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Bitcoin directly breaks through 425,000? If you only think that this data is an accident, you are totally wrong. In 2020, Bitcoin only had a few thousand points, with the lowest even reaching 3,600. Who dares to believe that it will explode to 69,000 in 2021 and barely exceed 70,000. Although Bitcoin now only has 42,000 points, its potential will not be buried. This Optimus Prime is a guiding light for 2024. Bitcoin is bound to break new highs in 2024! Operate with confidence and boldness, 2024 will be a good start, grasp the bull head and reach the peak of life right now! ! ! Jiangchuan has also made a million-dollar flip plan a long time ago and is sticking it to the top. For those currency friends who are not sure and need to follow 🚗, there are still 🚗 positions! Jiangchuan will keep this post, we will wait and see the bull market in 2024👊! ! ! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #ETH #etf
Bitcoin directly breaks through 425,000?

If you only think that this data is an accident, you are totally wrong.

In 2020, Bitcoin only had a few thousand points, with the lowest even reaching 3,600. Who dares to believe that it will explode to 69,000 in 2021 and barely exceed 70,000. Although Bitcoin now only has 42,000 points, its potential will not be buried.

This Optimus Prime is a guiding light for 2024. Bitcoin is bound to break new highs in 2024! Operate with confidence and boldness, 2024 will be a good start, grasp the bull head and reach the peak of life right now! ! !

Jiangchuan has also made a million-dollar flip plan a long time ago and is sticking it to the top. For those currency friends who are not sure and need to follow 🚗, there are still 🚗 positions! Jiangchuan will keep this post, we will wait and see the bull market in 2024👊! ! ! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #ETH #etf
年底最后冲刺阶段,能否过个肥年就看这波,百万翻仓计划书已定,全网公开发布!敢想敢干,月入百万年底翻身之战,为回馈新老粉丝,江川携团队制定了百万翻仓计划比尔盖茨曾说过-----没有计划的投资将是失败的投资,没有目标的投资者将是失败的投资者!每一个投资者都怀揣着一个翻仓的梦想!选择一个好的分析师不如选择一个对你舍身为你着想的分析师,跟对一单只能赚一单,跟对人就能获利一生。不管你多大资金针对你的资金量给出相对应的风险控制,把控风险稳健操作,现给出5个有梦想的朋友来参与我们到百万翻舱计划,名额有限!过时不候!做单守则:1.不随意建仓,规划、引导、以及最后决策!2.严格执行老师的做单思路和喊做单是投资成功的一个基础3.不管行情如何波动,态度平缓,因为你要对自己的老师有信心短线短线先行,任何情况下,短线都在一个短线周期中进行,只是时间长短,抵达时间问题,目标和抗压都要合理安排,短线盈利讲究的是综合胜率提高仓位,短线具有变盘的效果,节奏上一定要根据行情及时调整,切忌贪心,扛单参与,控制仓位进行,操作起步仓位在3000-8000u不等波段波段进场是短线能够完美控制,心态,仓位,空间铺垫下进行,空间上一般都在短线的3倍之上,讲究的是一个小周期的宽幅震荡节奏下参与,适用节点在大跌或者大涨后修复情况,操作起步仓位15000-30000u不等中线中线则是结合前两步的基础上面,在趋势下顺势而为,探顶或者探顶之前顺势操作,一般情况空间在波段的2-3倍,操作起步仓位50000-80000u不等趋势相当于现货持有或者长线参与,在大趋势月k及周k形态明显探顶或者触底时进行,周期性较为漫长,需要长久的等待和足够的心态,空间则是一轮牛市或者熊市的百分之90空间,操作起步100000u上方模拟以200000u作为本金测算一个月预值长线布局,中线辅助,偶尔短线一个月最低3单,每次仓位2成,点位最低5000 点起步(实际情况看行情波动),也就是说一单最低获利 320000U,算上亏损最低获利640000U在加上中线布局一个月3单(256000U) 和短线一个月10单 (192000U),加上本金就是200000+256000+640000+192000=1288000实现翻仓六倍以上只是计划,市场行情千变万化,具体还以行情波动为主,途中仓位会波荡起伏,整体胜率高达75%以上每日全网公开,思路清晰,点位精准,最具有便捷性的重点描述、策略布局、技术分析以及晚间的詳細复盘收益总结,赶紧跟上江川kebi24c的步伐,翻舱并不困难#BTC #etf #ORDI $BTC $ETH


敢想敢干,月入百万年底翻身之战,为回馈新老粉丝,江川携团队制定了百万翻仓计划比尔盖茨曾说过-----没有计划的投资将是失败的投资,没有目标的投资者将是失败的投资者!每一个投资者都怀揣着一个翻仓的梦想!选择一个好的分析师不如选择一个对你舍身为你着想的分析师,跟对一单只能赚一单,跟对人就能获利一生。不管你多大资金针对你的资金量给出相对应的风险控制,把控风险稳健操作,现给出5个有梦想的朋友来参与我们到百万翻舱计划,名额有限!过时不候!做单守则:1.不随意建仓,规划、引导、以及最后决策!2.严格执行老师的做单思路和喊做单是投资成功的一个基础3.不管行情如何波动,态度平缓,因为你要对自己的老师有信心短线短线先行,任何情况下,短线都在一个短线周期中进行,只是时间长短,抵达时间问题,目标和抗压都要合理安排,短线盈利讲究的是综合胜率提高仓位,短线具有变盘的效果,节奏上一定要根据行情及时调整,切忌贪心,扛单参与,控制仓位进行,操作起步仓位在3000-8000u不等波段波段进场是短线能够完美控制,心态,仓位,空间铺垫下进行,空间上一般都在短线的3倍之上,讲究的是一个小周期的宽幅震荡节奏下参与,适用节点在大跌或者大涨后修复情况,操作起步仓位15000-30000u不等中线中线则是结合前两步的基础上面,在趋势下顺势而为,探顶或者探顶之前顺势操作,一般情况空间在波段的2-3倍,操作起步仓位50000-80000u不等趋势相当于现货持有或者长线参与,在大趋势月k及周k形态明显探顶或者触底时进行,周期性较为漫长,需要长久的等待和足够的心态,空间则是一轮牛市或者熊市的百分之90空间,操作起步100000u上方模拟以200000u作为本金测算一个月预值长线布局,中线辅助,偶尔短线一个月最低3单,每次仓位2成,点位最低5000 点起步(实际情况看行情波动),也就是说一单最低获利 320000U,算上亏损最低获利640000U在加上中线布局一个月3单(256000U) 和短线一个月10单 (192000U),加上本金就是200000+256000+640000+192000=1288000实现翻仓六倍以上只是计划,市场行情千变万化,具体还以行情波动为主,途中仓位会波荡起伏,整体胜率高达75%以上每日全网公开,思路清晰,点位精准,最具有便捷性的重点描述、策略布局、技术分析以及晚间的詳細复盘收益总结,赶紧跟上江川kebi24c的步伐,翻舱并不困难#BTC #etf #ORDI $BTC $ETH
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Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum midday ideas on Wednesday! The idea was changed at noon, and the short position in the morning was profitable and exited with 400 points due to the lack of downward exploration From the overall trend of 4 hours, the upper resistance level is 61800-62200 and the lower support level is 58650-59200 The low point of the coin price is higher and higher, and the high point is higher and higher. If this trend is not broken, the top-to-bottom low will be formed, so we are still bullish in the later period! From the technical perspective of 4 hours, the price of k coin has been running on the upper track of the Bollinger band, and macd has also formed a golden cross. The momentum of long investment has gradually weakened, which belongs to the long-short game! We will operate low and long at noon! Leading the team 👉kebi24c Operation suggestions: Bitcoin is more around 59800-60200, and the target is 62000-61500 Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum midday ideas on Wednesday!

The idea was changed at noon, and the short position in the morning was profitable and exited with 400 points due to the lack of downward exploration

From the overall trend of 4 hours, the upper resistance level is 61800-62200 and the lower support level is 58650-59200
The low point of the coin price is higher and higher, and the high point is higher and higher. If this trend is not broken, the top-to-bottom low will be formed, so we are still bullish in the later period! From the technical perspective of 4 hours, the price of k coin has been running on the upper track of the Bollinger band, and macd has also formed a golden cross. The momentum of long investment has gradually weakened, which belongs to the long-short game! We will operate low and long at noon!

Leading the team 👉kebi24c

Operation suggestions:

Bitcoin is more around 59800-60200, and the target is 62000-61500

Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's morning thinking on Wednesday! After a night of baptism, the price of the currency has risen by three or four thousand points, and the rebound from the top is also more than one thousand points, which can be regarded as venting the recent frustration. At the hourly level, the running channel continues to continue downward, and the price remains weak. In the middle and upper track area, there is no effective rebound after the dive, the short volume continues to shrink, and the moving average has not received a large joint rise. I am still optimistic about the idea of ​​shorting first during the day. Whether the market can rebound and recover in the future needs to be followed up after the support. Leading the team 👉kebi24c Operation suggestions: Bitcoin is short near 60800-60400, and the target is 59600-59000 Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $BNB $ETH #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's morning thinking on Wednesday!

After a night of baptism, the price of the currency has risen by three or four thousand points, and the rebound from the top is also more than one thousand points, which can be regarded as venting the recent frustration. At the hourly level, the running channel continues to continue downward, and the price remains weak. In the middle and upper track area, there is no effective rebound after the dive, the short volume continues to shrink, and the moving average has not received a large joint rise. I am still optimistic about the idea of ​​shorting first during the day. Whether the market can rebound and recover in the future needs to be followed up after the support.

Leading the team 👉kebi24c

Operation suggestions:

Bitcoin is short near 60800-60400, and the target is 59600-59000

Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $BNB $ETH #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Wednesday, early morning thinking analysis and summary! BTC gradually strengthened with the rhythm of the market, and the 56200 area given during the day also got 800 space. Midnight is still expected, and we can continue to buy low when given the point. If the direction is right, we are not afraid of the long road. After the pull-up and rising big sun closed, it did not continue to stabilize above 57000. The pattern rhythm is still in a strong cycle. Although the short-term has been slow, some of the upward momentum has been restored in the past two days. The K-line indicators and various moving averages have been repaired. After the excessive pull-up, the time is exchanged for space, and the rhythm is more! So for the operation, there is no doubt that following the trend is the main rhythm at present. For the evening, we have clearly given the direction. We have arranged more than 56,100 orders for long positions, which are still being held. For friends who are short, the 56,500 area can still be used for long positions. $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析
Wednesday, early morning thinking analysis and summary!

BTC gradually strengthened with the rhythm of the market, and the 56200 area given during the day also got 800 space. Midnight is still expected, and we can continue to buy low when given the point. If the direction is right, we are not afraid of the long road.

After the pull-up and rising big sun closed, it did not continue to stabilize above 57000. The pattern rhythm is still in a strong cycle. Although the short-term has been slow, some of the upward momentum has been restored in the past two days. The K-line indicators and various moving averages have been repaired. After the excessive pull-up, the time is exchanged for space, and the rhythm is more! So for the operation, there is no doubt that following the trend is the main rhythm at present.

For the evening, we have clearly given the direction. We have arranged more than 56,100 orders for long positions, which are still being held. For friends who are short, the 56,500 area can still be used for long positions. $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析
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Wednesday's morning analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum! Overnight, the long resistance level was 58,000, which was broken but not stabilized. Through the analysis of the hourly chart, a narrow range of shocks and adjustments was formed during the session. In the short term, the downward trend line has been broken and the callback trend line has received the attention of the main long positions. It can be clearly seen that there are three consecutive opportunities for bottom-picking in the bottom area below. Although there is no break from the bottom area yet, Jiang Chuan personally believes that the upward trend will return again in the next few days. In the short term, we continue to focus on buying on dips and testing the support of 56,800 below. Break the position and chase the empty Leading the team 👉kebi24c Operation suggestions: Bitcoin is more around 57,000-57,400, and the target is 58,500 Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Wednesday's morning analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum!

Overnight, the long resistance level was 58,000, which was broken but not stabilized. Through the analysis of the hourly chart, a narrow range of shocks and adjustments was formed during the session. In the short term, the downward trend line has been broken and the callback trend line has received the attention of the main long positions. It can be clearly seen that there are three consecutive opportunities for bottom-picking in the bottom area below. Although there is no break from the bottom area yet, Jiang Chuan personally believes that the upward trend will return again in the next few days. In the short term, we continue to focus on buying on dips and testing the support of 56,800 below. Break the position and chase the empty

Leading the team 👉kebi24c

Operation suggestions:

Bitcoin is more around 57,000-57,400, and the target is 58,500

Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Untie Limited time 3-5 bench positions, hurry up Those who are not good at operation, are trapped, and are still hesitant, chat on the homepage! Daily update of market analysis strategies and operation suggestions, open to the whole network, irregular current price order prompts, more students, one student each for Dabing and Ethereum as statistical data, the recent rise and fall are very large, the profit space is very large for just two waves, the last sprint stage of the second half of the year! Don't miss it! $BTC $BNB $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析

Limited time 3-5 bench positions, hurry up

Those who are not good at operation, are trapped, and are still hesitant, chat on the homepage! Daily update of market analysis strategies and operation suggestions, open to the whole network, irregular current price order prompts, more students, one student each for Dabing and Ethereum as statistical data, the recent rise and fall are very large, the profit space is very large for just two waves, the last sprint stage of the second half of the year! Don't miss it! $BTC $BNB $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析
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Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's thoughts for the evening on Tuesday! Since the high last night, the intraday price of the currency has continued to consolidate near the 57 mark. The long and short continuation is not strong and the fluctuation space is limited. In fact, the smaller the space fluctuation, the closer the time to open the situation later. The hourly line in the morning retreated with a continuous negative line and supported near 57. The European session did not continue to fall. This is the most critical. The momentum of the rebound in the evening will be further opened! The retreat mentioned in the morning is weak and the US session continues to be bullish Today's noon current price short can look for a low point to protect the capital As mentioned earlier, the European session is very critical. The Asian session hourly line retreated with a continuous negative line and supported near 57. Then the hourly line began to fluctuate. The European session appeared to return to the horse gun again to test 57. This place is the high point in the early morning and is also very close to the decline. It is also the successful position in the early morning of today, so it is very critical. The time point of the European session is more critical. If the European session does not break through the second step, then the momentum of continuing to rise will be greater. In addition, it is getting closer and closer to the breakthrough upward recently, and the momentum of testing the upper high point will also increase. Today's Asian and European sessions are non-volatile and short-term ranges are arranged around two points, with support around 57 below and resistance around 58 above. Leading the team👉kebi24c $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's thoughts for the evening on Tuesday!

Since the high last night, the intraday price of the currency has continued to consolidate near the 57 mark. The long and short continuation is not strong and the fluctuation space is limited. In fact, the smaller the space fluctuation, the closer the time to open the situation later. The hourly line in the morning retreated with a continuous negative line and supported near 57. The European session did not continue to fall. This is the most critical. The momentum of the rebound in the evening will be further opened!

The retreat mentioned in the morning is weak and the US session continues to be bullish
Today's noon current price short can look for a low point to protect the capital

As mentioned earlier, the European session is very critical. The Asian session hourly line retreated with a continuous negative line and supported near 57. Then the hourly line began to fluctuate. The European session appeared to return to the horse gun again to test 57. This place is the high point in the early morning and is also very close to the decline. It is also the successful position in the early morning of today, so it is very critical. The time point of the European session is more critical. If the European session does not break through the second step, then the momentum of continuing to rise will be greater. In addition, it is getting closer and closer to the breakthrough upward recently, and the momentum of testing the upper high point will also increase. Today's Asian and European sessions are non-volatile and short-term ranges are arranged around two points, with support around 57 below and resistance around 58 above.

Leading the team👉kebi24c $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's morning thinking on Tuesday! After waking up, the price of the currency rebounded again! The bulls counterattacked to repair and rise. In terms of volume, the bulls have begun to repair in large quantities. The moving averages have also completed the turn and started to spread upward. There is still a certain demand for repair and callback in the small cycle. In the short term, the price is consolidating at a high level, and the bears are unable to repair. The upward space has been opened. To go higher, we only need to wait for the bulls to exert force again. Therefore, the thinking within the day is around low and long. Leading the team 👉kebi24c Operation suggestions: Bitcoin is more around 56400-56800, and the target is 58000 Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum's morning thinking on Tuesday!

After waking up, the price of the currency rebounded again!

The bulls counterattacked to repair and rise. In terms of volume, the bulls have begun to repair in large quantities. The moving averages have also completed the turn and started to spread upward. There is still a certain demand for repair and callback in the small cycle. In the short term, the price is consolidating at a high level, and the bears are unable to repair. The upward space has been opened. To go higher, we only need to wait for the bulls to exert force again. Therefore, the thinking within the day is around low and long.

Leading the team 👉kebi24c

Operation suggestions:

Bitcoin is more around 56400-56800, and the target is 58000

Ethereum can be synchronized with Bitcoin! $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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Monday’s day summary and early morning thoughts~ During the day, both long and short positions were closed, and prompts were given at the current price. The market was up and down, and it was a blessing to survive in such a market. We responded flexibly and won every battle, which shows the importance of taking the lead. V rebounded again in the early morning, which also clarified the general direction. I was optimistic about the bullish continuation in the early morning. ​ Leading the team 👉kebi24c Those who don’t operate well, those who are single-quilted, or those who are still hesitant, let’s chat on the homepage! Market analysis strategies and operational suggestions are updated daily, and are open to the entire network. Current price orders are prompted from time to time. There are more students. One student for each of Big Pie and Ether. As statistical data, the recent increases and decreases have been very large, and the profit margin can be easily determined in two waves. It is very large. , the final sprint stage in the second half of the year! Not to be missed! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
Monday’s day summary and early morning thoughts~

During the day, both long and short positions were closed, and prompts were given at the current price. The market was up and down, and it was a blessing to survive in such a market. We responded flexibly and won every battle, which shows the importance of taking the lead.

V rebounded again in the early morning, which also clarified the general direction. I was optimistic about the bullish continuation in the early morning.

Leading the team 👉kebi24c

Those who don’t operate well, those who are single-quilted, or those who are still hesitant, let’s chat on the homepage! Market analysis strategies and operational suggestions are updated daily, and are open to the entire network. Current price orders are prompted from time to time. There are more students. One student for each of Big Pie and Ether. As statistical data, the recent increases and decreases have been very large, and the profit margin can be easily determined in two waves. It is very large. , the final sprint stage in the second half of the year! Not to be missed! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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Untie Limited time 3-5 bench positions, hurry up Those who are not good at operation, are trapped, and are still hesitant, chat on the homepage! Daily update of market analysis strategies and operation suggestions, open to the whole network, irregular current price order prompts, more students, one student each for Dabing and Ethereum as statistical data, the recent rise and fall are very large, the profit space is very large for just two waves, the last sprint stage of the second half of the year! Don't miss it! $ETH $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美联储何时降息?

Limited time 3-5 bench positions, hurry up

Those who are not good at operation, are trapped, and are still hesitant, chat on the homepage! Daily update of market analysis strategies and operation suggestions, open to the whole network, irregular current price order prompts, more students, one student each for Dabing and Ethereum as statistical data, the recent rise and fall are very large, the profit space is very large for just two waves, the last sprint stage of the second half of the year! Don't miss it! $ETH $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美联储何时降息?
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Bitcoin - What's next? Here’s all you need to know about Sunday’s big report: 🚩TA/LCA/Psychological Analysis: We have very important support zones nearby that can provide buyers with profitable entry points. The first strong support is the EMA50, where I have placed long and spot orders in recent days. I have shared with you that their current profitability is good. Below the EMA50, there is another significant level of support, that of the falling widening wedge, which can be clearly seen on the chart. This is a weekly chart, with each candle representing a week. What I want you to understand is that we are likely to continue to move within this sideways range before finally erupting. So patience is required.

Bitcoin - What's next?

Here’s all you need to know about Sunday’s big report:
🚩TA/LCA/Psychological Analysis: We have very important support zones nearby that can provide buyers with profitable entry points. The first strong support is the EMA50, where I have placed long and spot orders in recent days. I have shared with you that their current profitability is good. Below the EMA50, there is another significant level of support, that of the falling widening wedge, which can be clearly seen on the chart. This is a weekly chart, with each candle representing a week. What I want you to understand is that we are likely to continue to move within this sideways range before finally erupting. So patience is required.
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