$BTC It goes up 3 times, goes down 5 times, then goes up 1 time. As a result, it only goes up 1 time. In the long term, if you buy at a low price in spot trading and don't get manipulated, you win. In leveraged trading, no matter what you do, you can't win. The rules of the game are not suitable for leverage.
$BTC It takes time to learn that money cannot be made from the Ktipto system and the system managed by artificial intelligence that is traded under the name of stock exchange. Hopefully, it won't cost you much to see the truth.
$KAVA I wonder if there is anyone who has made money from crypto and made a profit, especially in leveraged transactions, I am not talking about those who started yesterday, but those who have been in the market since before 2020
$ZEREBRO It is obvious that they do not have 5 cents of money other than the goods they have, since they cannot increase at all, they are constantly selling