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The market is like a spring. The lower you compress it, the stronger the force it will bounce back. The spring will always bounce back, but you have to make sure you stay on the spring. Not opening a contract is the greatest awe and respect for the bull market. Since entering the bull market, I have quit all contracts, which is a bit boring. I will start again in the bear market.
The market is like a spring. The lower you compress it, the stronger the force it will bounce back. The spring will always bounce back, but you have to make sure you stay on the spring. Not opening a contract is the greatest awe and respect for the bull market. Since entering the bull market, I have quit all contracts, which is a bit boring. I will start again in the bear market.
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It will take a long time for altcoins to complete their market trend. Mainstream coins will not change until most altcoins return to their previous highs.
It will take a long time for altcoins to complete their market trend. Mainstream coins will not change until most altcoins return to their previous highs.
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We need to pay closer attention to the market in the next few days, as a big one is coming. It is estimated that Ethereum will not change much here, and the focus should still be on Sol, followed by BTC, and then altcoins.
We need to pay closer attention to the market in the next few days, as a big one is coming. It is estimated that Ethereum will not change much here, and the focus should still be on Sol, followed by BTC, and then altcoins.
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Ethereum contract open interest hit a new high this Saturday and Sunday. A big one is coming. It was just average before, but it will be huge next time.
Ethereum contract open interest hit a new high this Saturday and Sunday. A big one is coming. It was just average before, but it will be huge next time.
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After Bitcoin Sol pulled up, Ethereum pulled up, and after Ethereum pulled up, we are waiting for the altcoins to pull up. Looking at the mainstream weighted coins that have reached the bull top position and referring to the strength level, this wave of altcoin market that is about to start should be very large, so brothers, be prepared to welcome it.
After Bitcoin Sol pulled up, Ethereum pulled up, and after Ethereum pulled up, we are waiting for the altcoins to pull up. Looking at the mainstream weighted coins that have reached the bull top position and referring to the strength level, this wave of altcoin market that is about to start should be very large, so brothers, be prepared to welcome it.
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The situation is about to change in the next two days, and something big is coming.
The situation is about to change in the next two days, and something big is coming.
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Although short-term pull-ups are frequently followed by sell-offs, it also represents the sharp edge of the bulls’ power, which is an active display, while the bears’ power is passive defense. As time goes by...
Although short-term pull-ups are frequently followed by sell-offs, it also represents the sharp edge of the bulls’ power, which is an active display, while the bears’ power is passive defense. As time goes by...
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I have been busy all day, so I will write about it now. We are currently in the middle stage of the bull market. Since most of the altcoins are Ethereum-based, we have to look at their big boss Ethereum. The exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin is expected to reverse around the end of the year. For details, you can look at an Ethereum exchange rate judgment written at the beginning of the year. Therefore, it is not that the altcoins are not good in this round of bull market, but that it has not yet started to explode. In addition, after the liquidation leverage of the bull market is over, it generally means that the adjustment is nearing the end. This time, the basic 2x leverage has exploded, and the liquidation is particularly thorough. Since the liquidation has ended, it is disrespectful to the bull market to be bearish again, so it is better to firmly hold long positions. Moreover, it has been adjusted for such a long time and space. If you move blindly later, you may be thrown off the car. If you lose money in the long-term, you will cut short-term. If you don’t make any money in the short-term, you will do long-term again. Entering a death cycle, a round of bull market is played in vain. It is better to go all the way and firmly believe. In short, it is useless to say more. See you in the future. #BTC走势分析
I have been busy all day, so I will write about it now.
We are currently in the middle stage of the bull market. Since most of the altcoins are Ethereum-based, we have to look at their big boss Ethereum. The exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin is expected to reverse around the end of the year. For details, you can look at an Ethereum exchange rate judgment written at the beginning of the year. Therefore, it is not that the altcoins are not good in this round of bull market, but that it has not yet started to explode. In addition, after the liquidation leverage of the bull market is over, it generally means that the adjustment is nearing the end. This time, the basic 2x leverage has exploded, and the liquidation is particularly thorough. Since the liquidation has ended, it is disrespectful to the bull market to be bearish again, so it is better to firmly hold long positions. Moreover, it has been adjusted for such a long time and space. If you move blindly later, you may be thrown off the car. If you lose money in the long-term, you will cut short-term. If you don’t make any money in the short-term, you will do long-term again. Entering a death cycle, a round of bull market is played in vain. It is better to go all the way and firmly believe. In short, it is useless to say more. See you in the future. #BTC走势分析
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Recently I have received many private messages asking why I don’t post analysis anymore. I will answer here. Because I have set up a group before, there must be a certain distinction. In fact, I have been making daily analysis videos all the time, but I just haven’t posted them on the public platform. I will not add anyone to this group anymore because it is ten times more tiring to appease others than to trade in cryptocurrencies myself. I will post an overall trend judgment later. I hope everyone can survive the darkness and make a fortune at the end of this bull market. ​​​
Recently I have received many private messages asking why I don’t post analysis anymore. I will answer here. Because I have set up a group before, there must be a certain distinction. In fact, I have been making daily analysis videos all the time, but I just haven’t posted them on the public platform. I will not add anyone to this group anymore because it is ten times more tiring to appease others than to trade in cryptocurrencies myself. I will post an overall trend judgment later. I hope everyone can survive the darkness and make a fortune at the end of this bull market. ​​​
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As for Bitcoin today, the market size is in the process of brewing. You can watch the video for details. When the size has not come out, the market seems to be very quiet and comparable to a bear market. At this time, we still need to recharge our faith. Often, after the adjustment in the bull market, it will enter the rising period very quickly. During the shock period of the adjustment stage, people will waver back and forth, and they are not sure whether it will rise or fall in the future. When it breaks through, they are afraid that it is a false breakthrough and wait a little longer. When they look back, they can no longer get on the train. We still need to respect the bull market and don't need to be too pessimistic. #BTC走势分析
As for Bitcoin today, the market size is in the process of brewing. You can watch the video for details. When the size has not come out, the market seems to be very quiet and comparable to a bear market. At this time, we still need to recharge our faith. Often, after the adjustment in the bull market, it will enter the rising period very quickly. During the shock period of the adjustment stage, people will waver back and forth, and they are not sure whether it will rise or fall in the future. When it breaks through, they are afraid that it is a false breakthrough and wait a little longer. When they look back, they can no longer get on the train. We still need to respect the bull market and don't need to be too pessimistic. #BTC走势分析
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Bitcoin has closed today, and it closed well with a hammer positive line, so there is still hope for this week. In the short term, Bitcoin is trending upward around the 15-minute Vegas channel, and the obv is also OK. The resistance level has been reached above the daily line, so you can look at the offensive situation of the 15-minute trend market in the next two days, but just look at it and don’t need to sell it because of the resistance level problem, because the start of the market will always cultivate traders’ short-term thinking at a key position, giving you a little profit so that you can miss more profits. Sol/BTC has completed the 1-hour adjustment and has stepped back. You can focus on it in the next two days. It is likely to be stronger than Bitcoin. #BTC走势分析
Bitcoin has closed today, and it closed well with a hammer positive line, so there is still hope for this week. In the short term, Bitcoin is trending upward around the 15-minute Vegas channel, and the obv is also OK. The resistance level has been reached above the daily line, so you can look at the offensive situation of the 15-minute trend market in the next two days, but just look at it and don’t need to sell it because of the resistance level problem, because the start of the market will always cultivate traders’ short-term thinking at a key position, giving you a little profit so that you can miss more profits. Sol/BTC has completed the 1-hour adjustment and has stepped back. You can focus on it in the next two days. It is likely to be stronger than Bitcoin. #BTC走势分析
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Looking at Bitcoin today, yesterday we said that if the weekly line closes positively, the market should still be good next week. From today, Sunday, the weekly line has already closed positively, and it is basically close to closing positively tomorrow. In addition, the 1-day line is supported after stepping back to the Vegas channel, and the 15-minute level is also stepping back to the Vegas channel, forming a resonance of large and small levels. We mentioned before that we are in a bull flag pattern. At present, the probability is very high. Be patient and wait for it to come out. The market is not bad. #BTC走势分析
Looking at Bitcoin today, yesterday we said that if the weekly line closes positively, the market should still be good next week. From today, Sunday, the weekly line has already closed positively, and it is basically close to closing positively tomorrow. In addition, the 1-day line is supported after stepping back to the Vegas channel, and the 15-minute level is also stepping back to the Vegas channel, forming a resonance of large and small levels. We mentioned before that we are in a bull flag pattern. At present, the probability is very high. Be patient and wait for it to come out. The market is not bad. #BTC走势分析
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Bitcoin today, after breaking through 60,000, temporarily stopped here and fluctuated for a day. Yesterday, it was said that it would be very difficult to drive the market by relying on only one weighted coin, Sol. The market would be better if the three major weighted coins pulled the market together. From the current exchange rate trend, we can see that the current flexible weight position is BTC>Sol>ETH, so the subsequent trend of Bitcoin is more important. Today is Saturday, and the weekly line will close tomorrow. From the weekly line, basically, if nothing unexpected happens, Bitcoin will close positively. The market is slowly getting better, so be patient. #BTC走势分析
Bitcoin today, after breaking through 60,000, temporarily stopped here and fluctuated for a day. Yesterday, it was said that it would be very difficult to drive the market by relying on only one weighted coin, Sol. The market would be better if the three major weighted coins pulled the market together. From the current exchange rate trend, we can see that the current flexible weight position is BTC>Sol>ETH, so the subsequent trend of Bitcoin is more important. Today is Saturday, and the weekly line will close tomorrow. From the weekly line, basically, if nothing unexpected happens, Bitcoin will close positively. The market is slowly getting better, so be patient. #BTC走势分析
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Looking at Bitcoin today, the short-term market began to adjust after Sol’s hourly line hit the resistance level. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum have not yet reached the resistance level and have adjusted following Sol. Therefore, it can be judged that Bitcoin and Ethereum are following the rebound and have not pulled the market autonomously. Therefore, the focus needs to be on observing the trend of Sol among the three major weighted currencies. If Sol wants to break out of the rising relay pattern, then the best situation is to oscillate strongly between 135-140, and then drive the market upward. However, as I just said, Bitcoin and Ethereum are not autonomously pulling the market, so the upper resistance level of Bitcoin and Ethereum will be reached after Sol breaks through the rebound high, Bitcoin 60500, Ethereum 3050. In general, Bitcoin and Ethereum still need to pull the market autonomously to drive the market upward more fiercely. Sol alone is very tiring. #BTC走势分析
Looking at Bitcoin today, the short-term market began to adjust after Sol’s hourly line hit the resistance level. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum have not yet reached the resistance level and have adjusted following Sol. Therefore, it can be judged that Bitcoin and Ethereum are following the rebound and have not pulled the market autonomously. Therefore, the focus needs to be on observing the trend of Sol among the three major weighted currencies. If Sol wants to break out of the rising relay pattern, then the best situation is to oscillate strongly between 135-140, and then drive the market upward. However, as I just said, Bitcoin and Ethereum are not autonomously pulling the market, so the upper resistance level of Bitcoin and Ethereum will be reached after Sol breaks through the rebound high, Bitcoin 60500, Ethereum 3050. In general, Bitcoin and Ethereum still need to pull the market autonomously to drive the market upward more fiercely. Sol alone is very tiring. #BTC走势分析
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As for Bitcoin today, the market volatility continues to decline. In addition, the May Day holiday will begin tomorrow, and the volatility is expected to continue to decline. The overall trend is basically fluctuating around 60,000, so it is basically meaningless to watch the market in the short term. The fluctuation has not ended and has not gone out of direction, and there is still some time before the end of the fluctuation change. So it is better to do something else on May Day and waste less time watching the market. #大盘走势
As for Bitcoin today, the market volatility continues to decline. In addition, the May Day holiday will begin tomorrow, and the volatility is expected to continue to decline. The overall trend is basically fluctuating around 60,000, so it is basically meaningless to watch the market in the short term. The fluctuation has not ended and has not gone out of direction, and there is still some time before the end of the fluctuation change. So it is better to do something else on May Day and waste less time watching the market. #大盘走势
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As for Bitcoin today, the four-hour rebound of the exchange rate against Ethereum has reached the resistance level against Bitcoin. Whether it can break through is uncertain for the time being. However, according to the previous chart, there will be a relatively large market for Ethereum around November. At present, the exchange rate against Sol, whether it is against Bitcoin or Ethereum, has reached the support point of the daily Vegas channel. In the next few days, we can pay attention to whether Sol can become strong. As for Bitcoin, it will take some time for the bull flag. It is not useful for intraday analysis for the time being because the cycle is too large. However, the daily line is about to approach the obv trend line support. Therefore, the overall market does not think that there will be a sharp drop in the near future. Even if it cannot rise, it will be a volatile market. #大盘走势
As for Bitcoin today, the four-hour rebound of the exchange rate against Ethereum has reached the resistance level against Bitcoin. Whether it can break through is uncertain for the time being. However, according to the previous chart, there will be a relatively large market for Ethereum around November. At present, the exchange rate against Sol, whether it is against Bitcoin or Ethereum, has reached the support point of the daily Vegas channel. In the next few days, we can pay attention to whether Sol can become strong. As for Bitcoin, it will take some time for the bull flag. It is not useful for intraday analysis for the time being because the cycle is too large. However, the daily line is about to approach the obv trend line support. Therefore, the overall market does not think that there will be a sharp drop in the near future. Even if it cannot rise, it will be a volatile market. #大盘走势
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Looking at Bitcoin today, Ethereum has rebounded, driving the market to rebound, which is good for Ethereum-related altcoins. Regardless of whether this wave is caused by Sun Ge’s purchase, Ethereum has been weak for a long time from the daily line, and stepped back to the Vegas channel first, while Bitcoin is still some distance away. In addition, the bull flag pattern takes a long time, so we have to wait for Bitcoin’s Vegas channel to come up. In addition, the exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin has reached the resistance level. The upper platform resistance is relatively large, and whether it can break through is still a question mark. According to the pre-drawn diagram, if everyone is optimistic about Sun Ge and wants to follow Sun Ge to buy, then you must be prepared to hold positions for at least half a year. After all, it is impossible for Sun Ge’s funds to play short-term trading with you and buy for two days and then sell again. #大盘走势
Looking at Bitcoin today, Ethereum has rebounded, driving the market to rebound, which is good for Ethereum-related altcoins. Regardless of whether this wave is caused by Sun Ge’s purchase, Ethereum has been weak for a long time from the daily line, and stepped back to the Vegas channel first, while Bitcoin is still some distance away. In addition, the bull flag pattern takes a long time, so we have to wait for Bitcoin’s Vegas channel to come up. In addition, the exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin has reached the resistance level. The upper platform resistance is relatively large, and whether it can break through is still a question mark. According to the pre-drawn diagram, if everyone is optimistic about Sun Ge and wants to follow Sun Ge to buy, then you must be prepared to hold positions for at least half a year. After all, it is impossible for Sun Ge’s funds to play short-term trading with you and buy for two days and then sell again. #大盘走势
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Bitcoin today, after reaching a high point in the past two days, has made a downward correction. From a big structural point of view, we are currently brewing a bull flag trend. The characteristics of the bull flag are that the second wave of decline is the largest and the energy is the strongest. Therefore, 59500 is the medium-term support point of this round, and the short-term support is around 62700. The second support is constructed, so the short-term support is 62700, and the medium-term support cannot be broken below 59500. In the ultra-short term, there is a small change in the market due to the continuous decline in volatility. At present, the probability of upward movement is greater, and the resistance level is 66000.#大盘走势
Bitcoin today, after reaching a high point in the past two days, has made a downward correction. From a big structural point of view, we are currently brewing a bull flag trend. The characteristics of the bull flag are that the second wave of decline is the largest and the energy is the strongest. Therefore, 59500 is the medium-term support point of this round, and the short-term support is around 62700. The second support is constructed, so the short-term support is 62700, and the medium-term support cannot be broken below 59500. In the ultra-short term, there is a small change in the market due to the continuous decline in volatility. At present, the probability of upward movement is greater, and the resistance level is 66000.#大盘走势
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Looking at Bitcoin today, Ethereum hit a new high after reaching the two-hour resistance level, but Bitcoin did not follow. The market as a whole began to pull back and kill the accumulated long leverage during the rebound period. This is a normal technical adjustment. In addition, from the daily line, this is a bull flag trend. In the medium term, due to the liquidation leverage, the bottom of the market's death spiral has been found at 59541, so this bull flag trend will accumulate momentum above this position. The accumulation time in the bull market is now. In addition, it is observed that many retail investors who do not usually do technical analysis and research have begun to draw pictures. Generally, the short-term trend of the bull flag accumulation stage is relatively easy to judge, which will increase the confidence of novices in watching the market. Finally, once the confidence is there, all the bearish will be sold. It is not a big problem to sell at a loss. #大盘走势
Looking at Bitcoin today, Ethereum hit a new high after reaching the two-hour resistance level, but Bitcoin did not follow. The market as a whole began to pull back and kill the accumulated long leverage during the rebound period. This is a normal technical adjustment. In addition, from the daily line, this is a bull flag trend. In the medium term, due to the liquidation leverage, the bottom of the market's death spiral has been found at 59541, so this bull flag trend will accumulate momentum above this position. The accumulation time in the bull market is now. In addition, it is observed that many retail investors who do not usually do technical analysis and research have begun to draw pictures. Generally, the short-term trend of the bull flag accumulation stage is relatively easy to judge, which will increase the confidence of novices in watching the market. Finally, once the confidence is there, all the bearish will be sold. It is not a big problem to sell at a loss. #大盘走势
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