#HAMATERKOMBAT Hey l'm always using Binance. Which ton wallet is the best in hamsterkombat, to connect afterwards with Binance? I saw you have to send and receive via. Ton Blockchain, Binance doesn't have a ton blockchain. My question is, which walltet is the best for Binance? And how am I able to send the tokens to my Binance walltet? I just have a normal Binance app wallet, I don't have a WEB3 Wallet on Binance. At least there's nothing on. #ton $BTC $BNB
I have a question due #HAMSTERKOMBAT which ton wallet is the best, to connect with Binance app? I have no clue how to send and receive tokens. How can I transfer the tokens to my Binance wallet? Which ton walltet is the best for Binance? Please help :( #hamster #tonwallet
🥲❤️🔥 #NOT didnt perform as well. I’m glad I didn’t bought any yesterday. Hopefully it will rise and hit at Least 0.1€ ✌🏽I’m looking forward in simple earn. But I don’t think I’ll do a lot, since i just got a few coins 🥹❤️🔥
What are your thoughts so far? How many coins could you farm before the lauchpool started? 🍀🔥
❤️🔥 Help your girl out 💕 Please join through my link, so I can get a new card. You just have to erase the gaps!. Please and tell me if you’ve done ✅🫶🏽 I’d really appreciate it!!! After #NOT this might be the new star! Please #helpme 🍀
soo, im genuinely asking if I have to harvest my coins every hour, or if I can harvest whenever I want und they just stack on each other, till I collect a huge amount? Im curious if they stop producing, when the timer is up? Please tell me if you know! #notcoin #BinanceLaunchpool #quesquestion $BNB
#NOT what do you guys think? Let’s chat! Do you think I’ll get at least some rewards? I’m not very optimistic, this is my first #BinanceLaunchpool 🫶🏽 EVERRR!! #hyped