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There is still a trend for short positions, continue to hold!!
There is still a trend for short positions, continue to hold!!
给刚来到币圈的新人和老人韭菜一些技巧和给刚来到币圈的新人和老人非菜一些技巧和币圈规律: 1、大多数情况下,比特币是币圈涨跌的领导者,以太品质强硬的币有时会脱离比特币影响走出单边行情,山寨币基本逃不脱他的影响; 2、比特币和USDT®是反向运动的,如果发现USDT涨了,就要警惕比特币跌;比特币涨的时候是买入USDT的合适时机; 3、每天0点-1点之间容易出现插针现象,所以国内币友可以在临睡前尽量低的挂个心仪币的买入价,尽量高的挂个卖出价,说不定就成交了,躺赚; 4、每天早上6-8点是一个判断买入或卖出的时机,同时也是判断当天涨跌的时间点,如果0点到6点一直是跌,这个时段仍在跌,是个买入或补仓的时机,当天基本是涨,如果0点到6点一直是涨,这个时段仍在涨,是卖出时机,当天大概率会跌; 5、下午5点是江湖上传言的重要关注时点,时差关系,美国币友起床干活了,可能会引起币的涨跌波动,一些大涨或大跌确实在这个时点发生过,所以要特别留心; 6、币圈有“黑色星期五。”的说法,有过几次碰巧周五大跌的情况,但也有大涨或横盘的情况,不算特别准,稍微留意消息面即可; 7、有一定交易量保障的币如果跌了,不用担心,耐心持有一定会回本的,短的3、4天,长的一个月,如果有余U,分批补仓,把价格拉下来,回本会快点,没有余钱就等等等,不会让你失望的。除非你真的买了垃圾币; 8、做现货买卖同样的币长线持有少交易比频繁交易的收益要大,就看你有没有耐心持有。我0.029买的狗狗币,持有到现在翻了20多倍,所有币里涨幅最高的 9、影响币圈动荡的因素:1)各国对加密币的态度,如果是负面的基本上会有一波跌;2)美国金融政策,比如前段时间传出的要向富人征求利得税。








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The brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation. Keep holding
The brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation. Keep holding
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After 6 years in the cryptocurrency industry, I have earned 8 million yuan. Here are some investment insights. They are very practical and easy to operate. Step into the cryptocurrency contract and master five key skills to make the road to profit clearer and more stable. 1. Understand the pulse of the market The cryptocurrency market is ever-changing, with unilateral and oscillating markets running in parallel. In a unilateral market, follow the trend, buy on dips or sell on rallies, and make steady profits. In a oscillating market, it is better to operate in the short term, respond flexibly, and stop when you see good results to avoid deep traps. 2. Grasp the trend direction Trend is king. Daily K, weekly K, monthly K-line charts and long-term factor analysis can help you accurately predict the trend of mainstream currencies. Blindly following the trend will only lead to loss of direction; only by following the trend can you laugh to the end. With clear trend judgment, strategy formulation can be based on evidence. 3. Select the entry point Although the trend is clear, the entry point is also critical. Carefully select to avoid the "pin" trap in market fluctuations. Even if the market is generally positive, an improper entry point may lead to losses. Only by accurately grasping it can we ensure that every transaction is profitable. 4. Capture the best opportunity The currency circle has seasonal patterns to follow. There are more ups and downs in spring and summer, and layout on dips; shock adjustments in late summer and early autumn, high selling and low buying; the second half of the year may usher in a market with ups and downs, which is the time to show your strength. Seize the opportunity, respond flexibly, and profits will come naturally. 5. Strictly control position risks The cornerstone of stable profits lies in position management. It is generally recommended to use 10% of the total funds for a single transaction, keep a light position, and avoid the high risks brought by heavy positions. When you make a profit, you can increase your position appropriately; when you lose money, you should stop loss decisively to avoid adding money against the market. Reasonable position control is the key to long-term profitability. Master these five tips, and your journey to the currency circle contract will be more stable. When you are confused. Pay attention to market trends and follow professional strategies to make your financial road wider and wider!
After 6 years in the cryptocurrency industry, I have earned 8 million yuan. Here are some investment insights. They are very practical and easy to operate.

Step into the cryptocurrency contract and master five key skills to make the road to profit clearer and more stable.

1. Understand the pulse of the market
The cryptocurrency market is ever-changing, with unilateral and oscillating markets running in parallel. In a unilateral market, follow the trend, buy on dips or sell on rallies, and make steady profits. In a oscillating market, it is better to operate in the short term, respond flexibly, and stop when you see good results to avoid deep traps.

2. Grasp the trend direction
Trend is king. Daily K, weekly K, monthly K-line charts and long-term factor analysis can help you accurately predict the trend of mainstream currencies. Blindly following the trend will only lead to loss of direction; only by following the trend can you laugh to the end. With clear trend judgment, strategy formulation can be based on evidence.

3. Select the entry point
Although the trend is clear, the entry point is also critical. Carefully select to avoid the "pin" trap in market fluctuations. Even if the market is generally positive, an improper entry point may lead to losses. Only by accurately grasping it can we ensure that every transaction is profitable.

4. Capture the best opportunity
The currency circle has seasonal patterns to follow. There are more ups and downs in spring and summer, and layout on dips; shock adjustments in late summer and early autumn, high selling and low buying; the second half of the year may usher in a market with ups and downs, which is the time to show your strength. Seize the opportunity, respond flexibly, and profits will come naturally.

5. Strictly control position risks
The cornerstone of stable profits lies in position management. It is generally recommended to use 10% of the total funds for a single transaction, keep a light position, and avoid the high risks brought by heavy positions. When you make a profit, you can increase your position appropriately; when you lose money, you should stop loss decisively to avoid adding money against the market. Reasonable position control is the key to long-term profitability.

Master these five tips, and your journey to the currency circle contract will be more stable. When you are confused. Pay attention to market trends and follow professional strategies to make your financial road wider and wider!
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A simple cryptocurrency trading method that I have personally tested. From an initial capital of 40,000, I managed to get more than 36 million!A simple cryptocurrency trading method that I have tested myself. From a capital of 40,000, I have encountered more than 36 million. I only use this method to master the buying and selling points. The following is a summary 1. The one who knows how to buy is the apprentice The best way to operate the currency circle is: a. Regardless of the bull or bear market, the 5th level position must be BTC, ETH, and the rest 5 positions to take big chances b. When the bull market turns around, many altcoins are discounted by 10% or even 10% off. At this time, it is very cheap to buy some altcoins with broad consensus and promising prospects, and then wait for the bull market to come. C. During the bull market, various hot spots emerge frequently. For example, in this round of bull market, artificial intelligence, gamefi, RWA, public chain, and platform currency sectors, you can use a small amount of funds to participate in the hot speculation. After earning more than 5 times, stop profit in time and convert all into BTC and ETH. Strictly distinguish between "living" and "playing around"

A simple cryptocurrency trading method that I have personally tested. From an initial capital of 40,000, I managed to get more than 36 million!

A simple cryptocurrency trading method that I have tested myself. From a capital of 40,000, I have encountered more than 36 million. I only use this method to master the buying and selling points. The following is a summary
1. The one who knows how to buy is the apprentice
The best way to operate the currency circle is:
a. Regardless of the bull or bear market, the 5th level position must be BTC, ETH, and the rest
5 positions to take big chances
b. When the bull market turns around, many altcoins are discounted by 10% or even 10% off. At this time, it is very cheap to buy some altcoins with broad consensus and promising prospects, and then wait for the bull market to come.
C. During the bull market, various hot spots emerge frequently. For example, in this round of bull market, artificial intelligence, gamefi, RWA, public chain, and platform currency sectors, you can use a small amount of funds to participate in the hot speculation. After earning more than 5 times, stop profit in time and convert all into BTC and ETH. Strictly distinguish between "living" and "playing around"
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Continue to hold the short position and go to sleep first. Brothers, can you win more when you wake up?
Continue to hold the short position and go to sleep first. Brothers, can you win more when you wake up?
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Experts started to call orders again, vigorously claiming that the technical bull market has come. Some people even don't want the interest on large-denomination certificates of deposit, and rush in with leverage. Such a crazy situation has not been seen in the A-share market for many years. I can especially understand chasing the rise, but for those who rush in with leverage, I will make a responsible judgment that those who are cut off in this wave are likely to be killed by those with leverage. The entry of institutions will disrupt the bull-bear cycle of Bitcoin every four years, and it will rise to a point where you can't afford it. You can refer to the channel of gold spot ETF, and Wall Street funds control the entire trend. In the past two days, public chains have risen a lot, such as near, av ax, etc. In fact, for these public chain coins, it is more suitable to hold for a long time, rather than short-term speculation, and it is more suitable for small projects in hot spots in the short term. The correct operation method in the bull market is to fix long-term positions + short-term positions. Such an allocation is more reasonable. It can not only get the long-term returns of high-quality assets, but also seize short-term track opportunities. If your rhythm is always wrong, I think you can think about it carefully and then change it according to the method. If you don’t have so much money to build a position, then play with short-term positions and try to participate in as many projects as possible to gain high returns. Since it is a short-term game, you can’t fall in love. If it doubles, you can withdraw the principal and then move on to the next one.
Experts started to call orders again, vigorously claiming that the technical bull market has come. Some people even don't want the interest on large-denomination certificates of deposit, and rush in with leverage.

Such a crazy situation has not been seen in the A-share market for many years. I can especially understand chasing the rise, but for those who rush in with leverage, I will make a responsible judgment that those who are cut off in this wave are likely to be killed by those with leverage.

The entry of institutions will disrupt the bull-bear cycle of Bitcoin every four years, and it will rise to a point where you can't afford it. You can refer to the channel of gold spot ETF, and Wall Street funds control the entire trend.

In the past two days, public chains have risen a lot, such as near, av ax, etc. In fact, for these public chain coins, it is more suitable to hold for a long time, rather than short-term speculation, and it is more suitable for small projects in hot spots in the short term.

The correct operation method in the bull market is to fix long-term positions + short-term positions. Such an allocation is more reasonable. It can not only get the long-term returns of high-quality assets, but also seize short-term track opportunities.

If your rhythm is always wrong, I think you can think about it carefully and then change it according to the method. If you don’t have so much money to build a position, then play with short-term positions and try to participate in as many projects as possible to gain high returns. Since it is a short-term game, you can’t fall in love. If it doubles, you can withdraw the principal and then move on to the next one.
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At the beginning of 2017, I unexpectedly encountered cryptocurrency In the bull market of 2017-2018, I invested 60,000 yuan and finally made more than 1 million yuan In the bull market of 2020-2021, I made almost 10 million yuan, and the maximum floating profit was more than 2000 yuan I am still making money with coins. Once I have an epiphany, it is like turning on a cheat. I played with 200,000 yuan at the end of last year, and now I have 2000 yuan, which is a hundred times profit (suitable for everyone) A new round of bull market in cryptocurrency is ready to go, and the goal of this round is to achieve true financial freedom. 1. Speculate in strong currencies. If you don’t know how to judge the strength of a currency, use the 60-day line as the dividing line between strength and weakness. When the price of the currency stands on the 60-day line, you can enter the market or increase your position if it stabilizes. If it falls below the 60-day line, you can exit. Under strict implementation, it is applicable to most targets! 2. Avoid continuous gains of more than 50%. If you can't hold it if it rises a little, you will be worried. In comparison, the advantage of low position is greater and the cost performance is higher. First of all, the risk can be controlled, the upward momentum is greater, and the chance of winning is higher. 3. There will be obvious characteristics before the main rising wave is formed. Usually there will be a wave of small Yin and Yang shrinking fluctuations with a rise and fall of -10%~20%. When the price of the currency is at a relatively low level, you can actively participate in batches, and there will be a round of market in nine out of ten cases. 4. When a new concept track opportunity comes out in the market, there is a high probability that there will be 3-5 days of rising space. If you grasp this rule well, you can easily keep up with the main force! 5. When the bear market comes, at least short position for more than half a year. When the market is not good, do less operations. Those who know how to buy are apprentices, those who know how to sell are masters, and those who know how to take a short break are the ancestors!
At the beginning of 2017, I unexpectedly encountered cryptocurrency
In the bull market of 2017-2018, I invested 60,000 yuan and finally made more than 1 million yuan
In the bull market of 2020-2021, I made almost 10 million yuan, and the maximum floating profit was more than 2000 yuan

I am still making money with coins. Once I have an epiphany, it is like turning on a cheat.

I played with 200,000 yuan at the end of last year, and now I have 2000 yuan, which is a hundred times profit (suitable for everyone)
A new round of bull market in cryptocurrency is ready to go, and the goal of this round is to achieve true financial freedom.

1. Speculate in strong currencies. If you don’t know how to judge the strength of a currency, use the 60-day line as the dividing line between strength and weakness. When the price of the currency stands on the 60-day line, you can enter the market or increase your position if it stabilizes. If it falls below the 60-day line, you can exit. Under strict implementation, it is applicable to most targets!

2. Avoid continuous gains of more than 50%. If you can't hold it if it rises a little, you will be worried. In comparison, the advantage of low position is greater and the cost performance is higher. First of all, the risk can be controlled, the upward momentum is greater, and the chance of winning is higher.

3. There will be obvious characteristics before the main rising wave is formed. Usually there will be a wave of small Yin and Yang shrinking fluctuations with a rise and fall of -10%~20%. When the price of the currency is at a relatively low level, you can actively participate in batches, and there will be a round of market in nine out of ten cases.

4. When a new concept track opportunity comes out in the market, there is a high probability that there will be 3-5 days of rising space. If you grasp this rule well, you can easily keep up with the main force!

5. When the bear market comes, at least short position for more than half a year. When the market is not good, do less operations. Those who know how to buy are apprentices, those who know how to sell are masters, and those who know how to take a short break are the ancestors!
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If you are confused when trading, you must stop, because once the rhythm is wrong, then working hard will be more terrible than lying flat. The most important thing in trading is not how high the winning rate is, but to make more money when doing it right and lose less when doing it wrong, so you must always keep a clear head. Stop loss in time is risk control rather than admitting defeat. Technical analysis has never been a tool to predict the future, but a tool to increase the winning rate. You must remember not to believe in any magical indicators, you can only believe in your own calm analysis. The BTC market has never lacked opportunities, even if the market is bad, there will be ups and downs. So we must be calm, don't mess around with the market that you understand, and only seize the opportunities that belong to you.
If you are confused when trading, you must stop, because once the rhythm is wrong, then working hard will be more terrible than lying flat.

The most important thing in trading is not how high the winning rate is, but to make more money when doing it right and lose less when doing it wrong, so you must always keep a clear head.

Stop loss in time is risk control rather than admitting defeat. Technical analysis has never been a tool to predict the future, but a tool to increase the winning rate.

You must remember not to believe in any magical indicators, you can only believe in your own calm analysis.

The BTC market has never lacked opportunities, even if the market is bad, there will be ups and downs. So we must be calm, don't mess around with the market that you understand, and only seize the opportunities that belong to you.
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How to quickly get rid of the leeks in the currency circle To become a knife in the currency circle market, you need to do the following seven things: 1. Adjust your mentality first: treat currency speculation as a game, regardless of winning or losing, it doesn't matter. Only in this way can you easily speculate in the currency market. 2. Use spare money to speculate: The funds for currency speculation must be spare money that will not affect your life. Only by using spare money to speculate in currency can you take it and put it down. 3. Seize the time to learn: If you want to speculate well, you should figure out the practical technical indicators and tactics as soon as possible, practice more, and summarize more. 4. Be cautious in the first battle: The funds of non-vegetarians are originally small, and you must pay attention to effectiveness. Especially for the first time, you must prepare carefully and strive to win the first battle. Before operating, you should use the simulation system more, practice, and gain some experience before taking action. Otherwise, once you enter the market, the funds will be trapped or cut, which will be a great blow to your confidence. 5. Keep the principal: Using the money you earn to speculate in currency will make you feel relaxed and make your operation more comfortable. 6. Summarize from Your own set of methods: If you want to change from a leek to a hoe, you must put an end to the mentality of chasing the rise and full warehouse, and always remember that as long as you don't chase the high, you can turn from a vegetable into a mirror knife. You must be good at learning, and through actual operation, you can summarize a set of operation skills that suit you. This is the fundamental to change into a hoe. 7. Only trade strong dragon coins and concentrate funds: Speculation in coins should be the leader. The dispersion of funds not only increases the transaction cost, but also makes you lose sight of the big picture, and you cannot accurately analyze and grasp the market characteristics of each coin. If you don't know what to do in the bull market, friends who need reference can follow me and share the market and operation strategies of the coin circle every day
How to quickly get rid of the leeks in the currency circle
To become a knife in the currency circle market, you need to do the following seven things:
1. Adjust your mentality first: treat currency speculation as a game, regardless of winning or losing, it doesn't matter. Only in this way can you easily speculate in the currency market.

2. Use spare money to speculate: The funds for currency speculation must be spare money that will not affect your life. Only by using spare money to speculate in currency can you take it and put it down.

3. Seize the time to learn: If you want to speculate well, you should figure out the practical technical indicators and tactics as soon as possible, practice more, and summarize more.

4. Be cautious in the first battle: The funds of non-vegetarians are originally small, and you must pay attention to effectiveness. Especially for the first time, you must prepare carefully and strive to win the first battle. Before operating, you should use the simulation system more, practice, and gain some experience before taking action. Otherwise, once you enter the market, the funds will be trapped or cut, which will be a great blow to your confidence.

5. Keep the principal: Using the money you earn to speculate in currency will make you feel relaxed and make your operation more comfortable.

6. Summarize from Your own set of methods: If you want to change from a leek to a hoe, you must put an end to the mentality of chasing the rise and full warehouse, and always remember that as long as you don't chase the high, you can turn from a vegetable into a mirror knife. You must be good at learning, and through actual operation, you can summarize a set of operation skills that suit you. This is the fundamental to change into a hoe.

7. Only trade strong dragon coins and concentrate funds: Speculation in coins should be the leader. The dispersion of funds not only increases the transaction cost, but also makes you lose sight of the big picture, and you cannot accurately analyze and grasp the market characteristics of each coin.

If you don't know what to do in the bull market, friends who need reference can follow me and share the market and operation strategies of the coin circle every day
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Today's bitcoin market is in a straight line of decline. After rising for so many days, it has begun to fall. This order received 2035u, and continued to short
Today's bitcoin market is in a straight line of decline. After rising for so many days, it has begun to fall.

This order received 2035u, and continued to short
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In Bi⭕️, if you follow these points, 99% of you can make a steady profit! 1. Any logic must form a closed loop. If you enter the market based on technical indicators, you must leave the market decisively when the technical chart goes bad, and don't look for reasons from fundamentals and market sentiment. Enter the market based on fundamental logic, and as long as the logic is still there, don't let technical analysis affect your operations. Don't confuse them, and don't pay for proving your own logical errors. 2. Be cautious about bottom-fishing. There are many bottom-fishing on the hillside, of course, if you have enough funds to spread the cost, if not, then please correct it. Many people have a misunderstanding about bottom-fishing, that is, they think it has bottomed out in the middle of the decline. The truly valuable bottom-fishing is to make a callback to the upward trend, not to take over the market under the plummeting trend. 3. Don't buy when there is good news at a high position! Most of the good news is to attract retail investors to follow suit, because the main force has known the news in advance. If there are not many people following the trend, there may be another wave to lure more. If there are too many people following the trend, the main force will directly sell and cause a big drop! 4. Position management is very important. My trading principle is 30% short-term and 30% long-term. The position is rolled in waves, so that it can attack when advancing and defend when retreating. It is not that there is no position to spread the cost when the market environment is not good. This is also a great opportunity. Unformed transactions are just random fights. After a few rounds, who has real skills and who is just dancing can be seen clearly. 5. Establish your own trading principles and implement them firmly. Intraday fluctuations are the easiest to affect emotions. Before the market, there is a plan for your own positions, when to leave the market, and when to enter the market. There is a frame. Only one thing to do during the market is to execute the previous plan. 6. Control positions. The biggest difference between novices and mature investors is position control. Because there are uncertainties, there will always be mistakes in judgment. Therefore, if the position is properly controlled, it can be targeted and not passive. 7. Make your own trading plan in advance, strictly implement it during the trading session, do not let the market disrupt your operation plan, combine with the overall environment, participate if the conditions are met, and do not violate your plan if they are not met. It is better to miss it than to make a mistake.
In Bi⭕️, if you follow these points, 99% of you can make a steady profit!

1. Any logic must form a closed loop. If you enter the market based on technical indicators, you must leave the market decisively when the technical chart goes bad, and don't look for reasons from fundamentals and market sentiment. Enter the market based on fundamental logic, and as long as the logic is still there, don't let technical analysis affect your operations. Don't confuse them, and don't pay for proving your own logical errors.

2. Be cautious about bottom-fishing. There are many bottom-fishing on the hillside, of course, if you have enough funds to spread the cost, if not, then please correct it. Many people have a misunderstanding about bottom-fishing, that is, they think it has bottomed out in the middle of the decline. The truly valuable bottom-fishing is to make a callback to the upward trend, not to take over the market under the plummeting trend.

3. Don't buy when there is good news at a high position! Most of the good news is to attract retail investors to follow suit, because the main force has known the news in advance. If there are not many people following the trend, there may be another wave to lure more. If there are too many people following the trend, the main force will directly sell and cause a big drop!

4. Position management is very important. My trading principle is 30% short-term and 30% long-term. The position is rolled in waves, so that it can attack when advancing and defend when retreating. It is not that there is no position to spread the cost when the market environment is not good. This is also a great opportunity. Unformed transactions are just random fights. After a few rounds, who has real skills and who is just dancing can be seen clearly.

5. Establish your own trading principles and implement them firmly. Intraday fluctuations are the easiest to affect emotions. Before the market, there is a plan for your own positions, when to leave the market, and when to enter the market. There is a frame. Only one thing to do during the market is to execute the previous plan.

6. Control positions. The biggest difference between novices and mature investors is position control. Because there are uncertainties, there will always be mistakes in judgment. Therefore, if the position is properly controlled, it can be targeted and not passive.

7. Make your own trading plan in advance, strictly implement it during the trading session, do not let the market disrupt your operation plan, combine with the overall environment, participate if the conditions are met, and do not violate your plan if they are not met. It is better to miss it than to make a mistake.
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Written on 2024/09/29, technology is still useful BTC has always been analyzed from a technical perspective, and the average deviation rate of the moving average is too large. Why do many historical big market trends almost have to be glued together before they can be started? One is the turnover rate and the average holding cost. The second is to form a new price support level and consensus. The third is to continue to attract the inflow of off-market funds (including macro factors such as risk aversion, interest rate cuts, and the US election. The final low price... If you don’t buy it, you will have no chance in the future). When the moving average is glued together, it will show a long arrangement and diverge upward, which is the start of an extreme market. Most of those who enter the market based on news and emotions are providers of liquidity that undertake the main shipments at high levels. Money is not so easy to make, especially in the financial field. In fact, in my opinion, you can’t chase the rise and fall at any time, and be affected by market sentiment. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand and miss it. There is not only one target. Coming in because of greed will only backfire. Even if you make money by luck, as long as you stay in this market, you will lose it by strength. This is the cruelty of the financial market and the nature of man-eating man. It doesn't mean that if you don't enter the market now, you will miss a lot of opportunities. There will always be opportunities, and there will always be people who will attract us to enter the market. Therefore, you should improve your understanding of the market at any time. Many people lack basic common sense about the financial market. Some traders may invest rashly without understanding the basic concepts and mechanisms of the market. It is like a blind man touching an elephant, just like sailing in the sea without a navigation system. Basic knowledge includes the price formation principle of the stock market, the reasons for exchange rate changes in the foreign exchange market, contract rules and leverage in the futures market, and the lack of understanding of the use of trading tools. If you don't know the logic behind it, the probability of failure will increase greatly. Any trader must spend time to continuously learn and master these basic knowledge. Only in this way can you be at ease in the ever-changing market...
Written on 2024/09/29, technology is still useful
BTC has always been analyzed from a technical perspective, and the average deviation rate of the moving average is too large. Why do many historical big market trends almost have to be glued together before they can be started? One is the turnover rate and the average holding cost. The second is to form a new price support level and consensus. The third is to continue to attract the inflow of off-market funds (including macro factors such as risk aversion, interest rate cuts, and the US election. The final low price... If you don’t buy it, you will have no chance in the future). When the moving average is glued together, it will show a long arrangement and diverge upward, which is the start of an extreme market. Most of those who enter the market based on news and emotions are providers of liquidity that undertake the main shipments at high levels. Money is not so easy to make, especially in the financial field.

In fact, in my opinion, you can’t chase the rise and fall at any time, and be affected by market sentiment. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand and miss it. There is not only one target. Coming in because of greed will only backfire. Even if you make money by luck, as long as you stay in this market, you will lose it by strength. This is the cruelty of the financial market and the nature of man-eating man.

It doesn't mean that if you don't enter the market now, you will miss a lot of opportunities. There will always be opportunities, and there will always be people who will attract us to enter the market. Therefore, you should improve your understanding of the market at any time. Many people lack basic common sense about the financial market. Some traders may invest rashly without understanding the basic concepts and mechanisms of the market. It is like a blind man touching an elephant, just like sailing in the sea without a navigation system. Basic knowledge includes the price formation principle of the stock market, the reasons for exchange rate changes in the foreign exchange market, contract rules and leverage in the futures market, and the lack of understanding of the use of trading tools. If you don't know the logic behind it, the probability of failure will increase greatly. Any trader must spend time to continuously learn and master these basic knowledge. Only in this way can you be at ease in the ever-changing market...
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My method of trading in cryptocurrencies is very simple and practical. I traded to 8 figures in just one year! ! I only trade in one form, and I enter the market when I see the right opportunity. I don’t trade without a form. I have maintained a winning rate of more than 90% for five years! I spend more time fishing and keeping fit. From entering the crypto circle with 50,000 yuan to making a big profit of 10 million yuan, to being in debt of 8 million yuan, to making a profit of 20 million yuan, to the current wealth freedom 1. If it rises quickly and falls slowly, it means that it is absorbing chips. A rapid rise but a slow fall means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise. 2. If it falls quickly and rises slowly, it means that it is shipping. A rapid fall but a slow rise means that the dealer is gradually selling, and the market is about to enter a falling cycle. 3. Don’t sell at the top if there is a large volume, and run quickly if there is no volume at the top. If the trading volume at the top is large, it may continue to rise; but if the trading volume at the top shrinks, it means that the momentum of the rise is insufficient, so leave the market as soon as possible. 4. Don't buy when the volume increases at the bottom, but you can buy when the volume increases continuously. The volume at the bottom may be a downward relay, which needs to be observed; continuous volume increases indicate that funds are constantly entering, so you can consider buying. 5. Speculating on coins is speculating on emotions, and consensus is trading volume. Market sentiment determines the fluctuation of coin prices, and trading volume reflects market consensus and investor behavior!
My method of trading in cryptocurrencies is very simple and practical. I traded to 8 figures in just one year! !

I only trade in one form, and I enter the market when I see the right opportunity. I don’t trade without a form. I have maintained a winning rate of more than 90% for five years!

I spend more time fishing and keeping fit. From entering the crypto circle with 50,000 yuan to making a big profit of 10 million yuan, to being in debt of 8 million yuan, to making a profit of 20 million yuan, to the current wealth freedom

1. If it rises quickly and falls slowly, it means that it is absorbing chips. A rapid rise but a slow fall means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise.

2. If it falls quickly and rises slowly, it means that it is shipping. A rapid fall but a slow rise means that the dealer is gradually selling, and the market is about to enter a falling cycle.

3. Don’t sell at the top if there is a large volume, and run quickly if there is no volume at the top. If the trading volume at the top is large, it may continue to rise; but if the trading volume at the top shrinks, it means that the momentum of the rise is insufficient, so leave the market as soon as possible.

4. Don't buy when the volume increases at the bottom, but you can buy when the volume increases continuously. The volume at the bottom may be a downward relay, which needs to be observed; continuous volume increases indicate that funds are constantly entering, so you can consider buying.

5. Speculating on coins is speculating on emotions, and consensus is trading volume. Market sentiment determines the fluctuation of coin prices, and trading volume reflects market consensus and investor behavior!
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The Bitcoin bulls have broken through a new high, first sell short and then continue to sell short!!
The Bitcoin bulls have broken through a new high, first sell short and then continue to sell short!!
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If you want to succeed in trading, start from zero to one! ! All those who succeed in trading need several years of accumulation in the early stage. These few years are the most boring and need to work hard to practice basic skills. If you lack cognition, you need to make up for it. If you lack technology, you need to make up for it. If there are no conditions, you need to create conditions. To succeed in any field, you need to be focused and focused. This process is destined to be long and boring. There is no shortcut to making money. It is to repeat effective actions every day. Trading time never leaves the board, and there is almost no entertainment time and hobbies. People who make money from trading know that trading is not easy. Only those who don’t know how to make money will think about getting rich overnight. Most people who start from scratch by trading need an average of more than 4 years of accumulation time. The premise is that your mentality and methods are correct, and then you persevere in deep cultivation like a farmer year after year. Remember that there is no success in trading for no reason. If you also want to counterattack, you must survive the stage from 0 to 1. As long as you take this step, the sea and sky are wide and the birds fly.
If you want to succeed in trading, start from zero to one! !

All those who succeed in trading need several years of accumulation in the early stage. These few years are the most boring and need to work hard to practice basic skills. If you lack cognition, you need to make up for it. If you lack technology, you need to make up for it. If there are no conditions, you need to create conditions.

To succeed in any field, you need to be focused and focused. This process is destined to be long and boring. There is no shortcut to making money. It is to repeat effective actions every day. Trading time never leaves the board, and there is almost no entertainment time and hobbies.

People who make money from trading know that trading is not easy. Only those who don’t know how to make money will think about getting rich overnight. Most people who start from scratch by trading need an average of more than 4 years of accumulation time. The premise is that your mentality and methods are correct, and then you persevere in deep cultivation like a farmer year after year.

Remember that there is no success in trading for no reason. If you also want to counterattack, you must survive the stage from 0 to 1. As long as you take this step, the sea and sky are wide and the birds fly.
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The price of Bitcoin surged in the evening and started to rebound. I sold it first and started to short sell!!
The price of Bitcoin surged in the evening and started to rebound. I sold it first and started to short sell!!
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The market fluctuated at noon, with an upward trend, so I went long directly! !
The market fluctuated at noon, with an upward trend, so I went long directly! !
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Three secrets of cryptocurrency trading, learn them to ensure that you will never lose money First, do not invest a lot of money on informal small websites at will, you should choose formal large websites such as Huobi, BitTimes, etc. Second, there are many crowdfunding projects recently, you need to open your eyes and treat them with caution. Not all projects are worth investing in. You need to make a decision after fully understanding them to avoid blind investment. Third, the cryptocurrency circle is currently in a bull market, and the overall market is heating up. The operation is mainly to hold positions for a long time after callbacks. For long-term investment, you can choose the top 20 high-quality currencies in the world to build positions at low prices in batches. Finally, it is important not to follow the trend. Many newcomers are easily influenced by others at the beginning of the cryptocurrency circle, and they listen to others and operate blindly. In fact, it is very stupid to do so, because many times the advice of others may be misleading or intimidating, the purpose is to make you sell at a low price, and they take the goods at a low price to make a profit. The decision to trade in cryptocurrencies should be made by yourself, and don't easily believe the advice of others.
Three secrets of cryptocurrency trading, learn them to ensure that you will never lose money
First, do not invest a lot of money on informal small websites at will, you should choose formal large websites such as Huobi, BitTimes, etc.

Second, there are many crowdfunding projects recently, you need to open your eyes and treat them with caution. Not all projects are worth investing in. You need to make a decision after fully understanding them to avoid blind investment.

Third, the cryptocurrency circle is currently in a bull market, and the overall market is heating up. The operation is mainly to hold positions for a long time after callbacks. For long-term investment, you can choose the top 20 high-quality currencies in the world to build positions at low prices in batches.

Finally, it is important not to follow the trend. Many newcomers are easily influenced by others at the beginning of the cryptocurrency circle, and they listen to others and operate blindly. In fact, it is very stupid to do so, because many times the advice of others may be misleading or intimidating, the purpose is to make you sell at a low price, and they take the goods at a low price to make a profit. The decision to trade in cryptocurrencies should be made by yourself, and don't easily believe the advice of others.
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Don’t hold it anymore. It has fallen to the lowest point and started to rebound. I will withdraw first and lock in the profit!!
Don’t hold it anymore. It has fallen to the lowest point and started to rebound. I will withdraw first and lock in the profit!!
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