#TrumpCongressSpeech As we know Trump is the great president for the future of Crypto Currency and for the growth of crypto world Trump want to make america the capital of crypto world as Trump praise Elon musk and praising DOGE department its great .I got some positive vibe from the Trump congress speech
$ADA cardano the cutting edge technology the blockchain technology is evolving day by day and cardano is going to lead the world in future It's performance in crypto world is very impressive lot of investors have great intrest and investments in cardano.
#RAMZANWITHBINANCE I god the reward from the ramzan calender of binance kindly follow the link to Jon ramzan calender on binance https://safu.im/RvAwCBKT?utm_medium=web_share_copy
#2025WithBinance Why PI coin is getting great hype and why Binancian want to list in binance most of the people says its may be scam by the way I have lot PI coins which is locked for 2 years
#2025WithBinance Doge is going very soon i have many many $DOGE coin in near future because if I will either earn from Binance that that will pay more that 100% of profit as it shows on binance on liter side what you people say Doge have great future or its going to burn our investment
$DOGE $PEPE $BTTC I am holding these coins what should I do hold or sell these asset My opinion is to hold for atleast for next 6 month so I cab become crypto millionare.
$DOGE from the Start of this year 2025 there is the news about Doge coin it's going to skies in the form of his value but unfortunately it's very sad to see it's going down down as the market going down tell me all the traders it's is end of doge #2025WithBinance
#VIRTUALWhale when you have million of dollars to invest you should be very brave this whale who lost millions and now he returns with million in his wallet to invest so that investment can cause more positive impact on overall market
#WalletActivityInsights the crypto market is highly volatile market but I am vary unfortunate in the sense of investment but Trying my best to get rid from my lost still struggling to get profit
#2025WithBinance I was getting almost 0.33 USDC in the form of rewards from last 20 days I thought it's due to write to earn reward but let me share you one thing in the form of screenshot there is no reward showing in write to earn
#ActiveUserImpact I am totally agree with this active user can get 10 to 20 dollar daily from binance if he participate in binance task and activities.