help me recover my WETH by urging binance to add it to the optimism network even through playstore
Im more
#eth #MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square! ETH community I lost some #WETH 😳 a while ago because Binance doesn't have an optimism network for #WETH and if more people advocate for an addition of optimism network for it I may retrieve the coins; help me recommend the addition. #ETH 👍
#eth #MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square! ETH community I lost some #WETH 😳 a while ago because Binance doesn't have an optimism network for #WETH and if more people advocate for an addition of optimism network for it I may retrieve the coins; help me recommend the addition. #ETH 👍
#eth #MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square! ETH community I lost some #WETH 😳 a while ago because Binance doesn't have an optimism network for #WETH and if more people advocate for an addition of optimism network for it I may retrieve the coins; help me recommend the addition. #ETH 👍
#eth #MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square! ETH community I lost some #WETH 😳 a while ago because Binance doesn't have an optimism network for #WETH and if more people advocate for an addition of optimism network for it I may retrieve the coins; help me recommend the addition. #ETH 👍