Binance Square
爱涂鸦,爱波密 #bome
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The first work of #BOME has been engraved on Bitcoin, with a price of 18,888,888 bome. Congratulations to the happy brother from Causeway Bay!
The first work of #BOME has been engraved on Bitcoin, with a price of 18,888,888 bome. Congratulations to the happy brother from Causeway Bay!
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#BOME Founder @darkfamer released the first art auction on X, using bome to pay, and the highest bidder on March 25th will win. The current highest bidder is a HAPPY guy from Hong Kong, who bid 18,888,888 pieces #bome,当前价值超过260万U。 . Happy said he is a loyal fan of Bome and will get 1U. The founder stated that the #BOME obtained in the auction will be destroyed to reduce its circulation.
#BOME Founder @darkfamer released the first art auction on X, using bome to pay, and the highest bidder on March 25th will win.
The current highest bidder is a HAPPY guy from Hong Kong, who bid 18,888,888 pieces #bome,当前价值超过260万U。 . Happy said he is a loyal fan of Bome and will get 1U.

The founder stated that the #BOME obtained in the auction will be destroyed to reduce its circulation.
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#BOME ’s works are really soulful
#BOME ’s works are really soulful
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#bome is really more than just a meme. Its founder, darkfamer, is really talented, and his graffiti works are very charming, redefining the value of memes.
#bome is really more than just a meme. Its founder, darkfamer, is really talented, and his graffiti works are very charming, redefining the value of memes.
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If this continues, Bitcoin will become the stable currency of BRC20 tokens.
If this continues, Bitcoin will become the stable currency of BRC20 tokens.
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The Bitcoin ecosystem will surely surpass Ethereum
The Bitcoin ecosystem will surely surpass Ethereum
MarsBit News
Dialogue with Bitcoin OG Guanghua: This may be our last bull market
In the past seven or eight years, Guanghua has been engaged in the development of Bitcoin ecology. He is a firm believer in Bitcoin technology. Even in the three or four years when Ethereum was at its peak and had the most wealth effect, Guanghua never left the Bitcoin technology circle. Guanghua is also a very kind person, kind to technology and kind to human feelings. He said that in the cycle, facing the sadness after colleagues leave is also part of understanding the cycle. Guanghua is also a person with great reasoning ability and technical insight. He said that after this round of bull market, Bitcoin will be like Apple's stock, slow and stable, and there will no longer be an obvious four-year cycle; he also said that blockchain will eventually become more and more like the World Wide Web, with Bitcoin on the first layer, Ethereum on the second layer, and high-performance chains on the third layer. Users will not ask whether you are using a metropolitan area network, a national area network, or a local area network, just like using the World Wide Web. Guanghua is also a very straightforward old OG with a boyish side. He always remembers Satoshi Nakamoto’s “unknown” reply post, “If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.”--26x14 (Co-founder of 7UpDAO)
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Five years of experience and 16 coins circle survival guide (purely handwritten, very long)
1 If you don’t have enough understanding but have the impulse to make decisions, I suggest you follow 20 powerful respondents and see their predictions. Whichever direction is predicted by more people, choose that direction. This method was often used when I was a poor student. For example, during exams, I would look for answers from a few top students and choose the answer that was supported by more people. Or you could follow 20 less trustworthy respondents and do the opposite. This approach also works great for me when I'm taking exams, when I'm not sure of the correct answer and I try to avoid the wrong answer. 2. Don’t be blindly superstitious about small projects such as Tugou, altcoins, and MEME. These projects usually only have one chance to get on the bus. If you miss it, you are likely to suffer heavy losses, and these projects have no chance of a second outbreak. If you are a dog dealer in these projects, do you think it is better to raise the price again to let leeks enter the market to make money, or to clear the stock and get off the market? I chose to clear the goods and get off. Recently, many people have asked me in private messages whether AI Dog and PEPE should sell because they can no longer bear losses. Here I can only advise you not to chase the high price and buy the Earth Dog and Golden Dog. When the time comes to get on board, it's usually when most people don't know about the project. If a lot of people are already on the bus, I usually wish them good luck. 3 Regular traders usually do not trade frequently, they wait for solid opportunities. However, some "big guys" on the Internet predict the market dozens of times a day with almost 100% accuracy. Once I saw a so-called "big guy" predicting the market, which was obviously wrong, causing losses to himself and his fans, but he still claimed that his prediction was successful and everyone was welcome to pay the tuition. Who are the people who are willing to pay tuition? 4. I don’t know much about the security issues of wallets, but I suggest that you don’t update wallets at will, because updates may introduce backdoors or vulnerabilities. Do not click on unfamiliar links. Even if you have downloaded an anti-fraud application, do not easily click on unfamiliar links and authorize your wallet. The current market situation is not a real market, so don't take strange actions and be patient. Being too utilitarian will only lead to wrong decisions.Patience is the basis for making money. How is it different from gambling when you want to get in the car every time? Only gamblers participate in every game. Has anyone ever seen people who gamble every day make money? 5 Don’t be like the 10U God of War. This mentality will seriously affect your judgment. The mentality of 10U and 1WU is different. Don't give yourself the chance to be overconfident, otherwise you may suffer even worse losses. 6 The risk of doing 50X-100X contracts is very high. I have not seen anyone who has successfully done such high-leverage contracts for a long time. The more frequently you trade, the higher the risk. If you do not understand basic financial knowledge, it is best not to try high-leverage contract trading. Be wary of respondents and so-called bosses who claim to have inside information. If you really have insider information, you can become financially free in just a few operations. But the big guys who claim to have information seem to have been scrambling for a living. This raises the question: are they deceiving others or are they being deceived? 7 Never believe that you can buy the bottom. Human greed and fear are endless. Don't imagine that you can predict the bottom of the market. Take it when it's good, don't be greedy. 8 Don’t try to use luck to change your destiny. If you are a lucky person, you will have already succeeded in other industries, instead of being desperate and coming to the currency circle to make a desperate move. 9. Stay humble. The currency circle can both create myths and get you into trouble. 10 If you are just an investor with a small amount of money, don’t underestimate your potential. Small capital losses may have an impact on your expectations. Don’t blindly pursue quick success. 11 Don’t believe those who claim to be able to predict the market. Most people are just bragging and are actually in debt. They are still active on the Internet, but they have just changed a way to make money, that is, charging tuition fees and attracting people. This leads to a vicious cycle. 12 Don’t be overly superstitious in saying that the harder the market, the greater the opportunity. The more stable the market, the more opportunities there are. Investment institutions prefer stable markets, while unconventional investors are more susceptible to market fluctuations. 13 Don’t regret any decision and don’t waste time reviewing it over and over again. If you lose money, you can quickly find the reason for the loss, and there is no need to blame yourself over and over again.14. Don’t be overly inflated, because pride will often make you lose everything in an instant. 15. Never try to buy the lowest point, and stop when you are optimistic. Don't get caught up in endless fear and greed. The 16 currency circle requires patience and humility. It is not a place where you can get rich overnight. The currency circle requires long-term learning and accumulation, experience and the ability to analyze the market. I hope these experience sharing can help everyone better understand and cope with the challenges of the currency circle.
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The biggest application of the Ethereum ecosystem is to cut leeks for projects
The biggest application of the Ethereum ecosystem is to cut leeks for projects
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Is BRC-20 air? It will promote the mining industry to align with high ESG standards, which may be the most important industry application.According to statistics from relevant United Nations agencies, the global ESG (environmental, social and governance) fund reaches US$23 trillion. However, the Bitcoin mining industry currently fails to benefit from the fund. Although the Bitcoin mining industry cannot enjoy these funds, more and more institutional investors are turning their attention to this area. The Bitcoin mining industry has also gradually been recognized and supported by governments of various countries. Some countries have begun to legalize Bitcoin mining and regard it as part of the national development strategy, providing a broader space and a more stable environment for the development of the Bitcoin mining industry. Against this background, the emergence of the BRC-20 standard is a major advancement for the Bitcoin ecosystem. This standard not only enables the Bitcoin network to support a more diverse range of tokens, but also brings unprecedented vitality to the Bitcoin world. The birth of the BRC-20 standard is equivalent to adding a new dimension to Bitcoin, allowing the Bitcoin network to accommodate more forms of digital assets, thereby increasing its overall value and utility. More importantly, BRC-20 on-chain transactions provide Bitcoin miners with a new source of income, which is especially critical after the Bitcoin production reduction. It not only provides new economic incentives for miners, but also promotes innovative development in the algorithm and chip industry. This innovation not only meets the needs of ESG investment, but also injects new vitality into the sustainable development of the Bitcoin mining industry. In addition, as more and more large institutions and countries gradually recognize Bitcoin, the introduction of the BRC-20 standard will undoubtedly accelerate this process and form a powerful "flywheel effect." This not only means that the Bitcoin ecosystem will be further expanded and enriched, but also indicates that the Bitcoin mining industry will achieve a broader and deeper impact on a global scale. The emergence of the BRC-20 standard not only represents a major advancement in Bitcoin technology and applications, but also serves as a catalyst for the development of the Bitcoin mining industry, injecting strong impetus into achieving environmental, social and economic sustainable development goals. Through this "flywheel effect", the Bitcoin mining industry and the entire Bitcoin ecosystem will usher in a new development climax. .

Is BRC-20 air? It will promote the mining industry to align with high ESG standards, which may be the most important industry application.

According to statistics from relevant United Nations agencies, the global ESG (environmental, social and governance) fund reaches US$23 trillion. However, the Bitcoin mining industry currently fails to benefit from the fund. Although the Bitcoin mining industry cannot enjoy these funds, more and more institutional investors are turning their attention to this area. The Bitcoin mining industry has also gradually been recognized and supported by governments of various countries. Some countries have begun to legalize Bitcoin mining and regard it as part of the national development strategy, providing a broader space and a more stable environment for the development of the Bitcoin mining industry. Against this background, the emergence of the BRC-20 standard is a major advancement for the Bitcoin ecosystem. This standard not only enables the Bitcoin network to support a more diverse range of tokens, but also brings unprecedented vitality to the Bitcoin world. The birth of the BRC-20 standard is equivalent to adding a new dimension to Bitcoin, allowing the Bitcoin network to accommodate more forms of digital assets, thereby increasing its overall value and utility. More importantly, BRC-20 on-chain transactions provide Bitcoin miners with a new source of income, which is especially critical after the Bitcoin production reduction. It not only provides new economic incentives for miners, but also promotes innovative development in the algorithm and chip industry. This innovation not only meets the needs of ESG investment, but also injects new vitality into the sustainable development of the Bitcoin mining industry. In addition, as more and more large institutions and countries gradually recognize Bitcoin, the introduction of the BRC-20 standard will undoubtedly accelerate this process and form a powerful "flywheel effect." This not only means that the Bitcoin ecosystem will be further expanded and enriched, but also indicates that the Bitcoin mining industry will achieve a broader and deeper impact on a global scale. The emergence of the BRC-20 standard not only represents a major advancement in Bitcoin technology and applications, but also serves as a catalyst for the development of the Bitcoin mining industry, injecting strong impetus into achieving environmental, social and economic sustainable development goals. Through this "flywheel effect", the Bitcoin mining industry and the entire Bitcoin ecosystem will usher in a new development climax. .
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During the flowering period, layoffs were laid off, and the business accelerated its transformation into crypto assets. Citigroup is about to undergo large-scale layoffs and management restructuring. This rectification operation is called "Bora Bora" and was initiated by CEO Jane Fraser. The goal is to simplify the company's structure and improve decision-making efficiency. The original 13-layer management structure will be reduced to 8 layers, and upper-level management will reduce 15% of functional roles. At the same time, approximately thousands of jobs will be eliminated. In this regard, Citi hopes to allow affected employees to find suitable positions internally and transfer. Faced with this change, laid-off employees may turn to emerging financial technology fields, such as cryptocurrency, to find new job opportunities. Continuous growth and innovation in this field provide financial industry professionals with a wide range of employment options.
During the flowering period, layoffs were laid off, and the business accelerated its transformation into crypto assets.

Citigroup is about to undergo large-scale layoffs and management restructuring. This rectification operation is called "Bora Bora" and was initiated by CEO Jane Fraser. The goal is to simplify the company's structure and improve decision-making efficiency. The original 13-layer management structure will be reduced to 8 layers, and upper-level management will reduce 15% of functional roles. At the same time, approximately thousands of jobs will be eliminated. In this regard, Citi hopes to allow affected employees to find suitable positions internally and transfer. Faced with this change, laid-off employees may turn to emerging financial technology fields, such as cryptocurrency, to find new job opportunities. Continuous growth and innovation in this field provide financial industry professionals with a wide range of employment options.
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Ethereum is facing selling pressure. How should it deal with the large-scale ecology of capital return?
Ethereum is facing selling pressure. How should it deal with the large-scale ecology of capital return?
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The Ethereum ecosystem is bleeding! The prosperity of the Ethereum ecosystem was initially due to the efficiency of the Bitcoin chain. Ethereum has developed many chain applications, such as chain games, NFT, and Defi. These are essentially inseparable from the building of finance. Without financial attributes, these are uncompetitive compared with traditional game companies and art auctions. Putting aside other applications and simply talking about finance, compared with the real world, Bitcoin is equivalent to the base currency M0 and is a high-energy currency, while Ethereum is other derivative currencies and is based on Bitcoin M0. To put it more simply, the Bitcoin blockchain is equivalent to a central bank, and the Ethereum ecosystem is equivalent to a commercial bank. Modern commercial banks act as currency intermediaries to solve the problem of central bank operational efficiency and require more operating institutions to operate currency. Now that Bitcoin can directly issue derivative finance through the BRC20 protocol, why do we still need so many intermediaries? #brc20#ordi
The Ethereum ecosystem is bleeding!

The prosperity of the Ethereum ecosystem was initially due to the efficiency of the Bitcoin chain.

Ethereum has developed many chain applications, such as chain games, NFT, and Defi. These are essentially inseparable from the building of finance. Without financial attributes, these are uncompetitive compared with traditional game companies and art auctions.

Putting aside other applications and simply talking about finance, compared with the real world, Bitcoin is equivalent to the base currency M0 and is a high-energy currency, while Ethereum is other derivative currencies and is based on Bitcoin M0. To put it more simply, the Bitcoin blockchain is equivalent to a central bank, and the Ethereum ecosystem is equivalent to a commercial bank. Modern commercial banks act as currency intermediaries to solve the problem of central bank operational efficiency and require more operating institutions to operate currency.

Now that Bitcoin can directly issue derivative finance through the BRC20 protocol, why do we still need so many intermediaries?
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Buy spot, control your position, and operate with short-term fluctuations.#brc20#ordi
Buy spot, control your position, and operate with short-term fluctuations.#brc20#ordi
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How many miners on the verge of bankruptcy have been saved by BRC 20? They should kowtow and worship ORDI.
How many miners on the verge of bankruptcy have been saved by BRC 20? They should kowtow and worship ORDI.
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The importance of independent thinking in the cryptocurrency worldThe cryptocurrency market has always been full of variables and risks, and it is very important for investors to maintain independent thinking. As an investor who pays attention to cryptocurrency, I began to pay attention to the arbitrum airdrop in 2022. However, it has been postponed until the beginning of 2023 when the currency was announced. This sudden news gave me confidence and warmth, especially in the long bear market. Before receiving ARB, I figured out the interaction requirements of the arbitrum chain. For example, I purchased a lot of NYAN coins (Nyan Cat) and conducted transactions on the GMX platform. I also tried defi and other operations. It is precisely because of these transactions that I was able to successfully receive 3,750 airdrop rewards, which fully illustrates the importance of understanding technical trends. With the arrival of arb airdrop rewards, I received about 50,000 yuan in funds. Next, I started paying attention to pepe and airdoge, but unfortunately, by the time I paid attention to them, it was too late and I missed the opportunity. After that, I paid attention to ordinal and ordi at the end of April, but I had missed the best time. However, I still noticed the potential of ordinal, and I am optimistic that it can activate miners, promote the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem, and compete for the traffic of Ethereum. However, it was too late for me to learn how to play unisat. At that time, I didn’t have enough OG, so I missed the great opportunity to play an ordi for 2 US dollars. I could only buy a dozen ordi at 1, 3, and 5 US dollars. Fortunately, I got it. Quite a few sats (less than 1% progress at the time). The market was very hot at that time, and the handling fee was once as high as 10u, so I decided to wait for the fee to drop before proceeding with the operation, but unfortunately, due to a business trip, I forgot about this. Later, when the market plummeted in July, there were many disappointed voices in the market. I couldn't hold on and sold most of the ordi. To succeed in the currency circle, you still need to have an in-depth understanding of the industry and technology, understand market trends, and plan projects at an early stage. You need to understand concepts such as interaction, L1, L2, rollup, and cross-chain, and make decisions based on factors such as capital flows in the market and U.S. dollar interest rate increases. Finally, you must control yourself, learn to look more and move less, trade on the right side, and don't chase hot spots too much, because when you learn about it, there will be a lot of people, and you need to stay calm at this time.7355612869#ARB#ORDI

The importance of independent thinking in the cryptocurrency world

The cryptocurrency market has always been full of variables and risks, and it is very important for investors to maintain independent thinking. As an investor who pays attention to cryptocurrency, I began to pay attention to the arbitrum airdrop in 2022. However, it has been postponed until the beginning of 2023 when the currency was announced. This sudden news gave me confidence and warmth, especially in the long bear market. Before receiving ARB, I figured out the interaction requirements of the arbitrum chain. For example, I purchased a lot of NYAN coins (Nyan Cat) and conducted transactions on the GMX platform. I also tried defi and other operations. It is precisely because of these transactions that I was able to successfully receive 3,750 airdrop rewards, which fully illustrates the importance of understanding technical trends. With the arrival of arb airdrop rewards, I received about 50,000 yuan in funds. Next, I started paying attention to pepe and airdoge, but unfortunately, by the time I paid attention to them, it was too late and I missed the opportunity. After that, I paid attention to ordinal and ordi at the end of April, but I had missed the best time. However, I still noticed the potential of ordinal, and I am optimistic that it can activate miners, promote the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem, and compete for the traffic of Ethereum. However, it was too late for me to learn how to play unisat. At that time, I didn’t have enough OG, so I missed the great opportunity to play an ordi for 2 US dollars. I could only buy a dozen ordi at 1, 3, and 5 US dollars. Fortunately, I got it. Quite a few sats (less than 1% progress at the time). The market was very hot at that time, and the handling fee was once as high as 10u, so I decided to wait for the fee to drop before proceeding with the operation, but unfortunately, due to a business trip, I forgot about this. Later, when the market plummeted in July, there were many disappointed voices in the market. I couldn't hold on and sold most of the ordi. To succeed in the currency circle, you still need to have an in-depth understanding of the industry and technology, understand market trends, and plan projects at an early stage. You need to understand concepts such as interaction, L1, L2, rollup, and cross-chain, and make decisions based on factors such as capital flows in the market and U.S. dollar interest rate increases. Finally, you must control yourself, learn to look more and move less, trade on the right side, and don't chase hot spots too much, because when you learn about it, there will be a lot of people, and you need to stay calm at this time.7355612869#ARB#ORDI
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# A Deep Dive into Bitcoin’s Lightning Network: The Future of Fast, Small PaymentsAs the most widely used and valuable digital currency in the world, Bitcoin has been constantly developing and innovating to meet the needs of modern payments. In the process, Bitcoin’s Lightning Network became a key innovation, bringing unprecedented speed and flexibility to the Bitcoin payment system. ## What is Lightning Network? The Lightning Network is a decentralized system designed for instant, high-volume micropayments. It emerged mainly to solve some limitations of the Bitcoin network in terms of processing speed and transaction fees. This system allows users to conduct fast transactions without the need to escrow funds to any trusted third party. ## The Revolution of Instant and Micropayments In the traditional Bitcoin network, a transaction could take up to an hour to be confirmed. This delay is impractical for everyday shopping or small transactions. The Lightning Network changes that. It makes payments instant, eliminating the need to wait for blockchain confirmation. This is particularly valuable for use at retail locations, allowing users to quickly complete Bitcoin payments in-store. At the same time, the Lightning Network also makes very small payments, such as transactions of only a few cents, possible and practical. ## The feasibility of scaling the Bitcoin network The emergence of the Lightning Network also marks the expansion of the Bitcoin network to higher performance levels. As more and more devices come online, the need for automated payments is growing. This demand includes machine-to-machine payments and automated micropayment services. The Lightning Network provides users with virtually unlimited transaction possibilities by conducting transactions outside of the blockchain without the need for trust and transfer of ownership of funds. The Lightning Network is not just an upgrade for Bitcoin payments, it represents the future of digital currency payments. It greatly enhances the potential of Bitcoin to be used in daily life by providing instant payments and practical micropayment options. As technology continues to advance, we can expect the Lightning Network to play an even more important role in the future of digital currencies. #BTC #ORDI

# A Deep Dive into Bitcoin’s Lightning Network: The Future of Fast, Small Payments

As the most widely used and valuable digital currency in the world, Bitcoin has been constantly developing and innovating to meet the needs of modern payments. In the process, Bitcoin’s Lightning Network became a key innovation, bringing unprecedented speed and flexibility to the Bitcoin payment system. ## What is Lightning Network? The Lightning Network is a decentralized system designed for instant, high-volume micropayments. It emerged mainly to solve some limitations of the Bitcoin network in terms of processing speed and transaction fees. This system allows users to conduct fast transactions without the need to escrow funds to any trusted third party. ## The Revolution of Instant and Micropayments In the traditional Bitcoin network, a transaction could take up to an hour to be confirmed. This delay is impractical for everyday shopping or small transactions. The Lightning Network changes that. It makes payments instant, eliminating the need to wait for blockchain confirmation. This is particularly valuable for use at retail locations, allowing users to quickly complete Bitcoin payments in-store. At the same time, the Lightning Network also makes very small payments, such as transactions of only a few cents, possible and practical. ## The feasibility of scaling the Bitcoin network The emergence of the Lightning Network also marks the expansion of the Bitcoin network to higher performance levels. As more and more devices come online, the need for automated payments is growing. This demand includes machine-to-machine payments and automated micropayment services. The Lightning Network provides users with virtually unlimited transaction possibilities by conducting transactions outside of the blockchain without the need for trust and transfer of ownership of funds. The Lightning Network is not just an upgrade for Bitcoin payments, it represents the future of digital currency payments. It greatly enhances the potential of Bitcoin to be used in daily life by providing instant payments and practical micropayment options. As technology continues to advance, we can expect the Lightning Network to play an even more important role in the future of digital currencies. #BTC #ORDI
good idea!
good idea!
MarsBit News
Long push: Recommend 4 essential GPT usages for cryptocurrencies
Note: This article comes from @jzinvest_xyz Twitter, and is compiled by Mars Finance as follows:

One day in the currency circle, one year in the human world. Market trends often wait for no one

How to use AI tools to speed up the search for Alpha?

The following are recommended 4 must-have GPT usages for people in the currency circle. It is recommended to save them first and then read them.

1/ Defillama

Defi protocol fundamental data

Prompt example: List the five protocols with the highest fee income on ethereum and make it into a table

2/ Coinmarketcap

Prompt example: Help me write a research report about Uniswap, including recent news, price changes, community volume, and all important data you can provide
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When I entered the currency circle...
When I entered the currency circle...
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The wind of#BRC20blows matic also needs the inscription #POLS. #ordi
The wind of#BRC20blows

matic also needs the inscription #POLS.

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The next virtual asset startup trend (Part 2)Digital Asset Property Inheritance As virtual assets such as Bitcoin continue to expand in the financial field, more and more countries around the world have begun to recognize their status as property and even legal tender. It is expected that more countries will adopt Bitcoin in the future. However, the popularity of Bitcoin as a major asset allocation faces a major obstacle: the issue of property inheritance. Bitcoin’s distributed and anonymous nature is both its strength and weakness. Taking property inheritance as an example, there are currently a large number of Bitcoins that have been dormant for a long time due to the unexpected death of the wallet owner. Relatives often fail to inherit these assets because they do not understand or have access to the relevant accounts. This has become a pain point for many currency holders. Recently, Bitcoin custody services and Bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) have solved this problem to a certain extent, providing investors with a simple and indirect way to invest in digital assets. However, this approach sacrifices some privacy. For those elites or wealthy individuals with special privacy needs, it is not feasible to completely trust a centralized institution. Against this backdrop, the rise of private digital banking and custody services represents an important entrepreneurial opportunity. Not only can these institutions guarantee a certain level of privacy, they also have specialized domain knowledge and understand the legal requirements of different countries. They can meet the specific inheritance needs of investors, thereby promoting Bitcoin and other digital assets to become important tools for asset allocation among the elite, opening up broader prospects for digital asset applications. This innovation not only solves the problems in traditional digital asset management, but also lays a solid foundation for the future application of digital assets. As technology advances and laws improve, private digital banks and custody services are expected to become a key force in the mainstreaming of digital assets such as Bitcoin.

The next virtual asset startup trend (Part 2)

Digital Asset Property Inheritance As virtual assets such as Bitcoin continue to expand in the financial field, more and more countries around the world have begun to recognize their status as property and even legal tender. It is expected that more countries will adopt Bitcoin in the future. However, the popularity of Bitcoin as a major asset allocation faces a major obstacle: the issue of property inheritance. Bitcoin’s distributed and anonymous nature is both its strength and weakness. Taking property inheritance as an example, there are currently a large number of Bitcoins that have been dormant for a long time due to the unexpected death of the wallet owner. Relatives often fail to inherit these assets because they do not understand or have access to the relevant accounts. This has become a pain point for many currency holders. Recently, Bitcoin custody services and Bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) have solved this problem to a certain extent, providing investors with a simple and indirect way to invest in digital assets. However, this approach sacrifices some privacy. For those elites or wealthy individuals with special privacy needs, it is not feasible to completely trust a centralized institution. Against this backdrop, the rise of private digital banking and custody services represents an important entrepreneurial opportunity. Not only can these institutions guarantee a certain level of privacy, they also have specialized domain knowledge and understand the legal requirements of different countries. They can meet the specific inheritance needs of investors, thereby promoting Bitcoin and other digital assets to become important tools for asset allocation among the elite, opening up broader prospects for digital asset applications. This innovation not only solves the problems in traditional digital asset management, but also lays a solid foundation for the future application of digital assets. As technology advances and laws improve, private digital banks and custody services are expected to become a key force in the mainstreaming of digital assets such as Bitcoin.
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