I have a question: Is future trade considered haram because it can liquidate your account? You become greedy and set high leverage, putting all your money in a trade, which is your mistake. You can also set liquidation to zero.
I need a logical answer. Binance provides leverage and only charges a fee on open trades; they never take a share of your trade's profit. You can say it's haram if Binance took a share of the profit but didn't share the loss. Your wallet is a guarantee between you and Binance for borrowing money; if your money is wiped out, Binance will close the trade. This is because you have losses as your guarantee.
Secondly, you cannot claim the ownership of your buying till the closing of trade because you borrowed an amount from Binance for the trade. How can you transfer it to another wallet? Similarly, in Islamic banking, if you purchase a car, the bank will take ownership in their name until the installments are cleared. So, you can move the assets to any wallet after closing the trade, which you can close at any time. Total control is in your hands. Another thing is funding fee, charged after eight hours, which Binance claims in terms and conditions that funding fee is being distributed between the short and long position holders. So, where is the interest? If you have any logical answer, please reply.