$S Wondering whether to buy this coin which is about to be traded in around 15 min , whenever a coin like this comes to trade they go from bottom to top very quick , but at the same time their fall will also be scary , if you want quick money dive in to this coin and get your profits before it falls it's not easy but not impossible too, if are a day trader this is one of the opportunity to increase your profits be careful if you fail to take profits before correction your loses will be severe too Be sure to surf with me in this wave Don't try to blame the coin if you make lose , that is the nature of crypto This coin becoming boon or curse for you depends on your hands
$AIXBT do not be blinded by its growth , no matter how much it risesit Will fall too, if you already bought around 0.6 good, sell it , if you bought 0.9 run away if you don't want to face the scary fall down from gainer to loser
see the large trades in 15 min if you find big amount of buy than sell in large trades it means the whales 🐋 have arrived to the worthless coin , then hope on the coin then dump i
Dec 29, 2024
$USUAL How to know which currency is going to surge when? like now suddenly $DF is on the rise. what exactly is happening behind the scenes?
$USUAL $PHA $VIB all the coins in the photo were once in the top of the gainer list during this week or last week but now they are the top losers what us the reason ??
it is due to the fact that they were manipulated by whales and sometimes dolphins too whales buy huge amount of a weak coin and pump them then they dump them resulting in huge loss to small traders you can also take example from PHAand ATA today , so noob traders or beginner traders who don't have experience even in stocks but coming to crypto be careful of whales you can gain profits by surfing on a wave created by whales but be careful to dump the coin pumped by whales before they dump them Especially future traders must be very careful when future trading on coins manipulated by whales. P.S. long term investors may have different opinion this is only for day traders
true, I have seen these stupid coins as well as whales , it's profitable if you are a day trader and you correctly exit before whales
Dec 28, 2024
$ATA another garbage token ) that market makers, exchanges, and large players decided to pump and dump on the retail investors ... the plan is similar to other coins: for 2-3 days they will pump it, during the pullbacks they will buy a little to prevent the price from dropping too much ... and then when everyone sells - to the greedy and inexperienced traders, they will leave and crash it .. there will also be screaming bots that will say the project is promising and you need to buy )))