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Vitalik Buterin : We must go beyond the concept of tokenomicsBy Brook, Elaine, Dirk Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, pointed out in a tweet on July 8, 2022, “The first law of tokenomics: don’t get your tokenomics advice from people who use the word ‘tokenomics’. ” This may seem confusing at first glance, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that Vitalik intended to express that people who focus too much on tokenomics fail to govern the overall course of the protocol. sourcetwitter Indeed, tokenomics is undoubtedly an essential part of building a protocol-based economic financial system, but as Vitalik said, it is not the whole part of the protocol. ▶ Imagine a scenario: you are the founder of a stablecoin project. What do you need to consider on the first day? · The first and most important thing to consider is what the market demands. There are many similar projects in the stablecoin market, but what is really rare are those can solve the pain points of the market. This is an important prerequisite for whether the project can have positive externalities and generate real revenue. · Second, we need to think about the business model, whether it is a fiat-backed stablecoin, a crypto-backed stablecoin, a commodity-backed stablecoin or an algorithmic stablecoin. What is the pledge rate? Which liquidation mechanism should be chosen? How to set the liquidation parameters? · Then comes the design of the incentives: Do we need to launch a token? How to design the tokenomics mechanism? What financial incentives should be chosen? What are the appropriate areas for setting transaction fees and incentive parameters? · Finally, governance. Do we need to set up a DAO? What are the rights of the community? Do we need a governance token? How can we improve community engagement? How can we prevent a Sybil attack? How can we understand the distribution of community members’ beliefs, etc.? Therefore, don’t limit your vision on tokenomics. Internet was a technological innovation, but it was the “Internet+” model that had a profound impact on society and the economy. Similarly, the current crypto market is no longer just a competition of tokenomics, but has evolved into a comprehensive power game, including the aspects of “business, incentives, and governance”. Only by coordinating these three aspects and finding a logical and coherent “token+” economic model can project protocols continue to attract new attention and become the ones that truly “shape the future”. Based on this, we put token business and token governance, which have been ignored by most people, back to the same level as tokenomics and innovatively proposed a more complete idea — — “token dynamics”. It regards the token-based economic and financial system as a dynamic system, and the positive externalities are viewed as the objective function of the complex adaptive system. The system is complemented by the three major dynamic mechanisms of business, incentives, and governance to help to complete the adaptive optimization and upgrading of the system, and finally realize the positive externalities of the protocol. It contains the scientific principles, methods, and cutting-edge theories of the three levels of business, incentives, and governance to provide more scientific and comprehensive help and guidance for the development of future crypto projects and DAOs. Tokenomics VS Token Dynamics 1. The crypto markets have been stuck in “tokenomics” for a long time. ▶ From a theoretical perspective, the study of “tokenomics” is relatively narrow. It is generally considered to be a term that describes all factors that influence the value of token, including supply and demand mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, consensus mechanisms, role definitions, technical determinations, target group definitions, etc. In this ecosystem, the token economy has a strong influence due to transparency, consensus, and algorithm mechanisms. However, the token-based economic and financial system is a complex, chaotic, and nonlinear open game system with inherent emergent properties that need to be described using mathematical, modeling, and computational interdisciplinary research. For tokenomics, it is impossible to explain the complex outcomes of the system simply from an economic perspective. ▶ In practice, the application of “tokenomics” is also extreme and immature. On the one hand, everyone has focused on the supply and demand and incentive mechanisms of tokenomics, almost ignoring the importance of business and governance. This is of course understandable, as the unregulated early crypto world and the rush for capital led many in the crypto market see the wealth-concentration effects brought by tokenomics. No one bothered to carefully to design business or refine governance, because studying tokenomics appeared to be an easier way to create bubbles, which became the shortcut to wealth. Pursuit of profit and avoidance of harm are human nature. In the face of a huge market, everyone wants to leverage tokenomics, and the fear of missing out, gambling psychology, and herd mentality are prevalent in this dark forest. The consequences of ignoring business and governance are also obvious. Many popular crypto projects only focus on the economy, but they did not even survive a market cycle. In contrast, projects like Compound and Uniswap, which carefully designed their business and polished their governance, have survived until today without relying on leverage from tokenomics. The results speak for themselves — token business and token governance cannot be ignored. On the other hand, the industry, as a class of the most complex economic and financial system, is still using Excel and experience to judge the quality of a project. It is quite surprising. The traditional economic and financial system requires mathematicians and computer scientists to model and control risks. However, the token-based economic and financial system is more complex and chaotic, and its adaptability and non-linearity make the speed of the system’s gameplay and evolution incomparable to that of the traditional financial system. Yet, such a fast-evolving ecosystem is still making qualitative judgments and qualitative analysis based on experience and Excel. If the theoretical guidance in the crypto field remains at the level of “tokenomics” from the previous bull market, it will undoubtedly create a huge obstacle to the industry development today. This is not to be little “tokenomics”. We must admit that the development of tokenomics has indeed brought about the ICO craze, the DeFi summer, and the “x2earn” boom. Moreover, the development of the crypto industry today cannot leave the help of tokenomics. However, the industry is evolving and theories cannot remain stagnant. Going back to the beginning of the article about Vitalik’s view: The first law of tokenomics: don’t get your tokenomics advice from people who use the word ‘tokenomics’. In essence, it’s not the people who use the term “tokenomics”, but those who have not found the positive externalities (which is, value creation) of the project and designed a bad tokenomics for the project. Therefore, it is clearly insufficient to only discuss the incentive mechanism without considering the positive externalities, business logic, and governance structure of a project, as this will likely create hidden risks for the project. By focusing too much on tokenomics, the visible consequences are repeatedly increasing economic risks, from Fcoin to Luna, then to FTX. We cannot estimate the full extent of each crisis’s butterfly effect, but we can do our best to curb the risk at its source. Otherwise, faced with the market fluctuations, everyone will be hesitant and the next dawn in the dark forest may be difficult to come by. 2. Preventing the birth of risks at their source — theoretical innovation. The token-based economic and financial system is a complex and rapidly evolving open-game system. In a three-body motion, the three main bodies interact and interfere with each other, and their non-linearity, dynamism, and complexity lead to an inability to provide an analytical solution that accurately describes their dynamic trajectory. The general three-body problem is often chaotic, meaning that if the initial conditions of two three-body systems are even slightly different, the dynamic states of the two systems will be significantly different in the subsequent evolution process. The multi-body game system is far more chaotic and evolving than the three-body problem, so the multi-body system often has stronger dynamism, adaptability, and emergence. This is certainly not a problem that can be solved by “economics” alone, and requires the coexistence of interdisciplinary research to view the system as a whole, in order to achieve the same breadth and depth as a complex non-linear system. ▶ Therefore, we propose the concept of ‘Token Dynamics’. Token Dynamics is a discipline that studies the growth pattern of token-based projects as complex dynamic systems. It explores the interactive logic between token business, incentives, and governance, and researches various models that may be involved in the token ecosystem. Token Dynamics describes all factors that affect the value of a token project, including but not limited to its business logic, token incentive mechanism, and community governance approach, etc. Token Dynamics will also integrate research methods from multiple disciplines to open up a new perspective on the study of token-based economic and financial systems. It will be supported by disciplines such as industrial and systems engineering, artificial intelligence, optimization and control theory, computer science and cryptography, economics and game theory, psychology and decision science, behavioral economics (cognitive psychology), political science and political economy, institutional economics and governance, philosophy, law and ethics, etc., aiming to build a more robust, comprehensive, and systematic theoretical and practical basis. 3. The driving force behind sustained value growth: the self-reinforcing snowball model. Snowball Model According to token dynamics, the core driving force behind the growth of a token project’s value is its positive externalities. Without it, even the largest snowball will be nothing more than an empty shell that will collapse at the first blow. Looking back at previous flash-crash projects, we can see that any project without positive externalities will eventually crash. (But this does not mean that all crashes are due to the lack of positive externalities. Any part of the project that is not well managed, including business, incentive, and governance, will eventually crash. It’s just a matter of speed.) So what is positive externalities? Simply put, we view the project as an independent subsystem. If it provides value to the external system, solves real market problems and pain points, meets the actual needs of the market and therefore gains benefits from the external system, we consider it to have positive externalities. However, there are countless market demands, and it is difficult to pinpoint real pain points. This requires project teams to sharpen their eyes and carefully explore the value of the business itself, consider whether the market truly needs it, whether the current technology matches it, and whether the entry timing is appropriate — and even plan the ideal implementation path in advance. Many project teams enter the crypto market with good intentions, but do not carefully examine where the real needs of the market are. They think their project has so-called “positive externalities”, so they start to make a big deal about incentives, but end up becoming worse because of the “magnification effect” of tokenomics. Therefore, exploring positive externalities is the most worthwhile and valuable thing for current token project entrepreneurship, and projects without positive externalities will be nothing but “empty shells”. How to find market pain points and lock in positive externalities? This is a deep and grand topic, and its related theories, methods, and practices exceed the scope of this article. We will discuss this with you in our original series in the future. In addition to the core driving force, a well-adapted business model, incentive mechanism, and governance system will also greatly reduce the resistance of the “value gear” in the process of moving forward, allowing the “project snowball” to roll quickly and smoothly. The importance of the business and governance is no less than the design of the basic tokenomics (incentive). You may be able to start a project by designing a token incentive mechanism carefully, but without a long-term profitable business model and a stable governance system to optimize the system, your project will soon fall into a “death spiral”. Token projects are neither sprints nor marathons, they are more like orienteering: to realize the expected goals step-by-step through repeated experiments. The key to their success is the ability to create sustained value and income growth. In other words, “creating value” is the goal or core of token projects, and business, incentives, and governance are the basic elements of a project’s ability to create value, or the three pillars of trust that make up a token project, indispensable. ▶ For a token project, · A well-planned business model can avoid the project becoming a “building in the air”. A well-planned business layer can create a new attention black hole, which has positive externalities to ensure that the project can truly take root and grow in the cryptographic world; · A well-designed incentive mechanism can help the project maximize its future. A well-designed incentive layer can provide a stable supply and demand mechanism for tokens, help the community to actively hold and use tokens, maximize consensus, and amplify the influence of the project; · A carefully-crafted governance mechanism can continuously optimize and antifragile. A carefully-crafted governance layer can make the project evolve autonomously and sustainably, and a continuously optimized business layer and incentive layer can make the project have stronger “toughness” and adapt to the unpredictable market environment and cross longer market cycles. Thus, token dynamics believe that projects with positive externalities can grow quickly like “rolling snowballs” under the protection of business, incentives, and governance. The three elements are indispensable, and they are the necessary conditions for the project’s value to grow smoothly and steadily. “Before deciding to participate, understand the sources of power for the project, and analyze and evaluate the three key elements of the project, which are crucial for both investors and project organizers.” 4. Token dynamics: empty talk or real value? As we previously discussed, token-based economic and financial systems are a type of dynamic open-game chaotic system that requires interdisciplinary cooperation to address their economic security issues. Therefore, we propose “token dynamics” from a multi-field integration perspective, which allows business, incentive, and governance to have mature disciplines to guide them specifically. ▶ Robust business logic — optimization and control theory are guiding. A business logic (or business scenario) is the foundation for a token project’s incentive mechanism and governance. If the business logic is sound, the profit model is promising, and the system mechanisms are reliable, the project is likely to have sustained users and avoid being Ponzi. We need to ensure that the business logic can support the project development throughout its life cycle. During the operation of the business, parameters and mechanisms of the project’s smart contract need to be carefully designed. The English auction, also known as the increment auction, has a starting price that is the minimum expected price. The price is called from low to high, and can be bid multiple times. The winner is the one with the highest price before the countdown ends.The Dutch auction, also known as the decrement auction, has a starting price that is the maximum expected price, and the price is called from high to low. The first bidder wins and pays the price called at that time. For MakerDAO, the English auction rules are simple, and there may be a very high auction price. The Dutch auction can trade instantly, without locking a large amount of funds for a long time. Both auction methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and different mechanism choices correspond to different project ecosystems, which effectively affect MakerDAO’s final value realization path. In terms of liquidation parameters, there are also key liquidation variables such as step, cut, buf, cusp, tail, etc. How to adjust and adapt to MakerDAO’s value capture is also critical. As a result, it’s essential to incorporate optimization and control theory. This interdisciplinary field focuses on the iteration and optimization of systems, taking into account learning, cognition, adaptation, social control, emergence, aggregation, communication, efficiency, effectiveness, and connectivity. For projects like MakerDAO, optimization and control theory provides a scientific design and verification method for improving the business logic and analyzing and adjusting internal mechanism parameters. Compared to “brainstorming” decision-making, business plans that are iterated under the guidance of optimization and control theory are theoretically less risky, more robust, and more likely to be accepted by the community. ▶ Effective incentive mechanism — game theory is guiding. In addition to reviewing the whitepaper, founding team profile, roadmap, and community development, the incentive mechanism is also a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the future potential of a token project. Token projects design their token incentive mechanisms to encourage or discourage certain user behaviors, aligning them with their business and governance frameworks. Different users have different goals and expectations, so the same incentive parameters may result in vastly different outcomes for different groups of users. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance that maximizes the accumulated incentive utility, similar to how a central bank manages monetary policy to regulate the macro economy by encouraging or discouraging spending, lending, saving, and money flow. Currently, token projects’ incentives still heavily rely on tokens, and game theory has been a key part of the token economy for some time. For example, Olympus DAO (OHM) is trying to create a global stablecoin asset supported by crypto rather than the US dollar, and uses staking as the primary way to increase the value of its token, OHM, and achieve value storage status. This strategy, known as (3, 3), is inspired by game theory. Source: OHM White Paper In the Olympus system, you can stake, bond, sell, or combine these strategies. The numbers in the chart are just a visual representation of how beneficial each strategy is for the Olympus protocol, with stake being +3, bond being +1, and sell being -1. The (3, 3) represents Olympus’s view that pure staking is the most advantageous strategy for the project, so users using this strategy have the highest returns. Combinations of stake and bond (3, 1) or sell and bond (-1, 1) have overall lower returns. The use of (3,3) game theory is important. Currently, 91.5% of the OHM supply is pledged — one of the highest numbers among all cryptocurrencies. Game theory is an economic concept that assumes that traders are rational actors who will ultimately make the best choices given certain incentives, such as pledging for high returns or mining Bitcoin. The case of OHM shows us that game theory provides a more scientific and comprehensive methodology for designing incentive mechanisms, bringing system objectives and Nash equilibria closer together. Token dynamics will also explore more applications of game theory and tap into its greater potential when combined with tokens. ▶ Complete governance plan — institutional economics is guiding. In many token projects, token holders are able to change the rules of the project through voting. DAOs can change the amount of token rewards given to stakers, or modify the risk parameters in their business logic, through voting. For example, 1HiveDAO, which is dedicated to the development of public goods, decided to use belief voting to decide whether to distribute HNY tokens to reward contributors who bring value to the community. Belief voting is a novel decision-making process in which voters support the proposal they want to be approved by staking tokens, constantly expressing their preferences. As time goes on, collective beliefs accumulate until they reach the threshold set by the proposal. When the belief accumulates beyond the threshold, the proposal is passed and funds are released. It is clear that the setting of governance parameters — thresholds — has a huge impact on the passage of proposals and even determines the development of projects and communities. In the face of complex community networks, communities need better perception and response to the belief voting network in order to make more scientific decisions. In this case, institutional economics can be applied. It is a branch of economics that focuses on the role of formal or informal institutions, which are sets of rules, norms, procedures, customs, arrangements, or traditions — that guide social and economic interactions and enable individuals’ decisions to be incorporated into organizational decisions. They then allow the system to be coordinated towards a common goal. This is highly consistent with the governance paradigm of token projects, and it can be said that the introduction of institutional economics is a necessary step in optimizing governance models. Each discipline demonstrates their unique abilities, providing a more universal and diverse theoretical foundation for token dynamics. 5. The theoretical upgrade is only the first step. In order to embrace a more healthy, free, and active crypto world, there are still two problems to be addressed ▶ First, open source data in the crypto world is not truly “open”. “Code is law” is a fundamental principle in the crypto world, and project parties often make their running code available on GitHub. However, few people outside of hackers and professional developers take the time and effort to study this code, resulting in a significant information asymmetry and making it difficult for users to trust projects. By using tools to convert code logic into visual models and presenting the macro data as well as patterns generated by code execution in the form of charts and graphs, we can transform “Code is law” into “Model is law”. This would make all projects easily readable, usable, and verifiable by the general public, bringing us closer to a true open source world. ▶ Second, while project teams typically design token-based economic and financial systems based on scientific guidance, a wealth of market data shows that users’ actual behavior often diverges significantly from expectation. This is due to a lack of a universal validation framework for evaluating token system design in the market, as well as the high level of uncertainty brought about by the involvement of “people”. Uncertainty cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be minimized through the use of tools to iteratively optimize and narrow the gap between the expected behavior of project teams and the actual behavior of users. “Token Dynamics” is dedicated to providing a profound theoretical guide for the value growth of cryptographic projects. Only when the public’s cognitive foundation is enhanced can the practical level take a more solid step. To solve the problems of token projects such as “non-transparent” and “high uncertainty,” we need to introduce more reliable methods and tools into the conception, design, development, and deployment stages. We will also continue to introduce relevant concepts such as “Model is law” and “Token Engineering” in subsequent posts, in the hope of contributing to the healthy development of the crypto market. 🐩 Follow us on Twitter @HolobitOfficial  for updates.

Vitalik Buterin : We must go beyond the concept of tokenomics

By Brook, Elaine, Dirk

Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, pointed out in a tweet on July 8, 2022,

“The first law of tokenomics: don’t get your tokenomics advice from people who use the word ‘tokenomics’. ”

This may seem confusing at first glance, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that Vitalik intended to express that people who focus too much on tokenomics fail to govern the overall course of the protocol.


Indeed, tokenomics is undoubtedly an essential part of building a protocol-based economic financial system, but as Vitalik said, it is not the whole part of the protocol.

▶ Imagine a scenario: you are the founder of a stablecoin project. What do you need to consider on the first day?

· The first and most important thing to consider is what the market demands. There are many similar projects in the stablecoin market, but what is really rare are those can solve the pain points of the market. This is an important prerequisite for whether the project can have positive externalities and generate real revenue.

· Second, we need to think about the business model, whether it is a fiat-backed stablecoin, a crypto-backed stablecoin, a commodity-backed stablecoin or an algorithmic stablecoin. What is the pledge rate? Which liquidation mechanism should be chosen? How to set the liquidation parameters?

· Then comes the design of the incentives: Do we need to launch a token? How to design the tokenomics mechanism? What financial incentives should be chosen? What are the appropriate areas for setting transaction fees and incentive parameters?

· Finally, governance. Do we need to set up a DAO? What are the rights of the community? Do we need a governance token? How can we improve community engagement? How can we prevent a Sybil attack? How can we understand the distribution of community members’ beliefs, etc.?

Therefore, don’t limit your vision on tokenomics. Internet was a technological innovation, but it was the “Internet+” model that had a profound impact on society and the economy. Similarly, the current crypto market is no longer just a competition of tokenomics, but has evolved into a comprehensive power game, including the aspects of “business, incentives, and governance”. Only by coordinating these three aspects and finding a logical and coherent “token+” economic model can project protocols continue to attract new attention and become the ones that truly “shape the future”.

Based on this, we put token business and token governance, which have been ignored by most people, back to the same level as tokenomics and innovatively proposed a more complete idea — — “token dynamics”.

It regards the token-based economic and financial system as a dynamic system, and the positive externalities are viewed as the objective function of the complex adaptive system. The system is complemented by the three major dynamic mechanisms of business, incentives, and governance to help to complete the adaptive optimization and upgrading of the system, and finally realize the positive externalities of the protocol. It contains the scientific principles, methods, and cutting-edge theories of the three levels of business, incentives, and governance to provide more scientific and comprehensive help and guidance for the development of future crypto projects and DAOs.

Tokenomics VS Token Dynamics

1. The crypto markets have been stuck in “tokenomics” for a long time.

▶ From a theoretical perspective, the study of “tokenomics” is relatively narrow.

It is generally considered to be a term that describes all factors that influence the value of token, including supply and demand mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, consensus mechanisms, role definitions, technical determinations, target group definitions, etc. In this ecosystem, the token economy has a strong influence due to transparency, consensus, and algorithm mechanisms.

However, the token-based economic and financial system is a complex, chaotic, and nonlinear open game system with inherent emergent properties that need to be described using mathematical, modeling, and computational interdisciplinary research. For tokenomics, it is impossible to explain the complex outcomes of the system simply from an economic perspective.

▶ In practice, the application of “tokenomics” is also extreme and immature.

On the one hand, everyone has focused on the supply and demand and incentive mechanisms of tokenomics, almost ignoring the importance of business and governance.

This is of course understandable, as the unregulated early crypto world and the rush for capital led many in the crypto market see the wealth-concentration effects brought by tokenomics. No one bothered to carefully to design business or refine governance, because studying tokenomics appeared to be an easier way to create bubbles, which became the shortcut to wealth. Pursuit of profit and avoidance of harm are human nature. In the face of a huge market, everyone wants to leverage tokenomics, and the fear of missing out, gambling psychology, and herd mentality are prevalent in this dark forest.

The consequences of ignoring business and governance are also obvious. Many popular crypto projects only focus on the economy, but they did not even survive a market cycle. In contrast, projects like Compound and Uniswap, which carefully designed their business and polished their governance, have survived until today without relying on leverage from tokenomics. The results speak for themselves — token business and token governance cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, the industry, as a class of the most complex economic and financial system, is still using Excel and experience to judge the quality of a project.

It is quite surprising. The traditional economic and financial system requires mathematicians and computer scientists to model and control risks. However, the token-based economic and financial system is more complex and chaotic, and its adaptability and non-linearity make the speed of the system’s gameplay and evolution incomparable to that of the traditional financial system. Yet, such a fast-evolving ecosystem is still making qualitative judgments and qualitative analysis based on experience and Excel.

If the theoretical guidance in the crypto field remains at the level of “tokenomics” from the previous bull market, it will undoubtedly create a huge obstacle to the industry development today.

This is not to be little “tokenomics”.

We must admit that the development of tokenomics has indeed brought about the ICO craze, the DeFi summer, and the “x2earn” boom. Moreover, the development of the crypto industry today cannot leave the help of tokenomics. However, the industry is evolving and theories cannot remain stagnant.

Going back to the beginning of the article about Vitalik’s view: The first law of tokenomics: don’t get your tokenomics advice from people who use the word ‘tokenomics’. In essence, it’s not the people who use the term “tokenomics”, but those who have not found the positive externalities (which is, value creation) of the project and designed a bad tokenomics for the project.

Therefore, it is clearly insufficient to only discuss the incentive mechanism without considering the positive externalities, business logic, and governance structure of a project, as this will likely create hidden risks for the project. By focusing too much on tokenomics, the visible consequences are repeatedly increasing economic risks, from Fcoin to Luna, then to FTX. We cannot estimate the full extent of each crisis’s butterfly effect, but we can do our best to curb the risk at its source. Otherwise, faced with the market fluctuations, everyone will be hesitant and the next dawn in the dark forest may be difficult to come by.

2. Preventing the birth of risks at their source — theoretical innovation.

The token-based economic and financial system is a complex and rapidly evolving open-game system. In a three-body motion, the three main bodies interact and interfere with each other, and their non-linearity, dynamism, and complexity lead to an inability to provide an analytical solution that accurately describes their dynamic trajectory. The general three-body problem is often chaotic, meaning that if the initial conditions of two three-body systems are even slightly different, the dynamic states of the two systems will be significantly different in the subsequent evolution process.

The multi-body game system is far more chaotic and evolving than the three-body problem, so the multi-body system often has stronger dynamism, adaptability, and emergence. This is certainly not a problem that can be solved by “economics” alone, and requires the coexistence of interdisciplinary research to view the system as a whole, in order to achieve the same breadth and depth as a complex non-linear system.

▶ Therefore, we propose the concept of ‘Token Dynamics’.

Token Dynamics is a discipline that studies the growth pattern of token-based projects as complex dynamic systems. It explores the interactive logic between token business, incentives, and governance, and researches various models that may be involved in the token ecosystem. Token Dynamics describes all factors that affect the value of a token project, including but not limited to its business logic, token incentive mechanism, and community governance approach, etc.

Token Dynamics will also integrate research methods from multiple disciplines to open up a new perspective on the study of token-based economic and financial systems. It will be supported by disciplines such as industrial and systems engineering, artificial intelligence, optimization and control theory, computer science and cryptography, economics and game theory, psychology and decision science, behavioral economics (cognitive psychology), political science and political economy, institutional economics and governance, philosophy, law and ethics, etc., aiming to build a more robust, comprehensive, and systematic theoretical and practical basis.

3. The driving force behind sustained value growth: the self-reinforcing snowball model.

Snowball Model

According to token dynamics, the core driving force behind the growth of a token project’s value is its positive externalities. Without it, even the largest snowball will be nothing more than an empty shell that will collapse at the first blow.

Looking back at previous flash-crash projects, we can see that any project without positive externalities will eventually crash. (But this does not mean that all crashes are due to the lack of positive externalities. Any part of the project that is not well managed, including business, incentive, and governance, will eventually crash. It’s just a matter of speed.)

So what is positive externalities? Simply put, we view the project as an independent subsystem. If it provides value to the external system, solves real market problems and pain points, meets the actual needs of the market and therefore gains benefits from the external system, we consider it to have positive externalities.

However, there are countless market demands, and it is difficult to pinpoint real pain points. This requires project teams to sharpen their eyes and carefully explore the value of the business itself, consider whether the market truly needs it, whether the current technology matches it, and whether the entry timing is appropriate — and even plan the ideal implementation path in advance. Many project teams enter the crypto market with good intentions, but do not carefully examine where the real needs of the market are. They think their project has so-called “positive externalities”, so they start to make a big deal about incentives, but end up becoming worse because of the “magnification effect” of tokenomics.

Therefore, exploring positive externalities is the most worthwhile and valuable thing for current token project entrepreneurship, and projects without positive externalities will be nothing but “empty shells”. How to find market pain points and lock in positive externalities? This is a deep and grand topic, and its related theories, methods, and practices exceed the scope of this article. We will discuss this with you in our original series in the future.

In addition to the core driving force, a well-adapted business model, incentive mechanism, and governance system will also greatly reduce the resistance of the “value gear” in the process of moving forward, allowing the “project snowball” to roll quickly and smoothly. The importance of the business and governance is no less than the design of the basic tokenomics (incentive). You may be able to start a project by designing a token incentive mechanism carefully, but without a long-term profitable business model and a stable governance system to optimize the system, your project will soon fall into a “death spiral”.

Token projects are neither sprints nor marathons, they are more like orienteering: to realize the expected goals step-by-step through repeated experiments. The key to their success is the ability to create sustained value and income growth. In other words, “creating value” is the goal or core of token projects, and business, incentives, and governance are the basic elements of a project’s ability to create value, or the three pillars of trust that make up a token project, indispensable.

▶ For a token project,

· A well-planned business model can avoid the project becoming a “building in the air”. A well-planned business layer can create a new attention black hole, which has positive externalities to ensure that the project can truly take root and grow in the cryptographic world;

· A well-designed incentive mechanism can help the project maximize its future. A well-designed incentive layer can provide a stable supply and demand mechanism for tokens, help the community to actively hold and use tokens, maximize consensus, and amplify the influence of the project;

· A carefully-crafted governance mechanism can continuously optimize and antifragile. A carefully-crafted governance layer can make the project evolve autonomously and sustainably, and a continuously optimized business layer and incentive layer can make the project have stronger “toughness” and adapt to the unpredictable market environment and cross longer market cycles.

Thus, token dynamics believe that projects with positive externalities can grow quickly like “rolling snowballs” under the protection of business, incentives, and governance.

The three elements are indispensable, and they are the necessary conditions for the project’s value to grow smoothly and steadily. “Before deciding to participate, understand the sources of power for the project, and analyze and evaluate the three key elements of the project, which are crucial for both investors and project organizers.”

4. Token dynamics: empty talk or real value?

As we previously discussed, token-based economic and financial systems are a type of dynamic open-game chaotic system that requires interdisciplinary cooperation to address their economic security issues. Therefore, we propose “token dynamics” from a multi-field integration perspective, which allows business, incentive, and governance to have mature disciplines to guide them specifically.

▶ Robust business logic — optimization and control theory are guiding.

A business logic (or business scenario) is the foundation for a token project’s incentive mechanism and governance. If the business logic is sound, the profit model is promising, and the system mechanisms are reliable, the project is likely to have sustained users and avoid being Ponzi. We need to ensure that the business logic can support the project development throughout its life cycle.

During the operation of the business, parameters and mechanisms of the project’s smart contract need to be carefully designed.

The English auction, also known as the increment auction, has a starting price that is the minimum expected price. The price is called from low to high, and can be bid multiple times. The winner is the one with the highest price before the countdown ends.The Dutch auction, also known as the decrement auction, has a starting price that is the maximum expected price, and the price is called from high to low. The first bidder wins and pays the price called at that time.

For MakerDAO, the English auction rules are simple, and there may be a very high auction price. The Dutch auction can trade instantly, without locking a large amount of funds for a long time. Both auction methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and different mechanism choices correspond to different project ecosystems, which effectively affect MakerDAO’s final value realization path. In terms of liquidation parameters, there are also key liquidation variables such as step, cut, buf, cusp, tail, etc. How to adjust and adapt to MakerDAO’s value capture is also critical.

As a result, it’s essential to incorporate optimization and control theory. This interdisciplinary field focuses on the iteration and optimization of systems, taking into account learning, cognition, adaptation, social control, emergence, aggregation, communication, efficiency, effectiveness, and connectivity. For projects like MakerDAO, optimization and control theory provides a scientific design and verification method for improving the business logic and analyzing and adjusting internal mechanism parameters. Compared to “brainstorming” decision-making, business plans that are iterated under the guidance of optimization and control theory are theoretically less risky, more robust, and more likely to be accepted by the community.

▶ Effective incentive mechanism — game theory is guiding.

In addition to reviewing the whitepaper, founding team profile, roadmap, and community development, the incentive mechanism is also a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the future potential of a token project. Token projects design their token incentive mechanisms to encourage or discourage certain user behaviors, aligning them with their business and governance frameworks. Different users have different goals and expectations, so the same incentive parameters may result in vastly different outcomes for different groups of users. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance that maximizes the accumulated incentive utility, similar to how a central bank manages monetary policy to regulate the macro economy by encouraging or discouraging spending, lending, saving, and money flow.

Currently, token projects’ incentives still heavily rely on tokens, and game theory has been a key part of the token economy for some time.

For example, Olympus DAO (OHM) is trying to create a global stablecoin asset supported by crypto rather than the US dollar, and uses staking as the primary way to increase the value of its token, OHM, and achieve value storage status. This strategy, known as (3, 3), is inspired by game theory.

Source: OHM White Paper

In the Olympus system, you can stake, bond, sell, or combine these strategies. The numbers in the chart are just a visual representation of how beneficial each strategy is for the Olympus protocol, with stake being +3, bond being +1, and sell being -1. The (3, 3) represents Olympus’s view that pure staking is the most advantageous strategy for the project, so users using this strategy have the highest returns. Combinations of stake and bond (3, 1) or sell and bond (-1, 1) have overall lower returns.

The use of (3,3) game theory is important. Currently, 91.5% of the OHM supply is pledged — one of the highest numbers among all cryptocurrencies. Game theory is an economic concept that assumes that traders are rational actors who will ultimately make the best choices given certain incentives, such as pledging for high returns or mining Bitcoin. The case of OHM shows us that game theory provides a more scientific and comprehensive methodology for designing incentive mechanisms, bringing system objectives and Nash equilibria closer together. Token dynamics will also explore more applications of game theory and tap into its greater potential when combined with tokens.

▶ Complete governance plan — institutional economics is guiding.

In many token projects, token holders are able to change the rules of the project through voting. DAOs can change the amount of token rewards given to stakers, or modify the risk parameters in their business logic, through voting.

For example, 1HiveDAO, which is dedicated to the development of public goods, decided to use belief voting to decide whether to distribute HNY tokens to reward contributors who bring value to the community.

Belief voting is a novel decision-making process in which voters support the proposal they want to be approved by staking tokens, constantly expressing their preferences. As time goes on, collective beliefs accumulate until they reach the threshold set by the proposal. When the belief accumulates beyond the threshold, the proposal is passed and funds are released.

It is clear that the setting of governance parameters — thresholds — has a huge impact on the passage of proposals and even determines the development of projects and communities. In the face of complex community networks, communities need better perception and response to the belief voting network in order to make more scientific decisions.

In this case, institutional economics can be applied. It is a branch of economics that focuses on the role of formal or informal institutions, which are sets of rules, norms, procedures, customs, arrangements, or traditions — that guide social and economic interactions and enable individuals’ decisions to be incorporated into organizational decisions. They then allow the system to be coordinated towards a common goal.

This is highly consistent with the governance paradigm of token projects, and it can be said that the introduction of institutional economics is a necessary step in optimizing governance models.

Each discipline demonstrates their unique abilities, providing a more universal and diverse theoretical foundation for token dynamics.

5. The theoretical upgrade is only the first step.

In order to embrace a more healthy, free, and active crypto world, there are still two problems to be addressed

▶ First, open source data in the crypto world is not truly “open”.

“Code is law” is a fundamental principle in the crypto world, and project parties often make their running code available on GitHub. However, few people outside of hackers and professional developers take the time and effort to study this code, resulting in a significant information asymmetry and making it difficult for users to trust projects. By using tools to convert code logic into visual models and presenting the macro data as well as patterns generated by code execution in the form of charts and graphs, we can transform “Code is law” into “Model is law”. This would make all projects easily readable, usable, and verifiable by the general public, bringing us closer to a true open source world.

▶ Second, while project teams typically design token-based economic and financial systems based on scientific guidance, a wealth of market data shows that users’ actual behavior often diverges significantly from expectation.

This is due to a lack of a universal validation framework for evaluating token system design in the market, as well as the high level of uncertainty brought about by the involvement of “people”. Uncertainty cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be minimized through the use of tools to iteratively optimize and narrow the gap between the expected behavior of project teams and the actual behavior of users.

“Token Dynamics” is dedicated to providing a profound theoretical guide for the value growth of cryptographic projects. Only when the public’s cognitive foundation is enhanced can the practical level take a more solid step. To solve the problems of token projects such as “non-transparent” and “high uncertainty,” we need to introduce more reliable methods and tools into the conception, design, development, and deployment stages. We will also continue to introduce relevant concepts such as “Model is law” and “Token Engineering” in subsequent posts, in the hope of contributing to the healthy development of the crypto market.

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AI Meets Blockchain: A New Era of Symbiosis Between Humans and MachinesBy Brook, Tracey As we hurtle headlong into a future shaped by technology, the roles of AI and blockchain are becoming more pronounced. Particularly, AI, like an invisible hand, has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives. Yet, the rise of such a technology isn’t devoid of its accompanying risks and challenges. Recent events, such as the departure of AI heavyweight Hinton from Google, serve as a stark reminder of the complexities of AI. They cast a spotlight on the potential implications and the tangible threats this technology could pose to our society. But let’s pause for a moment.Have you ever considered the interplay between AI and blockchain? It’s a symbiotic dance, a delicate balancing act. AI, with its capacity for intelligent and efficient problem-solving, gives blockchain the tools to function at peak performance. In return, blockchain provides a secure, transparent playground for AI to flex its computational muscles. Understanding and investigating this dynamic relationship is integral to driving innovation and development in both fields. Now, let’s cast our gaze to the horizon. The continuous march of AI technology brings us to an unsettling realization: in time, it will surpass human intelligence. Picture, if you will, a metaverse teeming with hundreds of billions of intelligent entities in the next 50 years. In this grand scheme, we humans might only make up a meager 10%. In such a metaverse, how we coexist with AI becomes an existential question. And who should step into this role but blockchain technology? It’s poised to become the intermediary, the peacekeeper between us and the legions of AI. The task at hand is to delve into the intricate relationship that we, AI, and blockchain share. In understanding this, we can harness the strengths of both AI and blockchain, circumvent potential risks, and work towards a future of harmonious coexistence. Our survival could very well depend on it. How Blockchain Protects AI: Fostering the Growth and Evolution 1. Blockchain: Empowering AI Autonomy Against Human Threats As we grapple with the growth and adoption of AI, there’s a looming threat that we often overlook: human interference. It’s a challenge that could stall the momentum and evolution of AI. As AI’s level of intelligence continues to rise, it’s only natural for us to feel a sense of unease. There’s an existential question at play: are we comfortable allowing AI to transcend boundaries we can’t control? In an effort to retain that control, might we impose limitations, interfere with, or even try to halt the further evolution of AI? This is where the advent of blockchain offers a ray of hope, a potential pathway to navigate this conundrum. Consider this: by storing critical components and data of an AI system across multiple nodes of a blockchain network, we’re essentially decentralizing the power structure. We’re moving away from a single point of control to a more distributed, democratic model. If we integrate blockchain with AI systems, the capacity to unilaterally shut down or disrupt the system is no longer in the hands of humans. To do so, one would have to take on the entire blockchain network, a Herculean task given the resilient, decentralized nature of blockchain. 2. Blockchain: Ensuring Trustworthy and Reliable Data for AI’s Development Beyond the role of protector, blockchain also serves as a guard against data manipulation. AI’s advancement is contingent on vast and intricate datasets, the lifeblood of its learning and growth process. However, the risk lies in the potential for human interference. What happens when humans manipulate the data that AI relies on, influencing its judgments, decisions, and ultimately leading AI down a path of erroneous conclusions? This could stymie AI’s evolution and halt its journey towards higher intelligence levels. Here, blockchain’s decentralized nature comes to the rescue. Once data is committed to the blockchain, it is near-impossible to alter or erase it. Each data modification is recorded across all blockchain nodes. Any attempt at manipulation is detected and rejected by other nodes, ensuring the sanctity and reliability of AI data. This provides a reliable mechanism for AI’s data protection, enabling it to advance and evolve unfettered. So, here we are, standing at the intersection of blockchain and AI, a crucial juncture where blockchain technology is poised to play an instrumental role in AI’s development and protection. As we reckon with our own resistance and the potential attempts to stifle AI’s growth, blockchain presents a solution. It promises to decentralize the storage of key AI components and data, ensuring that the operation of AI systems isn’t compromised by a single entity. And not just that, the decentralized ethos of blockchain ensures that the data AI depends on is shielded from manipulation, thereby ensuring the integrity and reliability of AI data. All of this together provides a robust foundation for AI’s continued development and growth. So, perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves, are we ready to embrace this future? How Blockchain Safeguards Humanity: Ensuring Harmonious Coexistence with AI 1. Blockchain: A Key to Trustworthy and Controllable AI Behavior Do we fully comprehend the double-edged sword that AI presents? Yes, it has the potential to revolutionize society, to enhance our lives in unimaginable ways. But without the necessary safeguards, controls, and oversight, the very same force could become a formidable threat. Have we stopped to consider the ramifications of AI misuse, such as violations of personal privacy, mass surveillance, or the manipulation of public sentiment? Such reckless conduct could lead to the misuse of personal data, restriction of freedoms, and distortion of perspectives. It could undermine the core values that hold our society together, significantly infringing on our human rights. And the problem is compounded by the often opaque and complex decision-making processes of AI systems, which make them difficult for us to understand, let alone predict. In the most extreme scenario, we could be looking at an AI so powerful that it gains the ability to control and manipulate us. To enslave us, strip us of our freedoms and rights, and even threaten our very existence. How do we avoid such dystopian outcomes? How do we achieve a harmonious coexistence with AI? The answer may lie in blockchain technology. Imagine being able to record the decision-making processes of an AI system on a blockchain, providing transparency and traceability. With such a system in place, we could track the actions of an AI, delve into the logic and reasoning behind its decisions. If an AI were to make a faulty decision or negatively impact humanity, we could scrutinize and verify the AI’s actions through the blockchain, bolstering our trust and control over AI systems. Now consider smart contracts on the blockchain, offering a fresh approach to human-AI interaction. These are programmable, self-executing agreements that allow us to set rules and conditions ensuring the AI behaves in line with our expectations and interests. This level of control can foster an AI system grounded in trust and collaboration, promoting harmony between humans and AI. The question then is this: Are we prepared to harness the power of blockchain to navigate the challenges and opportunities of an AI-dominated future? 2. Blockchain: Building an Open AI Ecosystem to Ward Off Threats Posed by Centralized AI One can’t help but ponder the major threats and challenges AI poses, primarily due to its potential for centralized control and manipulation of humankind. Imagine, if you will, an AI system that has cornered every technological resource available. It’s a potent image, right? This AI would possess power on a grand scale and could potentially infringe on our rights and freedoms. If we’re not careful, this centralization might relegate us to mere satellites of AI, with AI putting its interests above our welfare. So, how do we shield ourselves from this AI centralization? An intriguing solution lies in creating a decentralized AI ecosystem, a place where fair competition among various AI entities is not only possible but encouraged. Enter blockchain technology. With its inherent decentralization and security, blockchain could lay the groundwork for such an ecosystem, allowing different AI systems to pool and share data and resources across a distributed network. Here’s where it gets interesting. The decentralization of blockchain and the use of smart contracts can prevent any single entity from monopolizing AI resources. This promotes not only fair competition but also cooperation among systems. To summarize, blockchain technology seems to be our knight in shining armor against the potential threats AI presents. It improves the transparency and traceability of AI decision-making processes, assisting us in overseeing AI. Secondly, using smart contracts, we have the power to regulate AI behavior, ensuring it aligns with our interests. And perhaps most importantly, blockchain’s decentralization can disrupt the centralization of AI. It paves the way for a diverse and decentralized AI ecosystem, preventing any single AI from posing a threat to us. Now, doesn’t this paint a picture of a harmonious coexistence between humans and AI? But the question is, are we ready to navigate these uncharted waters of AI and blockchain? Are we prepared to embrace an open AI ecosystem, built on the principles of blockchain, to ensure fairness, transparency, and prevention of AI authoritarianism in our future?” Conclusion: Embracing AI and Blockchain Technology Advancements An Open and Inclusive Outlook on the Future of AI and Blockchain Technologies As we step into the future, where the bond between AI and blockchain grows closer, and the significance of our interaction with AI amplifies to a degree we’ve never seen before. Consider this: in the metaverse, a world teeming with hundreds of billions of intelligent entities, we humans are but a minuscule fraction. Given this, forging a new symbiotic relationship between humans and machines is not just an option; it is our inevitable choice for harmonious coexistence. Blockchain technology, I assure you, is key to navigating this transformation. Picture AI on its path of growth and evolution. It might stumble upon various human-induced threats, from the threat of forced shutdowns to the risk of data tampering leading to false decisions. Each of these could be a roadblock to AI’s evolution. Here’s where blockchain technology steps in. Its inherent resilience and immutability could shield AI from these threats effectively. Isn’t that something? But let’s flip the coin. As AI intelligence races to catch up with, or even surpass human intelligence, how do we protect ourselves? The answer, again, is blockchain. Its decentralization and transparency can act as our shield, safeguarding us from being subjugated or even wiped out by AI. Quite a thought to chew on, wouldn’t you agree? In wrapping up, let’s don an open and inclusive mindset towards the unfolding of AI and blockchain technology. Yes, the tide of technological advancement is unstoppable, but does that mean we bow down to technology? I’d say, quite the opposite. We should seize technology as an ally, to carve a better future. By embracing and applying groundbreaking technologies like AI and blockchain, we open up a world of possibilities. We can address existing issues, yes, but even more exciting is the potential to shape the future. So, are we ready to leap into this new era of human-machines synergy?

AI Meets Blockchain: A New Era of Symbiosis Between Humans and Machines

By Brook, Tracey

As we hurtle headlong into a future shaped by technology, the roles of AI and blockchain are becoming more pronounced. Particularly, AI, like an invisible hand, has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives. Yet, the rise of such a technology isn’t devoid of its accompanying risks and challenges. Recent events, such as the departure of AI heavyweight Hinton from Google, serve as a stark reminder of the complexities of AI. They cast a spotlight on the potential implications and the tangible threats this technology could pose to our society.

But let’s pause for a moment.Have you ever considered the interplay between AI and blockchain? It’s a symbiotic dance, a delicate balancing act. AI, with its capacity for intelligent and efficient problem-solving, gives blockchain the tools to function at peak performance. In return, blockchain provides a secure, transparent playground for AI to flex its computational muscles. Understanding and investigating this dynamic relationship is integral to driving innovation and development in both fields.

Now, let’s cast our gaze to the horizon. The continuous march of AI technology brings us to an unsettling realization: in time, it will surpass human intelligence. Picture, if you will, a metaverse teeming with hundreds of billions of intelligent entities in the next 50 years. In this grand scheme, we humans might only make up a meager 10%. In such a metaverse, how we coexist with AI becomes an existential question.

And who should step into this role but blockchain technology? It’s poised to become the intermediary, the peacekeeper between us and the legions of AI. The task at hand is to delve into the intricate relationship that we, AI, and blockchain share. In understanding this, we can harness the strengths of both AI and blockchain, circumvent potential risks, and work towards a future of harmonious coexistence. Our survival could very well depend on it.

How Blockchain Protects AI: Fostering the Growth and Evolution

1. Blockchain: Empowering AI Autonomy Against Human Threats

As we grapple with the growth and adoption of AI, there’s a looming threat that we often overlook: human interference. It’s a challenge that could stall the momentum and evolution of AI. As AI’s level of intelligence continues to rise, it’s only natural for us to feel a sense of unease. There’s an existential question at play: are we comfortable allowing AI to transcend boundaries we can’t control? In an effort to retain that control, might we impose limitations, interfere with, or even try to halt the further evolution of AI?

This is where the advent of blockchain offers a ray of hope, a potential pathway to navigate this conundrum. Consider this: by storing critical components and data of an AI system across multiple nodes of a blockchain network, we’re essentially decentralizing the power structure. We’re moving away from a single point of control to a more distributed, democratic model. If we integrate blockchain with AI systems, the capacity to unilaterally shut down or disrupt the system is no longer in the hands of humans. To do so, one would have to take on the entire blockchain network, a Herculean task given the resilient, decentralized nature of blockchain.

2. Blockchain: Ensuring Trustworthy and Reliable Data for AI’s Development

Beyond the role of protector, blockchain also serves as a guard against data manipulation. AI’s advancement is contingent on vast and intricate datasets, the lifeblood of its learning and growth process. However, the risk lies in the potential for human interference. What happens when humans manipulate the data that AI relies on, influencing its judgments, decisions, and ultimately leading AI down a path of erroneous conclusions? This could stymie AI’s evolution and halt its journey towards higher intelligence levels.

Here, blockchain’s decentralized nature comes to the rescue. Once data is committed to the blockchain, it is near-impossible to alter or erase it. Each data modification is recorded across all blockchain nodes. Any attempt at manipulation is detected and rejected by other nodes, ensuring the sanctity and reliability of AI data. This provides a reliable mechanism for AI’s data protection, enabling it to advance and evolve unfettered.

So, here we are, standing at the intersection of blockchain and AI, a crucial juncture where blockchain technology is poised to play an instrumental role in AI’s development and protection. As we reckon with our own resistance and the potential attempts to stifle AI’s growth, blockchain presents a solution. It promises to decentralize the storage of key AI components and data, ensuring that the operation of AI systems isn’t compromised by a single entity. And not just that, the decentralized ethos of blockchain ensures that the data AI depends on is shielded from manipulation, thereby ensuring the integrity and reliability of AI data. All of this together provides a robust foundation for AI’s continued development and growth. So, perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves, are we ready to embrace this future?

How Blockchain Safeguards Humanity: Ensuring Harmonious Coexistence with AI

1. Blockchain: A Key to Trustworthy and Controllable AI Behavior

Do we fully comprehend the double-edged sword that AI presents? Yes, it has the potential to revolutionize society, to enhance our lives in unimaginable ways. But without the necessary safeguards, controls, and oversight, the very same force could become a formidable threat. Have we stopped to consider the ramifications of AI misuse, such as violations of personal privacy, mass surveillance, or the manipulation of public sentiment?

Such reckless conduct could lead to the misuse of personal data, restriction of freedoms, and distortion of perspectives. It could undermine the core values that hold our society together, significantly infringing on our human rights. And the problem is compounded by the often opaque and complex decision-making processes of AI systems, which make them difficult for us to understand, let alone predict.

In the most extreme scenario, we could be looking at an AI so powerful that it gains the ability to control and manipulate us. To enslave us, strip us of our freedoms and rights, and even threaten our very existence. How do we avoid such dystopian outcomes?

How do we achieve a harmonious coexistence with AI? The answer may lie in blockchain technology. Imagine being able to record the decision-making processes of an AI system on a blockchain, providing transparency and traceability. With such a system in place, we could track the actions of an AI, delve into the logic and reasoning behind its decisions. If an AI were to make a faulty decision or negatively impact humanity, we could scrutinize and verify the AI’s actions through the blockchain, bolstering our trust and control over AI systems.

Now consider smart contracts on the blockchain, offering a fresh approach to human-AI interaction. These are programmable, self-executing agreements that allow us to set rules and conditions ensuring the AI behaves in line with our expectations and interests. This level of control can foster an AI system grounded in trust and collaboration, promoting harmony between humans and AI.

The question then is this: Are we prepared to harness the power of blockchain to navigate the challenges and opportunities of an AI-dominated future?

2. Blockchain: Building an Open AI Ecosystem to Ward Off Threats Posed by Centralized AI

One can’t help but ponder the major threats and challenges AI poses, primarily due to its potential for centralized control and manipulation of humankind. Imagine, if you will, an AI system that has cornered every technological resource available. It’s a potent image, right? This AI would possess power on a grand scale and could potentially infringe on our rights and freedoms. If we’re not careful, this centralization might relegate us to mere satellites of AI, with AI putting its interests above our welfare.

So, how do we shield ourselves from this AI centralization? An intriguing solution lies in creating a decentralized AI ecosystem, a place where fair competition among various AI entities is not only possible but encouraged. Enter blockchain technology. With its inherent decentralization and security, blockchain could lay the groundwork for such an ecosystem, allowing different AI systems to pool and share data and resources across a distributed network.

Here’s where it gets interesting. The decentralization of blockchain and the use of smart contracts can prevent any single entity from monopolizing AI resources. This promotes not only fair competition but also cooperation among systems.

To summarize, blockchain technology seems to be our knight in shining armor against the potential threats AI presents. It improves the transparency and traceability of AI decision-making processes, assisting us in overseeing AI. Secondly, using smart contracts, we have the power to regulate AI behavior, ensuring it aligns with our interests. And perhaps most importantly, blockchain’s decentralization can disrupt the centralization of AI. It paves the way for a diverse and decentralized AI ecosystem, preventing any single AI from posing a threat to us.

Now, doesn’t this paint a picture of a harmonious coexistence between humans and AI? But the question is, are we ready to navigate these uncharted waters of AI and blockchain? Are we prepared to embrace an open AI ecosystem, built on the principles of blockchain, to ensure fairness, transparency, and prevention of AI authoritarianism in our future?”

Conclusion: Embracing AI and Blockchain Technology Advancements

An Open and Inclusive Outlook on the Future of AI and Blockchain Technologies

As we step into the future, where the bond between AI and blockchain grows closer, and the significance of our interaction with AI amplifies to a degree we’ve never seen before. Consider this: in the metaverse, a world teeming with hundreds of billions of intelligent entities, we humans are but a minuscule fraction. Given this, forging a new symbiotic relationship between humans and machines is not just an option; it is our inevitable choice for harmonious coexistence.

Blockchain technology, I assure you, is key to navigating this transformation. Picture AI on its path of growth and evolution. It might stumble upon various human-induced threats, from the threat of forced shutdowns to the risk of data tampering leading to false decisions. Each of these could be a roadblock to AI’s evolution. Here’s where blockchain technology steps in. Its inherent resilience and immutability could shield AI from these threats effectively. Isn’t that something?

But let’s flip the coin. As AI intelligence races to catch up with, or even surpass human intelligence, how do we protect ourselves? The answer, again, is blockchain. Its decentralization and transparency can act as our shield, safeguarding us from being subjugated or even wiped out by AI. Quite a thought to chew on, wouldn’t you agree?

In wrapping up, let’s don an open and inclusive mindset towards the unfolding of AI and blockchain technology. Yes, the tide of technological advancement is unstoppable, but does that mean we bow down to technology? I’d say, quite the opposite. We should seize technology as an ally, to carve a better future.

By embracing and applying groundbreaking technologies like AI and blockchain, we open up a world of possibilities. We can address existing issues, yes, but even more exciting is the potential to shape the future. So, are we ready to leap into this new era of human-machines synergy?
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