🚩 A distress call from our brother Muhammad from the Gaza Strip. His circumstances are really difficult. He and his family are in famine, guys 💔 Let's all come together and help him, each according to his ability.
They are more deserving of charity. Remember, my brother, that charity will not decrease your wealth in any way. May God bless you in your trade. May God reward you.
USDT TRC-20 wallet (click to copy): TM5BEsLmCNj5gzxTUt3TrhPsRZYacAF8PR
If you can't help, share the post that indicates goodness as the doer of it, and don't forget to pray for them. By God, guys, it is a reward. By God, I donated $10. By God, help them. They are going through difficult circumstances.
السلام عليكم ياشباب اريد تعلمنوني كيف اسحب فلوسي من المنصات لاحسابي البنكي انا من اليمن كيف اسحبها عبر ايش لو سمحتو وهذ رقمي الذي راح يسعدني يتوصل بي خاص ربي يفتح عليكم 771340573