market has also been subject to manipulation by dishonest actors seeking to take advantage of the lack of regulation and transparency in this area. This is why preventing manipulation in the cryptocurrency market has become an increasingly pressing concern for regulators, companies, and users.
Jerome already knows what's baking, he also wants a bit of that cake 🍰 🚀📈🥳
🔥🔥 جيروم باول يتجاهل الرئيس ترامب و يصرح تصريحات قوية و الأسواق تتفاعل بشكل إيجابي.
🔥 صرح جيروم باول قائلا: لن أعلق على ما قاله الرئيس ترامب ولم أتواصل معه حتى الآن، و لن اخضع لاي طلبات من الرئيس ترامب وسنفعل مانراه مناسباً.
🔥 و أضاف قائلا : في الوقت الحالي يوجد القليل من عدم اليقين بسبب التحولات الكبيرة في السياسة، ولكن يجب أن تمر. إن سوق العمل مستقرا على نطاق واسع وهذا ممتاز
🔥 لقد اخترنا للتو الغاء الجملة المتعلقة بالتضخم، ولا يهدف الغاء الجملة على التضخم إلى إرسال أي إشارة سلبية؛
🔥 لم يتغير تقييمي لموقف السياسة النقدية ؛ السياسة بالأصل أقل تشدداً بشكل كبير مما كانت عليه قبل التخفيضات.
🔥 الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لعام 2024 قد ارتفع إلى أكثر من 2٪.؛ يبدو أن النشاط في قطاع العقار قد استقر.
🔥 كان هذا متوقعا لان ترامب ليس من صلاحيات إقالة جيروم باول. إن استقلال الفدرالي الأمريكي سر قوته و قوة الاقتصاد الامريكي.