#STRK✈️ This item has been flat for almost 2 months now, guys. Signs of a fish pressing down on the price, just collect the goods and wait for the uptrend day.
$WLD stick to Fud, stick to Fud, stick to Fud. ok baby ah! "Hey! I'm a real person! WHO is it!" "No! No!! I'm a real person! It's AI, don't believe what it says!" Right now I'm afraid of revealing personal information, maybe in the future I want to reveal information so that others don't get confused, okay? kakaa Reminds me of the movie Journey to the West: Sun Xingzhen - Jia Xingzun
$WLD When choosing a coin, it's important to catch the long-term trend, everyone. The practicality of $WLD in the future very few people will understand it. It's not that simple that #VitalikButerin 's father #ETH praised. Please invest wisely!
$WLD I really don't understand why, in the world of real and fake mixed with the development of AI today, this technology can be said to be a breakthrough to distinguish between humans and AI in the coming future. These past few days $WLD has been subjected to a lot of Fud, I think this is a rumor to get rid of everyone's goods Once again I repeat: 2025 and many years to come will be the era of AI. $WLD will not disappoint
$FET is really out of date, guys, if you sell at a loss, the more you keep it, the more you die. I went to $WLD and saw that the door to shore was brighter. This FET loll is dead, it's scary!
$FIL The longer you store - the higher you fly!!! Just keep swiping until the end of this year Fil, let go of everything and let's fly, let's see who is more stubborn than who!
$FIL Did you notice the candle flickering ;)) , things are about to change guys, please be careful with the firewood, kkk. I guess it's over thingking, the link is now back on track, do you still remember the signal about 6 months ago? Wish you luck!!