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How can Leek slowly earn 100 million through investment?#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL Did you notice the point of what I said? "Slowly" ​Slowness is the core of all the most profitable investments, and all channels that advertise quick investment to make money. You can always dismiss him as a fraud. Maybe there really is a stable channel in the world that can quickly make money through investment and financial management. But it’s definitely not something you can see for free just by swiping your phone on the Internet. The information you get by skating means that your next door neighbor’s aunt will also get it. ​Move your little head. ​Auntie can get things and videos from skating, why can you make money if you come?

How can Leek slowly earn 100 million through investment?

#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL
Did you notice the point of what I said?
​Slowness is the core of all the most profitable investments, and all channels that advertise quick investment to make money.
You can always dismiss him as a fraud.
Maybe there really is a stable channel in the world that can quickly make money through investment and financial management.
But it’s definitely not something you can see for free just by swiping your phone on the Internet.
The information you get by skating means that your next door neighbor’s aunt will also get it.
​Move your little head.
​Auntie can get things and videos from skating, why can you make money if you come?
交易所賺什麼?為什麼一大堆KOL要推廣這個?$BTC $ETH $BNB #Bitcoin❗ ──你以為僅僅只是靠交易所手續費就能養活整個交易所? 大錯特錯! ​ 先從手續費開始說: ​ 你在交易所買「現貨」或「合約」時造成的摩擦損失。 ​ 我們就會稱作手續費。 ​ 通常手續費約為0.1%。 ​ 假如你買了比特幣現貨100萬u。 ​ 那交易所就會賺走1000u。 ​ 於是交易所通常會把這個利潤分出去。 ​ 也就是一般你常看到KOL推廣的時候。 ​ 都會附送一個「交易所邀請連結」或「填寫邀請碼」。 ​ 只要你用他的連結或邀請碼註冊後。 ​ 你就是屬於這個KOL的線下會員。 ​ 那麼你在這裡交易產生的手續費。 ​ 也就是我們常聽到的「返佣」。 ​ 那有很多KOL為了鼓勵線下會員多交易。 ​ 就會有所謂的「帶單群」。 ​ 只要帶單做的好的KOL一個月賺幾萬u甚至幾十萬u都是很正常的數字。 ​ 舉例來說: ​ 小明開合約,本金1萬u,開了20倍的單。 ​ 那就等於20萬u的交易產生。 ​ 200000*0.1%=200u,也就是產生了200u的手續費。 ​ 交易所反佣給kol的比例都不同,低的有20%,高的則有到80%。 ​ 取個中間值40%來說好了。 ​ 200*0.4=80u,光小明開了這張單就有了80u的反佣。 ​ 只要開單關單都各計算一次,更不說每天交易數十次的人。 ​ 那總體反佣下來會「超級恐怖」! ​ 那問題就來了。 ​ 如果交易所真正的收益是賺手續費的話。 ​ 那為什麼交易所要返這麼多給KOL? ​ 原因就在於「手續費根本不是交易所的主要收入!」 ​ 合約的迷人之處就在於它可以無限放大你的貪婪。 ​ 一開始你可能小金額低倍數慢慢來。 ​ 等玩到一定時間後就是開始上癮.... ​ 「多巴胺開始進場了」.... ​ 「您的合約已觸發強制平倉」.... ​ ​ 而交易所就是利用人性的這個弱點提供給使用者作交易。 ​ 那些開幾十倍、上百倍的人。 ​ 你真的以為他們是在投資嗎? ​ 簡單來說,你可以把它想像成另一個合法「賭場」。 ​ 而那些帶單的KOL就是「代理」。 ​ 真正能克制住自己的人性並且穩定盈利的人真的少之又少。 ​ 我所謂的穩定盈利請用「年」做為單位。 ​ 不是那種三五天每天波段賺來的就叫做穩定盈利。 ​ 在我待在幣圈將近快5年的時間。 ​ 中間經歷過了不少「少年幣神」跟「交易天才」。 ​ 中間來來去去的老師們一大堆。 ​ 那些靠交易就能賺到大錢的人。 ​ 在我看來不過就是倖存者偏差。 ​ 甚至 ​ 能「每年」靠著合約穩定盈利,並活在這種上下插針市場的人。 ​ 不要說1%了。 ​ 我覺得一萬個人有1位就已經算是奇蹟了。 ​ 那麼看到這裡你就很清楚知道。 ​ 交易所到底賺的是什麼。 ​ 所謂的手續費只不過是一個「小頭」。 ​ 真的是「大頭」就是用戶的本金。 ​ 總結來說: ​ 交易所賺錢的手段,是利用散戶的幾種特性。 ​ ▋1.非常愛追漲殺跌 ​ ▋2.喜歡Kol崇拜,沒有獨立思考 ​ ▋3.賺到一點錢後就開始膨脹,無視風險 ​ 以上三點只要行情有什麼波動,交易所就是賺得盆滿缽滿。 ​ 如果不信,請你打開coinglass。 ​ 分分秒秒都能看到現在哪個交易所又爆了用戶多少錢。 ​ 那你會說,帶單的KOL本身行為有什麼問題嗎? ​ 我覺得既然交易所可以理解為合法的「賭場」。 ​ 那KOL也就是合法的「代理」而已。 ​ 本身市場有需求,那有供給也很正常。 ​ 交易所的「投資工具」非常多。 ​ 雖然說賭性堅強的人占多數。 ​ 但也是有很多買好主流幣「現貨」就躺平等著市場帶來紅利的人。 ​ 所以說我覺得KOL帶單推廣本身沒什麼問題。 ​ 錯的是使用的人。 ​ 只要盡可能地避開所有會放大你貪婪的理財工具。 ​ 那要在這個市場活下來並享受紅利。 ​ 其實不是一件很難的事情。


$BTC $ETH $BNB #Bitcoin❗











































































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What should I do if the BingX exchange is hacked?$BTC $ETH $BNB ──Although it is said that a gentleman does not stand behind a wall, I don’t think there is any need to worry. ​ Let me start by saying that I personally don’t use BingX very much because I’m not used to the interface. ​ So what are you worried about? ​ Is it still easy for exchanges to run away now? ​ ▋Worried about a repeat of the FTX exchange incident! ? OK ​ FTX exchange filed for bankruptcy on November 11, 2022. ​ At that time, there were several unfavorable exchange conditions stacking Debuff at the same time: ​ •Bear market→The currency market was deserted at that time, and there were not many users continuing to trade. •Hoarding a large amount of sol → At that time, the currency price was 16$, and the overall assets shrank significantly.

What should I do if the BingX exchange is hacked?

──Although it is said that a gentleman does not stand behind a wall, I don’t think there is any need to worry.

Let me start by saying that I personally don’t use BingX very much because I’m not used to the interface.

So what are you worried about?

Is it still easy for exchanges to run away now?

▋Worried about a repeat of the FTX exchange incident! ? OK

FTX exchange filed for bankruptcy on November 11, 2022.

At that time, there were several unfavorable exchange conditions stacking Debuff at the same time:

•Bear market→The currency market was deserted at that time, and there were not many users continuing to trade.
•Hoarding a large amount of sol → At that time, the currency price was 16$, and the overall assets shrank significantly.
See original
[Are baby dogs still worth investing in? 】 ─To this day, I still think that precious dogs are seriously underestimated. ​ "As of September 20, the market value of Baby Dog after being listed on Binance ranked 184th." ​ Baby Dog will be available on the BSC chain in June 2021. ​ In just one month, the market value has reached more than 2 billion US dollars. ​ This all comes from elonmusk A tweet I once sent. ​ "Baby Doge, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo" ​ And Baby Dog is one of the few meme coins that will survive 2022 and 2023. ​ Based on experience: A meme coin that survives just one bear market. ​ It can be said that there is a lot to do! ​ It was even listed on Binance this month when the currency market was extremely unstable. ​ What does it mean? ​ "Binance has not given up on the BSC chain so far" Moreover, the currency price of BabyDog fluctuates with the price of BNB. ​ Did you observe an important piece of information? ​ That means BNB has been secretly rising! ​ And this meme coin once relied on Musk to make orders. ​ The community is still very active. ​ At present, Baby Dog has released NFT Purchase link:… ​ The game has also been released Game link:… Let's go back to the original question. ​ Compare the price/performance ratio of other meme coins to baby dogs. ​ As of now: WIF ranks 53rd in market capitalization. BONK ranks 69th in market capitalization. FLOKI ranks 66th in market capitalization. ​ Compare the market value of Baby Dog to 184. ​ "I think now is a very good time to hoard coins." ​ Investors who currently hold Baby Dogs can go to: Taiwan community:… TG group: ​ ▋Next article to share ──The next coin on the BSC chain is most likely to be listed on Binance? $1MBABYDOGE $WIF $BONK {future}(1MBABYDOGEUSDT)
[Are baby dogs still worth investing in? 】
─To this day, I still think that precious dogs are seriously underestimated.

"As of September 20, the market value of Baby Dog after being listed on Binance ranked 184th."

Baby Dog will be available on the BSC chain in June 2021.

In just one month, the market value has reached more than 2 billion US dollars.

This all comes from elonmusk
A tweet I once sent.

"Baby Doge, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo"

And Baby Dog is one of the few meme coins that will survive 2022 and 2023.

Based on experience:
A meme coin that survives just one bear market.

It can be said that there is a lot to do!

It was even listed on Binance this month when the currency market was extremely unstable.

What does it mean?

"Binance has not given up on the BSC chain so far"
Moreover, the currency price of BabyDog fluctuates with the price of BNB.

Did you observe an important piece of information?

That means BNB has been secretly rising!

And this meme coin once relied on Musk to make orders.

The community is still very active.

At present, Baby Dog has released NFT
Purchase link:…

The game has also been released
Game link:…

Let's go back to the original question.

Compare the price/performance ratio of other meme coins to baby dogs.

As of now:
WIF ranks 53rd in market capitalization.
BONK ranks 69th in market capitalization.
FLOKI ranks 66th in market capitalization.

Compare the market value of Baby Dog to 184.

"I think now is a very good time to hoard coins."

Investors who currently hold Baby Dogs can go to:
Taiwan community:…
TG group:

▋Next article to share
──The next coin on the BSC chain is most likely to be listed on Binance?

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$BTC I think the pullback is over All warehouses on board Return to previous high at the end of next month
I think the pullback is over
All warehouses on board
Return to previous high at the end of next month
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$BTC 63 bargain hunting pie The current rebound is around 65. My judgment is that it will rebound to about 68. There will be an epic plunge The current wave of 12345 has been completed Now is the period where wave A falls and wave B rises. As for where the B wave goes, stay safe and don’t be greedy. Half of the profit will come from it. Keep the remaining half until closer to 68 Because no one can predict the timing of wave C. Always be protected! Safety first Profitable profits will be distributed in batches The time it takes to complete the 12345 wave is about 40 days At present, abc has been running for more than ten days. It is uncertain how long wave B can last. But the bottom of wave C will probably be around 4/10 That's the bottom Probably close to around 57 #ETH✅ #sol #BTC $BTC $ETH
63 bargain hunting pie
The current rebound is around 65. My judgment is that it will rebound to about 68.
There will be an epic plunge
The current wave of 12345 has been completed
Now is the period where wave A falls and wave B rises.
As for where the B wave goes, stay safe and don’t be greedy. Half of the profit will come from it.
Keep the remaining half until closer to 68
Because no one can predict the timing of wave C.
Always be protected! Safety first
Profitable profits will be distributed in batches
The time it takes to complete the 12345 wave is about 40 days
At present, abc has been running for more than ten days. It is uncertain how long wave B can last.
But the bottom of wave C will probably be around 4/10
That's the bottom
Probably close to around 57
#ETH✅ #sol #BTC $BTC $ETH
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$BTC Ready for 66 When I shouted down at 73,000, some slanderous people came to laugh at me. I entered the venue at 63,000, and some snarky people came to laugh at me. This is a typical example: when it goes up, it’s bullish; when it falls, it’s bearish. That's how human nature is The bookmakers are trying to manipulate your humanity. It’s obvious. The family waits until the pie is around 68 Let's start selling big cakes and copycats to people who are destined to do so What do you think 🤣 #ETH✅ #Solana🚀 #BNB. $BTC $ETH
Ready for 66
When I shouted down at 73,000, some slanderous people came to laugh at me.
I entered the venue at 63,000, and some snarky people came to laugh at me.
This is a typical example: when it goes up, it’s bullish; when it falls, it’s bearish.
That's how human nature is
The bookmakers are trying to manipulate your humanity. It’s obvious.
The family waits until the pie is around 68
Let's start selling big cakes and copycats to people who are destined to do so
What do you think 🤣
#ETH✅ #Solana🚀
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$BTC I bought the entire position Add to position Big pie 63100 Ether 3270 sol 183 sui 1.63 sand 0.58 gala 0.053 shib 25th floor mana 0.58 When everyone in the market is looking at 50,000, then here is the bottom Sloth 0.9 All Out Profit all in bome Anticipate a full rebound!!! Don't know what to buy What I buy is mainstream. If you want to make big profits, open Binance and look at the decline list. Close your eyes and choose what you like. Tomorrow will be green. #ETH✅ #sol $BTC $ETH
I bought the entire position

Add to position Big pie 63100 Ether 3270 sol 183 sui 1.63 sand 0.58 gala 0.053

shib 25th floor

mana 0.58

When everyone in the market is looking at 50,000, then here is the bottom

Sloth 0.9 All Out

Profit all in bome

Anticipate a full rebound!!!

Don't know what to buy

What I buy is mainstream. If you want to make big profits, open Binance and look at the decline list.

Close your eyes and choose what you like. Tomorrow will be green.

#ETH✅ #sol $BTC $ETH
See original
$BTC The waterfall is coming 70k reminder waterfall Do you guys have any hidden knives? At present, I will buy the first batch around 62,500. Buy the second batch for 60,000 If it falls to 62,500 and then rebounds back to 64,000, let’s pursue it again. Don’t rush to buy it yet If it’s a copycat, just follow the pie’s direction. No matter how low the pie falls, just copy that position. As for Sol, I am pessimistically bearish until around 150-160. When the time comes, let’s all pick up the bloody chips together #ETH✅ #sol $BTC $SOL

The waterfall is coming
70k reminder waterfall
Do you guys have any hidden knives?
At present, I will buy the first batch around 62,500.
Buy the second batch for 60,000
If it falls to 62,500 and then rebounds back to 64,000, let’s pursue it again.
Don’t rush to buy it yet
If it’s a copycat, just follow the pie’s direction.
No matter how low the pie falls, just copy that position.
As for Sol, I am pessimistically bearish until around 150-160.
When the time comes, let’s all pick up the bloody chips together
#ETH✅ #sol $BTC $SOL
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#BTC It falsely exceeded 70,000 and fell back to 68….. This should be a warning sign that a big needle is about to be inserted. careful I just bought the spot at the bottom but went short to hedge.
It falsely exceeded 70,000 and fell back to 68…..
This should be a warning sign that a big needle is about to be inserted.
I just bought the spot at the bottom but went short to hedge.
See original
$BTC Currently there are 61,000 pending orders. Ethernet 3300 Sol hang 160 It is currently a rising wedge reversal state. Going down Only after a bloodbath can we move towards 75,000 healthily #sol #Ethereum(ETH) $BTC $ETH
Currently there are 61,000 pending orders.
Ethernet 3300
Sol hang 160

It is currently a rising wedge reversal state.
Going down
Only after a bloodbath can we move towards 75,000 healthily

See original
#BTC There is a sense of waterfall of 519 At that time, the price dropped a little that day and the rebound was weak. The next day, the waterfall came down directly What did the family say? I'm 40% short keep us safe $BTC
There is a sense of waterfall of 519
At that time, the price dropped a little that day and the rebound was weak.
The next day, the waterfall came down directly
What did the family say?
I'm 40% short
keep us safe
See original
$SOL In the past few days, the sector has turned to public chain narratives L2 upgrade The result was a supplementary increase in the traditional L1 public chain. Contains Sol FTM Dot Matic Near I actually really like Sol’s rhythm. I won’t give you a huge increase all at once But if you hold the spot, it will slowly rise for you. You don’t have to bear the pressure of a correction that lasts too long. It’s really one of the newbie’s heavy-stocked coins. #Solana🚀 #Ftm #dot #Matic #Near $SOL $FTM
In the past few days, the sector has turned to public chain narratives
L2 upgrade
The result was a supplementary increase in the traditional L1 public chain.
Contains Sol FTM Dot Matic Near
I actually really like Sol’s rhythm.
I won’t give you a huge increase all at once
But if you hold the spot, it will slowly rise for you.
You don’t have to bear the pressure of a correction that lasts too long.
It’s really one of the newbie’s heavy-stocked coins.
See original
I'm going out to spend the next two days with my family. When I come back to Gala, the price will be doubled. This is where spot feels comfortable Buy spot agricultural interest and have a good layout No need to worry every day It's starting to go up. Just wait for the money to be collected and that's it. I probably started calling Gala very early on 0.037 got on the bus and is currently holding it. I literally saw ten times more profits The current turnover rate is over 200% It means that most people are taking profits My prediction is It will probably go sideways for a month. Then pull it away directly... By then it may be more than five times the current price. In addition, Ronin is indeed what I said Belongs to the type of slowly rising Oxtail saw 100 Axs has been resurrected. Can Ron not be resurrected? In addition, the wealth creation effect of chain games is about to begin. Chain games are definitely the focus of blockchain this year As for shib, if you get kicked out of the car, there’s nothing I can do about it. Meme coins are not for everyone I myself still see above the 80th floor Successful people believe first and then see Rather than seeing it first and then believing it #gala #ronin #SHIBA✅🚀 $GALA $RONIN $SHIB
I'm going out to spend the next two days with my family.
When I come back to Gala, the price will be doubled.
This is where spot feels comfortable
Buy spot agricultural interest and have a good layout
No need to worry every day
It's starting to go up. Just wait for the money to be collected and that's it.
I probably started calling Gala very early on
0.037 got on the bus and is currently holding it.
I literally saw ten times more profits
The current turnover rate is over 200%
It means that most people are taking profits
My prediction is
It will probably go sideways for a month.
Then pull it away directly...
By then it may be more than five times the current price.

In addition, Ronin is indeed what I said
Belongs to the type of slowly rising
Oxtail saw 100
Axs has been resurrected. Can Ron not be resurrected?
In addition, the wealth creation effect of chain games is about to begin.
Chain games are definitely the focus of blockchain this year

As for shib, if you get kicked out of the car, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Meme coins are not for everyone
I myself still see above the 80th floor

Successful people believe first and then see
Rather than seeing it first and then believing it

See original
$CAKE A family member asked why BNB is still reducing its position My reason is simple BNB is almost the currency that has fallen the least in this bear market From more than 600, it only dropped to more than 200 at most. The meaning behind it means that Binance is really strong And mining in every period is really comfortable But in the medium term, BNB is now close to 500 How much space do you think there is left? You can definitely make money Maybe it will rise to 1000 or 2000 2000 is the limit I see for this BNB bull market Then it's up to you whether you want to continue holding it or not. For Wan Bhou who owns 10,000 BNB, mining will yield 1% and 2% of rice each time. It is indeed comfortable and can make huge profits without any fuss. Then if you have a small capital How long will it take to take off? In addition, the Binance chain has been silent for too long, and all chains have begun to show off their operations. My big Binance BNB is delicious, but Binance Chain is lying dead? Of course this is impossible, so Binance needs to be stronger You must support Binance Chain, and cake is his best dex token Cake currently destroys more than it produces and will only reduce its output even more in the future. And as long as Binance Chain explodes and transaction volume increases, cake will definitely take off. The handicap is small, you can pull off the special at any time So in terms of current price Cake is currently the best buy for the layout in my opinion Buy when no one cares Let's come back and verify it in a few months. #BNB #cake $BNB $CAKE
A family member asked why BNB is still reducing its position
My reason is simple
BNB is almost the currency that has fallen the least in this bear market
From more than 600, it only dropped to more than 200 at most.
The meaning behind it means that Binance is really strong
And mining in every period is really comfortable
But in the medium term, BNB is now close to 500
How much space do you think there is left? You can definitely make money
Maybe it will rise to 1000 or 2000
2000 is the limit I see for this BNB bull market
Then it's up to you whether you want to continue holding it or not.

For Wan Bhou who owns 10,000 BNB, mining will yield 1% and 2% of rice each time.
It is indeed comfortable and can make huge profits without any fuss.
Then if you have a small capital
How long will it take to take off?

In addition, the Binance chain has been silent for too long, and all chains have begun to show off their operations.
My big Binance BNB is delicious, but Binance Chain is lying dead?

Of course this is impossible, so Binance needs to be stronger
You must support Binance Chain, and cake is his best dex token

Cake currently destroys more than it produces and will only reduce its output even more in the future.
And as long as Binance Chain explodes and transaction volume increases, cake will definitely take off.
The handicap is small, you can pull off the special at any time
So in terms of current price
Cake is currently the best buy for the layout in my opinion
Buy when no one cares
Let's come back and verify it in a few months.
#cake $BNB $CAKE
See original
$SHIB I bought some Shiba Inu dogs and they may keep trading sideways here and then pull them up to the 80s in one go. I don’t know when to pull them out. As for people asking me why I want to buy something with such a big handicap? Don’t buy Pepe with a small handicap? It's very simple because shib has a burning mechanism. As the transaction volume increases, it will continue to burn. In addition, a large number of coins have been burned. It seems that the market value is very high, but in fact, the market value can be easily brought up. In addition, bonk, I am also interested in airdropping memes on Sol. There is no well-known person bringing the goods, but the price rises inexplicably on coinbase. There must be strong capital power behind it I will pay attention to two dogs in the near future #SHIBI #bonk $SHIB $BONK

I bought some Shiba Inu dogs and they may keep trading sideways here and then pull them up to the 80s in one go. I don’t know when to pull them out.

As for people asking me why I want to buy something with such a big handicap?
Don’t buy Pepe with a small handicap?

It's very simple because shib has a burning mechanism. As the transaction volume increases, it will continue to burn. In addition, a large number of coins have been burned. It seems that the market value is very high, but in fact, the market value can be easily brought up.

In addition, bonk, I am also interested in airdropping memes on Sol.
There is no well-known person bringing the goods, but the price rises inexplicably on coinbase.
There must be strong capital power behind it

I will pay attention to two dogs in the near future
See original
$RONIN At that time, it was predicted that Ron would slowly rise. This kind of currency is meant for long-term holding. Use it as a pledge to pledge it. Seeing 100 in the big bull market is really not a random shouting You can come back to verify it at the end of the year. Although the AI ​​sector is very popular But the game chain quietly began to rise slightly. Not many people have noticed yet I think the current game sector still belongs to "When no one cares" The gala pyr mana I added yesterday is super fragrant Just wait slowly and you will be able to survive #GalaGames #RONIN #mana #pyr $RONIN
At that time, it was predicted that Ron would slowly rise.
This kind of currency is meant for long-term holding. Use it as a pledge to pledge it.
Seeing 100 in the big bull market is really not a random shouting
You can come back to verify it at the end of the year.
Although the AI ​​sector is very popular
But the game chain quietly began to rise slightly.
Not many people have noticed yet
I think the current game sector still belongs to
"When no one cares"
The gala pyr mana I added yesterday is super fragrant
Just wait slowly and you will be able to survive

Bnb接近500左右我也會開始減倉 第一季度目標快完成 #bnb $BNB
Bnb接近500左右我也會開始減倉 第一季度目標快完成
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Start slowly replacing the big pie and Ether with copycats. It’s almost done. Next, copycats will start to outperform Bitcoin. The copycat that changed in the morning FTM Osmo dot jasmy icp Sol Ronin Gala PYR mana sui fil beamx theta Bitcoin and Ethereum are sold until there is only one left. Add all these counterfeits. After a few weeks, I will go back and pick up shib and bonk that others don’t want. If you don’t know what to buy, just choose a hammer. If you want to be greedy and eat more, choose jasmy icp gala pyr, but you have to bear the risks and mental torture of going up and down. If you want stability, choose steady win, choose sol ftm dot I spend a lot of time every day watching ether close to 4000, which is the day sol takes off and directly pulls it to 140. Sol benchmarks FTM. FTM needs to be at least 1.7 to be reasonable. As long as FTM rises and benchmarks ATOM, it will rise as well. That’s why I bought ATOM’s sub-coin osmo. I will be here A few coins are exchanged back and forth, so that the number of coins becomes more and more, and the currency is used as the standard. In the end, the bear market turns back to Bitcoin. I want to choose a sure win, but I also want to make more, but I can’t bear the pressure of floating losses, and I also want to earn ten times more. Directly choose sol. I really saw 1000+ in the bull market. Although many people think I am crazy🤣 In addition, the Shiba Inu is at least dozens of times higher, but it’s not a good idea to buy it now. It’s been rising too fast recently. Wait until others don’t want it, then buy it. Probably around the 20th floor, I think. The bear market is boring. I just keep hoarding Bitcoins. Now I can almost start selling them. #sol🔥🔥🔥 #ftm #osmo #dot #icp $SOL $ICP $FTM
Start slowly replacing the big pie and Ether with copycats. It’s almost done. Next, copycats will start to outperform Bitcoin.

The copycat that changed in the morning
FTM Osmo dot jasmy icp Sol
Ronin Gala PYR mana sui fil beamx theta

Bitcoin and Ethereum are sold until there is only one left. Add all these counterfeits.

After a few weeks, I will go back and pick up shib and bonk that others don’t want.

If you don’t know what to buy, just choose a hammer. If you want to be greedy and eat more, choose jasmy icp gala pyr, but you have to bear the risks and mental torture of going up and down.

If you want stability, choose steady win, choose sol ftm dot

I spend a lot of time every day watching ether close to 4000, which is the day sol takes off and directly pulls it to 140. Sol benchmarks FTM. FTM needs to be at least 1.7 to be reasonable. As long as FTM rises and benchmarks ATOM, it will rise as well. That’s why I bought ATOM’s sub-coin osmo. I will be here A few coins are exchanged back and forth, so that the number of coins becomes more and more, and the currency is used as the standard. In the end, the bear market turns back to Bitcoin.

I want to choose a sure win, but I also want to make more, but I can’t bear the pressure of floating losses, and I also want to earn ten times more.
Directly choose sol. I really saw 1000+ in the bull market. Although many people think I am crazy🤣

In addition, the Shiba Inu is at least dozens of times higher, but it’s not a good idea to buy it now. It’s been rising too fast recently. Wait until others don’t want it, then buy it.

Probably around the 20th floor, I think.

The bear market is boring. I just keep hoarding Bitcoins. Now I can almost start selling them.
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Dogecoin continues its pattern and still has meat Ether directly sees about 4000, about 3900. Slowly convert the profit into sol. After Ether runs out, sol directly sees 180+. Ordi will not reduce its position until it reaches 150. It is already waiting to take off. #DOGE #ETH #sol #ordi。 $ETH $SOL $ORDI
Dogecoin continues its pattern and still has meat

Ether directly sees about 4000, about 3900. Slowly convert the profit into sol. After Ether runs out, sol directly sees 180+.

Ordi will not reduce its position until it reaches 150. It is already waiting to take off.
#DOGE #ETH #sol #ordi。
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