$TIA can we go long around 7 bucks? I need some profit, because I lost 200 usd yesterday. I bought at 6,69 usd and closed at 6,31 usd... :/ I wanna get back.
150 margin 20 x Entry price 7 usd
What do you think? Rather wait the inflation meeting?
It's not whether you fall or make a mistake, it's what you do when you fail.And I say you stand up. You keep standing up.It"s not how many times you fall, it's how many times you stand up. #pnut #risktaker
The death of peanut the squirrel is far from over that's not stopping me.. they pump and dump the coin but I still believe this coin is something.. They manipulate.. those who are afraid to take risk put your money on spot.. one day it will sky rocket continously. This is mind game. #pnut #PNUTSurgeas #pnutgoboom