Dont even think about buy dip... first wait. I still remember 2021 drop. Dont get fooled. This can be much bigger and painful and longer than you think.
For all people and whos follow me. I dont believe in some stupid charts. Idiotic 30 trillion predictions and bla bla bla. Always same story. Posts with rocket, flames, good news 100k BTC next week. Hype, hype and then crash. Now you can see all of them are just wrong and pointless. I am in crypto since 2017. This run, my spot profit reach 100k. I am person whos spending around 6 hours a day watching news. Watching trends gold, silver, stocks, fear index, snp500... and if there is something i dont like its ADA.
For people who would like profit once there is botton:
Stay avay from trash meme.
Dont believe in fairy tales. once its on top just take profit. End of story. Make it clear any profit is better than loss. You can buy anytime again. Forget hype. Use brain
Yesterday i made a post regards to the violet trend-line that i made the violet line.. Same with btc but i never post the btc plot only the avax.. and this is what happened before and up to date.. That as long that the candle is beliw the trend line it has possibilities to drop.. It seem 27-22 is waving not so sure...
$AVAX this is amazing as for my post before.. Avax is battled with ma99 @6htf Avax is a good coins but there is something to be corrected prior it travel to the moon... #swing trader #positional trader #scalper trader.. #50 already wave 48 45 40 39 are all waving... TREND IS A FRIEND