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30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 185804) This order won 4540u Still chasing more!!! Did you buy at the top again? Such an obvious trick of inducing more has been tried and tested, and the market will return to calm after the market returns to calm, which must be a hidden danger. 55830 short--55018 exit to win 800 points All counterattacks are well prepared, and all luck is the result of hard work. If you have a direction in mind, you will not be confused.
30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 185804)

This order won 4540u

Still chasing more!!! Did you buy at the top again? Such an obvious trick of inducing more has been tried and tested, and the market will return to calm after the market returns to calm, which must be a hidden danger.

55830 short--55018 exit to win 800 points

All counterattacks are well prepared, and all luck is the result of hard work. If you have a direction in mind, you will not be confused.
炒币必须要用的滚仓方法,能让你保持永赚不赔如果你打算投资币圈,请你务必花几分钟、一字不落的看完我这个回答,因为可能拯救你一条命和一个家庭。 成千上万原本幸福的家庭最后家破人亡,就是源于追求在币圈发大财这样的一个遥不可及的梦。 我觉得自己如果真的想在交易这条路走下去,还是要潜心学习,除了对基础知识的理解,对消息面的分析,还有对技术指标“也应该有所研究。 如果不进行深度的调研以及合理规划指挥自己的钱袋子,到时候资金只会被消磨殆尽。最后,作为一名毫无根基的散户只会欣喜入场,黯然离场。 一些著名的技术指标在经久流传是有一定道理的。比如MACD的背离信号、KDJ的超买和超卖信号、支撑与压力信号Q等等,虽然不能保证一定就会盈利,但是可以让你在一个比较成熟的模式上定量分析,从而对让投资者有一个基本的方向。 币圈,从几千 u 赚100Wu,只有一条路,那就是滚仓。 当你有了100W本金之后,你就会发现整个人生好像都不一样了,即使你不使用杠 杆,拿个现货涨20%,就有20W,20W已经是绝大多数人一年的收入天花板。 别动不动就是千万一个亿的,要从自己的实际情况出发,老吹牛逼只有牛舒服。交易要有识别机会大小的能力,不能一直轻仓也不能一直重仓,平常就小仓ª玩玩,当大机会来领的时候再把他娘的意大利炮拉出来。 比如说滚仓a,这个就是大机会来领的时候才能操作,你不能老滚,错过没关系,因为你这一辈子只需要滚成功三四次就可了! 首先我们要知道什么情况下适合滚仓操作: 目前只有以下三种情况适合滚仓: 1-长期横盘波动率“新低后的选择方向 2-牛市中大涨行情后的大跌抄底 3-突破周线级别重大阻力位°/支撑位 总的来说只有以上这三种情况下胜算才比较大,其余的所有机会都应该放弃。 以下是滚仓的操纵方法: 浮盈加仓:在获得浮盈后,可以考虑加仓买入。但加仓前需要确保持仓成本已经降低,从而减少亏损的风险。这并不是指有盈利后就盲目加仓,而是要在合适的时机进行。 底仓+做T滚仓操作:将资金分为多个部分,留有一部分底仓不动,另一部分仓位进行高抛低吸的操作。具体比例可以根据个人的风险偏好和资金规模来选择。例如,可以选择半仓滚动做T、三成底仓滚动做T或七成底仓滚动做T等方法。这种操作可以降低持仓成本,增加收益。 武功秘籍ª已经给各位了,能不能在江湖成名就要看自己的了。 在币圈玩来玩去说白了就是一场散户与庄家的较量,你如果没有前沿消息,没有一手资料,只能被割!想一起布局的,一起收割庄家的可以来!


币圈,从几千 u 赚100Wu,只有一条路,那就是滚仓。
当你有了100W本金之后,你就会发现整个人生好像都不一样了,即使你不使用杠 杆,拿个现货涨20%,就有20W,20W已经是绝大多数人一年的收入天花板。
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30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 611050) This order gets 28961u How can you see the rainbow without going through the storm? After unremitting efforts, it finally broke through the 600,000 mark. As the saying goes, the right direction is not afraid of the long road. 60106 short--58658 closed the position and got 1500 points A new week, a new challenge, keep working hard. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即
30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 611050)
This order gets 28961u

How can you see the rainbow without going through the storm? After unremitting efforts, it finally broke through the 600,000 mark. As the saying goes, the right direction is not afraid of the long road.

60106 short--58658 closed the position and got 1500 points

A new week, a new challenge, keep working hard.
#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即
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My god, who else!! Who said that short sellers have no chance? Wake up and get 1500 points of profit, a new week and a new start.
My god, who else!! Who said that short sellers have no chance? Wake up and get 1500 points of profit, a new week and a new start.
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After 10 years of cryptocurrency trading, I have earned 60 million yuan. Remember 10 tips After more than 10 years of cryptocurrency trading, I have summarized the following 10 tips 1. If your capital is not very large, such as less than 200,000 yuan, it is enough to catch the main rising trend once a year. Don't be full all the time. #web3 2. A person can never earn wealth beyond cognition. First, practice your true mentality and courage in the simulation. The simulation can fail unlimited times, but in real operation, if you fail once, it may be all you have, and you may even stay away from the market from now on. 3. If you encounter a major positive news and do not ship on the same day, remember to sell at a high opening the next day. The realization of positive news is often negative news. 4. When encountering major holidays, reduce positions or even go short a week in advance. According to past experience, holidays will inevitably fall. 5. The medium and long-term strategy is to keep enough cash in hand, pull up and ship, sell at a loss and buy back, and rolling operation is the best strategy. 6. Short-term trading mainly depends on trading volume and graphics. Do it if the graphics are active with big ups and downs, and don't touch inactive ones. 7. If the decline tends to be slow, the rebound will also be very slow; if the decline accelerates, the rebound will also be very fast. 8. If you buy wrong, you must admit it, stop loss in time, and keep the principal, which is the fundamental for survival in the market. 9. You must look at the 15-minute K-line chart for short-term trading. You can find better buying and selling points based on the KDJ indicator. 10. There are thousands of techniques and methods for speculating in coins. You only need to master and master a few of them. Don't be greedy.
After 10 years of cryptocurrency trading, I have earned 60 million yuan. Remember 10 tips

After more than 10 years of cryptocurrency trading, I have summarized the following 10 tips

1. If your capital is not very large, such as less than 200,000 yuan, it is enough to catch the main rising trend once a year. Don't be full all the time. #web3

2. A person can never earn wealth beyond cognition. First, practice your true mentality and courage in the simulation. The simulation can fail unlimited times, but in real operation, if you fail once, it may be all you have, and you may even stay away from the market from now on.
3. If you encounter a major positive news and do not ship on the same day, remember to sell at a high opening the next day. The realization of positive news is often negative news.

4. When encountering major holidays, reduce positions or even go short a week in advance. According to past experience, holidays will inevitably fall.

5. The medium and long-term strategy is to keep enough cash in hand, pull up and ship, sell at a loss and buy back, and rolling operation is the best strategy.

6. Short-term trading mainly depends on trading volume and graphics. Do it if the graphics are active with big ups and downs, and don't touch inactive ones.

7. If the decline tends to be slow, the rebound will also be very slow; if the decline accelerates, the rebound will also be very fast.

8. If you buy wrong, you must admit it, stop loss in time, and keep the principal, which is the fundamental for survival in the market.

9. You must look at the 15-minute K-line chart for short-term trading. You can find better buying and selling points based on the KDJ indicator.

10. There are thousands of techniques and methods for speculating in coins. You only need to master and master a few of them. Don't be greedy.
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It’s started, it’s started, the big crash is coming, are you ready?
It’s started, it’s started, the big crash is coming, are you ready?
Take a short-term bullish view. The market will continue to fall after tomorrow, so those who are looking for bottom fishing should be cautious.
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6 tips from a big cryptocurrency trader: keep learning, improve your knowledge, and change your destiny. I had a chat with a big cryptocurrency trader yesterday. He said that he entered the cryptocurrency circle with 300,000 yuan, and his losses once reduced to 70,000 yuan. Now his assets are tens of millions. What helped him change his destiny was to keep learning and improve his knowledge. And summarized 6 tips, which are full of gold content. I hope that friends who read them will be inspired. 1. Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning market. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal of the market. Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more. The next day, they open low to suppress and absorb funds. 2. Make good use of the practical technology of trading volume. The volume can show the future market trend. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main force has strong control over the market. The decline in shrinking volume indicates that the panic market has not come out, and the freezing point has not been reached, so it will continue to fall. 3. Learn to see the top structure of the sector. Usually, the sector market is formed by five waves. The first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts. The third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the shipment. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. But the market is ever-changing, and there may be many cases that do not have the fifth wave. You can't memorize it by rote. After discovering that the leader of the sector is stagnant, the previous strength will no longer be continued during the rebound market. The probability is that it has reached the top. 4. Every time the top of the big cake accelerates, you will see a certain sector copycat surge, which will trigger a reversal of the big cake. Just look at whether the performance of the major leaders has stopped falling and risen, and the index will also rise later. 5. It is easy to get started with concentration, especially for new friends who have just entered the market. Studying a way of playing and mastering the skills will gain more than learning eighteen martial arts at the same time. Greed will lose, and it is easy to be taught a lesson by the market if you are not good at learning. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, you will gradually get better, and after achieving stable profits, you can learn more skills to integrate them. 6. The trend is divided into three structures: up, down, and horizontal. In the rising stage, the winning rate of all technical indicators will increase, while in the consolidation stage, it is more efficient to use support pressure to sell high and buy low. In the downward trend, most indicators are invalid. Use different tools to deal with different stages, so that you can be confident. #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美降息25个基点预期升温
6 tips from a big cryptocurrency trader: keep learning, improve your knowledge, and change your destiny.

I had a chat with a big cryptocurrency trader yesterday. He said that he entered the cryptocurrency circle with 300,000 yuan, and his losses once reduced to 70,000 yuan. Now his assets are tens of millions. What helped him change his destiny was to keep learning and improve his knowledge.
And summarized 6 tips, which are full of gold content. I hope that friends who read them will be inspired.

1. Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning market. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal of the market. Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more. The next day, they open low to suppress and absorb funds.

2. Make good use of the practical technology of trading volume. The volume can show the future market trend. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main force has strong control over the market. The decline in shrinking volume indicates that the panic market has not come out, and the freezing point has not been reached, so it will continue to fall.

3. Learn to see the top structure of the sector. Usually, the sector market is formed by five waves. The first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts. The third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the shipment. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. But the market is ever-changing, and there may be many cases that do not have the fifth wave. You can't memorize it by rote. After discovering that the leader of the sector is stagnant, the previous strength will no longer be continued during the rebound market. The probability is that it has reached the top.

4. Every time the top of the big cake accelerates, you will see a certain sector copycat surge, which will trigger a reversal of the big cake. Just look at whether the performance of the major leaders has stopped falling and risen, and the index will also rise later.

5. It is easy to get started with concentration, especially for new friends who have just entered the market. Studying a way of playing and mastering the skills will gain more than learning eighteen martial arts at the same time. Greed will lose, and it is easy to be taught a lesson by the market if you are not good at learning. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, you will gradually get better, and after achieving stable profits, you can learn more skills to integrate them.

6. The trend is divided into three structures: up, down, and horizontal. In the rising stage, the winning rate of all technical indicators will increase, while in the consolidation stage, it is more efficient to use support pressure to sell high and buy low. In the downward trend, most indicators are invalid. Use different tools to deal with different stages, so that you can be confident.
#比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美降息25个基点预期升温
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There is a dumbest method of cryptocurrency trading, which is almost 100% profitable. From then on, I began to seriously study cryptocurrency trading. There was an uncle around me who used to drive a taxi. Then he came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle. From then on, he began to seriously study cryptocurrency trading. He achieved a life counterattack by trading in cryptocurrencies, and now his assets have reached 8 figures. His method is actually very simple. There are only 4 steps back and forth, from currency selection, buying, position management to selling, every detail will be explained to you clearly! The first step is to open the daily line, only look at the daily level, and the currency of the MACD golden cross, it is best to choose the golden cross above the 0 axis, this effect is the best! The second step is to switch to the daily level. Here you only need to look at one moving average, called the daily average line, hold it online, and sell it offline. After the third step of buying, the currency price breaks through the daily average line, and the volume can also be above the daily average line, so you need to buy it in full. The fourth selling is divided into three details. The first is the increase of the band. When it exceeds 40%, sell 1/3 of the overall position. The second is the overall band increase. When it exceeds 80%, sell 1/3. When it falls below the daily average line, clear all positions. The fourth step is also the most important step. Since we use the daily average line as our basis for buying, if there are some unexpected situations on the second day and it falls directly below, then you must sell all of it, don't be lucky! Although through our method of selecting coins! The probability of it falling below is very small! But we still have to be aware of risks! After selling, wait for it to stand on the daily average line again, and then take it back! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国8月核心CPI超预期
There is a dumbest method of cryptocurrency trading, which is almost 100% profitable.

From then on, I began to seriously study cryptocurrency trading.
There was an uncle around me who used to drive a taxi. Then he came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle. From then on, he began to seriously study cryptocurrency trading. He achieved a life counterattack by trading in cryptocurrencies, and now his assets have reached 8 figures. His method is actually very simple. There are only 4 steps back and forth, from currency selection, buying, position management to selling, every detail will be explained to you clearly!

The first step is to open the daily line, only look at the daily level, and the currency of the MACD golden cross, it is best to choose the golden cross above the 0 axis, this effect is the best!
The second step is to switch to the daily level. Here you only need to look at one moving average, called the daily average line, hold it online, and sell it offline.

After the third step of buying, the currency price breaks through the daily average line, and the volume can also be above the daily average line, so you need to buy it in full. The fourth selling is divided into three details. The first is the increase of the band. When it exceeds 40%, sell 1/3 of the overall position. The second is the overall band increase. When it exceeds 80%, sell 1/3. When it falls below the daily average line, clear all positions.

The fourth step is also the most important step. Since we use the daily average line as our basis for buying, if there are some unexpected situations on the second day and it falls directly below, then you must sell all of it, don't be lucky! Although through our method of selecting coins! The probability of it falling below is very small! But we still have to be aware of risks! After selling, wait for it to stand on the daily average line again, and then take it back! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国8月核心CPI超预期
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Keep the bearish mindset unchanged, and continue to hold short orders at $BTC
Keep the bearish mindset unchanged, and continue to hold short orders at $BTC
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Take a short-term bullish view. The market will continue to fall after tomorrow, so those who are looking for bottom fishing should be cautious.
Take a short-term bullish view. The market will continue to fall after tomorrow, so those who are looking for bottom fishing should be cautious.
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It's Friday again, and the rebound is an opportunity to open a short position. If you miss this opportunity to open a short position, you will lose 100 million yuan. $BTC
It's Friday again, and the rebound is an opportunity to open a short position. If you miss this opportunity to open a short position, you will lose 100 million yuan. $BTC
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30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 586162) This order gets 14173u 58300 short position--57592 close position to get 700 points It's so cool to have such a strong market, long and short double kills, long orders come out, short orders enter the market to get 700 points again, the market is strong, so seize the opportunity to make more orders.
30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 586162)

This order gets 14173u

58300 short position--57592 close position to get 700 points

It's so cool to have such a strong market, long and short double kills, long orders come out, short orders enter the market to get 700 points again, the market is strong, so seize the opportunity to make more orders.
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Challenge 1 million with 30,000 in one year (currently 572918) This order gets 17378u The loss on the short order can be recovered on the long order. The market is every day. Don't think about getting every wave of the market. Keep a steady mind and find the right time. It is enough to grasp 1--2 orders every day. 57425 to enter the long position--58294 to clear the position and get 850 points $BTC After the loss, you must keep a steady mind and adjust your thinking to set sail again.
Challenge 1 million with 30,000 in one year (currently 572918)
This order gets 17378u

The loss on the short order can be recovered on the long order. The market is every day. Don't think about getting every wave of the market. Keep a steady mind and find the right time. It is enough to grasp 1--2 orders every day.

57425 to enter the long position--58294 to clear the position and get 850 points
After the loss, you must keep a steady mind and adjust your thinking to set sail again.
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How many of these eight signs that your trading is starting to stabilize do you have?Each transaction does not affect each other, especially after you have suffered consecutive losses, your next transaction is easily affected by the previous loss. Because consecutive losses are too easy to happen. If you make statistics from a long-term perspective, you have 100 orders and 30 loss orders, then these 30 loss orders must be unevenly distributed. It is normal to lose three or five consecutive orders, so you must keep a cool head and don't let your previous profit or loss affect your next decision.Don't waste bullets. Change from wanting to make a big quick buck to wanting to protect my bankroll first. You can imagine you have a gun in your hand, unless you aim at the prey, see the opportunity that comes once in a while, and then deliver the fatal blow.

How many of these eight signs that your trading is starting to stabilize do you have?

Each transaction does not affect each other, especially after you have suffered consecutive losses, your next transaction is easily affected by the previous loss. Because consecutive losses are too easy to happen. If you make statistics from a long-term perspective, you have 100 orders and 30 loss orders, then these 30 loss orders must be unevenly distributed. It is normal to lose three or five consecutive orders, so you must keep a cool head and don't let your previous profit or loss affect your next decision.Don't waste bullets. Change from wanting to make a big quick buck to wanting to protect my bankroll first. You can imagine you have a gun in your hand, unless you aim at the prey, see the opportunity that comes once in a while, and then deliver the fatal blow.
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Damn, I didn't run in the morning, but now I'm running again. Now it seems that running at 900 is a wise move, otherwise I would lose $10,000. I feel mentally balanced now, and I'll look for another opportunity. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Damn, I didn't run in the morning, but now I'm running again. Now it seems that running at 900 is a wise move, otherwise I would lose $10,000. I feel mentally balanced now, and I'll look for another opportunity. $BTC
30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 562564)

It has almost risen, it is time to open a short position again,
57678 directly open a short position! Such a good position, when else can you open a short position? When the opportunity comes, you must seize it decisively. $BTC
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Three simple ways to make you an extra $10 millionIn actual combat, those simple and effective methods can greatly increase the winning rate. No matter what type of trading you do, as long as you can combine knowledge and practice with this set of formulas, it will be difficult for you not to make money in the cryptocurrency circle. I have made this set of formulas my trading criteria and have achieved stable profits from losses. I will share it with you today. If you understand it, it will definitely help you get on the right path of trading. Don't go high, don't sell, don't go low, don't buy, and don't trade when the market goes sideways. Many friends do the opposite in the transaction, which causes you to be trapped frequently. This sentence actually reveals the most basic principle of trading and is also the most effective way to achieve stable profits.

Three simple ways to make you an extra $10 million

In actual combat, those simple and effective methods can greatly increase the winning rate. No matter what type of trading you do, as long as you can combine knowledge and practice with this set of formulas, it will be difficult for you not to make money in the cryptocurrency circle. I have made this set of formulas my trading criteria and have achieved stable profits from losses. I will share it with you today. If you understand it, it will definitely help you get on the right path of trading.
Don't go high, don't sell, don't go low, don't buy, and don't trade when the market goes sideways. Many friends do the opposite in the transaction, which causes you to be trapped frequently. This sentence actually reveals the most basic principle of trading and is also the most effective way to achieve stable profits.
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The Fed’s interest rate cut this time is a foregone conclusion, which is great news for us investors.There is really no suspense about the Fed's interest rate cut this time. Just now at the Jackson Hole Global Central Bank Annual Meeting, Powell's words instantly made the global financial market boil. He said that the time for policy adjustment has come and we will switch from a rate hike cycle to a rate cut cycle. As soon as this sentence came out, U.S. bonds of various maturities and the three major U.S. stock indexes rose straight, while the U.S. dollar index plunged directly. Friends, this is not a dream, the Fed's interest rate cut is really coming. So why did the Fed choose to cut interest rates at this time? Powell gave two clear reasons. First, he is confident that inflation will return to 2%. The CPI in July has fallen back to 2.9%, which shows that inflation is indeed falling. Second, the Fed will do everything it can to support a strong labor market, which also reveals their concerns about the economy and the job market. Speaking of the job market, there is another big news. Last Wednesday, the United States revised down the non-farm employment base by 818,000, which is the largest downward revision in history. This shows that the U.S. job market in 2023 is not as strong as it seems. The data for 2024 must also be inflated, and signs of economic downturn have already appeared.

The Fed’s interest rate cut this time is a foregone conclusion, which is great news for us investors.

There is really no suspense about the Fed's interest rate cut this time. Just now at the Jackson Hole Global Central Bank Annual Meeting, Powell's words instantly made the global financial market boil. He said that the time for policy adjustment has come and we will switch from a rate hike cycle to a rate cut cycle. As soon as this sentence came out, U.S. bonds of various maturities and the three major U.S. stock indexes rose straight, while the U.S. dollar index plunged directly. Friends, this is not a dream, the Fed's interest rate cut is really coming. So why did the Fed choose to cut interest rates at this time?
Powell gave two clear reasons. First, he is confident that inflation will return to 2%. The CPI in July has fallen back to 2.9%, which shows that inflation is indeed falling. Second, the Fed will do everything it can to support a strong labor market, which also reveals their concerns about the economy and the job market. Speaking of the job market, there is another big news. Last Wednesday, the United States revised down the non-farm employment base by 818,000, which is the largest downward revision in history. This shows that the U.S. job market in 2023 is not as strong as it seems. The data for 2024 must also be inflated, and signs of economic downturn have already appeared.
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30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 562564) It has almost risen, it is time to open a short position again, 57678 directly open a short position! Such a good position, when else can you open a short position? When the opportunity comes, you must seize it decisively. $BTC
30,000 challenge 1 million in one year (currently 562564)

It has almost risen, it is time to open a short position again,
57678 directly open a short position! Such a good position, when else can you open a short position? When the opportunity comes, you must seize it decisively. $BTC
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