If you had invested $100 in Dogecoin after Elon Musk's first tweet about it on April 2, 2019, when it was priced at just $0.0026, you would have received approximately 38,460 DOGE. With Dogecoin’s current price at $0.42, your investment would now be worth about $16,154, representing an incredible return of over 16,000%.
Had you waited until July 17, 2020, when the price rose to $0.0031, your $100 investment would have purchased 32,258 DOGE, which is now worth around $13,550, a gain of more than 13,000%. Additionally, if you had held onto your coins through Dogecoin’s peak price of $0.74 in May 2021, your original 2019 investment would have ballooned to $28,485, while the 2020 investment would have reached $23,892. These numbers highlight the impressive potential of early crypto investments, driven by market timing, hype, and community support.
$BTC it goes to 45 then 35 then it goes up until May 2025 it drops 2024 it goes up a little bit it falls harder and harder it's not worth buying in 2024 wait for 2025