I invested all of my salary in it and it is giving me nightmares. posted on my wall here the moment I bought it. wish someone had warned. Would never ever invest in a new coin. I just want it goes till .40 will sell it with my eyes closed . But I feel it will go below .25 .
$BIO guys, where do you think is the bottom for this s**t coin? It seems that it will only go down.
Bought og at 5.8 and Bio with ll my sallary at .47 now despite this crazy run I am so down had posted about here but didget a satisfactory response I am badly stuck don't what to do some say it is easy money i don't where the easy part is I am.losing my mind i check binance more than 500 times a day it will leave me crazy #og #BIO
bought bio with all of my salary that I just recieved #ShareMyTrades $BIO if someone know any concrete evidence about if not going up then please do share in the comment. i despatately need this to turn out okay
Can someone please tell about OG. I don't know much about Crypto bought it 5.8 in spot I borrowed from a cosin this money and it haunts me veryday now i have to get married in next 4 months i wanted to make some gains i ipen binace like 500 time aday it has ruined my already financially messed life #og #helpmeplease