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The daily Bollinger channel continues to open upward, and the K line continues to hit the 31-day high, which is within reach. The EAM30 mentioned above is also breaking through the overlap of EMA120 and EMA80. Could it be that the bull market has ushered in a second spring this year? EMA60 follows closely. If it also breaks through, it is possible to touch the 68,000 mark, which is the top of the trend line mentioned by Long Bo; but it is the weekend, and it is still a bit unrealistic for the market to have a big breakthrough; but there are always unexpected surprises in the market, and everything is possible. We just need to be prepared for both! Based on the above indicators, Long Bo believes that the long space has not yet been completed. The operation strategy is still based on the retracement of low longs, and the short shorts can be taken if the range does not break the high! The operation suggestion is to go long with a light position in the retracement range of 65400-64900; reserve the 64400-64100 range for replenishment below, stop loss at 63800, and target 65800-66300-66900; after breaking through 67000-67300, you can hold it until near the 68000 mark! Short orders need to be arranged in combination with real market changes! #HMSTR开盘 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高
The daily Bollinger channel continues to open upward, and the K line continues to hit the 31-day high, which is within reach. The EAM30 mentioned above is also breaking through the overlap of EMA120 and EMA80. Could it be that the bull market has ushered in a second spring this year? EMA60 follows closely. If it also breaks through, it is possible to touch the 68,000 mark, which is the top of the trend line mentioned by Long Bo; but it is the weekend, and it is still a bit unrealistic for the market to have a big breakthrough; but there are always unexpected surprises in the market, and everything is possible. We just need to be prepared for both!

Based on the above indicators, Long Bo believes that the long space has not yet been completed. The operation strategy is still based on the retracement of low longs, and the short shorts can be taken if the range does not break the high!

The operation suggestion is to go long with a light position in the retracement range of 65400-64900; reserve the 64400-64100 range for replenishment below, stop loss at 63800, and target 65800-66300-66900; after breaking through 67000-67300, you can hold it until near the 68000 mark!

Short orders need to be arranged in combination with real market changes! #HMSTR开盘 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高
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As early as early September, "Longbo" began to predict that the pie would continue to move toward the 66,000 position! #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 The market conditions also lived up to expectations and reached the 66,000 level. It is expected that the market will move to a higher position in early October. Let’s look at the 70,000 mark first
As early as early September, "Longbo" began to predict that the pie would continue to move toward the 66,000 position!
#美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高
The market conditions also lived up to expectations and reached the 66,000 level. It is expected that the market will move to a higher position in early October. Let’s look at the 70,000 mark first
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No matter how the market washes, it is still bullish. Two time points for market changes: European session and early morning. As long as there is no big drop in the early morning and no big drop during the day, there will basically be no market change. Therefore, for the peak, focus on next week, especially the days after the National Day. Remember, the upper shadow line is filled when it rises, and the lower shadow line is filled when it falls. Don't worry about the upper shadow line on the daily line affecting the rise. The current trend is still looking up. It was strong from Monday to Thursday, and it naturally became stronger on Friday. I tested 64700 again. Good thing, the watershed is established. But relatively bad things, there are too many adjustments. For us who have always emphasized long and long, long-term orders will also be washed out. In addition to not setting a stop loss, as long as a stop loss is set, it will be washed out. But the expected acceleration still did not come. For the daily line, there is still one wave, I hope it is not during the National Day. 1. The price has not deviated significantly from the short-term moving average. 2. The price has not risen significantly, and it is not forced to short. This kind of advance three and retreat two is just a wash. So, continue to be bullish. Yesterday's pattern was also bullish but not rising during the day. The European session was strong, but the secondary strength of the US session was not enough. #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美联储11月降息预期升温
No matter how the market washes, it is still bullish.
Two time points for market changes: European session and early morning.
As long as there is no big drop in the early morning and no big drop during the day, there will basically be no market change.
Therefore, for the peak, focus on next week, especially the days after the National Day.
Remember, the upper shadow line is filled when it rises, and the lower shadow line is filled when it falls. Don't worry about the upper shadow line on the daily line affecting the rise. The current trend is still looking up.
It was strong from Monday to Thursday, and it naturally became stronger on Friday.
I tested 64700 again. Good thing, the watershed is established.
But relatively bad things, there are too many adjustments. For us who have always emphasized long and long, long-term orders will also be washed out. In addition to not setting a stop loss, as long as a stop loss is set, it will be washed out.
But the expected acceleration still did not come. For the daily line, there is still one wave, I hope it is not during the National Day.
1. The price has not deviated significantly from the short-term moving average.
2. The price has not risen significantly, and it is not forced to short. This kind of advance three and retreat two is just a wash.
So, continue to be bullish.
Yesterday's pattern was also bullish but not rising during the day. The European session was strong, but the secondary strength of the US session was not enough. #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美联储11月降息预期升温
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9.26 Thursday Morning Analysis Oscillating Adjustment, Bullish Still The recent price trend is still relatively slow. Yesterday's early high was still under pressure at the 65,000 mark. This heavy pressure level is expected to be a bit difficult to break through directly in the short term, but from the trend point of view, it still belongs to the bullish direction. The subsequent operation of Silk Road is still low and long The four-hour level currently presents an oscillating upward adjustment channel. At present, the price is running very regularly within the channel. If the channel is not broken, we can participate in low and long around the channel! Intraday operation suggestions Big cake 62500-63000 line directly do Duo, look up to 65000 line, and defend 62000 Yitai synchronous Duo 2550 line directly do Duo, look up to 2650, and defend 2500! The above suggestions are for reference only! #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
9.26 Thursday Morning Analysis Oscillating Adjustment, Bullish Still
The recent price trend is still relatively slow. Yesterday's early high was still under pressure at the 65,000 mark. This heavy pressure level is expected to be a bit difficult to break through directly in the short term, but from the trend point of view, it still belongs to the bullish direction. The subsequent operation of Silk Road is still low and long

The four-hour level currently presents an oscillating upward adjustment channel. At present, the price is running very regularly within the channel. If the channel is not broken, we can participate in low and long around the channel!

Intraday operation suggestions
Big cake 62500-63000 line directly do Duo, look up to 65000 line, and defend 62000

Yitai synchronous Duo 2550 line directly do Duo, look up to 2650, and defend 2500!
The above suggestions are for reference only! #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
今日,大饼再度发力,逼近 60000 关口,最高涨至 64800 附近,刷新近一个月新高,致使大量空头被击穿。市场上众多朋友因此受创。 大饼前高 65000 为短期阻力位。上攻屡次无法突破后,一度回调至 63000 支撑上方进行修整。大家可在支撑低点附近择机进场,继续看向冲击 65000 关口阻力。#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
今日,大饼再度发力,逼近 60000 关口,最高涨至 64800 附近,刷新近一个月新高,致使大量空头被击穿。市场上众多朋友因此受创。

大饼前高 65000 为短期阻力位。上攻屡次无法突破后,一度回调至 63000 支撑上方进行修整。大家可在支撑低点附近择机进场,继续看向冲击 65000 关口阻力。#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
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BTC pushed up again last night when we thought it was going to adjust downwards. So the recent market is neither up nor down, which is very exhausting. From the daily line, we can see that it has been consolidating under the resistance of 65k for 6 days and nearly a week. If it consolidates for a long enough time, it is possible to consume the shorts and then break through. But before the resistance is broken, no one knows whether it will be adjusted. At present, the daily kdj indicator has also shown a top divergence state, and there are signs of crossing and forming a dead fork, so long positions still have to break through the resistance of 65k, otherwise they still need to wait for a callback to make a layout. Therefore, partners who want to do short-term swing trading can refer to the current hourly structure. If the price falls below the channel, it is likely to adjust downward, and you can arrange short positions appropriately. If the channel is broken, the structure will be adjusted, and it will not fall even if it falls, indicating that the willingness to rise is strong, and we must seize the opportunity to chase the rise. #AI概念币普涨 #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
BTC pushed up again last night when we thought it was going to adjust downwards. So the recent market is neither up nor down, which is very exhausting.

From the daily line, we can see that it has been consolidating under the resistance of 65k for 6 days and nearly a week. If it consolidates for a long enough time, it is possible to consume the shorts and then break through. But before the resistance is broken, no one knows whether it will be adjusted. At present, the daily kdj indicator has also shown a top divergence state, and there are signs of crossing and forming a dead fork, so long positions still have to break through the resistance of 65k, otherwise they still need to wait for a callback to make a layout.

Therefore, partners who want to do short-term swing trading can refer to the current hourly structure. If the price falls below the channel, it is likely to adjust downward, and you can arrange short positions appropriately.

If the channel is broken, the structure will be adjusted, and it will not fall even if it falls, indicating that the willingness to rise is strong, and we must seize the opportunity to chase the rise. #AI概念币普涨 #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据
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Big 🫓63316, 64406 came out, and 1090 meters of space was left! Second 🫓2617, 2655 came out, and 38 meters of space was left!
Big 🫓63316, 64406 came out, and 1090 meters of space was left!
Second 🫓2617, 2655 came out, and 38 meters of space was left!
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Regret for the defeat, the flower bloomed halfway and fell, the winning streak was interrupted
Regret for the defeat, the flower bloomed halfway and fell, the winning streak was interrupted
比特币高位盘整周期开始了,多头受阻65000整数关口,大级别趋势看多不变,短周期出现横盘趋势,先看眼前的盘口,目前四小时K线形态在63000至64000区间内波动,形成了一个相对稳定的箱体整理形态23日08点到12点期间出现了一次明显的上影线较长的K线,从盘口判断上方压力有效 技术指标MACD处于零轴下方,但DIF和DEA逐渐靠近,有金叉迹象,表明短期可能有反弹需求。RSI目前在54.3左右,市场情绪中性偏多横盘行情,EMA趋势指标呈现多头排列,但是长期趋势依然向好。短期来看横盘基本已经确定,上方有强压,下方存在一定支撑,思路上建议逢高做空逢低做多常规思路灵活多变。#AI概念币普涨 #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 做多63000,防守62500,止损62000,目标64500 做空64500,防守65000,止损65500,目标63000

技术指标MACD处于零轴下方,但DIF和DEA逐渐靠近,有金叉迹象,表明短期可能有反弹需求。RSI目前在54.3左右,市场情绪中性偏多横盘行情,EMA趋势指标呈现多头排列,但是长期趋势依然向好。短期来看横盘基本已经确定,上方有强压,下方存在一定支撑,思路上建议逢高做空逢低做多常规思路灵活多变。#AI概念币普涨 #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据

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In the evening, Duotan’s strategy will be announced to keep up with eating meat for 700 yuan!
In the evening, Duotan’s strategy will be announced to keep up with eating meat for 700 yuan!
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At the daily level, with the Fed's interest rate cut announcement, Bitcoin has strongly broken through the 63,000 line. As mentioned earlier, once the market breaks through the long-short trend watershed, it is expected to hit the 65,000-67,000 line. The current resistance is temporarily at the previous high of 64,000-65,000, and the support is at 62,500-63,000. Ethereum has repeatedly mentioned that the 2,400 line is very critical, which is the horn of the bulls' counterattack. If it breaks through, it is expected to hit the 2,550-2,600 line. Ethereum opened today to make up for the rise. The current resistance is 2,680-2,720, and the support is 2,600. In 4 hours, Bitcoin Ethereum hit a high again and fell back. It is expected that it will further explore new pressure levels in the future. It is recommended to go long in the future! Operation idea: Go long in the trend! Bitcoin 62500-63000 long, target 64000-65000, stop loss 62000 Ethereum 2600-2620 long, target 2680-2750, stop loss 2550 Strategy is time-sensitive, specific private real-time guidance is the main! #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #美联储宣布降息50个基点
At the daily level, with the Fed's interest rate cut announcement, Bitcoin has strongly broken through the 63,000 line. As mentioned earlier, once the market breaks through the long-short trend watershed, it is expected to hit the 65,000-67,000 line. The current resistance is temporarily at the previous high of 64,000-65,000, and the support is at 62,500-63,000. Ethereum has repeatedly mentioned that the 2,400 line is very critical, which is the horn of the bulls' counterattack. If it breaks through, it is expected to hit the 2,550-2,600 line. Ethereum opened today to make up for the rise. The current resistance is 2,680-2,720, and the support is 2,600.

In 4 hours, Bitcoin Ethereum hit a high again and fell back. It is expected that it will further explore new pressure levels in the future. It is recommended to go long in the future!
Operation idea: Go long in the trend!

Bitcoin 62500-63000 long, target 64000-65000, stop loss 62000
Ethereum 2600-2620 long, target 2680-2750, stop loss 2550
Strategy is time-sensitive, specific private real-time guidance is the main! #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #美联储宣布降息50个基点
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At noon, the layout of 63800 Duo Tan was eliminated, and the backhand of 64280 Kong Tan intervened. Half of the 4️⃣ streak ended during the day. The sniping was done in advance and the entire network was open to the public. Waiting for the flowers to bloom!
At noon, the layout of 63800 Duo Tan was eliminated, and the backhand of 64280 Kong Tan intervened. Half of the 4️⃣ streak ended during the day. The sniping was done in advance and the entire network was open to the public. Waiting for the flowers to bloom!
周一的早上是美好的开始更是美好的一周! ​ ​龙博实盘抓住金九的尾巴番沧之路仍在继续!#加密市场反弹

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Bitcoin suffered a strong dive in the evening, and the price dropped by more than a thousand points. Although it did not fall below the short-term support of 62,000, it rebounded only after the low touched 52,350, which shows the strength of this callback. In the future, we should focus on the support strength of the 62,000 line. If the callback continues and falls below this position, the price is expected to fall further. When it breaks, you can follow up with short-selling operations, but you need to pay attention to grasp the benefits. On the contrary, if this rebound can stabilize at 63,000, it is expected that the subsequent increase will continue. Operation suggestion: Long around 62,000-62,500, defend 700 yuan, and target above 64,000! Enter the market with posture, defend 40 yuan! #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #TerraformLabs破产清算
Bitcoin suffered a strong dive in the evening, and the price dropped by more than a thousand points. Although it did not fall below the short-term support of 62,000, it rebounded only after the low touched 52,350, which shows the strength of this callback.

In the future, we should focus on the support strength of the 62,000 line. If the callback continues and falls below this position, the price is expected to fall further. When it breaks, you can follow up with short-selling operations, but you need to pay attention to grasp the benefits. On the contrary, if this rebound can stabilize at 63,000, it is expected that the subsequent increase will continue.

Operation suggestion: Long around 62,000-62,500, defend 700 yuan, and target above 64,000! Enter the market with posture, defend 40 yuan! #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #TerraformLabs破产清算
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The U.S. stock market showed a volatile pattern at the opening, with hot stocks rising and falling, and the market trend lacked clear direction guidance. The key support level is 62500, and the intraday watershed is clear. The upper 64100 constitutes a pressure area, and we should adhere to the principle of not breaking or building. Flexible response. You can directly move near 62500, the target is 64000, and guard against 700 yuan. The posture is synchronized to enter the market: guard against 40 yuan #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹
The U.S. stock market showed a volatile pattern at the opening, with hot stocks rising and falling, and the market trend lacked clear direction guidance.

The key support level is 62500, and the intraday watershed is clear. The upper 64100 constitutes a pressure area, and we should adhere to the principle of not breaking or building. Flexible response.

You can directly move near 62500, the target is 64000, and guard against 700 yuan. The posture is synchronized to enter the market: guard against 40 yuan #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹
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A bright future is in your hands. You just need to muster up your courage and seize the opportunity! Meet Long Bo and let him lead you through the fog and towards a bright future.
A bright future is in your hands. You just need to muster up your courage and seize the opportunity!

Meet Long Bo and let him lead you through the fog and towards a bright future.
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3️⃣ consecutive sales within the day Only by following the trend can we ride the wind and waves and move forward steadily! Receive 1𬇕🔪!
3️⃣ consecutive sales within the day

Only by following the trend can we ride the wind and waves and move forward steadily! Receive 1𬇕🔪!
BTC:4小时级别看,价格继续保持在布林线中轨之上,走势依旧强势。 日线级别看,价格继续保持在均线之上,走势依旧强势。#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行 综上,支撑位63400,压力位64000.

日线级别看,价格继续保持在均线之上,走势依旧强势。#币安上线CATI #DODO助力Meme发行

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