Title: "Tulip Market in the Netherlands: Beauty and Bubble" In recent years, the tulip market in the Netherlands has faced the risk of a bubble. Overly optimistic investors have driven up tulip prices, but at the same time, they have sown the seeds of a bubble bursting. Now, similar products to tulips have emerged, such as pepe, which holds no economic value but is purely a result of speculation fueled by an exaggerated hype over memes. I believe this unhealthy economic system is likely to collapse soon.
$PEPE Dutch tulip market: beauty and bubbles The Dutch tulip market has faced the risk of a bubble in recent years. Investors' over-optimism drove tulip prices soar, but it also planted the seeds for the bubble to burst. Nowadays, there are products similar to tulips. Pepe has no economic value. It is purely caused by speculators overestimating the value of the meme craze. I believe that an unhealthy economic system like this will soon collapse.