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I have been operating in a different way than I would like. I am taking advantage of the ripples of the movements, buying and selling in the very short term. I wait for a big drop, I buy, and when it goes up 10 to 15% I sell. That old dream of buying cryptos to form a long-term investment portfolio needs to wait. Wait mainly for the events brought about by Russia in Europe and by Israel in Palestine. It won't be long before there is a furious reaction from the Palestinians to Israel's actions and I don't know how long Europe will submit to Russia's whim of keeping Ukraine away from NATO. At some point the tension will explode and the tendency is for global conflicts to end up unifying, turning local wars into global conflicts Cryptocurrencies are not the safest asset for this type of situation. In these times, those who shine the most are worth the most. Gold, diamonds and other precious stones attract the attention of the planet and the money of investors. I would like to keep a portfolio at #bitcoin , #Notcion and #io . But while the political stability of the planet is in this turbulence, the best thing is to surf small waves.
I have been operating in a different way than I would like. I am taking advantage of the ripples of the movements, buying and selling in the very short term. I wait for a big drop, I buy, and when it goes up 10 to 15% I sell.
That old dream of buying cryptos to form a long-term investment portfolio needs to wait. Wait mainly for the events brought about by Russia in Europe and by Israel in Palestine. It won't be long before there is a furious reaction from the Palestinians to Israel's actions and I don't know how long Europe will submit to Russia's whim of keeping Ukraine away from NATO. At some point the tension will explode and the tendency is for global conflicts to end up unifying, turning local wars into global conflicts
Cryptocurrencies are not the safest asset for this type of situation. In these times, those who shine the most are worth the most. Gold, diamonds and other precious stones attract the attention of the planet and the money of investors.
I would like to keep a portfolio at #bitcoin , #Notcion and #io . But while the political stability of the planet is in this turbulence, the best thing is to surf small waves.
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The train passed and I just looked.My crypto purchase was planned months ago. I waited for the right moment, which was two days ago, and entered the market. The problem is that I thought the market would fall for a few more days and I only bought 5% of the desired position at #io , #not , and on coinbase, #blast . The feeling was that the train I needed to catch had passed and I was just standing at the station watching it go by. Today I woke up ready to invest another 30% of my capital, but it was too late, all the cryptos had already gone up more than 20%. This market is very different from the stock market I used to trade in in the 90s. It's faster, more dynamic, more volatile, with less meaning, and less graphical support (although today's graphs are infinitely more complete than the dot-figures we used to draw by hand in the past). I'm going to have to adapt if I want to make money here. So far, in over a year here, I've only been in a draw, and it's not worth risking capital to keep a draw. As those football coaches would say: If you play for a draw, you end up losing.

The train passed and I just looked.

My crypto purchase was planned months ago. I waited for the right moment, which was two days ago, and entered the market. The problem is that I thought the market would fall for a few more days and I only bought 5% of the desired position at #io , #not , and on coinbase, #blast .
The feeling was that the train I needed to catch had passed and I was just standing at the station watching it go by. Today I woke up ready to invest another 30% of my capital, but it was too late, all the cryptos had already gone up more than 20%.
This market is very different from the stock market I used to trade in in the 90s. It's faster, more dynamic, more volatile, with less meaning, and less graphical support (although today's graphs are infinitely more complete than the dot-figures we used to draw by hand in the past). I'm going to have to adapt if I want to make money here. So far, in over a year here, I've only been in a draw, and it's not worth risking capital to keep a draw. As those football coaches would say: If you play for a draw, you end up losing.
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I bought a cornmeal yesterday. Just to open a position to get my bearings. I think cryptos still have plenty of room to fall. I hope so because with bitcoin at 50k I'll buy another 30%, with it at 45k another 30% and the last 30% with bitcoin at 40k. After that (IF it works out and IF the market really moves in this direction) I won't sell before I've quintupled the value of the investment. I'm not going to sell at a loss under any circumstances. The world could end and cryptos might no longer be worth anything, but I'll own the "nothings" so why wouldn't I sell even if the cow coughs?
I bought a cornmeal yesterday. Just to open a position to get my bearings. I think cryptos still have plenty of room to fall. I hope so because with bitcoin at 50k I'll buy another 30%, with it at 45k another 30% and the last 30% with bitcoin at 40k. After that (IF it works out and IF the market really moves in this direction) I won't sell before I've quintupled the value of the investment. I'm not going to sell at a loss under any circumstances. The world could end and cryptos might no longer be worth anything, but I'll own the "nothings" so why wouldn't I sell even if the cow coughs?
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Moment full of grace. #bitcoin went up and your #stablecoin didn't follow? Easy to solve! Just give your cell phone a shake to see if it unlocks the old price. It's like making the car start moving forward, like tapping the television to improve the tuning... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Moment full of grace.

#bitcoin went up and your #stablecoin didn't follow? Easy to solve! Just give your cell phone a shake to see if it unlocks the old price. It's like making the car start moving forward, like tapping the television to improve the tuning...

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Is it worth being #binanceVIP for a trader who will circulate a maximum of around US 10,000 a month? What would be the advantages from your point of view? Or is there no advantage at all? VIP or regular, that is the question...
Is it worth being #binanceVIP for a trader who will circulate a maximum of around US 10,000 a month?
What would be the advantages from your point of view? Or is there no advantage at all?
VIP or regular, that is the question...
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I don't believe that a simple state in Germany would cause such a stir in the crypto market. So imagine what China wouldn't do with #bitcoin or what Russia could do with #ethereum and if the USA decided to end #solana ? This market cannot be that sensitive, otherwise decentralization would be just a utopia in world financial history. What is happening is a natural market adjustment. German sales, the FED meeting, and other things are mere predicates of those who want to find a justification for the current movement. The market is adjusting, of course the big investors already know where it is going. All this is just preparing the ground; whether for a big rise or a big fall. Meanwhile, we, little bagrinhos, take short swims, back and forth, always trying to go with the tide.
I don't believe that a simple state in Germany would cause such a stir in the crypto market. So imagine what China wouldn't do with #bitcoin or what Russia could do with #ethereum and if the USA decided to end #solana ?

This market cannot be that sensitive, otherwise decentralization would be just a utopia in world financial history. What is happening is a natural market adjustment. German sales, the FED meeting, and other things are mere predicates of those who want to find a justification for the current movement.

The market is adjusting, of course the big investors already know where it is going. All this is just preparing the ground; whether for a big rise or a big fall. Meanwhile, we, little bagrinhos, take short swims, back and forth, always trying to go with the tide.
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NOT and IO insistently testing the resistance lines. Generally in these situations I prefer to stay away and wait for a definition. In any case, I am bought at 5% of the total to be invested. I think I'm going to increase the position a little more at #io and, perhaps, also at #NOT because I'm surprised that even with the fall of #bitcoin they haven't shaken much. Risking another 5% on each one seems like a good alternative to waiting for the market to unfold.
NOT and IO insistently testing the resistance lines. Generally in these situations I prefer to stay away and wait for a definition. In any case, I am bought at 5% of the total to be invested. I think I'm going to increase the position a little more at #io and, perhaps, also at #NOT because I'm surprised that even with the fall of #bitcoin they haven't shaken much. Risking another 5% on each one seems like a good alternative to waiting for the market to unfold.
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German government and 94 World Cup. I don't know why, but in 1994 traders got it into their heads that Brazil doing well in the World Cup would cause national euphoria, general optimism and this would reverse the downward trend on the BOVESPA. I got scared by that madness and liquidated my entire position with a reasonable loss. The more I saw people buying shares hoping that "World Cup optimism" could reverse that decline, the more I became certain that we were on the way to the bottom of the market. Especially because the reason for that drop was global, a crisis that originated in Mexico. It had nothing to do with Brazil, even less with the World Cup, but the general madness of buyers expecting a market recovery linked to winning the World Cup was frightening. And what I predicted happened. Brazil won the cup and the markets continued to plummet for the next two years. It was clear. Today I believe in the bear market, I think we will stay like this for a long time. However, there is one thing that has caught my attention. And this thing is the so-called "German Government" sales fuss. Something called "Government of Germany" sold", "Government of Germany will sell", "Government of Germany this and that" which, of the two: Either the German Government sells its stake in bitcoin and the market assimilates it and continues its upward movement (which is what some believe) or else there will be fervent optimism as the German Government has already sold its stake and the damage has not been done. big, they are betting on the rise, which, obviously, will not come. What will come will be an unprecedented meltdown in the market. And there? What's your bet? #Alemanha #bitcoin #copadomundo
German government and 94 World Cup.

I don't know why, but in 1994 traders got it into their heads that Brazil doing well in the World Cup would cause national euphoria, general optimism and this would reverse the downward trend on the BOVESPA.

I got scared by that madness and liquidated my entire position with a reasonable loss. The more I saw people buying shares hoping that "World Cup optimism" could reverse that decline, the more I became certain that we were on the way to the bottom of the market. Especially because the reason for that drop was global, a crisis that originated in Mexico. It had nothing to do with Brazil, even less with the World Cup, but the general madness of buyers expecting a market recovery linked to winning the World Cup was frightening. And what I predicted happened. Brazil won the cup and the markets continued to plummet for the next two years. It was clear.

Today I believe in the bear market, I think we will stay like this for a long time. However, there is one thing that has caught my attention. And this thing is the so-called "German Government" sales fuss. Something called "Government of Germany" sold", "Government of Germany will sell", "Government of Germany this and that" which, of the two:

Either the German Government sells its stake in bitcoin and the market assimilates it and continues its upward movement (which is what some believe) or else there will be fervent optimism as the German Government has already sold its stake and the damage has not been done. big, they are betting on the rise, which, obviously, will not come. What will come will be an unprecedented meltdown in the market.
And there? What's your bet?

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Too bad I don't know how to deal with margin, otherwise I would sell everything crypto now. I would repurchase between 12 and 36 hours.
Too bad I don't know how to deal with margin, otherwise I would sell everything crypto now. I would repurchase between 12 and 36 hours.
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The cape is 2,000 meters long to the top of the other mountain. In the first 10 meters he slipped and almost fell 3 times. However, he managed to hold on to the cable and continued his journey towards the top. There are still 1,990 meters ahead of you. The worst thing is that the closer you get to the middle of the crossing, the conditions get worse. More wind and less tension on the cable, which makes it less stable, made his search a true epic. What is most likely to happen? May he seek the bottom of the abyss or the top of the next mountain? #bitcoin #ethereum #criptos
The cape is 2,000 meters long to the top of the other mountain. In the first 10 meters he slipped and almost fell 3 times. However, he managed to hold on to the cable and continued his journey towards the top. There are still 1,990 meters ahead of you. The worst thing is that the closer you get to the middle of the crossing, the conditions get worse. More wind and less tension on the cable, which makes it less stable, made his search a true epic. What is most likely to happen? May he seek the bottom of the abyss or the top of the next mountain?
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#bond will be deleted from the binance list. There is a crypto that gave me profit the several times I traded with it. I don't know what happens to cryptos after they are deleted from Binance. I know that we can choose to receive her values ​​in stablecois, up to 3 months after deletion. But I have some questions that I would like to share: 1) In history, is there any crypto that rose absurdly in price after delisting? Be it #binance or #coinbase ? 2) If you convert money into a cryptocurrency that will be deleted, do you have a way to keep the cryptocurrency afterwards? Instead of exchanging for stablecoins, would you be able to withdraw the crypto from Binance and keep it with the cryptocurrency team itself? help with answers please.
#bond will be deleted from the binance list. There is a crypto that gave me profit the several times I traded with it. I don't know what happens to cryptos after they are deleted from Binance. I know that we can choose to receive her values ​​in stablecois, up to 3 months after deletion. But I have some questions that I would like to share:
1) In history, is there any crypto that rose absurdly in price after delisting? Be it #binance or #coinbase ?
2) If you convert money into a cryptocurrency that will be deleted, do you have a way to keep the cryptocurrency afterwards? Instead of exchanging for stablecoins, would you be able to withdraw the crypto from Binance and keep it with the cryptocurrency team itself?

help with answers please.
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Run to the mountains!!! Okay, I agree. I need to be more measured in my comments. In the current low moment I ended up overdoing myself. I almost didn't recommend that they sell everything and run to seek shelter in the mountains. I did not take into account a brief market adjustment where it would be possible to sell your shares minimizing the loss or, if you had leveraged your position, even with some profit. I managed to sell NOT and IO well. Notcoin continued to rise and even went up another 30% after I sold. But it was an atypical movement and sales, both of NOT and IO, were advantageous. I still bet on a big drop in the market with cryptos reaching lower values ​​than last weekend. At the right time I intend to position myself again at #NOT #IO #TIA #BOND and, to a lesser extent, #LUNC and LUNA. I don't intend to sell everything and run for the hills. Because I already sold it. I'm going to wait right here, on the couch at home, for a new opportunity to position myself.
Run to the mountains!!!

Okay, I agree. I need to be more measured in my comments. In the current low moment I ended up overdoing myself. I almost didn't recommend that they sell everything and run to seek shelter in the mountains. I did not take into account a brief market adjustment where it would be possible to sell your shares minimizing the loss or, if you had leveraged your position, even with some profit.
I managed to sell NOT and IO well. Notcoin continued to rise and even went up another 30% after I sold. But it was an atypical movement and sales, both of NOT and IO, were advantageous.
I still bet on a big drop in the market with cryptos reaching lower values ​​than last weekend. At the right time I intend to position myself again at #NOT #IO #TIA #BOND and, to a lesser extent, #LUNC and LUNA.
I don't intend to sell everything and run for the hills. Because I already sold it. I'm going to wait right here, on the couch at home, for a new opportunity to position myself.
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I have been an investor since 1990. Some maxims from that time are still very valid today. I will say two that we always used in low periods. I hope it helps: 1) If a lot of people managed to buy at the minimum, it's because the minimum hasn't arrived yet. 2) As long as people think it's too cheap and buy from the descendant, it's because, in fact, it was expensive and prices go even lower. This crypto market is compromised. The movement now is not a mere adjustment, a temporary fall. We are experiencing a readjustment of the market, a new era where the values ​​of cryptos will be severely reevaluated. The market itself needs to better understand the reason for leaving so many dollars in these assets. Why buy crypto if there are strong companies crying out for financing? What is the real value of a bitcoin compared to the real value of a Microsoft share? Of course, they are two different worlds, but establishing a relationship between them is essential to increase security. At this moment I would not recommend anyone buying any crypto, on the contrary, selling is the only correct option to avoid greater losses. If by chance the market rises again, you can repurchase something. save your dollars. #Binance #bitcoin #ethereum #not
I have been an investor since 1990. Some maxims from that time are still very valid today. I will say two that we always used in low periods. I hope it helps:
1) If a lot of people managed to buy at the minimum, it's because the minimum hasn't arrived yet.
2) As long as people think it's too cheap and buy from the descendant, it's because, in fact, it was expensive and prices go even lower.

This crypto market is compromised. The movement now is not a mere adjustment, a temporary fall. We are experiencing a readjustment of the market, a new era where the values ​​of cryptos will be severely reevaluated. The market itself needs to better understand the reason for leaving so many dollars in these assets. Why buy crypto if there are strong companies crying out for financing? What is the real value of a bitcoin compared to the real value of a Microsoft share? Of course, they are two different worlds, but establishing a relationship between them is essential to increase security.

At this moment I would not recommend anyone buying any crypto, on the contrary, selling is the only correct option to avoid greater losses. If by chance the market rises again, you can repurchase something.

save your dollars.

#Binance #bitcoin #ethereum #not
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$NOT $BTC $ETH I don't understand. Trying to understand the world of cryptocurrencies, but I can't see any logic in crypto trading. A tool that should be used to negotiate purchases and sales between companies is no longer used for that purpose. Hundreds of new coins are launched annually as if the market needed that many coins. They launch coins, the price skyrockets, rises stratospherically and then falls at the same speed. No sense at all, just speculation. It's not like the stock exchange where companies have their markets, their balance sheets, statements of profit and equity that make their shares have a defined value. In cryptos this does not exist. There is no reason for currencies to appreciate or depreciate. Just speculation. If all cryptocurrencies were eliminated today, the international market would not miss it in the slightest. All they had to do was leave one or two active cryptos to serve as currency between large companies. The rest could close, ending up not changing anything at all in the production chain. This is just the impression I have of this business. The impression that this speculative game will still end in absolute zero. Please, if anyone has any comments to clarify anything on this topic I would appreciate it.
$NOT $BTC $ETH I don't understand.
Trying to understand the world of cryptocurrencies, but I can't see any logic in crypto trading.
A tool that should be used to negotiate purchases and sales between companies is no longer used for that purpose. Hundreds of new coins are launched annually as if the market needed that many coins. They launch coins, the price skyrockets, rises stratospherically and then falls at the same speed. No sense at all, just speculation. It's not like the stock exchange where companies have their markets, their balance sheets, statements of profit and equity that make their shares have a defined value.
In cryptos this does not exist. There is no reason for currencies to appreciate or depreciate. Just speculation. If all cryptocurrencies were eliminated today, the international market would not miss it in the slightest. All they had to do was leave one or two active cryptos to serve as currency between large companies. The rest could close, ending up not changing anything at all in the production chain.
This is just the impression I have of this business. The impression that this speculative game will still end in absolute zero. Please, if anyone has any comments to clarify anything on this topic I would appreciate it.
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