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Trump's words are like a big bullish candle.
Trump's words are like a big bullish candle.
这两天btc大盘暴跌,可以看到部分山寨跌的不那么狠,甚至有一点反弹。并不是跌无可跌。这是因为山寨本已处于低位,主力暂时在护盘。我认为这种护盘不会长久。 单纯从k线盘面上看,山寨这两天跌幅没那么大、不怎么跟跌btc,主要是因为大部分山寨最初早于btc下跌、运行快一拍,1日线macd有筑底,2、3日线也陆续出现底部,因此当btc一出现新低开始横盘、反抽的时候,这些山寨就会反弹一下(这就是一些币友喊的“山寨季”的根源)。但这不代表后市不会再往下跌,如果宏观层面上不再出有大的利好,下一步就是看周线macd跌下零轴,那么筑底就会需要漫长的时间,从而步入深熊。当山寨的1、2、3日线反抽结束后,就会同步btc进入周线macd筑底的运行,就还会有几个主跌浪,即每到一个新低,反弹一下,横盘一下,然后继续跌,再到一个新低,横一下,继续下探新低,直到未来周线大底出现为止。这就是每一轮减半周期中典型的熊市周期特征。 每一轮熊市,都是市场的验金石,会淘汰90%以上的项目。绝大多数山寨会在现价的基础上产生99%的跌幅,btc跌幅一般都在66%以上,即“去泡沫”。 暂时我也不确定是否就这么直接进入下一轮减半的熊市,但可以确信的是牛市的结构已经被破坏,已经处于牛熊交替之中。当前两年的现货浮盈开始出现大幅回吐之时,我们该做的就是第一时间清仓,保存实力等待下一轮熊市的最低点抄真正的大底。



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It's coming so fast, continue to hold cash, bearish but not shorting!
It's coming so fast, continue to hold cash, bearish but not shorting!
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Every time BTC falls, there are always some people who ask: When will the bull market end? Is it the end of the bull market? When will the bull market end? In fact, regarding this kind of question, many times, the people who ask this question are very naive and ridiculous! Give the current currency circle a positioning, don't listen to anyone, just listen to yourself! Now is the early, middle, late bull market, or the early, middle, late bear market! ! ! ! ! If you think it is the early stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly lay out! ! ! If you think it is the middle stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly leave the market! ! ! If you think it is the end of the bull market, then you will start to contact various Us, or various staking mining with free losses to arbitrage! Guarantee the principal and eat the interest! If you think it is the early stage of the bear market, then you should be prepared for a big drop, wait for empty positions, or wait for a small empty position when waiting for bad news! ! ! ! If you think it is the middle of the bear market, then you can start to study which projects have not been launched yet or have potential to interact, to earn points, and to bet on a better future! If you think it is the end of the bear market, then you can withdraw money, travel and enjoy life, wait for the market to improve, and then come back to buy super cheap pie at the bottom! ! ! ! Sometimes listening to others too much will affect your own judgment! In the currency circle, just be yourself! Some people may want to ask, what period do you think it is now! I think that for capable people, the currency circle is an eternal bull market, there is no bear market, what bull market or bear market, what can make money is a bull market! A black cat or a white cat that can catch a mouse is a good cat! Some people lose money in the bull market, and some people make a lot of money in the bear market! It mainly depends on how you operate. Whether you make money or not has nothing to do with the market! It is not that easy to speculate in coins, but it is not that complicated! Place an order, buy, sell! Trilogy! (Never go against the trend! Don’t make orders against the trend!) Yesterday’s 12.8 INJ order, stable happiness! As long as the USDT in your account is slowly increasing, your strategy is right. If your account balance does not increase, think about your own problems!
Every time BTC falls, there are always some people who ask: When will the bull market end? Is it the end of the bull market?

When will the bull market end?

In fact, regarding this kind of question, many times, the people who ask this question are very naive and ridiculous!

Give the current currency circle a positioning, don't listen to anyone, just listen to yourself! Now is the early, middle, late bull market, or the early, middle, late bear market! ! ! ! !

If you think it is the early stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly lay out! ! !

If you think it is the middle stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly leave the market! ! !

If you think it is the end of the bull market, then you will start to contact various Us, or various staking mining with free losses to arbitrage! Guarantee the principal and eat the interest!

If you think it is the early stage of the bear market, then you should be prepared for a big drop, wait for empty positions, or wait for a small empty position when waiting for bad news! ! ! !

If you think it is the middle of the bear market, then you can start to study which projects have not been launched yet or have potential to interact, to earn points, and to bet on a better future!

If you think it is the end of the bear market, then you can withdraw money, travel and enjoy life, wait for the market to improve, and then come back to buy super cheap pie at the bottom! ! ! !

Sometimes listening to others too much will affect your own judgment! In the currency circle, just be yourself!

Some people may want to ask, what period do you think it is now! I think that for capable people, the currency circle is an eternal bull market, there is no bear market, what bull market or bear market, what can make money is a bull market! A black cat or a white cat that can catch a mouse is a good cat!

Some people lose money in the bull market, and some people make a lot of money in the bear market! It mainly depends on how you operate. Whether you make money or not has nothing to do with the market!

It is not that easy to speculate in coins, but it is not that complicated! Place an order, buy, sell! Trilogy! (Never go against the trend! Don’t make orders against the trend!)

Yesterday’s 12.8 INJ order, stable happiness!

As long as the USDT in your account is slowly increasing, your strategy is right. If your account balance does not increase, think about your own problems!
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Tonight, the weekly unemployment claims data for the United States will be announced. As a more timely indicator of labor market conditions, this data remains one of the most important weekly figures. The initial unemployment claims have stayed within the range of 200,000 to 260,000 created since 2022, while the continuing claims, despite some recent easing, continue to hover around cyclical highs. Given the recent panic over economic growth, if the data jumps above the upper limit of the range, the market is likely to fall back into risk-averse sentiment.
Tonight, the weekly unemployment claims data for the United States will be announced. As a more timely indicator of labor market conditions, this data remains one of the most important weekly figures. The initial unemployment claims have stayed within the range of 200,000 to 260,000 created since 2022, while the continuing claims, despite some recent easing, continue to hover around cyclical highs. Given the recent panic over economic growth, if the data jumps above the upper limit of the range, the market is likely to fall back into risk-averse sentiment.
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Another day of running away, the depths are bottomless.
Another day of running away, the depths are bottomless.
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Now playing Fast Run
Now playing Fast Run
🔥🔥温馨提示🔥🔥 八万以下见,立贴为证!
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MSTR (MicroStrategy) fell 12% intraday, reaching a recent low, down from a high of 543 to around 251. When rising, MSTR can soar together with Bitcoin, but if both MSTR and Bitcoin fall together, what will happen... #币圈暴富
MSTR (MicroStrategy) fell 12% intraday, reaching a recent low, down from a high of 543 to around 251.

When rising, MSTR can soar together with Bitcoin, but if both MSTR and Bitcoin fall together, what will happen...
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🔥🔥Risk Warning🔥🔥 Institutions are unloading their positions, experience it for yourself. Holding cash, bearish but not shorting!
🔥🔥Risk Warning🔥🔥
Institutions are unloading their positions, experience it for yourself. Holding cash, bearish but not shorting!
现在到底能不能抄底? 先说观点,没有插针的下跌,一般是不能抄底的,如何判断是否插针的下跌? 此次下跌一定是伴随大量的杠杆被清算的,因为大型插针的下跌会把本来不想出售的货,在市场下跌的过程中触发了临界值被迫出售,因此,这类下跌称之为非理性下跌,这类胜率相对较高,上一波的插针下跌是在2月3日 那一波,有巨量清算,主要清算的是以太和山寨的杠杆,而这波下跌,其实总体杠杆清算的相对不多。 所以,这次从事件上还未发酵结束,毕竟关税是在3月4日收的,但小时K线放量下砸,空头力竭,是短时间内抄底的时机,而这波砸下来的价格也是仅仅是短线机会而已!反弹至少看到9w2,之前的支撑位变阻力位,反弹摸9w2测试,但是,大饼也不会一口气砸下去,下跌也是一段一段的探底、不断测试,最后震荡拿筹码。 恐慌+超跌,这种机会确实是波段的好机会,等到了底部震荡的时候,也会有很多波段的机会出现,超跌了不敢上,反弹了又要去追,这利润空间就很小了。 值得选出来的LTC,PEPE当然这次持仓10个点就可以考虑走了。 如果你心态不稳,或者还在恐慌中,拿捏不准波段就不建议做了,观望就行,刚才也说了关税问题将在3月4日落地。 在近半年的所有杠杆清算中,大饼的清算其实相对是最少的,去年8月5日那波清算较多。 所以,如果到了熊市,大饼的杠杆清算可能是市场加速下跌的最大因子了,注意,这里说的抄底是指短期波段思维,不属于长期布局,因为,市场还在高位,所以不做长期布局,只能是短期套利,真正长期布局需要等待周期的信号。 接下来,可以关注一下明天英伟达的财报,周五美国公布的1月份核心PCE数据,看看能不能有些利好的信号,把市场的价格修复修复。#币圈暴富










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A little sneaky bite, finish and leave, brothers. The market hasn’t shown direction yet, take a small profit and don’t get attached!
A little sneaky bite, finish and leave, brothers. The market hasn’t shown direction yet, take a small profit and don’t get attached!
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The leader has to run, and a storm of blood and violence is about to come. Everyone should empty their positions. I've already notified all the friends in the base to empty their positions. Everyone hold on tight 😂
The leader has to run, and a storm of blood and violence is about to come. Everyone should empty their positions. I've already notified all the friends in the base to empty their positions. Everyone hold on tight 😂
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Big investors have also started to cut their losses, the market is about to collapse!
Big investors have also started to cut their losses, the market is about to collapse!
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🔥🔥Shipping Reminder🔥🔥 Those with profitable short positions can take profits first, and wait for the next wave of market!
🔥🔥Shipping Reminder🔥🔥
Those with profitable short positions can take profits first, and wait for the next wave of market!
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Sol's largest scale unlock is approaching 🔥🔥Full of useful information🔥🔥 Without further ado, let's look at the 120 mark! $SOL
Sol's largest scale unlock is approaching
🔥🔥Full of useful information🔥🔥
Without further ado, let's look at the 120 mark! $SOL
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🔥🔥Full of useful information🔥🔥 OM is really🐶 I think there will be another wave But I don’t recommend going long or short You can’t afford the ups and downs Get rid of the stealing mentality and return to the hot spots LSD:ETFFI LDO It’s reasonable to buy now. You can’t look at it as a temporary weakness Public chain:SUI But some unlocked on March 1st. The problem is not big Normal circulation is more popular. Who doesn’t have unlocked? The current 3.3 If there is a position of 3.1, I think it is more reasonable!
🔥🔥Full of useful information🔥🔥

OM is really🐶 I think there will be another wave
But I don’t recommend going long or short
You can’t afford the ups and downs
Get rid of the stealing mentality and return to the hot spots
It’s reasonable to buy now. You can’t look at it as a temporary weakness
Public chain:SUI But some unlocked on March 1st. The problem is not big
Normal circulation is more popular. Who doesn’t have unlocked? The current 3.3
If there is a position of 3.1, I think it is more reasonable!
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🔥🔥Useful Sharing🔥🔥 Cati shows signs of strength, 0.16 and 0.18 can be entered with a small position respectively
🔥🔥Useful Sharing🔥🔥
Cati shows signs of strength,
0.16 and 0.18 can be entered with a small position respectively
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The largest cryptocurrency theft in history, does everyone still remember FTX? The days when Bitcoin fell to 20,000.
The largest cryptocurrency theft in history, does everyone still remember FTX? The days when Bitcoin fell to 20,000.
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