$TON The creator of the Telegram messenger, billionaire Pavel Durov, was arrested at the Paris airport. This was reported by the French news channel LCI. As the report says, the entrepreneur was accompanied by his security guard and a woman. According to local media reports, Durov arrived from Azerbaijan and was put on the federal wanted list. He was allegedly subject to a French search warrant issued by the OFMI (National Office of the Judicial Police) based on a preliminary investigation. Durov has French citizenship, but has recently avoided traveling to Europe because he thought he might be arrested, the TV channel reported. The French TV channel TF1 claims that the warrant was issued against the founder of Telegram because Durov did not cooperate with French security forces. Because of this, he is suspected of “complicity in drug trafficking and other serious crimes.” Searches are underway at Durov's French real estate properties. It is reported that investigators from ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office of the Customs Department) took Durov into custody. On Sunday they plan to charge him with numerous crimes: terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, child criminal content, etc. “Pavel Durov will definitely end up in a pre-trial detention center. On his platform, he allowed countless offenses and crimes to be committed, and did nothing to stop them or cooperate with the police,” commented one of the TF1/LCI investigators. Law enforcement officers have no doubt that after charges are filed, Durov will be kept in custody. The billionaire has the ability to escape, so the judges are unlikely to agree to house arrest. The rate of the TON cryptocurrency, which is used in the messenger, has already fallen by 12%. #ton #paveldurov #Telegram
$TON The creator of the Telegram messenger, billionaire Pavel Durov, was arrested at the Paris airport. This was reported by the French news channel LCI.
As the report says, the entrepreneur was accompanied by his security guard and a woman.
According to local media reports, Durov arrived from Azerbaijan and was put on the federal wanted list. He was allegedly subject to a French search warrant issued by the OFMI (National Office of the Judicial Police) based on a preliminary investigation.
Durov has French citizenship, but has recently avoided traveling to Europe because he thought he might be arrested, the TV channel reported.
The French TV channel TF1 claims that the warrant was issued against the founder of Telegram because Durov did not cooperate with French security forces. Because of this, he is suspected of “complicity in drug trafficking and other serious crimes.”
Searches are underway at Durov's French real estate properties.
It is reported that investigators from ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office of the Customs Department) took Durov into custody.
On Sunday they plan to charge him with numerous crimes: terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, child criminal content, etc.
“Pavel Durov will definitely end up in a pre-trial detention center. On his platform, he allowed countless offenses and crimes to be committed, and did nothing to stop them or cooperate with the police,” commented one of the TF1/LCI investigators.
Law enforcement officers have no doubt that after charges are filed, Durov will be kept in custody. The billionaire has the ability to escape, so the judges are unlikely to agree to house arrest.
The rate of the TON cryptocurrency, which is used in the messenger, has already fallen by 12%.#ton #paveldurov #Telegram .
The creator of the Telegram messenger, billionaire Pavel Durov was arrested at the Paris airport. This was reported by the French news channel LCI.
According to the message, the entrepreneur was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.
According to local media reports, Durov arrived from Azerbaijan and was declared a federal wanted man. He was allegedly the subject of a French search warrant issued by the OFMI (National Office of the Forensic Police) based on a preliminary investigation.
I am so relaxed about anyone living in Europe and buying Bitcoin for the long term. Because there will come a time when the price of Bitcoin will be much higher than it is now and you will be able to just choose where you want to live. And if Europe banned Bitcoin, you would simply move to another Bitcoin-friendly country. Yes, you could do that today, but we'll see how this develops over the next 5-10 years and how Bitcoin adoption continues. If Bitcoin is truly an advanced technology, then a ban would be a shot in the balls, and I think more and more people will see it.#Write2Earn #BTC $BTC
🐉China tightens regulation of cryptocurrency mining
Beijing intends to impose strict restrictions on cryptocurrency mining in 2024 as part of its regulation of the digital currency industry. Authorities believe that mining threatens energy security and the environment, and also facilitates illegal financial activities. This news has caused concern among the cryptocurrency community, which has already been subject to bans and restrictions in China. #Write2Earn #CryptocurrencyNews.
"ETH, or Ethereum, stands out as a key player in the world of cryptocurrencies. This digital currency is not just a medium of exchange, but also the fuel for smart contracts, making it an integral part of decentralized applications. Ethereum provides a platform for new financial models, and its blockchain technology "is attracting the attention of innovators. Whether you are an investor or a developer, ETH provides a unique opportunity in the world of digital assets. Dig deeper to understand how Ethereum is rewriting the rules of the game in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space." #Write2Earn #Ethereum $ETH
Platforms like Coinbase, Lido Finance, and Binance, which run the largest betting services that help keep the $278 billion Ethereum network running, believe they rely on the same software. Nearly 80% of all Ethereum validators rely on a software client called Geth to connect to the network — and experts warn that the consequences of a bug, if discovered, could be catastrophic.
Since Nethermind's error, criticism has been mounting about the lack of diversity in validator client software - and some providers have already responded. At the time of the incident, about 84% of validators were using Geth, a figure that dropped to 78% in less than two weeks. Coinbase and Kraken are looking for new, smaller clients for their platforms, the companies said. Binance did not respond to a request for comment.
Considering that one of the key benefits of blockchain technology is its decentralization, it seems ironic that industry participants are now facing the same diversification challenge that other industries are all too familiar with. Considering that it's been almost a decade since Ethereum first launched, how much of this can we still chalk up to teething problems? #Write2Earn #Ethereum $ETH
“Many people mistakenly believe that if there is a bug, a patch will be released within a few hours that will solve the problem while losing very little ETH,” Lachlan Feeney, CEO of blockchain consultancy Labrys, wrote in a blog post. last month. "With this knowledge, it seems insane that anyone is still in control of the geth when they have the vast majority."
Ethereum Diversity Geth is by far the most popular execution client for Ethereum staking services
According to industry tracker, which tracks diversity risk on the network, Coinbase, Binance and Kraken are among the validators that rely solely on Geth for their Ethereum services. These exchanges use a staking-as-a-service business model whereby clients provide them with their tokens to be locked on Ethereum on their behalf. Coinbase and Binance, the second and third largest validators on Ethereum, together manage about $13 billion worth of staked Ether coins, according to StakeRewards.
Platforms such as Coinbase, Lido Finance and Bin..ce, which operate the largest staking services that help power the $278 billion Ethereum network, believe they are dependent on a single piece of software. Nearly 80% of all Ethereum validators rely on a software client called Geth to connect to the network - and experts warn that the consequences of a bug, if discovered, could be catastrophic.
The conversation is in the spotlight for good reason. Nethermind, software that is much less commonly used than Geth, had its own bug that took validators using it offline for several hours on January 21st. But since Geth represents more than two-thirds of all validators on the network, hypothetically, a bug in this software could cause Ethereum to stop finalizing—meaning the chain would stop processing transactions altogether, investors would start losing their deposits, and the network could potentially split in two. #Write2Yearn #Ethereum $ETH