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【Binance Web3】链上 “直球” 交互新体验,“意图” 协议龙头 :dappOS🧙 在《龙与地下城》世界观里,魔法师 要释放一个 “火球术”,只需要 念出咒语 即可,而不用去学习 燃烧的化学反应、热力学 和 流体力学 等基础知识 因为 魔法师 可以使用创世神留下 操作系统 :“魔网”,使用 咒语 沟通魔网,就可以 自动化 的完成各种魔法的使用。 💡 如果你也想做区块链世界的 “魔法师”,现在 dappOS @dappOS_com 就是那张 “魔网” (*文末附带:本期币安钱包交互任务速通指南) --------------------------------------- 1️⃣ dappOS 要解决的问题 场景模拟,如果想在 ARB 链上买点土狗,需要进行哪些步骤: 比如要将 USDT 从 BSC 链跨链到了 ARB 链,然后还从交易所转了点 $BNB 做 GAS向 跨链桥 授权了 USDT 的交易权限,支付高昂的通道费,开始跨链跨链成功之后,你又向 UniSwap 授权了 USDT 的交易权限,又完成了3~4次交互,你买到了土狗币 🤔 做了那么多前置步骤,现在你还记得你最初想干什么? 你只是想买个点土狗币😂,为什么又要充GAS,又要跨链,又要授权,还得合约交互那么多次? 这就是Web3长久以来的问题:用户体验不友好、学习使用门槛高 😖 就不能简简单单,花点U就把事儿办了? 用 dappOS 就可以,一步到位地完成所有操作 2️⃣ dappOS 功能介绍 dappOS 是一个以执行用户 “意图”(Intent)为核心导向的去中心化网络,以 账户抽象 & 跨链操作 为技术基础的集大成者 用户在使用区块链应用时,需要手动完成各种复杂的步骤,比如跨链转账、支付Gas费用等,而 dappOS 通过 提供统一账户、自动化执行 等功能,将复杂操作自动化,让用户可以专注于自己的最终目标,而不必关注中间的技术细节。 目的就是简化用户在区块链和 DApps 中的操作,为用户提供一个简洁友好的区块链操作界面。 💡 dappOS 的主要功能包括: 意图资产(Intent Assets):这种资产允许用户在不影响资产流动性的情况下获得收益。意图资产的独特之处在于,它们可以在链上像原生资产一样使用。例如,用户可以将意图ETH用于添加流动性或在 CEX 中存储,同时还能赚取年化收益,意图资产也是整个意图网络的核心。意图化的DApp交互:用户可以通过 dappOS 的平台无缝连接和使用不同区块链上的DApps,无需担心Gas费用或其他链间兼容性问题。dappOS 还支持使用不同链上的代币甚至法币来支付费用Intent EX:意图网络节点会通过各种可能的方式,帮助用户实现最优的交易成本,这个过程是全自动化的 3️⃣ 意图资产详解 意图资产是一种dappOS推出的新型复图资产,既有较高资产收益率,又能够随时在链上可用的资产。 意图资产的优势如下: 使用户资产既可生息,又能随时链上可用,灵活性拉满一键交互、操作简单,同时能够实现机构级的成本效率,效率拉满更加安全,意图执行网络的OMS机制,当有服务提供商承接了用户“使用意图资产”的任务时,所有风险都由节点商承担解决 TVL 僵化问题,现在很多项目的质押资产,可用性低,占用用户大量资金,dappOS 把链上资产转换为意图资产,让他们重新变得灵活可用,又可以保证收益的最大化 意图资产与其他收益资产的对比图: ✨ 附:币安钱包任务,速通指南 1️⃣ 通过币安钱包,进入 dappOS 从钱包首页,进入 dappOS选择 Deposit 充值从 币安 转 USDT 到 意图钱包 (注意是 opBNB 链,非常快) 2️⃣ 铸造意图资产 3️⃣ 使用意图资产 4️⃣ 返回任务页面,验证完成 结语 我们或许处于类似 win95 出现的时间节点,windows 划时代地把 家用电脑 带进了千家万户。 dappOS 的出现,能不能再次打破壁垒,把加密资产带进千家万户的手机电脑之中,让我们拭目以待! #币安Web3钱包 #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop

【Binance Web3】链上 “直球” 交互新体验,“意图” 协议龙头 :dappOS

🧙 在《龙与地下城》世界观里,魔法师 要释放一个 “火球术”,只需要 念出咒语 即可,而不用去学习 燃烧的化学反应、热力学 和 流体力学 等基础知识
因为 魔法师 可以使用创世神留下 操作系统 :“魔网”,使用 咒语 沟通魔网,就可以 自动化 的完成各种魔法的使用。
💡 如果你也想做区块链世界的 “魔法师”,现在 dappOS @dappOS_com 就是那张 “魔网”
1️⃣ dappOS 要解决的问题
场景模拟,如果想在 ARB 链上买点土狗,需要进行哪些步骤:
比如要将 USDT 从 BSC 链跨链到了 ARB 链,然后还从交易所转了点 $BNB 做 GAS向 跨链桥 授权了 USDT 的交易权限,支付高昂的通道费,开始跨链跨链成功之后,你又向 UniSwap 授权了 USDT 的交易权限,又完成了3~4次交互,你买到了土狗币
🤔 做了那么多前置步骤,现在你还记得你最初想干什么?
😖 就不能简简单单,花点U就把事儿办了?
用 dappOS 就可以,一步到位地完成所有操作

2️⃣ dappOS 功能介绍
dappOS 是一个以执行用户 “意图”(Intent)为核心导向的去中心化网络,以 账户抽象 & 跨链操作 为技术基础的集大成者
用户在使用区块链应用时,需要手动完成各种复杂的步骤,比如跨链转账、支付Gas费用等,而 dappOS 通过 提供统一账户、自动化执行 等功能,将复杂操作自动化,让用户可以专注于自己的最终目标,而不必关注中间的技术细节。
目的就是简化用户在区块链和 DApps 中的操作,为用户提供一个简洁友好的区块链操作界面。
💡 dappOS 的主要功能包括:
意图资产(Intent Assets):这种资产允许用户在不影响资产流动性的情况下获得收益。意图资产的独特之处在于,它们可以在链上像原生资产一样使用。例如,用户可以将意图ETH用于添加流动性或在 CEX 中存储,同时还能赚取年化收益,意图资产也是整个意图网络的核心。意图化的DApp交互:用户可以通过 dappOS 的平台无缝连接和使用不同区块链上的DApps,无需担心Gas费用或其他链间兼容性问题。dappOS 还支持使用不同链上的代币甚至法币来支付费用Intent EX:意图网络节点会通过各种可能的方式,帮助用户实现最优的交易成本,这个过程是全自动化的

3️⃣ 意图资产详解
使用户资产既可生息,又能随时链上可用,灵活性拉满一键交互、操作简单,同时能够实现机构级的成本效率,效率拉满更加安全,意图执行网络的OMS机制,当有服务提供商承接了用户“使用意图资产”的任务时,所有风险都由节点商承担解决 TVL 僵化问题,现在很多项目的质押资产,可用性低,占用用户大量资金,dappOS 把链上资产转换为意图资产,让他们重新变得灵活可用,又可以保证收益的最大化

✨ 附:币安钱包任务,速通指南
1️⃣ 通过币安钱包,进入 dappOS
从钱包首页,进入 dappOS选择 Deposit 充值从 币安 转 USDT 到 意图钱包 (注意是 opBNB 链,非常快)

2️⃣ 铸造意图资产

3️⃣ 使用意图资产

4️⃣ 返回任务页面,验证完成

我们或许处于类似 win95 出现的时间节点,windows 划时代地把 家用电脑 带进了千家万户。
dappOS 的出现,能不能再次打破壁垒,把加密资产带进千家万户的手机电脑之中,让我们拭目以待!
#币安Web3钱包 #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
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[Horizontal comparison of three Binance BNB enabling products]👉🏻 Let's compare horizontally from five dimensions (security, short-term potential, capital flexibility, liquidity, valuation), Binance Three financial empowerment products: Launchpool, MegaDrop, and the latest HODLer Airdrop Comparison radar chart Whenever the market lacks liquidity, some problems will always be exposed. Previously, the platform exposed security issues, and the entire network began to denounce VC coins. Recently, several key projects have been severely reversed. It seems that even the way of relying on hard work and diligence is not working. 🤣 If you are looking for stable returns, hold

[Horizontal comparison of three Binance BNB enabling products]

👉🏻 Let's compare horizontally from five dimensions (security, short-term potential, capital flexibility, liquidity, valuation), Binance

Three financial empowerment products:

Launchpool, MegaDrop, and the latest HODLer Airdrop

Comparison radar chart

Whenever the market lacks liquidity, some problems will always be exposed. Previously, the platform exposed security issues, and the entire network began to denounce VC coins. Recently, several key projects have been severely reversed. It seems that even the way of relying on hard work and diligence is not working. 🤣

If you are looking for stable returns, hold
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🔶 Thanks to Binance for sending me the Mid-Autumn Festival peripherals, which are still full of quality! It happened that I went to Kumamoto Ancient Trail for hiking during the National Day, and the sportswear + water cup were all solved😋 During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I hope everyone can "make a full moon and earn a lot of money", hold $BNB gold shovels, and harvest stable happiness 🥰 👌🏻 If you don’t have a Binance account, or haven’t opened the maximum fee rebate, you are also welcome to use the following link to register: #BNB #中秋节快乐
🔶 Thanks to Binance for sending me the Mid-Autumn Festival peripherals, which are still full of quality!

It happened that I went to Kumamoto Ancient Trail for hiking during the National Day, and the sportswear + water cup were all solved😋

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I hope everyone can "make a full moon and earn a lot of money", hold $BNB gold shovels, and harvest stable happiness 🥰

👌🏻 If you don’t have a Binance account, or haven’t opened the maximum fee rebate, you are also welcome to use the following link to register:

#BNB #中秋节快乐
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[Crypto Lecture] What is Farcaster, the game Vitalik likes to play every day?👉🏻 You may not know that Vitalik may not post on Twitter every day, but he will post a few updates on Farcaster almost every day. What exactly is Farcaster? Let’s talk about what Farcaster is today! 1. What is Farcaster Farcaster is not a social platform, but a decentralized social protocol based on the Ethereum architecture. Account data is stored and managed on Optimism L2. Farcaster itself is not a platform, nor is it a client. It is a purely decentralized protocol that supports various third-party clients, similar to the email protocol. Users can freely choose applications to interact with the Farcaster network for data.

[Crypto Lecture] What is Farcaster, the game Vitalik likes to play every day?

👉🏻 You may not know that Vitalik may not post on Twitter every day, but he will post a few updates on Farcaster almost every day. What exactly is Farcaster?
Let’s talk about what Farcaster is today!
1. What is Farcaster
Farcaster is not a social platform, but a decentralized social protocol based on the Ethereum architecture. Account data is stored and managed on Optimism L2.
Farcaster itself is not a platform, nor is it a client. It is a purely decentralized protocol that supports various third-party clients, similar to the email protocol. Users can freely choose applications to interact with the Farcaster network for data.
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The cat and mouse game has begun🪤? Yesterday, we just said Catizen might also be listed, and Binance sent news in the evening🤣 It seems that Binance is obsessed with the TON ecosystem and has also fallen in love with dual mining of one coin. The 58th and 59th Launchpools are respectively the mouse and the cat. The good days of eating and getting with $BNB are coming again. However, the 59th#Catizenwill be launched earlier than the 58th #HMSTR. Guess what the next one is? I guess it is Blum 😆 #新币挖矿CATI #新币挖矿HMSTR $TON $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(TONUSDT)
The cat and mouse game has begun🪤?

Yesterday, we just said Catizen might also be listed, and Binance sent news in the evening🤣

It seems that Binance is obsessed with the TON ecosystem and has also fallen in love with dual mining of one coin. The 58th and 59th Launchpools are respectively the mouse and the cat. The good days of eating and getting with $BNB are coming again.

However, the 59th#Catizenwill be launched earlier than the 58th #HMSTR. Guess what the next one is? I guess it is Blum 😆

#新币挖矿CATI #新币挖矿HMSTR $TON $BNB

Binance new coin mining is launched again. Why do exchanges prefer TON ecological tokens now?
#Binance Launchpool has launched new products again. We have previously speculated that the latest new product might be $GRASS from the DEPIN ecosystem, or other sectors.
I didn’t expect it to be another TapToEarn game from TON ecosystem - Hamster CEO $HMSTR
👉🏻 Let’s talk about why exchanges prefer TON ecosystem projects?

In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, it can bring a large number of new web2 users to the exchange

1. TON ecosystem relies on Telegram’s huge user base, so the TON project only needs to give some airdrop rewards to attract a large number of new WEB2 users.

2. Users need to cash out the airdrops they received. The simplest way is to transfer the tokens to the exchange, which will generate a large number of new user registrations and divert Telegram users to the exchange through the TON project.
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😇Have you all received the Simon's Cat tokens airdropped by $FLOKI ? Let me introduce the Simon's Cat token, which is the most popular cat token, supported by the official Simon's Cat IP, and in cooperation with $FLOKI , $BNB and DWF. With more than 20 million fans on Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter and other channels, and games with its own IP, and listed on Google Market and AppStore, CAT has become the first memecoin with real value and brand support, rather than a castle in the air. CZ is also coming out soon, and with the recent rise of BNB, the BSC chain will also usher in new vitality. With the support of Binance + FLOKI, it is estimated that it will be listed soon. CAT should have a good wave of growth, so pay attention! #bsc链 #simonscat {spot}(FLOKIUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)
😇Have you all received the Simon's Cat tokens airdropped by $FLOKI ?

Let me introduce the Simon's Cat token, which is the most popular cat token, supported by the official Simon's Cat IP, and in cooperation with $FLOKI , $BNB and DWF.

With more than 20 million fans on Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter and other channels, and games with its own IP, and listed on Google Market and AppStore, CAT has become the first memecoin with real value and brand support, rather than a castle in the air.

CZ is also coming out soon, and with the recent rise of BNB, the BSC chain will also usher in new vitality.

With the support of Binance + FLOKI, it is estimated that it will be listed soon. CAT should have a good wave of growth, so pay attention!

#bsc链 #simonscat
See original
Binance new coin mining is launched again. Why do exchanges prefer TON ecological tokens now?#Binance Launchpool has launched new products again. We have previously speculated that the latest new product might be $GRASS from the DEPIN ecosystem, or other sectors. I didn’t expect it to be another TapToEarn game from TON ecosystem - Hamster CEO $HMSTR 👉🏻 Let’s talk about why exchanges prefer TON ecosystem projects? In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, it can bring a large number of new web2 users to the exchange 1. TON ecosystem relies on Telegram’s huge user base, so the TON project only needs to give some airdrop rewards to attract a large number of new WEB2 users. 2. Users need to cash out the airdrops they received. The simplest way is to transfer the tokens to the exchange, which will generate a large number of new user registrations and divert Telegram users to the exchange through the TON project.

Binance new coin mining is launched again. Why do exchanges prefer TON ecological tokens now?

#Binance Launchpool has launched new products again. We have previously speculated that the latest new product might be $GRASS from the DEPIN ecosystem, or other sectors.
I didn’t expect it to be another TapToEarn game from TON ecosystem - Hamster CEO $HMSTR
👉🏻 Let’s talk about why exchanges prefer TON ecosystem projects?

In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, it can bring a large number of new web2 users to the exchange

1. TON ecosystem relies on Telegram’s huge user base, so the TON project only needs to give some airdrop rewards to attract a large number of new WEB2 users.

2. Users need to cash out the airdrops they received. The simplest way is to transfer the tokens to the exchange, which will generate a large number of new user registrations and divert Telegram users to the exchange through the TON project.
See original is dead, what else is worth paying attention to SocialFi?👉🏻 One year after its launch, the once-popular SocialFi leader,, set the ownership address of the smart contract to 0x0000.. (abandoning permissions), chose soft rug, and officially announced community autonomy. Recently, the team also transferred all of this income to Coinbase for shipment, confirming the dissolution and death of the friend project. friend was launched on August 10, 2023. As of today, just after its first anniversary, the most common response to it is: a good hand played badly 😂 🌘 The past glory In just two weeks, achieved an astonishing achievement of increasing the number of users from 0 to over 100,000, and subsequently accumulated more than 900,000 users. is dead, what else is worth paying attention to SocialFi?

👉🏻 One year after its launch, the once-popular SocialFi leader,, set the ownership address of the smart contract to 0x0000.. (abandoning permissions), chose soft rug, and officially announced community autonomy.
Recently, the team also transferred all of this income to Coinbase for shipment, confirming the dissolution and death of the friend project.
friend was launched on August 10, 2023. As of today, just after its first anniversary, the most common response to it is: a good hand played badly 😂

🌘 The past glory
In just two weeks, achieved an astonishing achievement of increasing the number of users from 0 to over 100,000, and subsequently accumulated more than 900,000 users.
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🔶 The strongest national diamond hands on earth, investing in Bitcoin, how much has he earned in three years? It has been three years since El Salvador adopted $BTC as legal tender. Three years ago, Bitcoin became the legal tender of El Salvador. President Bukele decided to adopt Bitcoin, making the country a historic pioneer in crypto assets. For three years, El Salvador has been buying Bitcoin with dollar cost averaging, buying 1 Bitcoin per day, and purchasing its current holdings at an average cost price of $43,877 per Bitcoin. According to the website of the Ministry of Finance of El Salvador, the country currently holds a total of 5,865 Bitcoins, worth more than $318 million, with a profit of $31 million. El Salvador is still investing in Bitcoin every day, what's the fear, just do it! {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
🔶 The strongest national diamond hands on earth, investing in Bitcoin, how much has he earned in three years?

It has been three years since El Salvador adopted $BTC as legal tender. Three years ago, Bitcoin became the legal tender of El Salvador. President Bukele decided to adopt Bitcoin, making the country a historic pioneer in crypto assets.

For three years, El Salvador has been buying Bitcoin with dollar cost averaging, buying 1 Bitcoin per day, and purchasing its current holdings at an average cost price of $43,877 per Bitcoin.

According to the website of the Ministry of Finance of El Salvador, the country currently holds a total of 5,865 Bitcoins, worth more than $318 million, with a profit of $31 million.

El Salvador is still investing in Bitcoin every day, what's the fear, just do it!
#BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
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🔶 V God Ming card said that L2 has no value and will not invest in L2 in the future Vitalik replied to his tweet on August 31 that "Ethereum has never been sold for personal profit since 2018": "The above also applies to L2 tokens or other project tokens I hold. All proceeds will be donated and used again to support public goods within the Ethereum ecosystem or broader philanthropy. I also do not plan to invest in L2 or other token projects in the foreseeable future. My goal in funding projects is to support things I think are valuable, especially when other parts of the ecosystem may undervalue them. Going forward, I plan to do this only through donations." #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 $STRK $ARB $OP {spot}(ARBUSDT) {spot}(STRKUSDT)
🔶 V God Ming card said that L2 has no value and will not invest in L2 in the future

Vitalik replied to his tweet on August 31 that "Ethereum has never been sold for personal profit since 2018":

"The above also applies to L2 tokens or other project tokens I hold. All proceeds will be donated and used again to support public goods within the Ethereum ecosystem or broader philanthropy.

I also do not plan to invest in L2 or other token projects in the foreseeable future. My goal in funding projects is to support things I think are valuable, especially when other parts of the ecosystem may undervalue them.

Going forward, I plan to do this only through donations."

#以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 $STRK $ARB $OP
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🔶 Sunpump's GAS income reached 100 million US dollars, and Sun said that it will all be used to buy back and destroy? Now $SUN 's 24-hour gas income has exceeded his ancestor PUMP, and the total gas earned has reached 100 million US dollars. If the news says that 100% is destroyed, then Sun will destroy 100 million US dollars of income😆, do you think Sun will do this? Do you believe it? I don't believe it, hahaha #sunpump #pump
🔶 Sunpump's GAS income reached 100 million US dollars, and Sun said that it will all be used to buy back and destroy?

Now $SUN 's 24-hour gas income has exceeded his ancestor PUMP, and the total gas earned has reached 100 million US dollars. If the news says that 100% is destroyed, then Sun will destroy 100 million US dollars of income😆, do you think Sun will do this?

Do you believe it? I don't believe it, hahaha
#sunpump #pump
Binance News
Justin Sun announced that the SUN token destruction plan will be announced soon
According to BlockBeats, on September 1, Justin Sun posted yesterday that the destruction of SUN tokens will be announced soon and will become more regular.

The team is currently focused on resolving API issues related to revenue data.

“But there is no doubt that 100% of SUN’s revenue will be used for destruction, which reflects our core value: everything in the crypto field should stay in the crypto field.”
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[Small data on the chain] Is the price fluctuation of BTC really strongly correlated with the US stock market?👉🏻 This year, people seem to like using the U.S. stock market index as a reference for $BTC price trends. Is the positive correlation between the two really that strong? PumpPump captures the trends of the U.S. stock index (the S&P 500 index is used here, which includes 500 popular stocks and covers about 80% of the total market value of publicly listed companies in the United States) and Bitcoin prices in the past year, with a granularity of / day and aligned to the timeline. In this way, we can intuitively compare the correlation between the US stock market and BTC trends: 💡 We can conclude that:

[Small data on the chain] Is the price fluctuation of BTC really strongly correlated with the US stock market?

👉🏻 This year, people seem to like using the U.S. stock market index as a reference for $BTC price trends. Is the positive correlation between the two really that strong?
PumpPump captures the trends of the U.S. stock index (the S&P 500 index is used here, which includes 500 popular stocks and covers about 80% of the total market value of publicly listed companies in the United States) and Bitcoin prices in the past year, with a granularity of / day and aligned to the timeline.
In this way, we can intuitively compare the correlation between the US stock market and BTC trends:

💡 We can conclude that:
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🔶 Constantly unstaking and selling, is market maker Wintermute abandoning Ethereum? 24,000 $ETH were transferred to the exchange in three days. In the last 7 hours, market maker Wintermute transferred 8,000 Ethereum to Coinbase again, which is about 20 million US dollars. There is no sign of stopping at present. Most of the Ethereum comes from Lido's unstaking, which is constantly unstaking, withdrawing, and shipping. Each generation of version has a new god. The Ethereum Foundation is also constantly shipping. V God doesn't care about Ethereum at all. Is the king of copycats really at the end of the road?🤣 $LDO $ETH #以太坊基金会 #ETH #Lido {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(LDOUSDT)
🔶 Constantly unstaking and selling, is market maker Wintermute abandoning Ethereum?

24,000 $ETH were transferred to the exchange in three days. In the last 7 hours, market maker Wintermute transferred 8,000 Ethereum to Coinbase again, which is about 20 million US dollars.

There is no sign of stopping at present. Most of the Ethereum comes from Lido's unstaking, which is constantly unstaking, withdrawing, and shipping.

Each generation of version has a new god. The Ethereum Foundation is also constantly shipping. V God doesn't care about Ethereum at all. Is the king of copycats really at the end of the road?🤣

$LDO $ETH #以太坊基金会 #ETH #Lido
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🔶 Father and son fighting together? The crypto project planned by Trump's youngest son is online First of all, don't forget [投票瓜分50000u]( Eric Trump, Trump's second son and current executive vice president of the Trump Group, posted on social media that he was happy to announce the launch of World Liberty Financial, and a new era of finance has arrived. Donald Trump Jr.'s Telegram channel "The DeFiant Ones" for his new crypto project has been renamed World Liberty Financial, and has just released an announcement: "Donald Trump Jr. announces: Ladies and Gentlemen, we all know how banks and financial institutions rig the system against ordinary Americans. They exclude people, refuse to provide loans, drown people in cumbersome documents, and squeeze them with legal and processing fees. Our whole family has experienced this firsthand... We have been abandoned by banks, banned by platforms, and suffered every political game imaginable. These banks and the elites who control them want absolute control, but now all this will end. We are making finance great again by giving power back to you. This new decentralized finance (DeFi) platform will eliminate corrupt, expensive and inefficient middlemen. No more bureaucrats will decide your fate. It's time to modernize this unfair and outdated system and give everyone the same opportunity that the elites have been hoarding. Join us and let's make finance work for the people again." I have to say that this speech is really Trump-flavored😆 World Liberty Financial literally translates to "World Free Finance", it can be seen that the top wealthy class represented by Trump is not satisfied with the US taxation and the existing financial system, and has been seeking change. Trump has been advocating to reduce taxes on the rich in the United States. The attempt of the youngest son is also the intention of the Trump family. Let's see what this noble son wants to come up with? Or is it just the original soup in the guise of cryptocurrency? #加密市场急跌 #特朗普 $BTC $BNB $SOL {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
🔶 Father and son fighting together? The crypto project planned by Trump's youngest son is online

First of all, don't forget 投票瓜分50000u. Eric Trump, Trump's second son and current executive vice president of the Trump Group, posted on social media that he was happy to announce the launch of World Liberty Financial, and a new era of finance has arrived.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Telegram channel "The DeFiant Ones" for his new crypto project has been renamed World Liberty Financial, and has just released an announcement: "Donald Trump Jr. announces: Ladies and Gentlemen, we all know how banks and financial institutions rig the system against ordinary Americans. They exclude people, refuse to provide loans, drown people in cumbersome documents, and squeeze them with legal and processing fees. Our whole family has experienced this firsthand... We have been abandoned by banks, banned by platforms, and suffered every political game imaginable. These banks and the elites who control them want absolute control, but now all this will end. We are making finance great again by giving power back to you.

This new decentralized finance (DeFi) platform will eliminate corrupt, expensive and inefficient middlemen. No more bureaucrats will decide your fate. It's time to modernize this unfair and outdated system and give everyone the same opportunity that the elites have been hoarding. Join us and let's make finance work for the people again."

I have to say that this speech is really Trump-flavored😆

World Liberty Financial literally translates to "World Free Finance", it can be seen that the top wealthy class represented by Trump is not satisfied with the US taxation and the existing financial system, and has been seeking change.

Trump has been advocating to reduce taxes on the rich in the United States. The attempt of the youngest son is also the intention of the Trump family. Let's see what this noble son wants to come up with? Or is it just the original soup in the guise of cryptocurrency?

#加密市场急跌 #特朗普 $BTC $BNB $SOL
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🔶 Binance Square Creator Contest ends tomorrow, vote for your child again! The Square Creator Contest will end tomorrow, those who haven't voted can still vote, identify this person, give him another click, everyone who participates in the vote can [投票瓜分50000u]( The Square is quite lively, with a different hustle and bustle from Twitter, investment research analysis, on-chain data, and everyone's favorite story will... There is nothing you can't find, the market is not good recently, it's not bad to come to the Square to complain and chat 👀 Without further ado, come and vote $BNB $BTC
🔶 Binance Square Creator Contest ends tomorrow, vote for your child again!

The Square Creator Contest will end tomorrow, those who haven't voted can still vote, identify this person, give him another click, everyone who participates in the vote can 投票瓜分50000u

The Square is quite lively, with a different hustle and bustle from Twitter, investment research analysis, on-chain data, and everyone's favorite story will...

There is nothing you can't find, the market is not good recently, it's not bad to come to the Square to complain and chat

👀 Without further ado, come and vote
See original
🔶 $DOGS mining is complete, how many have you received? This time, Binance is the most supportive, with the fastest arrival speed, and directly giving 10,000 more coins. On the other hand, a certain exchange that has been the most aggressive has not received it yet. Do you know where to withdraw next time? 🤣 DOGS officials are posting a message to support the president of Telegram. Although the president's arrest has brought some negative impact on the $TON ecosystem, it will be launched soon. I hope there will be a luxurious pork trotter meal. How much do you watch? Finally, don't forget: [投票瓜分50000刀]( #新币挖矿DOGS #Dogs #TON {spot}(TONUSDT)
🔶 $DOGS mining is complete, how many have you received?

This time, Binance is the most supportive, with the fastest arrival speed, and directly giving 10,000 more coins. On the other hand, a certain exchange that has been the most aggressive has not received it yet. Do you know where to withdraw next time? 🤣

DOGS officials are posting a message to support the president of Telegram. Although the president's arrest has brought some negative impact on the $TON ecosystem, it will be launched soon. I hope there will be a luxurious pork trotter meal. How much do you watch?

Finally, don't forget: 投票瓜分50000刀

#新币挖矿DOGS #Dogs #TON
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🔶 Pump Pump is here to canvass votes again. If you vote for me, I will vote for you. Pump Pump will debut tomorrow! [投票瓜分50000刀]( Cast your precious vote for me 🎁 Everyone who votes has a chance to win a $5 reward. You can vote for me once a day! #币安广场创作者奖 $BTC $TON
🔶 Pump Pump is here to canvass votes again. If you vote for me, I will vote for you. Pump Pump will debut tomorrow!
投票瓜分50000刀 Cast your precious vote for me
🎁 Everyone who votes has a chance to win a $5 reward. You can vote for me once a day!
#币安广场创作者奖 $BTC $TON
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🔶 Breaking news, Telegram's president is being held hostage! Is the sky going to fall? This morning, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested after getting off the plane in France. Subsequently, the price of $TON coin plummeted by more than 10%. The reason for the accusation was that the Telegram platform stored a large amount of prohibited content and refused to cooperate with the French government's data access order. You should know that Telegram is known as the dark version of WeChat. It is unique in the world for its confidentiality of user identity information and chat data. Therefore, in addition to our currency circle people's love to use it, it will also be used by terrorist organizations and gray industries. Previously, Pavel Durov was sanctioned for not cooperating with the Russian government to open user data. Later, he left Russia and traveled around the world. Telegram has also become a distributed office, and its employees are also spread all over the world. I think companies like Telegram have long achieved a considerable degree of decentralization like Binance. Even if the CEO is not there, they can adapt quickly, and there will be no situation where the group is leaderless and crashes. Now that the bad news has appeared and the market has fallen, I will buy the bottom first, hoping for a release from prison. This time, only France took action, and the Americans did not. Binance Launchpool is also in progress, so there is no need to be too FUD. I believe that the handsome president will be blessed by heaven and will be able to turn danger into safety 👀 $NOT #TON #新币挖矿TON #Telegram创始人被捕 {future}(NOTUSDT) {future}(TONUSDT)
🔶 Breaking news, Telegram's president is being held hostage! Is the sky going to fall?

This morning, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested after getting off the plane in France. Subsequently, the price of $TON coin plummeted by more than 10%. The reason for the accusation was that the Telegram platform stored a large amount of prohibited content and refused to cooperate with the French government's data access order.

You should know that Telegram is known as the dark version of WeChat. It is unique in the world for its confidentiality of user identity information and chat data. Therefore, in addition to our currency circle people's love to use it, it will also be used by terrorist organizations and gray industries. Previously, Pavel Durov was sanctioned for not cooperating with the Russian government to open user data. Later, he left Russia and traveled around the world. Telegram has also become a distributed office, and its employees are also spread all over the world.

I think companies like Telegram have long achieved a considerable degree of decentralization like Binance. Even if the CEO is not there, they can adapt quickly, and there will be no situation where the group is leaderless and crashes.

Now that the bad news has appeared and the market has fallen, I will buy the bottom first, hoping for a release from prison. This time, only France took action, and the Americans did not.

Binance Launchpool is also in progress, so there is no need to be too FUD. I believe that the handsome president will be blessed by heaven and will be able to turn danger into safety 👀

$NOT #TON #新币挖矿TON #Telegram创始人被捕

See original
🔶 I am optimistic about the second spring of BNB Chain ecosystem, and I have done some $CAKE Sun Ge has done $SUN in TRON, and the imitations of PUMP.FUN that are directly copied can all rise sharply. Yesterday, I listened to Space of @Square-Creator-3c69a2bad2fb of Another Dimension, and I am also full of hope for the BSC ecosystem. Moreover, BSC has already had its own launch pad, which is Cake. It has the hope of becoming the pump of Binance Chain. It only needs one message, and it may become the next SUN😆 💡 Finally, don’t forget [投票瓜分50000u]( #BNBChain #BNB {spot}(CAKEUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(SUNUSDT)
🔶 I am optimistic about the second spring of BNB Chain ecosystem, and I have done some $CAKE

Sun Ge has done $SUN in TRON, and the imitations of PUMP.FUN that are directly copied can all rise sharply.

Yesterday, I listened to Space of @Gala 另维 of Another Dimension, and I am also full of hope for the BSC ecosystem. Moreover, BSC has already had its own launch pad, which is Cake. It has the hope of becoming the pump of Binance Chain. It only needs one message, and it may become the next SUN😆

💡 Finally, don’t forget 投票瓜分50000u

#BNBChain #BNB
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🧧 Discuss the topic and get a 100u bonus, sponsored by Binance Square @币安广场 !

Discussion topic: "Let's talk about your views on Ethereum L2"

👉 A few days ago, Pump Pump complained about 以太坊L2的现状. My point of view is:
After Cancun, the homogeneous involution between Ethereum L2 has intensified, institutions have been unlocking, and the price of coins has been hitting new lows. More and more L2s are just diluting the market value of Ethereum and dividing liquidity. It seems that they have not brought more good changes to the Ethereum ecosystem?

💡 Rules of participation:
1️⃣【Quote】the current post and tell me your opinion
2️⃣ If you are optimistic about the future development of Ethereum L2, you can criticize me😂, list the L2 projects you are optimistic about and the reasons, if you are not optimistic, you can also tell me your own opinion
3️⃣ Regardless of your position, I will select 5 most thoughtful posts, and each person will receive a 20 USDC reward
#ETH #Layer2 $ARB $OP $ETH
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