Binance Square
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CZ与Binance最好的关系:解绑后仍可相互成就 2024年9月底,赵长鹏(CZ)在结束了119天的刑期后,以一条简单的“gm”(早安)推文回归公众视野。这条推文迅速引发加密社区的巨大反响,获得了1388万次浏览、19万人点赞和5万条评论,众多加密行业人士纷纷向这位Binance创始人致以祝贺。 赵长鹏在今年5月因接受美国司法部对Binance涉嫌违反《银行保密法》和反制裁规定的指控,决定服刑并前往美国执行为期4个月的刑期。根据Binance与美国司法部达成的和解协议,CZ虽然不能再直接参与公司管理,但作为最大股东,依然对公司重大决策保有影响力。尽管如此,他的未来重心已转向教育和慈善等领域,包括他正在推进的在线教育平台Giggle Academy。 在赵长鹏去职CEO的10个月里,Binance的表现证明了他所打造的组织架构和运营机制的稳固。没有CZ的直接领导,Binance依然保持了平稳运营。根据数据显示,虽然在他辞任后的初期,Binance的生态资产BNB曾瞬时下跌13%,并且大量资金短期内从平台流出,但公司市场份额逐渐恢复。新任CEO Richard Teng和联合创始人何一带领的团队成功应对了挑战,Binance的市场份额回升至50%左右,并在2024年第二季度注册用户突破2亿,重新确立了其全球加密交易平台的领先地位。 赵长鹏对公司未来的评价也反映出他对团队的信心。在刑期结束后的第二天,他发推文称,“Binance似乎没有我在后座上掌舵,做得很好,这很棒。这是每个创始人的梦想!” 这一评价无疑让Binance的团队倍感振奋。 从某种程度上说,Binance的平稳运营和复苏证明了赵长鹏在过去7年为公司构建的机制和文化的有效性。他曾制定并执行了一系列重要原则,包括“绝不交易和投资用户资产”、“不使用原生代币作为抵押”,以及通过公开储备金证明来提高透明度。这些原则不仅保障了用户资金的安全,也帮助Binance在动荡的加密市场中保持了稳健发展。 赵长鹏的远见和战略为Binance奠定了坚实的基础,即便他不再担任CEO,公司依然能够正常运转。特别是他倡导的去中心化和扁平化管理模式,让Binance团队能够自主高效地应对各种挑战。例如,Binance设立了“用户安全资产基金”(SAFU),为用户提供额外的资金保护,并且定期公开储备金证明,确保用户资金安全。这些措施极大增强了用户的信任,即使在他辞职期间,Binance也从未停止充值、提现和交易,避免了其他交易所因管理层变动而停运或破产的情况。 Binance现任CEO Richard Teng带领公司在全球合规领域取得了显著进展。自Teng上任以来,公司在全球范围内招聘了超过1000名员工,进一步加强了合规团队的建设。他与首席合规官Noah Perlman合作,推动了全球合规计划的实施,并与监管机构和行业领袖密切合作,确保Binance的运营符合监管要求。这些措施不仅提升了用户的信任,也推动了机构用户数量的显著增长。 对于赵长鹏来说,服刑结束后的生活将更加多元。他透露,自己将专注于推动在线教育平台Giggle Academy的发展,该平台致力于为全球儿童提供免费、有趣且易于获取的学习工具。此外,他还计划继续投资区块链、人工智能和生物技术领域,同时投身慈善事业,并完成正在撰写的书籍。 Giggle Academy是他未来生活的重要组成部分,其Logo设计也致敬了Binance,黑黄相间的颜色以及向日葵脸庞的俏皮表情传递了他对Binance的深厚感情。赵长鹏还表示,他的投资重点将继续放在区块链领域,但他关心的是长期影响,而非短期回报。 尽管赵长鹏已从Binance的日常运营中抽身,他在加密领域的影响力和Binance的未来发展方向仍然息息相关。无论是他推动的在线教育项目,还是他对区块链技术的持续投资,都将继续影响整个行业。他的离开为Binance开辟了新的发展方向,而他的未来选择也充满了无限可能。
赵长鹏在今年5月因接受美国司法部对Binance涉嫌违反《银行保密法》和反制裁规定的指控,决定服刑并前往美国执行为期4个月的刑期。根据Binance与美国司法部达成的和解协议,CZ虽然不能再直接参与公司管理,但作为最大股东,依然对公司重大决策保有影响力。尽管如此,他的未来重心已转向教育和慈善等领域,包括他正在推进的在线教育平台Giggle Academy。
在赵长鹏去职CEO的10个月里,Binance的表现证明了他所打造的组织架构和运营机制的稳固。没有CZ的直接领导,Binance依然保持了平稳运营。根据数据显示,虽然在他辞任后的初期,Binance的生态资产BNB曾瞬时下跌13%,并且大量资金短期内从平台流出,但公司市场份额逐渐恢复。新任CEO Richard Teng和联合创始人何一带领的团队成功应对了挑战,Binance的市场份额回升至50%左右,并在2024年第二季度注册用户突破2亿,重新确立了其全球加密交易平台的领先地位。
赵长鹏对公司未来的评价也反映出他对团队的信心。在刑期结束后的第二天,他发推文称,“Binance似乎没有我在后座上掌舵,做得很好,这很棒。这是每个创始人的梦想!” 这一评价无疑让Binance的团队倍感振奋。
Binance现任CEO Richard Teng带领公司在全球合规领域取得了显著进展。自Teng上任以来,公司在全球范围内招聘了超过1000名员工,进一步加强了合规团队的建设。他与首席合规官Noah Perlman合作,推动了全球合规计划的实施,并与监管机构和行业领袖密切合作,确保Binance的运营符合监管要求。这些措施不仅提升了用户的信任,也推动了机构用户数量的显著增长。
对于赵长鹏来说,服刑结束后的生活将更加多元。他透露,自己将专注于推动在线教育平台Giggle Academy的发展,该平台致力于为全球儿童提供免费、有趣且易于获取的学习工具。此外,他还计划继续投资区块链、人工智能和生物技术领域,同时投身慈善事业,并完成正在撰写的书籍。
Giggle Academy是他未来生活的重要组成部分,其Logo设计也致敬了Binance,黑黄相间的颜色以及向日葵脸庞的俏皮表情传递了他对Binance的深厚感情。赵长鹏还表示,他的投资重点将继续放在区块链领域,但他关心的是长期影响,而非短期回报。
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Binance Launchpool and Super Earn Coin launch HMSTR project According to Binance announcement, Binance Launchpool has launched the 58th project - Hamster Kombat (HMSTR), a cryptocurrency exchange CEO simulator P2E game built on the Telegram applet platform. Users can put BNB and FDUSD into the HMSTR reward pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (Eastern Time) on September 19, 2024 to receive HMSTR rewards. The HMSTR activity will last for a total of 7 days. The website is expected to be updated within about 24 hours of this announcement before the event opens.
Binance Launchpool and Super Earn Coin launch HMSTR project

According to Binance announcement, Binance Launchpool has launched the 58th project - Hamster Kombat (HMSTR), a cryptocurrency exchange CEO simulator P2E game built on the Telegram applet platform. Users can put BNB and FDUSD into the HMSTR reward pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (Eastern Time) on September 19, 2024 to receive HMSTR rewards. The HMSTR activity will last for a total of 7 days. The website is expected to be updated within about 24 hours of this announcement before the event opens.
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📝Take stock of the multiple benefits that#BNBcan bring! By earning coins while maintaining your principal, you can easily achieve "one fish, four meals"🙋 ❓A small question with peripheral rewards: If#Launchpool#Megadrop#HODLerairdrops are launched at the same time, how can you maximize the benefits of the BNB in ​​your hands? $BNB
📝Take stock of the multiple benefits that#BNBcan bring!

By earning coins while maintaining your principal, you can easily achieve "one fish, four meals"🙋

❓A small question with peripheral rewards:
If#Launchpool#Megadrop#HODLerairdrops are launched at the same time, how can you maximize the benefits of the BNB in ​​your hands? $BNB
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$BNB I am a BNB locker, and I continue to increase my BNB holdings. BNB2500 USD!!! Binance completed the 28th BNB destruction. According to official news, Binance completed the 28th BNB destruction, destroying a total of 1,643,698.8 BNB, worth about 971 million US dollars! #YiHe
$BNB I am a BNB locker, and I continue to increase my BNB holdings. BNB2500 USD!!!

Binance completed the 28th BNB destruction. According to official news, Binance completed the 28th BNB destruction, destroying a total of 1,643,698.8 BNB, worth about 971 million US dollars! #YiHe
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This picture can be seen in every corner recently, maybe it will be recorded in the history of the United States!!!
This picture can be seen in every corner recently, maybe it will be recorded in the history of the United States!!!
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Megadrop is worth looking forward to! Holders of #BNB, go stake! You can manage your finances and participate in dual mining! ! ! [Binance launches the second Megadrop project Lista], Binance launches the second Megadrop project - Lista (LISTA), a liquidity staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol. Users can participate in Lista Megadrop from 08:00:00 on May 30, 2024 (Eastern Time 8). The Lista (LISTA) Megadrop App page is expected to be launched within approximately 24 hours after this announcement. Binance will list Lista (LISTA) at 18:00 on June 20, 2024 (Eastern Time 8), and open LISTA/BTC, LISTA/USDT, LISTA/BNB, LISTA/FDUSD and LISTA/TRY trading markets, subject to seed tag trading rules. For more information about Lista (LISTA), please refer to the research report.
Megadrop is worth looking forward to! Holders of #BNB, go stake! You can manage your finances and participate in dual mining! ! !

[Binance launches the second Megadrop project Lista], Binance launches the second Megadrop project - Lista (LISTA), a liquidity staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol. Users can participate in Lista Megadrop from 08:00:00 on May 30, 2024 (Eastern Time 8). The Lista (LISTA) Megadrop App page is expected to be launched within approximately 24 hours after this announcement.
Binance will list Lista (LISTA) at 18:00 on June 20, 2024 (Eastern Time 8), and open LISTA/BTC, LISTA/USDT, LISTA/BNB, LISTA/FDUSD and LISTA/TRY trading markets, subject to seed tag trading rules. For more information about Lista (LISTA), please refer to the research report.
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Binance Launch Mining Launches 54th Project, Use BNB and FDUSD to Mine Notcoin (NOT) $BNB Binance Launch Mining has launched the 54th project - Notcoin (NOT). Users can put BNB and FDUSD into the NOT mining pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (GMT+8) on May 13, 2024 to receive NOT rewards. NOT can be mined for a total of 3 days. The website is expected to be updated within approximately 24 hours of this announcement before the mining activity opens. Binance will list Notcoin (NOT) at 20:00 (GMT+8) on May 16, 2024, and open NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading markets, subject to seed tag trading rules. $BNB $FDUSD
Binance Launch Mining Launches 54th Project, Use BNB and FDUSD to Mine Notcoin (NOT)

$BNB Binance Launch Mining has launched the 54th project - Notcoin (NOT). Users can put BNB and FDUSD into the NOT mining pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (GMT+8) on May 13, 2024 to receive NOT rewards. NOT can be mined for a total of 3 days. The website is expected to be updated within approximately 24 hours of this announcement before the mining activity opens. Binance will list Notcoin (NOT) at 20:00 (GMT+8) on May 16, 2024, and open NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading markets, subject to seed tag trading rules.
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$1000SATS Brother, the whole square is not optimistic about you, it seems that the washing is in place! ! ! Others are panicking and I am greedy, I still think you are optimistic $1000SATS
$1000SATS Brother, the whole square is not optimistic about you, it seems that the washing is in place! ! ! Others are panicking and I am greedy, I still think you are optimistic $1000SATS
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Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing According to PANews, HODL15Capital data shows that Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing, and each ETF holds at least 1,000 BTC. More financial institutions in China will definitely recognize the blockchain field, and the blockchain field still has a very large market in China.
Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing
According to PANews, HODL15Capital data shows that Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing, and each ETF holds at least 1,000 BTC.
More financial institutions in China will definitely recognize the blockchain field, and the blockchain field still has a very large market in China.
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Hong Kong Bitcoin spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing According to PANews, HODL15Capital data showed that the Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF held 4,218 BTC three days after its listing, and each ETF held at least 1,000 BTC. There will definitely be more financial institutions in China that recognize the blockchain field, and the blockchain field still has a very large market in China. $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析

Hong Kong Bitcoin spot ETF holds 4,218 BTC three days after listing

According to PANews, HODL15Capital data showed that the Hong Kong Bitcoin Spot ETF held 4,218 BTC three days after its listing, and each ETF held at least 1,000 BTC.
There will definitely be more financial institutions in China that recognize the blockchain field, and the blockchain field still has a very large market in China.

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Throughout the bull market, if you are optimistic, hold on to it, regardless of the price increase! If there is a callback of liquidity, the average price will be lowered! ! ! I believe that those who are washed out and sold at a loss are those who complain and whine. The real situation may have the last laugh! ! ! ! There may also be a risk of zero. . . But I have chosen the situation and I will go all the way to the end! ! ! $BNB $1000SATS $ARKM
Throughout the bull market, if you are optimistic, hold on to it, regardless of the price increase! If there is a callback of liquidity, the average price will be lowered! ! ! I believe that those who are washed out and sold at a loss are those who complain and whine. The real situation may have the last laugh! ! ! ! There may also be a risk of zero. . . But I have chosen the situation and I will go all the way to the end! ! ! $BNB $1000SATS $ARKM
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CZ: Will serve my sentence to end this phase, and will continue to be a cryptocurrency holder CZ, former CEO of Binance, responded to his 4-month prison sentence on social media: Thank you for your concern and support, whether it is letters, support on X platform, or other forms, it means a lot to me and makes me strong. I will serve my sentence, end this phase, and focus on the next chapter of my life (education). I will continue to be a passive investor (and holder) in cryptocurrency. Our industry has entered a new phase. Compliance is very important. The silver lining of the whole process is that Binance has been closely watched. Funds are safe. Protect users! $BNB #cz #何一
CZ: Will serve my sentence to end this phase, and will continue to be a cryptocurrency holder
CZ, former CEO of Binance, responded to his 4-month prison sentence on social media: Thank you for your concern and support, whether it is letters, support on X platform, or other forms, it means a lot to me and makes me strong. I will serve my sentence, end this phase, and focus on the next chapter of my life (education).
I will continue to be a passive investor (and holder) in cryptocurrency. Our industry has entered a new phase. Compliance is very important. The silver lining of the whole process is that Binance has been closely watched. Funds are safe. Protect users! $BNB #cz #何一
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The golden shovel seems not very powerful this time
The golden shovel seems not very powerful this time
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I have a feeling that Binance will launch the 54th phase of the new coin mining project during the May Day holiday. Let's hold $BNB and slowly get rich! #bnb理财 #BSCchain
I have a feeling that Binance will launch the 54th phase of the new coin mining project during the May Day holiday. Let's hold $BNB and slowly get rich! #bnb理财 #BSCchain
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Binance will update the Renzo code from EZ to REZ According to the Binance announcement, Binance will update the Renzo code from EZ to REZ. Binance will be the first platform to list this token, and trading will be open on April 30, 2024 at 20:00 (Eastern Time). Binance said that after the announcement of Renzo's new coin mining (Launchpool), there was some confusion in the community because another project in the market also used "EZ" as a code. Therefore, Binance has communicated and negotiated with the Renzo project team and now updates Renzo's code from EZ to REZ, effective immediately.
Binance will update the Renzo code from EZ to REZ
According to the Binance announcement, Binance will update the Renzo code from EZ to REZ. Binance will be the first platform to list this token, and trading will be open on April 30, 2024 at 20:00 (Eastern Time). Binance said that after the announcement of Renzo's new coin mining (Launchpool), there was some confusion in the community because another project in the market also used "EZ" as a code. Therefore, Binance has communicated and negotiated with the Renzo project team and now updates Renzo's code from EZ to REZ, effective immediately.
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BNB Golden Shovel is here!!! Binance Launchpool will launch the 53rd project Renzo (EZ) According to Binance’s announcement, Binance announced that the 53rd project of Launchpool is Renzo (EZ). Users can earn EZ by staking BNB and FDUSD, starting at 08:00 on April 24, 2024. In addition, Binance will launch EZ at 20:00 on April 30, 2024, Eastern Time, and open EZ/BTC, EZ/USDT, EZ/BNB, EZ/FDUSD, EZ/TRY trading pairs, and the seed tag will be applied to EZ. $BNB
BNB Golden Shovel is here!!!

Binance Launchpool will launch the 53rd project Renzo (EZ)
According to Binance’s announcement, Binance announced that the 53rd project of Launchpool is Renzo (EZ). Users can earn EZ by staking BNB and FDUSD, starting at 08:00 on April 24, 2024.
In addition, Binance will launch EZ at 20:00 on April 30, 2024, Eastern Time, and open EZ/BTC, EZ/USDT, EZ/BNB, EZ/FDUSD, EZ/TRY trading pairs, and the seed tag will be applied to EZ.

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Who are the famous people in the cryptocurrency world?1. Satoshi Nakamoto: the founder of Bitcoin and the most mysterious person. 2. Vitalik Buterin: A young genius, the founder of Ethereum, and the creator of the blockchain 2.0 era. 3. BM: Founder of B TS and E OS, E OS is considered blockchain 3.0. 4. Li Xiaolai and Wu Jihan tied for first place. Li Xiaolai: Self-proclaimed China's richest Bitcoiner, co-founder of Coin Capital. Wu Jihan: Founder of Bitmain, in charge of the most powerful computing power. 5. Shen Bo: Partner of Fenbushi Capital, former founding team of BitShares. 6. All partners of Yiyuanbao Y Y BC: monopolize at least 10 trillion art assets and hundreds of thousands of tokens on the chain in the world.

Who are the famous people in the cryptocurrency world?

1. Satoshi Nakamoto: the founder of Bitcoin and the most mysterious person.
2. Vitalik Buterin: A young genius, the founder of Ethereum, and the creator of the blockchain 2.0 era.
3. BM: Founder of B TS and E OS, E OS is considered blockchain 3.0.
4. Li Xiaolai and Wu Jihan tied for first place. Li Xiaolai: Self-proclaimed China's richest Bitcoiner, co-founder of Coin Capital. Wu Jihan: Founder of Bitmain, in charge of the most powerful computing power.
5. Shen Bo: Partner of Fenbushi Capital, former founding team of BitShares.
6. All partners of Yiyuanbao Y Y BC: monopolize at least 10 trillion art assets and hundreds of thousands of tokens on the chain in the world.
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Smile is a kind of power As the saying goes: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, one day is sad and one day is happy. Be an optimistic and warm person, be a person full of positive energy, and you will experience the joy of life. People who love to smile will never have bad luck. If you smile at life, life will smile at you.
Smile is a kind of power

As the saying goes: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, one day is sad and one day is happy. Be an optimistic and warm person, be a person full of positive energy, and you will experience the joy of life. People who love to smile will never have bad luck. If you smile at life, life will smile at you.
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Summary of the official war between Iran and Israel and its impact on the crypto market:Summary of the official war between Iran and Israel and its impact on the crypto market: 1. Iran: Iran sent a total of 185 drones to Israel, launched 110 surface-to-surface missiles and 36 cruise missiles, some of which successfully hit Israeli territory, and about half of them successfully hit the target; it also launched cyber attacks to cause power outages in several Israeli cities including Tel Aviv. Iran also warned the United States that if it intervened, it would strike U.S. troops in the Middle East. 2. Israel: Huge explosions were heard in many cities including Al-Quds, Beersheba and Dimona in the early morning of the 14th; the US and Israeli defense ministers spoke on the phone about Israel's defense against Iranian attacks, and Israel said it would make a "significant response" to the unprecedented Iranian attack. The Israeli Security Cabinet authorized the wartime cabinet to decide how to respond to the Iranian attack.

Summary of the official war between Iran and Israel and its impact on the crypto market:

Summary of the official war between Iran and Israel and its impact on the crypto market:
1. Iran: Iran sent a total of 185 drones to Israel, launched 110 surface-to-surface missiles and 36 cruise missiles, some of which successfully hit Israeli territory, and about half of them successfully hit the target; it also launched cyber attacks to cause power outages in several Israeli cities including Tel Aviv. Iran also warned the United States that if it intervened, it would strike U.S. troops in the Middle East.
2. Israel: Huge explosions were heard in many cities including Al-Quds, Beersheba and Dimona in the early morning of the 14th; the US and Israeli defense ministers spoke on the phone about Israel's defense against Iranian attacks, and Israel said it would make a "significant response" to the unprecedented Iranian attack. The Israeli Security Cabinet authorized the wartime cabinet to decide how to respond to the Iranian attack.
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How to earn tens of millions of yuan in this bull marketThe bull market has steadily advanced through a quarter of its journey, but for memecoins, the real spring seems to be still in bud. Looking back at the glory of the last bull market, the market capitalizations of Dogecoin and Shitcoin both exceeded the 100 billion mark, and their rise has undoubtedly brought shock and surprise to the market. We have reason to believe that in this bull market, memecoins with a potential market capitalization of 100 billion will also emerge. However, in the process of pursuing high returns, how to scientifically and reasonably allocate their positions has become a difficult problem for investors. My personal opinion is that we should not rely too much on personal subjective judgment to blindly buy and hold meme coins. The market is unpredictable, and any prediction has certain risks.

How to earn tens of millions of yuan in this bull market

The bull market has steadily advanced through a quarter of its journey, but for memecoins, the real spring seems to be still in bud. Looking back at the glory of the last bull market, the market capitalizations of Dogecoin and Shitcoin both exceeded the 100 billion mark, and their rise has undoubtedly brought shock and surprise to the market. We have reason to believe that in this bull market, memecoins with a potential market capitalization of 100 billion will also emerge.

However, in the process of pursuing high returns, how to scientifically and reasonably allocate their positions has become a difficult problem for investors. My personal opinion is that we should not rely too much on personal subjective judgment to blindly buy and hold meme coins. The market is unpredictable, and any prediction has certain risks.
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