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今晚,美国CPI数据的发布将成为市场焦点,比特币(BTC)价格也将因此面临重要考验。当前,BTC价格在60,000美元左右徘徊,市场似乎正在静候CPI数据的出炉,以决定接下来的走势。回顾本月的前九天,虽然价格出现了一定的下滑,但未来半个月内仍有回升的可能。距离美国大选还有25天的时间,投资者需保持耐心观察市场动态。 CPI数据对比特币价格的影响历来备受瞩目。历史经验显示,若CPI数据高于市场预期,比特币价格往往会迅速下跌;反之,若数据低于预期,则可能激发市场的积极情绪,推动比特币价格上涨。目前,市场普遍认为美联储在11月降息的可能性极低,并预计到2024年底前降息幅度约为47个基点,这一预期相较于之前有所降低。 此外,比特币价格的波动性还可能受到地缘政治风险的影响。在全球政治局势动荡不安的背景下,任何地区的冲突或不确定性都可能影响投资者的风险偏好,进而对比特币价格产生波动。 因此,投资者应密切关注CPI数据的发布,并做好应对市场可能波动的准备。同时,考虑到美国大选临近,市场可能更加敏感和不稳定,投资者在操作时需谨慎行事,避免过度冒险。 {future}(BTCUSDT)
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In the currency circle, I earned about 27 million yuan with a principal of 50,000 yuan. I have not worked since graduating from college and have been enjoying life in Shanghai. I have no plans to buy a house or a car, and my monthly consumption is only about 1,500 yuan. The secret of my money-making is this: During my college years, I accumulated 50,000 yuan by participating in various projects, being a Taobao customer, making orders, doing express delivery, filling up the APP, and completing various small tasks. After that, I used the principal to carry out contract roll operations, and gradually accumulated more than 20 million in wealth. Currently, I am very optimistic about the ListaDAO project. ListaDAO is a decentralized protocol based on Binance Smart Chain that focuses on providing liquid staking and Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) solutions. With the launch of the clisBNB product, ListaDAO has demonstrated its innovative capabilities in the DeFi field and brought users a more efficient asset management experience. The launch of clisBNB has had a positive impact on ListaDAO and the entire DeFi ecosystem. It is designed so that users can not only borrow and borrow, but also participate in the BNB Launchpool to maximize the use of funds. This innovation significantly improves the flexibility of funds and plays a positive role in promoting ListaDAO's user growth and ecological development. Compared with other DeFi protocols, ListaDAO’s innovations in liquid staking, especially the launch of clisBNB, make it stand out in the highly competitive DeFi market. Users can not only obtain the benefits of traditional staking, but also maintain the liquidity of funds, which is one of the main advantages of ListaDAO. However, since its products are relatively new, market education and user awareness will still take some time, which is its current disadvantage. Looking to the future, ListaDAO can further expand the application scenarios of clisBNB and add more on-chain integration and cooperation. By continuously optimizing liquidity and user experience, ListaDAO is expected to become the leader in the liquid staking track and attract more users and funds. At the same time, cooperation with other DeFi protocols will also bring more innovation opportunities to ListaDAO and promote the development of its platform ecosystem. {future}(LINKUSDT)
In the currency circle, I earned about 27 million yuan with a principal of 50,000 yuan. I have not worked since graduating from college and have been enjoying life in Shanghai. I have no plans to buy a house or a car, and my monthly consumption is only about 1,500 yuan. The secret of my money-making is this: During my college years, I accumulated 50,000 yuan by participating in various projects, being a Taobao customer, making orders, doing express delivery, filling up the APP, and completing various small tasks. After that, I used the principal to carry out contract roll operations, and gradually accumulated more than 20 million in wealth.
Currently, I am very optimistic about the ListaDAO project. ListaDAO is a decentralized protocol based on Binance Smart Chain that focuses on providing liquid staking and Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) solutions. With the launch of the clisBNB product, ListaDAO has demonstrated its innovative capabilities in the DeFi field and brought users a more efficient asset management experience.
The launch of clisBNB has had a positive impact on ListaDAO and the entire DeFi ecosystem. It is designed so that users can not only borrow and borrow, but also participate in the BNB Launchpool to maximize the use of funds. This innovation significantly improves the flexibility of funds and plays a positive role in promoting ListaDAO's user growth and ecological development.
Compared with other DeFi protocols, ListaDAO’s innovations in liquid staking, especially the launch of clisBNB, make it stand out in the highly competitive DeFi market. Users can not only obtain the benefits of traditional staking, but also maintain the liquidity of funds, which is one of the main advantages of ListaDAO. However, since its products are relatively new, market education and user awareness will still take some time, which is its current disadvantage.
Looking to the future, ListaDAO can further expand the application scenarios of clisBNB and add more on-chain integration and cooperation. By continuously optimizing liquidity and user experience, ListaDAO is expected to become the leader in the liquid staking track and attract more users and funds. At the same time, cooperation with other DeFi protocols will also bring more innovation opportunities to ListaDAO and promote the development of its platform ecosystem.
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The total amount of liquidation in the entire network has reached 1.87 billion. The trend of the US stock market is consistent with my prediction and has begun to rise, but the US stocks related to digital currencies have fallen sharply. At around 9 o'clock last night, I had already predicted this wave of decline, but the entry point for fans was more than ten points higher. At present, ETH has fallen to 2350 again, and the downward trend has emerged. The 2400 that was previously supported has now become a pressure point. Someone asked me if I can enter the market to go long now. My advice is not to go against the trend. When the market shows a downward trend, we should look for the pressure point of this trend and follow the short. Many people did not catch the big short market last night, but I think it is always safer to follow the market trend than to try to guess the bottom. In the morning, I still need to continue to pay attention to the market and observe whether there will be a retracement at the 2400 position. In the market, it is better to miss the opportunity than to make the wrong direction, because once you make a wrong order, the profits of the ten orders earned hard before may disappear. {future}(ETHUSDT)
The total amount of liquidation in the entire network has reached 1.87 billion. The trend of the US stock market is consistent with my prediction and has begun to rise, but the US stocks related to digital currencies have fallen sharply. At around 9 o'clock last night, I had already predicted this wave of decline, but the entry point for fans was more than ten points higher.
At present, ETH has fallen to 2350 again, and the downward trend has emerged. The 2400 that was previously supported has now become a pressure point. Someone asked me if I can enter the market to go long now. My advice is not to go against the trend. When the market shows a downward trend, we should look for the pressure point of this trend and follow the short. Many people did not catch the big short market last night, but I think it is always safer to follow the market trend than to try to guess the bottom.
In the morning, I still need to continue to pay attention to the market and observe whether there will be a retracement at the 2400 position. In the market, it is better to miss the opportunity than to make the wrong direction, because once you make a wrong order, the profits of the ten orders earned hard before may disappear.
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At the beginning of 2017, I took out a sum of private money and invested 100 bitcoins. Time passed quickly. A few months later, the price of Bitcoin doubled, and I seemed to see the hope of achieving financial freedom. In my excitement, I couldn't help but share the good news with my wife. , My Bitcoin wallet was also synchronized. I printed five copies of the private key of Bitcoin and stored them in different places at home. At this time, the price of Bitcoin had risen to three times when I bought it, and my heart was filled with joy. However, happy times are always short-lived. My wife was surprised by the rapid appreciation of Bitcoin, and I explained to her in detail the history, principles and future potential of Bitcoin, and we spent a pleasant night. However, when I woke up the next day, I found that the price of Bitcoin had dropped sharply, from three times to two times. I told myself that this might just be a normal adjustment in the market, and there was no need to worry my wife, so I decided to make breakfast first. Just then, my wife came back suddenly. I tried to stay calm and greeted her with a smile. My wife was in a good mood, which relieved my anxiety. She proposed to invest in Bitcoin with the family's spare money, and I told her seriously that Bitcoin is very risky and only suitable for small-scale investment, and that earning 100 million or 1 billion yuan will not have much impact on life. In the end, my wife was persuaded by me and turned to study the bank's financial products. I was relieved because the pressure of speculating in coins was too great. After a few days of research, considering the past trend of Bitcoin and my experience in the stock market, I decided to sell all the Bitcoins and only made a few tens of thousands of yuan. Later, due to personal reasons and the impact of the epidemic, I lost my job, but through a year of hard work, I saved 30,000 yuan to invest in another cryptocurrency, Marvin. This experience made me deeply realize that although cryptocurrency investment has high profit potential, it also comes with huge risks. For the family, it is more important to maintain financial stability and harmony. {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT)
At the beginning of 2017, I took out a sum of private money and invested 100 bitcoins. Time passed quickly. A few months later, the price of Bitcoin doubled, and I seemed to see the hope of achieving financial freedom. In my excitement, I couldn't help but share the good news with my wife. , My Bitcoin wallet was also synchronized. I printed five copies of the private key of Bitcoin and stored them in different places at home. At this time, the price of Bitcoin had risen to three times when I bought it, and my heart was filled with joy.
However, happy times are always short-lived. My wife was surprised by the rapid appreciation of Bitcoin, and I explained to her in detail the history, principles and future potential of Bitcoin, and we spent a pleasant night. However, when I woke up the next day, I found that the price of Bitcoin had dropped sharply, from three times to two times. I told myself that this might just be a normal adjustment in the market, and there was no need to worry my wife, so I decided to make breakfast first.
Just then, my wife came back suddenly. I tried to stay calm and greeted her with a smile. My wife was in a good mood, which relieved my anxiety. She proposed to invest in Bitcoin with the family's spare money, and I told her seriously that Bitcoin is very risky and only suitable for small-scale investment, and that earning 100 million or 1 billion yuan will not have much impact on life. In the end, my wife was persuaded by me and turned to study the bank's financial products. I was relieved because the pressure of speculating in coins was too great.
After a few days of research, considering the past trend of Bitcoin and my experience in the stock market, I decided to sell all the Bitcoins and only made a few tens of thousands of yuan. Later, due to personal reasons and the impact of the epidemic, I lost my job, but through a year of hard work, I saved 30,000 yuan to invest in another cryptocurrency, Marvin.
This experience made me deeply realize that although cryptocurrency investment has high profit potential, it also comes with huge risks. For the family, it is more important to maintain financial stability and harmony.

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{future}(BNBUSDT) {future}(SOLUSDT) In the cryptocurrency market, contract trading often attracts many investors due to its high-risk and high-return characteristics. However, the volatility and unpredictability of the market also make contract trading challenging. Here is another description of your experience: After a period of successful contract trading, I decided to give myself a "cooling-off period" to avoid making impulsive decisions driven by emotions. Despite this, I restored the function of contract trading in advance by creating a sub-account. This decision ultimately proved to be disastrous, because not only did I not get the expected returns, but I suffered a serious loss, losing more than 70 units of assets. This failure hit me hard and made me very depressed. I temporarily withdrew from the contract market and switched to diversifying risks by regularly investing in mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Binance Coin and Ethereum, as well as spot trading. Although this strategy sometimes brought gains, I still lost money overall, especially when the market showed an overall downward trend. Fortunately, I successfully avoided a major market crash, which allowed me to retain a portion of my principal. During the time away from trading, I felt a lot more relaxed mentally, and I was no longer as nervous and anxious as before. By the beginning of August, I returned to the contract trading market. After a month of hard work, I managed to recover some of my losses and earned back 40 units of assets. This made me a little complacent, mistakenly thinking that I had mastered the market trend. But soon, the market taught me a lesson, and several unfavorable operations in early September caused me to suffer losses again, not only losing the 40 units of assets I had earned before, but also losing an additional 10 units. This experience made me realize that although I may have a certain understanding of the market, I still need more caution and self-control. Therefore, instead of setting a cooling-off period again, I took the initiative to stop contract trading and focus on the spot market. This experience is a valuable lesson, reminding me the importance of staying calm and rational in the cryptocurrency market, and the need to adjust strategies and mentality in a timely manner when facing market fluctuations.

In the cryptocurrency market, contract trading often attracts many investors due to its high-risk and high-return characteristics. However, the volatility and unpredictability of the market also make contract trading challenging. Here is another description of your experience:
After a period of successful contract trading, I decided to give myself a "cooling-off period" to avoid making impulsive decisions driven by emotions. Despite this, I restored the function of contract trading in advance by creating a sub-account. This decision ultimately proved to be disastrous, because not only did I not get the expected returns, but I suffered a serious loss, losing more than 70 units of assets.
This failure hit me hard and made me very depressed. I temporarily withdrew from the contract market and switched to diversifying risks by regularly investing in mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Binance Coin and Ethereum, as well as spot trading. Although this strategy sometimes brought gains, I still lost money overall, especially when the market showed an overall downward trend.
Fortunately, I successfully avoided a major market crash, which allowed me to retain a portion of my principal. During the time away from trading, I felt a lot more relaxed mentally, and I was no longer as nervous and anxious as before.
By the beginning of August, I returned to the contract trading market. After a month of hard work, I managed to recover some of my losses and earned back 40 units of assets. This made me a little complacent, mistakenly thinking that I had mastered the market trend. But soon, the market taught me a lesson, and several unfavorable operations in early September caused me to suffer losses again, not only losing the 40 units of assets I had earned before, but also losing an additional 10 units.
This experience made me realize that although I may have a certain understanding of the market, I still need more caution and self-control. Therefore, instead of setting a cooling-off period again, I took the initiative to stop contract trading and focus on the spot market.
This experience is a valuable lesson, reminding me the importance of staying calm and rational in the cryptocurrency market, and the need to adjust strategies and mentality in a timely manner when facing market fluctuations.
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A huge transaction appeared on the platform. A mysterious user purchased a large number of Bitcoin call options of $90,000 at the end of the year for $1.479 million, and at the same time sold $62,000 put options at the end of the year, involving as many as 488 BTC. . This move shows the user’s long-term bullish confidence in Bitcoin and expects the price of BTC to rise significantly by the end of the year. If the price of BTC exceeds $60,000 at the time of delivery, the trade will start to be profitable. This user’s bold move not only reflects his deep understanding of the market, but also reflects his optimistic expectations for the future direction of the cryptocurrency market. Such trading behavior undoubtedly brings more attention and discussion to the market. In the cryptocurrency market, options trading is favored by some investors for its potentially high returns, but it also comes with higher risks. For ordinary investors, it is very important to understand the principles and risks of options trading, and how to formulate appropriate investment strategies based on market conditions. As the world's leading cryptocurrency options trading platform, Deribit provides a variety of options products, including call options and put options with different expiration dates and exercise prices. The platform's large transaction data is often used by market analysts to predict and analyze future market trends. This mysterious large-scale transaction has undoubtedly added new vitality to the cryptocurrency market, and also made people full of expectations for the direction of BTC prices before the end of the year. However, the market is always full of uncertainty, and investors should fully consider their own risk tolerance and remain cautious when making trading decisions. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT)
A huge transaction appeared on the platform. A mysterious user purchased a large number of Bitcoin call options of $90,000 at the end of the year for $1.479 million, and at the same time sold $62,000 put options at the end of the year, involving as many as 488 BTC. . This move shows the user’s long-term bullish confidence in Bitcoin and expects the price of BTC to rise significantly by the end of the year. If the price of BTC exceeds $60,000 at the time of delivery, the trade will start to be profitable.
This user’s bold move not only reflects his deep understanding of the market, but also reflects his optimistic expectations for the future direction of the cryptocurrency market. Such trading behavior undoubtedly brings more attention and discussion to the market.
In the cryptocurrency market, options trading is favored by some investors for its potentially high returns, but it also comes with higher risks. For ordinary investors, it is very important to understand the principles and risks of options trading, and how to formulate appropriate investment strategies based on market conditions.
As the world's leading cryptocurrency options trading platform, Deribit provides a variety of options products, including call options and put options with different expiration dates and exercise prices. The platform's large transaction data is often used by market analysts to predict and analyze future market trends.
This mysterious large-scale transaction has undoubtedly added new vitality to the cryptocurrency market, and also made people full of expectations for the direction of BTC prices before the end of the year. However, the market is always full of uncertainty, and investors should fully consider their own risk tolerance and remain cautious when making trading decisions.

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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {future}(BNBUSDT) $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) After making profits in the cryptocurrency market, withdrawing funds to the bank is a step that many investors need to face. However, large withdrawals may indeed attract the attention of banks and require an explanation of the source of funds. Here are some suggestions to help you handle withdrawals more smoothly: Be transparent: When withdrawing funds, clearly explain the source of funds to the bank. If your funds come from cryptocurrency investments, you might as well be honest and provide necessary transaction records as proof. Withdraw in batches: Avoid withdrawing large amounts of funds at one time. Consider doing it in batches to reduce the impact on the banking system and attract unnecessary attention. Comply with regulations: Make sure your cryptocurrency transactions comply with local laws and regulations and avoid any illegal activities. Use stablecoins: Convert cryptocurrencies into stablecoins (such as USDT) and then withdraw them to a bank account. However, please note that stablecoins may be subject to additional scrutiny. Open a foreign currency account: Consider opening a foreign currency account, directly converting cryptocurrencies into US dollars or other foreign currencies, and then withdrawing them to the foreign currency account. Utilize foreign trade channels: If you have a legitimate foreign trade business, you can transfer funds through foreign trade channels. Consult professionals: When dealing with large withdrawals, consult a financial advisor or lawyer to ensure that your operations comply with local laws and regulations. Remember that the laws and regulations of each country and region are different, and you should develop a withdrawal strategy based on the specific local conditions. At the same time, as the regulatory environment changes, the withdrawal methods and precautions may also change accordingly. Always being vigilant and abiding by laws and regulations is the key to protecting the safety of funds.
After making profits in the cryptocurrency market, withdrawing funds to the bank is a step that many investors need to face. However, large withdrawals may indeed attract the attention of banks and require an explanation of the source of funds. Here are some suggestions to help you handle withdrawals more smoothly:
Be transparent: When withdrawing funds, clearly explain the source of funds to the bank. If your funds come from cryptocurrency investments, you might as well be honest and provide necessary transaction records as proof.
Withdraw in batches: Avoid withdrawing large amounts of funds at one time. Consider doing it in batches to reduce the impact on the banking system and attract unnecessary attention.
Comply with regulations: Make sure your cryptocurrency transactions comply with local laws and regulations and avoid any illegal activities.
Use stablecoins: Convert cryptocurrencies into stablecoins (such as USDT) and then withdraw them to a bank account. However, please note that stablecoins may be subject to additional scrutiny.
Open a foreign currency account: Consider opening a foreign currency account, directly converting cryptocurrencies into US dollars or other foreign currencies, and then withdrawing them to the foreign currency account.
Utilize foreign trade channels: If you have a legitimate foreign trade business, you can transfer funds through foreign trade channels.
Consult professionals: When dealing with large withdrawals, consult a financial advisor or lawyer to ensure that your operations comply with local laws and regulations.
Remember that the laws and regulations of each country and region are different, and you should develop a withdrawal strategy based on the specific local conditions. At the same time, as the regulatory environment changes, the withdrawal methods and precautions may also change accordingly. Always being vigilant and abiding by laws and regulations is the key to protecting the safety of funds.
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In the cryptocurrency market, achieving high returns through contract trading is the goal of many traders. As an experienced cryptocurrency trader, I have experienced many ups and downs and finally mastered some effective contract trading skills. The following is a summary of my years of trading experience, I hope it will be helpful to you: Fixed trading funds: I always maintain a fixed contract trading fund, such as limiting the trading funds of an account to $300. This strategy allows me to have a clear maximum loss limit, while also capturing huge profit potential when the market conditions are favorable. Small initial investment: I follow the advice of investment guru Livermore, who proposed in the stock market that if the direction is right at the beginning, you should start with a small amount of profit. Therefore, I will only invest a small amount of money at the beginning of trading, even if the total funds are $300, the initial investment is often only a few dollars or a dozen dollars, which helps me ensure that I can make a profit at the beginning of trading. Profit-added position: I will only use profits to add positions when I have made profits and the market trend is obvious. This strategy allows me to expand profits when the market conditions are favorable, while controlling risks in unfavorable market environments. Dynamic stop loss: I will adjust the stop loss point in time according to market changes to protect my principal from loss. This is one of the principles I strictly follow in trading. It helps me stay rational when the market fluctuates and avoid making emotional trading decisions. These rules help me maintain good trading discipline. Of course, before starting trading, I must remind novices: contract trading is a great test of human nature. Unless you can stick to using very limited funds, such as $100 or $300, you can achieve the strategy of "small for big" instead of "big for small". I share my experience and hope it will be inspiring to contract traders. {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT)
In the cryptocurrency market, achieving high returns through contract trading is the goal of many traders. As an experienced cryptocurrency trader, I have experienced many ups and downs and finally mastered some effective contract trading skills. The following is a summary of my years of trading experience, I hope it will be helpful to you:
Fixed trading funds: I always maintain a fixed contract trading fund, such as limiting the trading funds of an account to $300. This strategy allows me to have a clear maximum loss limit, while also capturing huge profit potential when the market conditions are favorable.
Small initial investment: I follow the advice of investment guru Livermore, who proposed in the stock market that if the direction is right at the beginning, you should start with a small amount of profit. Therefore, I will only invest a small amount of money at the beginning of trading, even if the total funds are $300, the initial investment is often only a few dollars or a dozen dollars, which helps me ensure that I can make a profit at the beginning of trading.
Profit-added position: I will only use profits to add positions when I have made profits and the market trend is obvious. This strategy allows me to expand profits when the market conditions are favorable, while controlling risks in unfavorable market environments.
Dynamic stop loss: I will adjust the stop loss point in time according to market changes to protect my principal from loss. This is one of the principles I strictly follow in trading. It helps me stay rational when the market fluctuates and avoid making emotional trading decisions.
These rules help me maintain good trading discipline. Of course, before starting trading, I must remind novices: contract trading is a great test of human nature. Unless you can stick to using very limited funds, such as $100 or $300, you can achieve the strategy of "small for big" instead of "big for small". I share my experience and hope it will be inspiring to contract traders.

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$EURI {spot}(EURIUSDT) Currently, $EURI is trading at 1.1162 USDT, showing a solid +0.13% slight increase in the past 24 hours. Its price fluctuation trajectory is clear, hitting a high of $1.1179 and a low of $1.1128, and this fluctuation range highlights the activeness of the market. Currently, the price is in the testing phase of the key resistance level near 1.1168. If it can effectively break through this level, it indicates that the price may usher in a strong round of upward trend, pointing directly to the important mark of $1.1179, bringing exciting profit opportunities to investors. However, on the other hand, if the price unfortunately falls below the support level of $1.1128, it may trigger the market's selling sentiment and cause the price to fall further. Therefore, investors should pay close attention to the dynamics of this key area and be fully prepared for possible breakthroughs or reversals in order to capture market opportunities in time.
Currently, $EURI is trading at 1.1162 USDT, showing a solid +0.13% slight increase in the past 24 hours. Its price fluctuation trajectory is clear, hitting a high of $1.1179 and a low of $1.1128, and this fluctuation range highlights the activeness of the market.
Currently, the price is in the testing phase of the key resistance level near 1.1168. If it can effectively break through this level, it indicates that the price may usher in a strong round of upward trend, pointing directly to the important mark of $1.1179, bringing exciting profit opportunities to investors.
However, on the other hand, if the price unfortunately falls below the support level of $1.1128, it may trigger the market's selling sentiment and cause the price to fall further. Therefore, investors should pay close attention to the dynamics of this key area and be fully prepared for possible breakthroughs or reversals in order to capture market opportunities in time.
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$EURI {spot}(EURIUSDT) Recent dynamics of the EURI/USDT trading pair Over the past four hours, the EURI/USDT trading pair has shown a high degree of stability, with its price range tightly locked between $1.114 and $1.117. This performance fully demonstrates the characteristics of Eurite (EURI) as a stablecoin, which was originally designed to closely track the value of the euro and provide a stable trading anchor for the market. Currently, the trading price of EURI is firmly at around $1.117, with minimal price fluctuations in the past 24 hours, achieving only a modest increase of 0.10%. This stability is not only reflected in the price, but also in the stability of its circulating supply, which is currently around 29.5 million and the market value is stable at around $32.95 million. As one of the first stablecoins regulated under the European Economic Area Crypto-Assets Market (MiCA) framework, EURI plays an important role in ensuring the transparency and security of user transactions. Although the recent market performance is relatively stable, and compared with mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, EURI's growth is slightly inferior, but this does not hinder its value as a safe-haven asset. It is worth noting that EURI's trading volume in the past 24 hours is still active, exceeding 21 million US dollars, showing the market's high recognition of its stable characteristics. For investors who want to find a safe haven in market fluctuations, EURI is undoubtedly an option worth considering. Its stable trading environment and relatively small price fluctuations provide investors with a more secure trading experience.

Recent dynamics of the EURI/USDT trading pair
Over the past four hours, the EURI/USDT trading pair has shown a high degree of stability, with its price range tightly locked between $1.114 and $1.117. This performance fully demonstrates the characteristics of Eurite (EURI) as a stablecoin, which was originally designed to closely track the value of the euro and provide a stable trading anchor for the market.
Currently, the trading price of EURI is firmly at around $1.117, with minimal price fluctuations in the past 24 hours, achieving only a modest increase of 0.10%. This stability is not only reflected in the price, but also in the stability of its circulating supply, which is currently around 29.5 million and the market value is stable at around $32.95 million.
As one of the first stablecoins regulated under the European Economic Area Crypto-Assets Market (MiCA) framework, EURI plays an important role in ensuring the transparency and security of user transactions. Although the recent market performance is relatively stable, and compared with mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, EURI's growth is slightly inferior, but this does not hinder its value as a safe-haven asset.
It is worth noting that EURI's trading volume in the past 24 hours is still active, exceeding 21 million US dollars, showing the market's high recognition of its stable characteristics. For investors who want to find a safe haven in market fluctuations, EURI is undoubtedly an option worth considering. Its stable trading environment and relatively small price fluctuations provide investors with a more secure trading experience.
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$EURI {spot}(EURIUSDT) Market Dynamics Focus 1MBABYDOGE faces adjustment: Currently, the price of 1MBABYDOGE is 0.0019134, down 4.53% from the previous time. Faced with this short-term correction, market participants should remain vigilant, as any potential signs of recovery may indicate a new buying opportunity. F fluctuates synchronously: Interestingly, the trading price of F coincides with 1MBABYDOGE, also at 0.0019134, and the two have similar performances, both in the adjustment stage. This reminds us that when observing a single asset, we also need to pay attention to the linkage effect of the entire market, especially the momentum changes between similar assets. POL shows a slight increase: In the slightly bleak market environment, POL is like a bright spot, with its price stable at 0.4018 and a small increase of 0.40%. This positive trend may indicate the emergence of new interest. For investors seeking market highlights, POL is undoubtedly a target worthy of further attention. EURI is moving forward steadily: Despite the constant market volatility, EURI has maintained its stability at a price of 1.1154, down only 0.03%. This resilience in the face of market uncertainty makes EURI continue to be a trustworthy choice for investors' asset allocation. For those who prefer stable investments, EURI is undoubtedly worthy of continued attention.
Market Dynamics Focus
1MBABYDOGE faces adjustment: Currently, the price of 1MBABYDOGE is 0.0019134, down 4.53% from the previous time. Faced with this short-term correction, market participants should remain vigilant, as any potential signs of recovery may indicate a new buying opportunity.
F fluctuates synchronously: Interestingly, the trading price of F coincides with 1MBABYDOGE, also at 0.0019134, and the two have similar performances, both in the adjustment stage. This reminds us that when observing a single asset, we also need to pay attention to the linkage effect of the entire market, especially the momentum changes between similar assets.
POL shows a slight increase: In the slightly bleak market environment, POL is like a bright spot, with its price stable at 0.4018 and a small increase of 0.40%. This positive trend may indicate the emergence of new interest. For investors seeking market highlights, POL is undoubtedly a target worthy of further attention.
EURI is moving forward steadily: Despite the constant market volatility, EURI has maintained its stability at a price of 1.1154, down only 0.03%. This resilience in the face of market uncertainty makes EURI continue to be a trustworthy choice for investors' asset allocation. For those who prefer stable investments, EURI is undoubtedly worthy of continued attention.
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Overview of recent major events🌹: China's monetary policy adjustment: China's central bank announced an important decision on Thursday to reduce the bank's deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points. This move is expected to inject up to 1 trillion yuan (about 142 billion U.S. dollars) of liquidity into the market. Market analysts generally predict that with the increase in liquidity, a large amount of Chinese capital may flow into the cryptocurrency market, bringing new vitality to the industry. SEC's regulatory actions on TrustToken and TrueCoin: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently filed fraud charges against TrustToken and its stablecoin TUSD, pointing out that 99% of TUSD's reserves were invested in high-risk undisclosed offshore funds. Subsequently, the two companies reached a settlement agreement with the SEC and each paid a fine of US$163,766 to resolve the relevant disputes. **BlackRock ETH spot and options approval postponed∗∗: The SEC has announced that the approval decision of BlackRock on ETH spot and options products, which was originally scheduled to be announced recently, will be postponed to November 10, which has aroused further market attention to the direction of cryptocurrency regulatory policies. **Coinbase launches ZK∗∗: Coinbase, a well-known cryptocurrency trading platform, announced that it will officially launch the trading service of ZK tokens at 9 am Pacific Time on September 25. This news undoubtedly injected strong momentum into the development of $ZK and the projects behind it. **Ethena launches eUSD∗∗: The Ethena project, together with Eigenlayer and, jointly launched eUSD as a re-staking token for $USDe. This innovative move aims to further enhance the stability and ease of use of cryptocurrencies. New members join the ASI Alliance: The ASI Alliance officially announced that CUDOS has joined its ranks and will merge with FET. This cooperation will further enhance the strength and influence of the ASI Alliance in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency. {future}(PHBUSDT) $ENA {future}(ENAUSDT) $ZK {future}(ZKUSDT)
Overview of recent major events🌹:
China's monetary policy adjustment: China's central bank announced an important decision on Thursday to reduce the bank's deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points. This move is expected to inject up to 1 trillion yuan (about 142 billion U.S. dollars) of liquidity into the market. Market analysts generally predict that with the increase in liquidity, a large amount of Chinese capital may flow into the cryptocurrency market, bringing new vitality to the industry.
SEC's regulatory actions on TrustToken and TrueCoin: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently filed fraud charges against TrustToken and its stablecoin TUSD, pointing out that 99% of TUSD's reserves were invested in high-risk undisclosed offshore funds. Subsequently, the two companies reached a settlement agreement with the SEC and each paid a fine of US$163,766 to resolve the relevant disputes.
**BlackRock ETH spot and options approval postponed∗∗: The SEC has announced that the approval decision of BlackRock on ETH spot and options products, which was originally scheduled to be announced recently, will be postponed to November 10, which has aroused further market attention to the direction of cryptocurrency regulatory policies.
**Coinbase launches ZK∗∗: Coinbase, a well-known cryptocurrency trading platform, announced that it will officially launch the trading service of ZK tokens at 9 am Pacific Time on September 25. This news undoubtedly injected strong momentum into the development of $ZK and the projects behind it.
**Ethena launches eUSD∗∗: The Ethena project, together with Eigenlayer and, jointly launched eUSD as a re-staking token for $USDe. This innovative move aims to further enhance the stability and ease of use of cryptocurrencies.
New members join the ASI Alliance: The ASI Alliance officially announced that CUDOS has joined its ranks and will merge with FET. This cooperation will further enhance the strength and influence of the ASI Alliance in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

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$DOGE {future}(DOGEUSDT) $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) BTC shows a solid trend on the 4-hour chart, indicating that there is no need to focus too much on the overall fluctuations of the market in the short term, because the market is generally expected to maintain an upward trend until the end of the year, which undoubtedly injects continued confidence into the cryptocurrency market. Against this backdrop, our focus should in due course turn to other high-quality altcoin projects with potential. Zoo craze revival: Recently, a series of animal-themed concept coins (such as EDOGE, PESTO, MOO, DENG, CHEEMS, etc.) have made waves in the market, and have achieved significant price increases. This phenomenon is vividly called The reappearance of the "zoo market" has attracted the attention of many investors. EOS main network upgrade notice: OK Exchange announced that it will support the major upgrade of the EOS main network. To this end, it will temporarily close the deposit and withdrawal functions of the network. This move is intended to ensure the smooth progress of the upgrade process and also heralds the success of EOS. The ecosystem is about to usher in new development opportunities. Citrea protocol progress: There is good news from Citrea, the ZK Rollup protocol in the Bitcoin field. Its BitVM-based bridge Clementine has been successfully deployed to the Bitcoin test network. This technological breakthrough is expected to further promote the scalability and functionality of Bitcoin and provide a new platform for Bitcoin. Contribute to the diversified development of the currency ecology. Exchange news: Coinbase announced that it will add support for ZKsync tokens (ZK) on the ZKsync network. This move will expand ZKsync’s circulation channels and market influence. At the same time, news came from the Binance exchange that it will list LOKA’s U-standard trading pairs and provide leverage trading options of up to 75 times, providing investors with more diversified trading options and risk management tools. With the rise of the Meme coin narrative and the gradual recovery of the altcoin market, we can foresee that after undergoing the necessary market adjustments, altcoins will usher in a major explosion. As the fourth quarter is traditionally an active period for cryptocurrencies, this outbreak may echo the prosperity of the entire market and jointly open a glorious season for altcoins.
BTC shows a solid trend on the 4-hour chart, indicating that there is no need to focus too much on the overall fluctuations of the market in the short term, because the market is generally expected to maintain an upward trend until the end of the year, which undoubtedly injects continued confidence into the cryptocurrency market. Against this backdrop, our focus should in due course turn to other high-quality altcoin projects with potential.
Zoo craze revival: Recently, a series of animal-themed concept coins (such as EDOGE, PESTO, MOO, DENG, CHEEMS, etc.) have made waves in the market, and have achieved significant price increases. This phenomenon is vividly called The reappearance of the "zoo market" has attracted the attention of many investors.
EOS main network upgrade notice: OK Exchange announced that it will support the major upgrade of the EOS main network. To this end, it will temporarily close the deposit and withdrawal functions of the network. This move is intended to ensure the smooth progress of the upgrade process and also heralds the success of EOS. The ecosystem is about to usher in new development opportunities.
Citrea protocol progress: There is good news from Citrea, the ZK Rollup protocol in the Bitcoin field. Its BitVM-based bridge Clementine has been successfully deployed to the Bitcoin test network. This technological breakthrough is expected to further promote the scalability and functionality of Bitcoin and provide a new platform for Bitcoin. Contribute to the diversified development of the currency ecology.
Exchange news: Coinbase announced that it will add support for ZKsync tokens (ZK) on the ZKsync network. This move will expand ZKsync’s circulation channels and market influence. At the same time, news came from the Binance exchange that it will list LOKA’s U-standard trading pairs and provide leverage trading options of up to 75 times, providing investors with more diversified trading options and risk management tools.
With the rise of the Meme coin narrative and the gradual recovery of the altcoin market, we can foresee that after undergoing the necessary market adjustments, altcoins will usher in a major explosion. As the fourth quarter is traditionally an active period for cryptocurrencies, this outbreak may echo the prosperity of the entire market and jointly open a glorious season for altcoins.
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$QTUM {future}(QTUMUSDT) Why is the path to profitability in this bull market particularly bumpy compared to the past? Evolution of market rules: Since 2015, the cryptocurrency market has gradually entered the public eye, and the truly widely participated bull market cycle mostly began in 2017, followed by the boom in 2021. Investors are accustomed to refining strategies from the previous two bull markets in an attempt to replicate success. However, the market never develops according to the established script. Once the inherent profit model is broken by new market dynamics, many investors will be confused. They find that their once "magic weapon" has failed and they are faced with unknowns and uncertainties. The result is often shrinking funds or missed opportunities. Transformation of capital structure and banker strategies: The significant difference in this round of bull market is that the influx of large amounts of formal funds has completely changed the market ecology. These large funds are often deployed in advance, and their operating methods and strategies are more complex and changeable, making market trends more difficult to predict. At the same time, the differentiation between mainstream coins and meme coins has intensified, while some traditional value coins such as Dash and Qtum have appeared relatively silent. This differentiation has further increased the confusion and operational difficulty of retail investors. The dealers' upgraded strategies caught retail investors off guard and even made them feel like they were being "played". Lagging retail investors’ mentality and strategies: Although the market environment is changing with each passing day, the investment psychology and behavioral patterns of retail investors are relatively fixed. It is often difficult for them to get rid of the past thinking framework and continue to operate according to the old logic, while the market has quietly changed its track. From value investing to chasing the trend of meme coins and air coins, retail investors are particularly passive in this game. They are often attracted by the short-term fluctuations of the market, blindly chasing ups and downs, and eventually become victims of market fluctuations. To sum up, the reason why this round of bull market makes people feel that it is more difficult to make money is mainly because the market rules, capital structure and the mentality of retail investors are undergoing profound changes. Investors need to constantly adapt to these changes and adjust their investment strategies and mentality in order to remain invincible in the complex and ever-changing market environment. Here, I sincerely invite you to like and follow. I will continue to share market analysis and insights into high-quality potential currencies to help you grasp the pulse of the market and move forward steadily.
Why is the path to profitability in this bull market particularly bumpy compared to the past?
Evolution of market rules: Since 2015, the cryptocurrency market has gradually entered the public eye, and the truly widely participated bull market cycle mostly began in 2017, followed by the boom in 2021. Investors are accustomed to refining strategies from the previous two bull markets in an attempt to replicate success. However, the market never develops according to the established script. Once the inherent profit model is broken by new market dynamics, many investors will be confused. They find that their once "magic weapon" has failed and they are faced with unknowns and uncertainties. The result is often shrinking funds or missed opportunities.
Transformation of capital structure and banker strategies: The significant difference in this round of bull market is that the influx of large amounts of formal funds has completely changed the market ecology. These large funds are often deployed in advance, and their operating methods and strategies are more complex and changeable, making market trends more difficult to predict. At the same time, the differentiation between mainstream coins and meme coins has intensified, while some traditional value coins such as Dash and Qtum have appeared relatively silent. This differentiation has further increased the confusion and operational difficulty of retail investors. The dealers' upgraded strategies caught retail investors off guard and even made them feel like they were being "played".
Lagging retail investors’ mentality and strategies: Although the market environment is changing with each passing day, the investment psychology and behavioral patterns of retail investors are relatively fixed. It is often difficult for them to get rid of the past thinking framework and continue to operate according to the old logic, while the market has quietly changed its track. From value investing to chasing the trend of meme coins and air coins, retail investors are particularly passive in this game. They are often attracted by the short-term fluctuations of the market, blindly chasing ups and downs, and eventually become victims of market fluctuations.
To sum up, the reason why this round of bull market makes people feel that it is more difficult to make money is mainly because the market rules, capital structure and the mentality of retail investors are undergoing profound changes. Investors need to constantly adapt to these changes and adjust their investment strategies and mentality in order to remain invincible in the complex and ever-changing market environment. Here, I sincerely invite you to like and follow. I will continue to share market analysis and insights into high-quality potential currencies to help you grasp the pulse of the market and move forward steadily.
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$ALT LT, one of the latest projects launched by Binance, is currently in the accumulation stage before its underlying technology is fully upgraded. For astute investors, this is undoubtedly a window of accumulation worth seizing, and they can make timely arrangements while the price has not yet fully reflected its potential. I personally have a positive outlook on ALT and firmly believe that its future performance will live up to expectations and show strong growth momentum. I personally was fortunate to obtain a share of ALT through participating in Binance's#BinanceLaunchpoolevent, which further strengthened my confidence in its prospects. If you are also optimistic about the upcoming "alt season" and expect this round of market to accelerate, then ALT is undoubtedly a high-quality asset worth adding to your portfolio. However, I still want to remind all investors to be sensible when allocating assets and avoid over-concentrating on a single product to diversify risks. At the same time, I cannot ignore ARKM, an equally eye-catching project. ARKM carries an imaginative development blueprint. Although its historical record is still shallow and similar to ALT, it is this untapped potential and unknowns that provide unlimited imagination space for investors seeking new growth points. Therefore, for those investors who are eager to explore emerging investment opportunities, ARKM is also worth in-depth research, and may become the next surprise discovery. {future}(ALTUSDT)
LT, one of the latest projects launched by Binance, is currently in the accumulation stage before its underlying technology is fully upgraded. For astute investors, this is undoubtedly a window of accumulation worth seizing, and they can make timely arrangements while the price has not yet fully reflected its potential.
I personally have a positive outlook on ALT and firmly believe that its future performance will live up to expectations and show strong growth momentum. I personally was fortunate to obtain a share of ALT through participating in Binance's#BinanceLaunchpoolevent, which further strengthened my confidence in its prospects. If you are also optimistic about the upcoming "alt season" and expect this round of market to accelerate, then ALT is undoubtedly a high-quality asset worth adding to your portfolio. However, I still want to remind all investors to be sensible when allocating assets and avoid over-concentrating on a single product to diversify risks.
At the same time, I cannot ignore ARKM, an equally eye-catching project. ARKM carries an imaginative development blueprint. Although its historical record is still shallow and similar to ALT, it is this untapped potential and unknowns that provide unlimited imagination space for investors seeking new growth points. Therefore, for those investors who are eager to explore emerging investment opportunities, ARKM is also worth in-depth research, and may become the next surprise discovery.
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Cryptocurrency market technical analysis report: FIDA, ALT, and other currencies lead the rally, with promising prospects In the fierce competition in the cryptocurrency market, many currencies have recently stood out with astonishing gains and become the focus of the market. Among them, $$FIDA ’s outstanding 28.81% increase stands out among the others, with the trading price climbing to $0.3809. This significant growth momentum undoubtedly highlights the market’s positive expectations for its ecosystem and the strong bullish sentiment among investors. Following FIDA, LOKA and ALT also showed strong upward momentum, achieving 18.10 respectively. LOKA is currently trading around $0.2740, while $ rose to $0.13325. The strong performance of these two may be due to the recent good news or the promotion of The improvement of the overall market environment has attracted the attention of many investors. In addition, WIF and TAO were not to be outdone, rising 15.43% and 13.83% respectively, while $ACA also ranked among the best-performing currencies today with an increase of 13.39%. Each of these coins has a unique value proposition and market positioning, and their upward trend indicates that they are expected to appreciate further in the future, bringing generous returns to investors. The current cryptocurrency market is booming, with active transactions and frequent opportunities. For short-term traders and long-term investors, these outstanding currencies are undoubtedly strategic entry points worthy of close attention. As the global economic environment changes and specific industries develop rapidly, these currencies are expected to continue to be favored by the market and generate considerable investment returns. To sum up, the outstanding performance of FIDA, ALT, and $LOKA in recent transactions not only reflects the positive sentiment of the market, but also provides investors with valuable investment opportunities. In the future, with the further development of the market and the continuous improvement of the industry ecology, these currencies are expected to continue to lead the upward trend and create more value for investors.#cryptocurrencyquotes#FIDArise#LOKAand ALT rise strongly {future}(FIDAUSDT) {future}(ALTUSDT) {future}(LOKAUSDT)
Cryptocurrency market technical analysis report: FIDA, ALT, and other currencies lead the rally, with promising prospects
In the fierce competition in the cryptocurrency market, many currencies have recently stood out with astonishing gains and become the focus of the market. Among them, $$FIDA ’s outstanding 28.81% increase stands out among the others, with the trading price climbing to $0.3809. This significant growth momentum undoubtedly highlights the market’s positive expectations for its ecosystem and the strong bullish sentiment among investors.
Following FIDA, LOKA and ALT also showed strong upward momentum, achieving 18.10 respectively. LOKA is currently trading around $0.2740, while $ rose to $0.13325. The strong performance of these two may be due to the recent good news or the promotion of The improvement of the overall market environment has attracted the attention of many investors.
In addition, WIF and TAO were not to be outdone, rising 15.43% and 13.83% respectively, while $ACA also ranked among the best-performing currencies today with an increase of 13.39%. Each of these coins has a unique value proposition and market positioning, and their upward trend indicates that they are expected to appreciate further in the future, bringing generous returns to investors.
The current cryptocurrency market is booming, with active transactions and frequent opportunities. For short-term traders and long-term investors, these outstanding currencies are undoubtedly strategic entry points worthy of close attention. As the global economic environment changes and specific industries develop rapidly, these currencies are expected to continue to be favored by the market and generate considerable investment returns.
To sum up, the outstanding performance of FIDA, ALT, and $LOKA in recent transactions not only reflects the positive sentiment of the market, but also provides investors with valuable investment opportunities. In the future, with the further development of the market and the continuous improvement of the industry ecology, these currencies are expected to continue to lead the upward trend and create more value for investors.#cryptocurrencyquotes#FIDArise#LOKAand ALT rise strongly

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$JTO In the spot market, we have arranged assets such as Bome and Sol in advance. With accurate judgment and strategy, we have successfully captured an increase of about 20%, which is undoubtedly a strong proof of our analytical ability and execution. And yesterday, the operation on JTO and Turbo made everyone experience the pleasure of "precise sniping". For Turbo, I clearly pointed out the price point of 0.00585 for short selling. This instruction guided everyone like a lighthouse, allowing everyone to seize this opportunity without hesitation. Similarly, for JTO, we also paid attention to and locked the price of 2.367 as the short selling entry point in advance. This strategy has also been verified by the market, allowing everyone to really enjoy the joy of profit. These two operations not only show our keen insight into market trends, but also reflect the efficiency and tacit understanding of our team in strategy execution. More importantly, these two successful transactions not only made everyone reap considerable profits, but also enhanced everyone's confidence and expectations for future market operations. Our goal has been achieved, and this achievement is undoubtedly the best affirmation of our professional ability. {future}(JTOUSDT)
In the spot market, we have arranged assets such as Bome and Sol in advance. With accurate judgment and strategy, we have successfully captured an increase of about 20%, which is undoubtedly a strong proof of our analytical ability and execution. And yesterday, the operation on JTO and Turbo made everyone experience the pleasure of "precise sniping".
For Turbo, I clearly pointed out the price point of 0.00585 for short selling. This instruction guided everyone like a lighthouse, allowing everyone to seize this opportunity without hesitation. Similarly, for JTO, we also paid attention to and locked the price of 2.367 as the short selling entry point in advance. This strategy has also been verified by the market, allowing everyone to really enjoy the joy of profit.
These two operations not only show our keen insight into market trends, but also reflect the efficiency and tacit understanding of our team in strategy execution. More importantly, these two successful transactions not only made everyone reap considerable profits, but also enhanced everyone's confidence and expectations for future market operations. Our goal has been achieved, and this achievement is undoubtedly the best affirmation of our professional ability.
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$JTO In the journey of life, many people often feel confused and hesitant, and are hesitant and difficult to make decisions when faced with many choices. This kind of spiritual struggle is undoubtedly a common phenomenon in modern society. I believe that everyone has had such an experience more or less. Speaking of Brother Jiu (here he is assumed to be a well-known figure in the investment or industry), his advice always seems to benefit people a lot. Many friends who follow his footsteps, including in investment fields such as BTC and JTO, have reaped a lot and enjoyed the small happiness brought by market fluctuations. The satisfaction and happiness from the inside out are undoubtedly enviable. However, in the current social environment, more people seem to be trapped in the vortex of waiting. They are anxiously looking forward to the release of various news and data, as if these external information can become a beacon to guide the direction. But after careful consideration, is this waiting based on dependence on information, or is it just to seek a kind of psychological comfort and sense of security? We can't help but reflect on whether we should pay more attention to internal judgment and decision-making ability when facing life choices or market fluctuations, rather than over-relying on external information? After all, true growth and success often come from deepening self-cognition and improving decision-making ability. {future}(JTOUSDT)
In the journey of life, many people often feel confused and hesitant, and are hesitant and difficult to make decisions when faced with many choices. This kind of spiritual struggle is undoubtedly a common phenomenon in modern society. I believe that everyone has had such an experience more or less.
Speaking of Brother Jiu (here he is assumed to be a well-known figure in the investment or industry), his advice always seems to benefit people a lot. Many friends who follow his footsteps, including in investment fields such as BTC and JTO, have reaped a lot and enjoyed the small happiness brought by market fluctuations. The satisfaction and happiness from the inside out are undoubtedly enviable.
However, in the current social environment, more people seem to be trapped in the vortex of waiting. They are anxiously looking forward to the release of various news and data, as if these external information can become a beacon to guide the direction. But after careful consideration, is this waiting based on dependence on information, or is it just to seek a kind of psychological comfort and sense of security?
We can't help but reflect on whether we should pay more attention to internal judgment and decision-making ability when facing life choices or market fluctuations, rather than over-relying on external information? After all, true growth and success often come from deepening self-cognition and improving decision-making ability.
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$APT {future}(APTUSDT) Professional opinion: Take a conservative bearish stance on APTUSDT (Aptos). Recently, APTUSDT has performed outstandingly and has become the leader in daily gains. The trading volume has increased significantly by 20.74%, reaching the level of 214 million US dollars. At the same time, the market value has also increased by 7.60%, successfully breaking through the milestone of 3.6 billion US dollars. However, from the perspective of technical analysis, APTOS is currently showing a significant overbought state, and the price has exceeded the reasonable fluctuation range. Therefore, the market generally expects that APTOS will encounter correction pressure and the price may experience a significant decline. Overall, although APTUSDT has performed well in the short term, the technical warning signs cannot be ignored and investors should adopt a cautious operating strategy.

Professional opinion: Take a conservative bearish stance on APTUSDT (Aptos).
Recently, APTUSDT has performed outstandingly and has become the leader in daily gains. The trading volume has increased significantly by 20.74%, reaching the level of 214 million US dollars. At the same time, the market value has also increased by 7.60%, successfully breaking through the milestone of 3.6 billion US dollars. However, from the perspective of technical analysis, APTOS is currently showing a significant overbought state, and the price has exceeded the reasonable fluctuation range. Therefore, the market generally expects that APTOS will encounter correction pressure and the price may experience a significant decline. Overall, although APTUSDT has performed well in the short term, the technical warning signs cannot be ignored and investors should adopt a cautious operating strategy.
See original
$APT {future}(APTUSDT) After the Fed announced the rate cut, the market generally expected a rise, but this does not mean that the market will continue to soar without hindrance. The current upward trend is largely the direct result of the rate cut news, which has triggered a strong willingness to buy funds in the market (i.e. FOMO sentiment), which is clearly reflected in the optimistic expectations of most participants. However, this rise is mainly based on expectations and emotions, and the actual liquidity growth has not yet fully emerged. Therefore, the current currency circle is still in the embryonic stage of the early bull market. It is worth noting that in the next week, due to the gradual consumption of the upward momentum, the market may experience a short-term sharp drop. This is not a pessimistic judgment on the market outlook, but a reminder that investors should realize that the development of the bull market is a gradual process, which requires patience and continuous observation. Just like the bride's red veil is about to be unveiled, but the beautiful moment is worth our patience. In terms of currency selection, ETH, as a leader in the public chain field, has a relatively weak performance recently, but its solid position makes it still have great potential when the bull market comes, which is particularly suitable for large capital investors. ATOM is a public chain project with strong technical strength but slightly insufficient operation. It is currently underestimated by the market and has a high position value. SUI and APT are two public chain projects with high cost performance. Investors can choose according to their preferences. For old and strong public chains such as DOT, AVAX, and ADA, investment decisions should be based on firm confidence in the long-term development prospects of these projects. As for the two public chain projects SOL and TON, which are currently attracting much attention, investors are advised to avoid blindly chasing high prices. SOL's market recognition is already very high, but the increase is too large, and it may take some time to digest in the future; while TON has a relatively limited room for growth due to its high market value, and investors should be wary of the risk of being locked in. In short, when facing market fluctuations, investors should remain calm and rational, fully understand the phased characteristics of the bull market development, and make wise investment decisions based on in-depth project analysis and personal risk preferences.

After the Fed announced the rate cut, the market generally expected a rise, but this does not mean that the market will continue to soar without hindrance. The current upward trend is largely the direct result of the rate cut news, which has triggered a strong willingness to buy funds in the market (i.e. FOMO sentiment), which is clearly reflected in the optimistic expectations of most participants. However, this rise is mainly based on expectations and emotions, and the actual liquidity growth has not yet fully emerged. Therefore, the current currency circle is still in the embryonic stage of the early bull market.
It is worth noting that in the next week, due to the gradual consumption of the upward momentum, the market may experience a short-term sharp drop. This is not a pessimistic judgment on the market outlook, but a reminder that investors should realize that the development of the bull market is a gradual process, which requires patience and continuous observation. Just like the bride's red veil is about to be unveiled, but the beautiful moment is worth our patience.
In terms of currency selection, ETH, as a leader in the public chain field, has a relatively weak performance recently, but its solid position makes it still have great potential when the bull market comes, which is particularly suitable for large capital investors. ATOM is a public chain project with strong technical strength but slightly insufficient operation. It is currently underestimated by the market and has a high position value. SUI and APT are two public chain projects with high cost performance. Investors can choose according to their preferences. For old and strong public chains such as DOT, AVAX, and ADA, investment decisions should be based on firm confidence in the long-term development prospects of these projects.
As for the two public chain projects SOL and TON, which are currently attracting much attention, investors are advised to avoid blindly chasing high prices. SOL's market recognition is already very high, but the increase is too large, and it may take some time to digest in the future; while TON has a relatively limited room for growth due to its high market value, and investors should be wary of the risk of being locked in.
In short, when facing market fluctuations, investors should remain calm and rational, fully understand the phased characteristics of the bull market development, and make wise investment decisions based on in-depth project analysis and personal risk preferences.
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