Binance Square
区块链8年从业者,经理两轮牛熊,区块链老韭菜一枚,加密币分析趋势,资深分析师,顶级一二级资源,自有投研团队。公众号:顾大玩币 X:顾大
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The cryptocurrency circle has experienced ups and downs, but my heart remains the same after the storm. I smile at the wind and clouds and move forward fearlessly. I have been engaged in blockchain for eight years and have experienced two rounds of bull and bear markets. I am an old blockchain investor. I analyze the trend of cryptocurrency and am a senior analyst. I have top first- and second-level resources and my own investment research team.
The cryptocurrency circle has experienced ups and downs, but my heart remains the same after the storm. I smile at the wind and clouds and move forward fearlessly. I have been engaged in blockchain for eight years and have experienced two rounds of bull and bear markets. I am an old blockchain investor. I analyze the trend of cryptocurrency and am a senior analyst. I have top first- and second-level resources and my own investment research team.
炒币必须靠体系原则,不能靠情绪和感觉,不然涨的时候你会幻想还要涨,不舍得减仓或卖,回调跌的时候你会 幻想还要跌或者幻想行情结束了,不敢在回调点加仓,要么是短线贪婪,短线做着做着就成波段长线了,最后乱 套了。 必须去掉情绪化,靠体系原则,靠纪律,约東自己。操作目的清晰,短线,波段,加减仓的比例严格控制,这样 就会如鱼得水,非常轻松的操作。反而那类患得患失,贪婪后悔的心理最后啥也得不到。 $SUI $SEI $NEIRO $TIA #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
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There are still 5 days left until October. Historically, October has always been a time of peace and prosperity. The price of the big cake cannot fall any further. The upper 65,000 is a strong pressure point. Let’s put it this way. Even if it cannot break through 65,000 in the short term, it will definitely not create a new low of 49,000. It will test 58,300 at most. Moreover, it has not fallen below 62,300 at present. So cherish the next correction and keep adding positions! You will come back to thank me at the end of the year $SUI $SEI $TIA $NEIRO #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
There are still 5 days left until October. Historically, October has always been a time of peace and prosperity.
The price of the big cake cannot fall any further. The upper 65,000 is a strong pressure point. Let’s put it this way. Even if it cannot break through 65,000 in the short term, it will definitely not create a new low of 49,000. It will test 58,300 at most. Moreover, it has not fallen below 62,300 at present. So cherish the next correction and keep adding positions! You will come back to thank me at the end of the year
#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
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Judging from the liquidation map, if Bitcoin can break through 70,000 in the short term, it will pull out 1.68 billion air forces; if it falls below 57,000, it will fall out of more than 1.43 billion. In early November, the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates, which is good for the entire circle. Once Bitcoin breaks through 65,000 recently, the next level will challenge the 70,000 mark. The probability of going up is greater. Pay attention to the risks of short selling. #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
Judging from the liquidation map, if Bitcoin can break through 70,000 in the short term, it will pull out 1.68 billion air forces; if it falls below 57,000, it will fall out of more than 1.43 billion. In early November, the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates, which is good for the entire circle. Once Bitcoin breaks through 65,000 recently, the next level will challenge the 70,000 mark. The probability of going up is greater. Pay attention to the risks of short selling. #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
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2013 was a year full of opportunities and unknowns. I bought Bitcoin on Taobao with curiosity for only 5 yuan. The purchase record on Taobao has been preserved like a mark of time. The 34-digit Bitcoin address in the order notes seems to be a mysterious code leading to past wealth. However, I am now in deep confusion. Can I get this batch of Bitcoin back? Looking back at that time, the buying and selling of Bitcoin in China was still within the permitted range. The investment of 5 yuan only exchanged for a few decimal places in the number at that time, and the specific number of Bitcoins was already vague in my memory. After the purchase, I carefully saved the data on the computer, but who would have thought that later, in order to start a new chapter in life and change cities for work, the computer carrying hope was actually sold by me. At this moment, how I long for friends who know the business to guide me in the comment area and tell me whether this batch of Bitcoins can still see the light of day. If I can get it back, this year's life may really become extremely rich because of this unexpected wealth. This year, the expectation of interest rate cuts permeates the financial market, and Bitcoin is highly expected. It is said that it is even expected to break through the $100,000 mark by the end of the year, which makes people excited. Yesterday, I used 1ETH to buy some #Starlink. I heard that this project is very powerful, all thanks to the strong promotion of the Northwest Community and Pangu Community. I am looking forward to 2025 to make me realize the turning point of my destiny and open a new chapter in my life. Where will the future of Bitcoin go? Can my once neglected wealth return to my hands again? Everything is full of unknowns, but it makes people full of longing. #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
2013 was a year full of opportunities and unknowns. I bought Bitcoin on Taobao with curiosity for only 5 yuan. The purchase record on Taobao has been preserved like a mark of time. The 34-digit Bitcoin address in the order notes seems to be a mysterious code leading to past wealth. However, I am now in deep confusion. Can I get this batch of Bitcoin back?
Looking back at that time, the buying and selling of Bitcoin in China was still within the permitted range. The investment of 5 yuan only exchanged for a few decimal places in the number at that time, and the specific number of Bitcoins was already vague in my memory. After the purchase, I carefully saved the data on the computer, but who would have thought that later, in order to start a new chapter in life and change cities for work, the computer carrying hope was actually sold by me. At this moment, how I long for friends who know the business to guide me in the comment area and tell me whether this batch of Bitcoins can still see the light of day. If I can get it back, this year's life may really become extremely rich because of this unexpected wealth.
This year, the expectation of interest rate cuts permeates the financial market, and Bitcoin is highly expected. It is said that it is even expected to break through the $100,000 mark by the end of the year, which makes people excited. Yesterday, I used 1ETH to buy some #Starlink. I heard that this project is very powerful, all thanks to the strong promotion of the Northwest Community and Pangu Community. I am looking forward to 2025 to make me realize the turning point of my destiny and open a new chapter in my life. Where will the future of Bitcoin go? Can my once neglected wealth return to my hands again? Everything is full of unknowns, but it makes people full of longing.

#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
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The next interest rate meeting will be on November 8th. The probability of the Fed cutting interest rates by 50 basis points again is 62.3%. Since the interest rate cut on September 18th, Bitcoin has risen by 8,000 points. If the next interest rate cut increases by another 8,000 points, the price of the currency will directly break through 75,000, setting a new historical high. It seems that there will be a big surge in the fourth quarter. SUI SEI NEIRO TIA #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
The next interest rate meeting will be on November 8th. The probability of the Fed cutting interest rates by 50 basis points again is 62.3%. Since the interest rate cut on September 18th, Bitcoin has risen by 8,000 points. If the next interest rate cut increases by another 8,000 points, the price of the currency will directly break through 75,000, setting a new historical high. It seems that there will be a big surge in the fourth quarter. SUI SEI NEIRO TIA #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #HMSTR今日上线,猜猜上线价格是多少? #你有多少HMSTR?
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Mark Cuban to serve as SEC chairman if Kamala Harris winsBillionaire Mark Cuban recently announced that he hopes to succeed Gary Gensler as chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission if Kamala Harris wins the presidential election. Cuban has been actively involved in the cryptocurrency field for many years and has criticized the SEC's heavy-handed attitude towards the industry. Cuban is supported by the cryptocurrency industry. In an interview, a Fox News reporter asked Cuban whether he would prefer to be the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary of Commerce in a Harris-led administration. Cuban responded: "I aspire to be the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. This is the position I am pursuing."

Mark Cuban to serve as SEC chairman if Kamala Harris wins

Billionaire Mark Cuban recently announced that he hopes to succeed Gary Gensler as chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission if Kamala Harris wins the presidential election. Cuban has been actively involved in the cryptocurrency field for many years and has criticized the SEC's heavy-handed attitude towards the industry.

Cuban is supported by the cryptocurrency industry. In an interview, a Fox News reporter asked Cuban whether he would prefer to be the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary of Commerce in a Harris-led administration. Cuban responded: "I aspire to be the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. This is the position I am pursuing."
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US court classifies cryptocurrency mining equipment as securitiesA U.S. federal court has ruled that cryptocurrency mining equipment is classified as securities, siding with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its legal dispute with Green United LLC. The SEC accused the company of fraud in selling the equipment as part of a Ponzi scheme. What did the court decide? Judge Ann Marie McIff Allen ruled that Green United’s mining equipment, branded as “Green Boxes,” met U.S. securities law standards. She stressed that the concept of securities is not limited to stocks or tokens, but also includes contracts offered by Green United that meet the investment contract structure required by U.S. law.

US court classifies cryptocurrency mining equipment as securities

A U.S. federal court has ruled that cryptocurrency mining equipment is classified as securities, siding with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its legal dispute with Green United LLC. The SEC accused the company of fraud in selling the equipment as part of a Ponzi scheme.

What did the court decide? Judge Ann Marie McIff Allen ruled that Green United’s mining equipment, branded as “Green Boxes,” met U.S. securities law standards. She stressed that the concept of securities is not limited to stocks or tokens, but also includes contracts offered by Green United that meet the investment contract structure required by U.S. law.
两场非常重要的会议: 主要分析了两个问题: 1.后期行情如何 2.如何布局山寨 简短的总结一下: 首先,大盘行情方面我认不会直接突破上去,更多的是先来一波小幅度的回调然后配合利好突破6.5w,后期依旧 看好,不过我喜欢边走边看。 第二,如何布局山寨呢?我的观点很明确,今年的山寨一定要施行快进快出,不做中长线,不做长线,只做短 线,短期内赚了就跑,比较强势的可以只跑本金,其他的全跑没错的,热点板块的代币多去参与一下,会议中我 也说了wld可以布局,结果今天一看飞了!这就是盘感,跟对板块轮换的敏感程度! 随着各种meme的出现,各种板块代币的新增,所有的山寨币代币不可能回归之后之前的市值, ,只有极少数才有 可能涨个四五倍恢复原来的市值,所以大部分还是拉一波就会震荡下行,这是短期必然的趋势 总结:抓住热点板块,热点代币,快进快出,赚了就跑,一个密码就算赚20%,复利下来也就财富自由了!别被 欲望主导你的行为,市场是反人性的! SUI SEI NEIRO TIA #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #谷歌云与Solana合作
#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #谷歌云与Solana合作
今天市场估计很热闹,很少看到美联储这么大阵仗出来:美联储主席加上五位理事还会财政部长耶伦一共七位, 一个篮球队还多了,正好进攻和防守的阵营都能排开,还有两个替补。也能看出来联储和财政部对于首次降息之 后跟市场沟通的重视 特别是当下又是降息之后市场在重新寻锚的过程,然后又开始期待后续降息节奏。安抚市场担忧的心态,给一定 的期望但也不会过份拔高预期可能是主要表态了,就看这里有没有谁出来泼冷水了 SUI SEI TIA TAO #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR ##USDT市值创历史新高 #谷歌云与Solana合作
#新币挖矿已上线HMSTR ##USDT市值创历史新高 #谷歌云与Solana合作
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TAO price surge sparks interest in altcoinsThe recent surge in TAO’s price has greatly stimulated investor interest in emerging altcoins with high profit potential. By incorporating smart contracts into its blockchain, TAO has advanced its own decentralization process, thereby changing its market value. From $192 on September 6, TAO’s value soared to over $550 within a month, triggering a chain reaction throughout the crypto space. Here, we take a deep dive into four promising altcoins that have attracted attention due to the TAO effect. What’s Driving the Growing Demand for Chainlink?

TAO price surge sparks interest in altcoins

The recent surge in TAO’s price has greatly stimulated investor interest in emerging altcoins with high profit potential. By incorporating smart contracts into its blockchain, TAO has advanced its own decentralization process, thereby changing its market value. From $192 on September 6, TAO’s value soared to over $550 within a month, triggering a chain reaction throughout the crypto space. Here, we take a deep dive into four promising altcoins that have attracted attention due to the TAO effect.

What’s Driving the Growing Demand for Chainlink?
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A jaw-dropping bull run is coming in the next 6-8 months Here are the reasons: Gold prices hit a record high Typically, BTC tends to lag gold by a few months, In addition to this: The Fed just cut interest rates by 50 basis points and plans to cut interest rates by another 50 basis points by the end of 2024 China just announced multiple rate cuts Countries around the world are restarting the printing press, As a result, global liquidity is surging The US dollar index plummeted New funds are entering the crypto market Countries such as El Salvador and Bhutan are piling up Bitcoin Institutions such as BlackRock are promoting Bitcoin National pension funds are buying Bitcoin Q4 is coming The US presidential election is coming No one is optimistic enough! TIA SUI SEI NEIRO #AI概念币普涨 #USDTmarket value hits a record high #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
A jaw-dropping bull run is coming in the next 6-8 months
Here are the reasons:
Gold prices hit a record high
Typically, BTC tends to lag gold by a few months,
In addition to this:
The Fed just cut interest rates by 50 basis points and plans to cut interest rates by another 50 basis points by the end of 2024
China just announced multiple rate cuts
Countries around the world are restarting the printing press,
As a result, global liquidity is surging
The US dollar index plummeted
New funds are entering the crypto market
Countries such as El Salvador and Bhutan are piling up Bitcoin
Institutions such as BlackRock are promoting Bitcoin
National pension funds are buying Bitcoin
Q4 is coming
The US presidential election is coming
No one is optimistic enough!
#AI概念币普涨 #USDTmarket value hits a record high #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
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Will this currency become the next major player in the cryptocurrency world?Since its debut, Bitcoin (BTC) has dominated the cryptocurrency space. Its status as a pioneer currency has made it a key choice for both institutional and individual investors. Bitcoin’s dominance has not only dictated the direction of the market, but has also laid the foundation for many thriving alternative currencies. Despite Bitcoin’s enduring strength and influence, there are still many investors trying to look beyond BTC and find new opportunities in the cryptocurrency space—a space that promises to bring considerable profits and new advancements. Some of the most promising currencies include Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), Polkadot (DOT), and Sei Network (SEI). These currencies have attracted much attention due to their technological innovations and partnerships, making them strong contenders in the cryptocurrency space. In particular, projects like PawFury (PAW) have attracted attention for their growth potential and new strategies.

Will this currency become the next major player in the cryptocurrency world?

Since its debut, Bitcoin (BTC) has dominated the cryptocurrency space. Its status as a pioneer currency has made it a key choice for both institutional and individual investors. Bitcoin’s dominance has not only dictated the direction of the market, but has also laid the foundation for many thriving alternative currencies. Despite Bitcoin’s enduring strength and influence, there are still many investors trying to look beyond BTC and find new opportunities in the cryptocurrency space—a space that promises to bring considerable profits and new advancements. Some of the most promising currencies include Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), Polkadot (DOT), and Sei Network (SEI). These currencies have attracted much attention due to their technological innovations and partnerships, making them strong contenders in the cryptocurrency space. In particular, projects like PawFury (PAW) have attracted attention for their growth potential and new strategies.
牛来了 炒币请牢记这十二条策略: 1.涨10%,持有 2.涨20%,持有 3.涨30%,减-一成仓 4.涨40%,减二成仓 5.涨50%,减三成仓 6.涨60%,减四成仓 7..涨100%,清仓 8.跌10%,持有 9.跌20%,补一成仓 10.跌30%,补三成仓 11.跌50%,补五成仓 12.跌100%,补十成仓 炒币的精髓就是控仓,小涨小卖,大涨大卖,小跌小补,大跌大补,买完了就坚定持有,卖完了就选下一个标 的,按照这个操盘理念, 定能在币圈听涛游刃有余! #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #加密市场反弹 #哈里斯支持数字资产
#BNBChain与Telegram集成 #加密市场反弹 #哈里斯支持数字资产
Sei 突破常规,周涨幅达 60%:未来是否还会进一步增长?得益于美联储降息以及对第四季度强劲表现的期望,加密货币市场近来转为看涨态势。在表现出色的代币中,Sei(SEI)、Sui(SUI)和 Fantom(FTM)等第一层代币均呈现显著增长,其中 Sei(SEI)尤为突出。 Sei 是一种高度可扩展的第一层区块链,专门为去中心化应用程序(dApps)而设计。仅在今日,Sei 就飙升了 24.95%,在过去 7 天里涨幅高达 64%。SEI 在突破下行趋势后开始上涨,并于 9 月 19 日突破关键阻力位 0.3097 美元。 截至目前,SEI 的交易价格为 0.4561 美元,波动范围在 0.4552 美元至 0.4764 美元之间。倘若 SEI 突破 0.4764 美元,那么可能会瞄准下一个主要阻力位 0.5485 美元,这意味着从当前水平可能上涨 20%。值得关注的关键支撑位是 0.4552 美元,若 SEI 突破该水平后出现回撤,此支撑位将发挥坚实的支撑作用。 持续的上涨受到交易量上升以及第一层生态系统日益普及的支撑,进一步激发了市场的乐观情绪。 鉴于第四季度市场形势看好,SEI 或许会继续上涨。不过,投资者应密切关注关键价格水平和更广泛的市场状况,以此来判断其未来走势。 文章仅供参考,并不代表投资建议。

Sei 突破常规,周涨幅达 60%:未来是否还会进一步增长?

得益于美联储降息以及对第四季度强劲表现的期望,加密货币市场近来转为看涨态势。在表现出色的代币中,Sei(SEI)、Sui(SUI)和 Fantom(FTM)等第一层代币均呈现显著增长,其中 Sei(SEI)尤为突出。

Sei 是一种高度可扩展的第一层区块链,专门为去中心化应用程序(dApps)而设计。仅在今日,Sei 就飙升了 24.95%,在过去 7 天里涨幅高达 64%。SEI 在突破下行趋势后开始上涨,并于 9 月 19 日突破关键阻力位 0.3097 美元。

截至目前,SEI 的交易价格为 0.4561 美元,波动范围在 0.4552 美元至 0.4764 美元之间。倘若 SEI 突破 0.4764 美元,那么可能会瞄准下一个主要阻力位 0.5485 美元,这意味着从当前水平可能上涨 20%。值得关注的关键支撑位是 0.4552 美元,若 SEI 突破该水平后出现回撤,此支撑位将发挥坚实的支撑作用。


鉴于第四季度市场形势看好,SEI 或许会继续上涨。不过,投资者应密切关注关键价格水平和更广泛的市场状况,以此来判断其未来走势。

比特币(BTC)黄金交叉即将到来,以太坊(ETH)重拾看涨趋势,币安币(BNB)突破 65 天阻力位作为加密货币市场上备受期待的技术指标之一,比特币的黄金交叉渐行渐近。人们通常将这种(50 天移动平均线跨越 200 天移动平均线)模式解读为可能出现上涨势头的看涨信号。 交易员和投资者正密切关注这一交叉,它有可能引发下一轮大涨势,毕竟比特币目前的交易价格约为 62000 美元。然而,仅靠技术指标或许不足以突破 65000 美元的阻力位。近期的尝试已然证明,比特币很难冲破 65000 美元这一心理障碍。 为了突破这一阻碍,比特币当前需要新的市场热情和动力。依据 100 日均线,比特币的下一个支撑位处于 60500 美元。当价格在近期的市场低迷中对这一重要的稳定水平进行测试时,它发挥了支撑作用。 倘若 BTC 无法守住 59500 美元区域,买家会定期介入以支撑价格,而该区域将成为下一个值得留意的下行目标。虽然即将到来的黄金交叉总体上是一个极为看涨的信号,但并不能确保早期突破。要推动比特币突破关键的 65000 美元关口,市场仍需外部因素助力,比如购买兴趣增强或令人振奋的宏观经济新闻。 以太坊上涨 以太坊(ETH)持续在 50 日均线(衡量市场实力的关键指标)上方交易,呈现出持续看涨趋势的迹象。ETH 在超越这一重要移动平均线后保持了上涨态势;截至撰写此文时,其交易价格约为 2646 美元。 这一发展对以太坊的表现而言令人鼓舞,因为这表明市场可能即将再次转为看涨。尽管在技术上取得了成功,但交易量却一直在稳步下滑。交易量的下降可能是购买力减弱的征兆,这引发了一个疑问:这种上升趋势能够持续多久。 在不远的将来,如果没有足以支撑进一步扩张的交易量,以太坊或许很难继续上涨。鉴于市场状况,回调至 2600 美元的水平似乎存在可能。随着交易员等待更强劲的势头,以太坊也可能进入盘整或横盘交易阶段。 以太坊的交易价格可能会在 2400 美元至 2650 美元之间,这将形成一个狭窄的区间,价格走势可能会在下一次重大变动之前趋于稳定。如果价格进一步回撤,买家将介入,2500 美元的水平将在这个阶段充当关键支撑。当以太坊在上行过程中遇到 2700 美元的阻力时,该资产将需要大量的交易量才能突破并尝试进一步走高。 币安继续前行 最后,一直将币安币(BNB)限制在窄幅区间的 65 天阻力位被突破。在多次尝试之后,BNB 飙升至 600 美元以上,标志着一个重要的心理和技术转折点。尽管突破令人振奋,但 BNB 似乎缺乏延续涨势而不回撤所需的动力。 BNB 难以维持突破 610 美元大关所需的上涨势头,目前交易价格约为 602 美元。当交易量在最初的激增之后似乎趋于平稳时,这一水平就是下一个阻力点,如果无法突破该阻力位,可能会导致回调。BNB 的下一个支撑位约为 585 美元,与 50 日 EMA 一致。 如果 BNB 确实回撤,这一水平对于维持已经形成的看涨结构至关重要。跌破这一水平可能意味着更长时间的调整,这可能会使 BNB 回到 550 - 560 美元的区域,100 日 EMA 会提供更强的支撑。尽管如此,突破仍然是一件好事,因为它表明 BNB 能够克服重要的阻力位。 由于整个市场也开始放缓,BNB 要想继续上涨,需要新一波投资者兴趣或积极的宏观经济催化剂。由于下一个重要目标位于 650 美元左右,交易员应密切关注 610 美元的水平,因为持续突破这一阻力位可能为进一步上涨铺平道路。在此之前,缺乏动力可能会使 BNB 保持区间波动或导致小幅回落。 文章仅供参考并不代表投资建议。

比特币(BTC)黄金交叉即将到来,以太坊(ETH)重拾看涨趋势,币安币(BNB)突破 65 天阻力位

作为加密货币市场上备受期待的技术指标之一,比特币的黄金交叉渐行渐近。人们通常将这种(50 天移动平均线跨越 200 天移动平均线)模式解读为可能出现上涨势头的看涨信号。

交易员和投资者正密切关注这一交叉,它有可能引发下一轮大涨势,毕竟比特币目前的交易价格约为 62000 美元。然而,仅靠技术指标或许不足以突破 65000 美元的阻力位。近期的尝试已然证明,比特币很难冲破 65000 美元这一心理障碍。

为了突破这一阻碍,比特币当前需要新的市场热情和动力。依据 100 日均线,比特币的下一个支撑位处于 60500 美元。当价格在近期的市场低迷中对这一重要的稳定水平进行测试时,它发挥了支撑作用。

倘若 BTC 无法守住 59500 美元区域,买家会定期介入以支撑价格,而该区域将成为下一个值得留意的下行目标。虽然即将到来的黄金交叉总体上是一个极为看涨的信号,但并不能确保早期突破。要推动比特币突破关键的 65000 美元关口,市场仍需外部因素助力,比如购买兴趣增强或令人振奋的宏观经济新闻。


以太坊(ETH)持续在 50 日均线(衡量市场实力的关键指标)上方交易,呈现出持续看涨趋势的迹象。ETH 在超越这一重要移动平均线后保持了上涨态势;截至撰写此文时,其交易价格约为 2646 美元。


在不远的将来,如果没有足以支撑进一步扩张的交易量,以太坊或许很难继续上涨。鉴于市场状况,回调至 2600 美元的水平似乎存在可能。随着交易员等待更强劲的势头,以太坊也可能进入盘整或横盘交易阶段。

以太坊的交易价格可能会在 2400 美元至 2650 美元之间,这将形成一个狭窄的区间,价格走势可能会在下一次重大变动之前趋于稳定。如果价格进一步回撤,买家将介入,2500 美元的水平将在这个阶段充当关键支撑。当以太坊在上行过程中遇到 2700 美元的阻力时,该资产将需要大量的交易量才能突破并尝试进一步走高。


最后,一直将币安币(BNB)限制在窄幅区间的 65 天阻力位被突破。在多次尝试之后,BNB 飙升至 600 美元以上,标志着一个重要的心理和技术转折点。尽管突破令人振奋,但 BNB 似乎缺乏延续涨势而不回撤所需的动力。

BNB 难以维持突破 610 美元大关所需的上涨势头,目前交易价格约为 602 美元。当交易量在最初的激增之后似乎趋于平稳时,这一水平就是下一个阻力点,如果无法突破该阻力位,可能会导致回调。BNB 的下一个支撑位约为 585 美元,与 50 日 EMA 一致。

如果 BNB 确实回撤,这一水平对于维持已经形成的看涨结构至关重要。跌破这一水平可能意味着更长时间的调整,这可能会使 BNB 回到 550 - 560 美元的区域,100 日 EMA 会提供更强的支撑。尽管如此,突破仍然是一件好事,因为它表明 BNB 能够克服重要的阻力位。

由于整个市场也开始放缓,BNB 要想继续上涨,需要新一波投资者兴趣或积极的宏观经济催化剂。由于下一个重要目标位于 650 美元左右,交易员应密切关注 610 美元的水平,因为持续突破这一阻力位可能为进一步上涨铺平道路。在此之前,缺乏动力可能会使 BNB 保持区间波动或导致小幅回落。

目前 $btc横盘整理,极限测试前方高点附近 ,明后天都有4星会议,短线难免有波动,短线操作要么突破6.5万 右侧做多,要么箱体底部62400附近做多,没有破低,没有瀑布,没有快速吞噬大阳线,一切的回踩已调整看 待,操作上继续保持低多思路对待 SEth 4H上涨结构也并未衰竭,个 但结合当前的多头趋势强势,后续趋势的发展仍倾向多头为主,2525前期箱体底 部 SOL价格在 140 至 145 美元之间有大量买单,该支撑可以埋伏 山寨方面:目前btc市占比下降,大部分山寨币都呈现周线多头排列。这轮新公链,AI两大板块领涨 合约策略: $Btc在62707,61905多,损:61569,止盈64500 ETH 在2607,2572多,损2550,止盈2650 SOLsol在145.54,143多,损:141 止盈155 SEI SUI NEIRO CATI TAO #哈里斯支持数字资产 ##USDT市值创历史新高 #加密市场反弹
目前 $btc横盘整理,极限测试前方高点附近 ,明后天都有4星会议,短线难免有波动,短线操作要么突破6.5万
SEth 4H上涨结构也并未衰竭,个

SOL价格在 140 至 145 美元之间有大量买单,该支撑可以埋伏
ETH 在2607,2572多,损2550,止盈2650
SOLsol在145.54,143多,损:141 止盈155
#哈里斯支持数字资产 ##USDT市值创历史新高 #加密市场反弹
现在的情绪已经到了大家都要看山寨季要来了 你们说狗庄会不会趁着这个行情来个大暴跌,杀一下市面上的多头用户? 我是个坚定的多头,但看到市面这么多开多的用户资金很难拉起来,交易所的 BTC 持仓量已经超过了7月份的高 点 上方空头的清算位置全在64900以上杠杆用户已经全面领先于现货用户 SUI SEI NEIRO CATI TAO #哈里斯支持数字资产 ##USDT市值创历史新高 #加密市场反弹
我是个坚定的多头,但看到市面这么多开多的用户资金很难拉起来,交易所的 BTC 持仓量已经超过了7月份的高


#哈里斯支持数字资产 ##USDT市值创历史新高 #加密市场反弹
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