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Come on, sister, don't forget your original intention and keep moving forward. I support you ❀
Come on, sister, don't forget your original intention and keep moving forward. I support you ❀
Yi He
If we disagree, you're probably right.
1. Is the cryptocurrency world going to end?
Recently, many posts in the industry that are pessimistic about blockchain are very popular. Many people outside the industry are asking me if the blockchain scam is over? People in the industry are asking if the industry has no future? What stage of the cycle are we in? Compared with good news, bad news is more likely to make headlines, and bad news is also more likely to get more traffic and attention. What is more worthy of ridicule than people in the cryptocurrency circle pessimistic about the cryptocurrency circle? These behaviors and emotions are constantly contagious, engulfing traffic and intensifying. Even some OG retirements have been magnified as evidence that "the cryptocurrency circle is over." Some industry-firm idealists also reveal anxiety and confusion in their chats with me.
GHOST STORIES For decades, there have been reports by visitors and staff at George Washington's home of supernatural activity. Below are a number of Mount Vernon ghost stories staff have recorded over the years. Washington’s Ghost Haunts Mount Vernon In the early years of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, when the Ladies were at Mount Vernon, they would sleep in the Mansion. The following account was reported in the New York World newspaper ca. 1890. "Of course, the most interesting of all the bedrooms is the one belonging to the immortal George and in which he died. In it is the original four-poster bed whereon Washington passed his last moments." "This historic chamber is haunted; of that there would seem to be little doubt. Many people within recent years have slept in it, and they declare that they were awed by the viewless presence of the nation’s first President. They deny earnestly that the notion is based on imagination. Few of these temporary occupants have been able to get any sleep. Obviously, it is one thing to see a ghost, and quite another thing to feel one—to be aware of the nearness of a strange and brooding spectre. They all agree that Washington visits his chamber in the still watches of the night." "Mrs. William Beale and a friend of hers spent a night at Mount Vernon. At their own request, they were permitted to occupy Washington’s bedroom. In the middle of the night, they were awakened by the sputtering of their candle. They had lighted one surreptitiously and were burning it in the middle of a basin of water." "Fancied they saw a spook. It went out with a noise, and they began to feel alarmed. Mrs. Beale said to her friend: 'You are on the side of the bed where Washington died!' The other replied: 'No, I’m not; he died on your side!' Finally they decided that the question was doubtful, and there was no more sleep for them that night. They got up, dressed themselves, and sat around until morning, scared by every squeak of the windows and at one moment were sure they heard Washington’s sword clank distinctly in a corner." A Woman on the Stairs During a typical day at work, ca. 1980s, while stationed in the Central Passage, something caught an interpreter's eye. She saw the figure of an unidentified woman, dressed in 18th-century clothing, on the stairs. The figure was carrying a large punch bowl filled with a flower arrangement. The figure disappeared upon reaching the bottom of the staircase. An Angry Gentleman An interpreter was in the Central Passage, on a particularly crowded day in the spring or summer, ca. 1980s. She thought she heard someone in the room behind her. Thinking that a visitor had gotten into the area by going under the rope barriers, she entered the Little Parlor to shoo them out. Much to her surprise, she found an older gentleman, sporting a large mustache and dressed in late 19th or early 20th-century clothing, with his sleeves rolled up and secured with garters. When he saw that he had her attention, he shouted, “What the hell is going on here?”—a reference to the noise a school group or groups were making. The interpreter told him that she was trying to quiet them down and then the man disappeared. She later saw a portrait of the gentleman in question, Colonel Harrison Howell Dodge, Mount Vernon’s director for about 50 years until his death in the late 1930s. A Flurry of Skirts An interpreter was standing in the Central Passage, ca. 1980s. She felt something brush past her, coming out of the Little Parlor. Looking down, all she could see were the feet and bottoms of the skirts of a young girl in an 18th-century dress, running across the Central Passage. Putting Away His Horse A head guard said that these events were not a one-time incident but happened with great regularity, ca. 1980s-1990s. Quite frequently, an alarm would go off in the stable. Then, in about the time it would take to unsaddle and put up a horse and walk from the stable to the Mansion, an alarm would go off in the Washington Bedchamber. Guards dispatched to check out the situation invariably found nothing out of the ordinary. This man's explanation was that the General was coming home, made his horse comfortable, and then went up to his room. The Yellow Room A 2006 supervisor from the History Interpretation Department recalls her first encounter. My first encounter with a ghost occurred in the Yellow Room of the Mansion in 2006. I was a supervisor in the History Interpretation Department—supervisors clear and lock the Mansion after checking and rechecking for assurance that no one has been left in the Mansion after hours. After letting the last interpreter out the Study door, I walked up the backstairs, past the Washington Bedchamber, and into the Yellow Room. I suddenly felt myself being pushed, feeling the pressure of someone’s hands on the back of my shoulders. I turned to look and no one was there. It was obvious I wasn’t wanted in the Yellow Bedchamber. This happened several more times, and I decided I would not go back upstairs alone. I invited another interpreter to stay with me and travel the backstairs to the Yellow Room—nothing happened. The next time, when I was alone, I was once again pushed through the room. To keep this from being disturbed, I felt it was best that I not use the backstairs but to remove my shoes and cross through the downstairs bedchamber to the Central Passage and lock the door for the evening. A Ghost at the Tomb An interpreter from 2006 explains what happened to her at George Washington's Tomb. The first time I experienced this “ghost” was Easter morning in 2006 when I was scheduled to open Washington’s Tomb. It was early and very quiet and there was no one around—the guests had not made their way from the Mansion. I stood in front of the open door, and I saw an ectoplasm in the far right corner of the Tomb. When I moved, the ectoplasm moved. I watched as it became a blur in my vision, and it continued to move around. I took a photo that showed a streak of light through the blur. The second photo showed the blur. As soon as voices of the guests coming down the hill could be heard, the ectoplasm disappeared. This happened on three different occasions. A Woman from the Civil War A member of Mount Vernon's Youth Programs team recounts her experience.  Originally, my office was located in the Teacher Resource Center of the Education Center, which is now Be Washington. It was after hours and the staff had left. I gathered my coat and bag and set them on the table facing my desk—as I turned to put on my coat, I saw a female figure standing in the door of my office. She was dressed in clothing from the Civil War period, and she was totally grey—her complete body and clothing were grey. She stood in the doorway looking straight ahead without moving—her stare was very stern. It happened quickly, and then she was gone. There was no doubt in my mind that Ann Pamela Cunningham, founder of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, had been in the room. I stayed for a while, sitting quietly as I listened to the noises of cabinet doors opening and closing in Hands-on-History, but when I looked to see who was there, the room was empty. Wandering in the Night One night, ca. 2010s, a couple of security officers were driving around the Mount Vernon grounds very late at night. They saw a little girl on the path ahead of them. So they stopped suddenly. Then the girl appeared right next to them. They quickly spun around and drove away as fast as they could.  A Candle in the Night A character interpreter tells what she experienced inside the Mansion in 2017. I’ve worked at Mount Vernon on and off since 2004. I most recently returned in January 2017. The estate was abuzz with the latest spooky story. On December 15, 2016, some strange sounds were heard coming from the third floor and there had been reports of the temperature dropping by 20 degrees. When the tale was shared with me, I was determined to see if it would happen again. On December 14, the anniversary of the General’s death, I was on the third floor waiting for some haunting but nothing happened. However, when I returned the next night, the vibe in the area had changed. Upon looking into the southwest bedchamber, I noticed an electric candle was on. “That’s strange,” I thought. “It was dark last night.” Had the Collections team come and turned it on? Not likely; the third floor isn’t open to the public. Then it hit me. George Washington died on December 14, 1799, and the next day Martha Washington shut up the bedroom they shared and moved to the southwest bedchamber. Apparently, she’s still marking that sad day. The Mount Vernon Monster Residents of the neighborhoods surrounding Mount Vernon endured months of nocturnal terror in 1979. Police helicopters hovered with searchlights. Patrol officers on foot crouched in the woods, radios at the ready. A long May night passed quietly. The Mount Vernon Monster was nowhere to be found. This night, and the mystery that prevailed for the better part of 1979, was covered in a May 12, 1979, article in the Washington Post. “For the last nine months,” the article reads, “nocturnal screaming has come from a patch of woods about one mile from the historic home of George Washington.” Theories abounded as to the source of the screaming, which the Post described as an “eerie, muted wail—like someone being strangled in the shower.” Residents offered differing explanations: “a wild boar, really loud frogs, some guy blowing in a wine bottle, a barred (or hoot) owl, a broken microphone on a CB outfit, a parrot, a mouse with an amplifier, a strangled dog, the ghost of George Washington and the ghost of George Washington's pigs.” One resident described seeing a creature in her backyard, 6 feet tall and walking upright. Some neighborhood children captured audio of the wailing with portable cassette recorders in the middle of the night. But despite all efforts, the Mount Vernon Monster, as the mysterious creature came to be known, never revealed its secrets. The brouhaha didn’t escape the notice of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which noted in its internal 1979 Council Minutes: Reports on an alleged ‘Mount Vernon Monster’ have appeared in the Washington area newspapers and have been circulated around the country by the Associated Press. No one has seen the ‘monster,’ but various people, including some Mount Vernon employees, claim to have heard its howls, screams, shrieks (descriptions of the ‘voice’ vary) from a wooded area within a mile of Mount Vernon. The mystery was never to be solved. And though the creature wasn’t proven to be Georgefoot—neither was it disproven to be
 #Ghost #Write2Earn #Holi_Box $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)


For decades, there have been reports by visitors and staff at George Washington's home of supernatural activity. Below are a number of Mount Vernon ghost stories staff have recorded over the years.
Washington’s Ghost Haunts Mount Vernon
In the early years of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, when the Ladies were at Mount Vernon, they would sleep in the Mansion.
The following account was reported in the New York World newspaper ca. 1890.
"Of course, the most interesting of all the bedrooms is the one belonging to the immortal George and in which he died. In it is the original four-poster bed whereon Washington passed his last moments."

"This historic chamber is haunted; of that there would seem to be little doubt. Many people within recent years have slept in it, and they declare that they were awed by the viewless presence of the nation’s first President. They deny earnestly that the notion is based on imagination. Few of these temporary occupants have been able to get any sleep. Obviously, it is one thing to see a ghost, and quite another thing to feel one—to be aware of the nearness of a strange and brooding spectre. They all agree that Washington visits his chamber in the still watches of the night."
"Mrs. William Beale and a friend of hers spent a night at Mount Vernon. At their own request, they were permitted to occupy Washington’s bedroom. In the middle of the night, they were awakened by the sputtering of their candle. They had lighted one surreptitiously and were burning it in the middle of a basin of water."
"Fancied they saw a spook. It went out with a noise, and they began to feel alarmed. Mrs. Beale said to her friend: 'You are on the side of the bed where Washington died!' The other replied: 'No, I’m not; he died on your side!' Finally they decided that the question was doubtful, and there was no more sleep for them that night. They got up, dressed themselves, and sat around until morning, scared by every squeak of the windows and at one moment were sure they heard Washington’s sword clank distinctly in a corner."
A Woman on the Stairs
During a typical day at work, ca. 1980s, while stationed in the Central Passage, something caught an interpreter's eye.
She saw the figure of an unidentified woman, dressed in 18th-century clothing, on the stairs. The figure was carrying a large punch bowl filled with a flower arrangement. The figure disappeared upon reaching the bottom of the staircase.

An Angry Gentleman
An interpreter was in the Central Passage, on a particularly crowded day in the spring or summer, ca. 1980s.
She thought she heard someone in the room behind her. Thinking that a visitor had gotten into the area by going under the rope barriers, she entered the Little Parlor to shoo them out. Much to her surprise, she found an older gentleman, sporting a large mustache and dressed in late 19th or early 20th-century clothing, with his sleeves rolled up and secured with garters.
When he saw that he had her attention, he shouted, “What the hell is going on here?”—a reference to the noise a school group or groups were making. The interpreter told him that she was trying to quiet them down and then the man disappeared. She later saw a portrait of the gentleman in question, Colonel Harrison Howell Dodge, Mount Vernon’s director for about 50 years until his death in the late 1930s.

A Flurry of Skirts
An interpreter was standing in the Central Passage, ca. 1980s.
She felt something brush past her, coming out of the Little Parlor. Looking down, all she could see were the feet and bottoms of the skirts of a young girl in an 18th-century dress, running across the Central Passage.
Putting Away His Horse
A head guard said that these events were not a one-time incident but happened with great regularity, ca. 1980s-1990s.
Quite frequently, an alarm would go off in the stable. Then, in about the time it would take to unsaddle and put up a horse and walk from the stable to the Mansion, an alarm would go off in the Washington Bedchamber. Guards dispatched to check out the situation invariably found nothing out of the ordinary.
This man's explanation was that the General was coming home, made his horse comfortable, and then went up to his room.

The Yellow Room
A 2006 supervisor from the History Interpretation Department recalls her first encounter.
My first encounter with a ghost occurred in the Yellow Room of the Mansion in 2006. I was a supervisor in the History Interpretation Department—supervisors clear and lock the Mansion after checking and rechecking for assurance that no one has been left in the Mansion after hours. After letting the last interpreter out the Study door, I walked up the backstairs, past the Washington Bedchamber, and into the Yellow Room. I suddenly felt myself being pushed, feeling the pressure of someone’s hands on the back of my shoulders. I turned to look and no one was there. It was obvious I wasn’t wanted in the Yellow Bedchamber.
This happened several more times, and I decided I would not go back upstairs alone. I invited another interpreter to stay with me and travel the backstairs to the Yellow Room—nothing happened. The next time, when I was alone, I was once again pushed through the room.
To keep this from being disturbed, I felt it was best that I not use the backstairs but to remove my shoes and cross through the downstairs bedchamber to the Central Passage and lock the door for the evening.

A Ghost at the Tomb
An interpreter from 2006 explains what happened to her at George Washington's Tomb.
The first time I experienced this “ghost” was Easter morning in 2006 when I was scheduled to open Washington’s Tomb. It was early and very quiet and there was no one around—the guests had not made their way from the Mansion. I stood in front of the open door, and I saw an ectoplasm in the far right corner of the Tomb. When I moved, the ectoplasm moved. I watched as it became a blur in my vision, and it continued to move around. I took a photo that showed a streak of light through the blur. The second photo showed the blur. As soon as voices of the guests coming down the hill could be heard, the ectoplasm disappeared. This happened on three different occasions.

A Woman from the Civil War
A member of Mount Vernon's Youth Programs team recounts her experience. 
Originally, my office was located in the Teacher Resource Center of the Education Center, which is now Be Washington. It was after hours and the staff had left. I gathered my coat and bag and set them on the table facing my desk—as I turned to put on my coat, I saw a female figure standing in the door of my office.
She was dressed in clothing from the Civil War period, and she was totally grey—her complete body and clothing were grey. She stood in the doorway looking straight ahead without moving—her stare was very stern. It happened quickly, and then she was gone. There was no doubt in my mind that Ann Pamela Cunningham, founder of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, had been in the room.
I stayed for a while, sitting quietly as I listened to the noises of cabinet doors opening and closing in Hands-on-History, but when I looked to see who was there, the room was empty.

Wandering in the Night
One night, ca. 2010s, a couple of security officers were driving around the Mount Vernon grounds very late at night.
They saw a little girl on the path ahead of them. So they stopped suddenly. Then the girl appeared right next to them. They quickly spun around and drove away as fast as they could. 
A Candle in the Night
A character interpreter tells what she experienced inside the Mansion in 2017.
I’ve worked at Mount Vernon on and off since 2004. I most recently returned in January 2017. The estate was abuzz with the latest spooky story. On December 15, 2016, some strange sounds were heard coming from the third floor and there had been reports of the temperature dropping by 20 degrees. When the tale was shared with me, I was determined to see if it would happen again.
On December 14, the anniversary of the General’s death, I was on the third floor waiting for some haunting but nothing happened. However, when I returned the next night, the vibe in the area had changed. Upon looking into the southwest bedchamber, I noticed an electric candle was on. “That’s strange,” I thought. “It was dark last night.” Had the Collections team come and turned it on? Not likely; the third floor isn’t open to the public. Then it hit me. George Washington died on December 14, 1799, and the next day Martha Washington shut up the bedroom they shared and moved to the southwest bedchamber. Apparently, she’s still marking that sad day.

The Mount Vernon Monster
Residents of the neighborhoods surrounding Mount Vernon endured months of nocturnal terror in 1979.
Police helicopters hovered with searchlights. Patrol officers on foot crouched in the woods, radios at the ready. A long May night passed quietly.
The Mount Vernon Monster was nowhere to be found.
This night, and the mystery that prevailed for the better part of 1979, was covered in a May 12, 1979, article in the Washington Post. “For the last nine months,” the article reads, “nocturnal screaming has come from a patch of woods about one mile from the historic home of George Washington.”
Theories abounded as to the source of the screaming, which the Post described as an “eerie, muted wail—like someone being strangled in the shower.” Residents offered differing explanations: “a wild boar, really loud frogs, some guy blowing in a wine bottle, a barred (or hoot) owl, a broken microphone on a CB outfit, a parrot, a mouse with an amplifier, a strangled dog, the ghost of George Washington and the ghost of George Washington's pigs.”
One resident described seeing a creature in her backyard, 6 feet tall and walking upright. Some neighborhood children captured audio of the wailing with portable cassette recorders in the middle of the night. But despite all efforts, the Mount Vernon Monster, as the mysterious creature came to be known, never revealed its secrets.
The brouhaha didn’t escape the notice of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which noted in its internal 1979 Council Minutes:
Reports on an alleged ‘Mount Vernon Monster’ have appeared in the Washington area newspapers and have been circulated around the country by the Associated Press. No one has seen the ‘monster,’ but various people, including some Mount Vernon employees, claim to have heard its howls, screams, shrieks (descriptions of the ‘voice’ vary) from a wooded area within a mile of Mount Vernon.
The mystery was never to be solved. And though the creature wasn’t proven to be Georgefoot—neither was it disproven to be

Trump threatens lawyers, donors and election officials with prison for 'unscrupulous behavior' By Jillian Frankel MOSINEE, Wis. — Former President Donald Trump, who makes frequent false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through rampant fraud, warned Saturday that he would try to imprison anyone who engages in "unscrupulous behavior" during this year's race. He issued the threat on Truth Social, his social media website, and repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, accusing Democrats of "rampant Cheating and Skullduggery." “The 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," he wrote. Donald Trump speaks at the fall meeting of the Fraternal Order of Police National Board of Trustees in Charlotte, N.C., on Friday. He continued, “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.” The threat was one of the most wide-ranging he has made running for president after his 2020 defeat — going beyond threatening old foes and issuing warnings to those involved with the current election. While he spent much of the 2016 campaign threatening to jail his opponent, Hillary Clinton, he tends not to go after people on the periphery, like donors and election workers. Election workers across the country have been subject to threats, most famously Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, two election workers whose entire lives were uprooted when Trump and his allies targeted them after the 2020 election with false accusations of fraud. In the lead-up to the 2020 election, Trump began making baseless warnings of election interference, which grew louder after he lost and culminated in a mob attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to block certification of Joe Biden’s election. He has begun making similar statements ahead of this year’s election. He also emphasized the GOP’s focus on election integrity this cycle during a speech Saturday in Wisconsin, suggesting that if Republicans stop Democrats from cheating, he does not need to continue campaigning. “We gotta stop the cheating. If we stop that cheating, if we don’t let them cheat, I don’t even have to campaign anymore,” Trump said. “We’re going to win by so much. In the meantime, too big to rig, too big to rig.” Trump and his allies filed dozens of unsuccessful cases after the 2020 election in an attempt to overturn the results. Some Democrats say Republicans' new legal fights in battleground states ahead of the November election raise concerns that Republicans are trying to sow seeds doubts about the result if Trump loses. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached Saturday night to provide additional context about Trump’s plan. #Write2Earn #uselections #BinanceSquareFamily #Holi_Box $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Trump threatens lawyers, donors and election officials with prison for 'unscrupulous behavior'

By Jillian Frankel
MOSINEE, Wis. — Former President Donald Trump, who makes frequent false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through rampant fraud, warned Saturday that he would try to imprison anyone who engages in "unscrupulous behavior" during this year's race.
He issued the threat on Truth Social, his social media website, and repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, accusing Democrats of "rampant Cheating and Skullduggery."
“The 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," he wrote.

Donald Trump speaks at the fall meeting of the Fraternal Order of Police National Board of Trustees in Charlotte, N.C., on Friday.
He continued, “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”
The threat was one of the most wide-ranging he has made running for president after his 2020 defeat — going beyond threatening old foes and issuing warnings to those involved with the current election.
While he spent much of the 2016 campaign threatening to jail his opponent, Hillary Clinton, he tends not to go after people on the periphery, like donors and election workers.
Election workers across the country have been subject to threats, most famously Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, two election workers whose entire lives were uprooted when Trump and his allies targeted them after the 2020 election with false accusations of fraud.
In the lead-up to the 2020 election, Trump began making baseless warnings of election interference, which grew louder after he lost and culminated in a mob attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to block certification of Joe Biden’s election. He has begun making similar statements ahead of this year’s election.
He also emphasized the GOP’s focus on election integrity this cycle during a speech Saturday in Wisconsin, suggesting that if Republicans stop Democrats from cheating, he does not need to continue campaigning.
“We gotta stop the cheating. If we stop that cheating, if we don’t let them cheat, I don’t even have to campaign anymore,” Trump said. “We’re going to win by so much. In the meantime, too big to rig, too big to rig.”
Trump and his allies filed dozens of unsuccessful cases after the 2020 election in an attempt to overturn the results. Some Democrats say Republicans' new legal fights in battleground states ahead of the November election raise concerns that Republicans are trying to sow seeds doubts about the result if Trump loses.
A spokesperson for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached Saturday night to provide additional context about Trump’s plan.
Harris is trying to cut into Trump's edge on the economy. It could decide the election. WASHINGTON — Kamala Harris is looking to neutralize a glaring vulnerability that has jeopardized her prospects since she replaced Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee: voter frustration with high prices. Harris is talking about the economy in hope of winning over voters who continue to feel nagging economic pain. It may be the most deliberate and clear break she has had with Biden since she took over the ticket. Biden spent the past year touting "Bidenomics" and insisting that voters would come around and give him credit for a slew of legislative victories, without ultimately blaming him for the high cost of groceries and other necessities. But Harris is more willing to lean into voter anxiety over the cost of living and pitch herself as the best candidate to mitigate pocketbook pressures. She isn't criticizing Biden. But her tone and message suggest she doesn't want to be cast simply as his protĂ©gĂ©e. “We’ve lived through a historic inflation shock,” said a Harris campaign adviser, speaking on condition of anonymity. “That has affected every American economically in different ways, and it takes time for that to work through peoples’ lives.” Harris has announced a flurry of proposals meant to assure voters that if she is elected she’d enact new laws to cut costs. She is also adopting a more populist message than Biden did when it comes to financial pressures that millions of people confront. Harris is casting profit-minded corporations and landlords as villains who've been jacking up grocery prices and rent. Voters who've been crucial to Democratic victories in past elections hold a sour view of the economy, polling shows. Gen Z voters under age 30 ranked inflation and the cost of living as their biggest worry, far outstripping abortion, health care, threats to democracy and other issues, an NBC News survey this month found. Inflation is already dropping. But prices remain about 20% higher than they were during the pandemic. A CNBC survey of registered voters last month asked whether a victory by Harris or Donald Trump would leave them better off financially or whether their situations wouldn't change. A solid plurality, 40%, said they'd do better financially if Trump won, compared with only 21% who said they'd fare better under a Harris presidency. Harris says her plans are good policy. But presidential campaigns aren’t think tanks; they’re built to win votes. What Harris is offering could boost her standing among key constituencies with whom she’s lagging or whose vote she needs to maximize. Her face-to-face debate with Trump on Tuesday night is perhaps her best chance to drive her message that as the daughter of a single mother who struggled to buy a house, she empathizes with people's fears and has an antidote to economic anxiety. "When I am elected president, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans," she said last month in a speech in North Carolina. "As president, I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans, like the cost of food." Appeals to younger voters Harris has made younger voters who are starting families and buying homes a special focus. She has rolled out plans to give a $6,000 tax credit to parents of newborns, along with a $25,000 subsidy to help first-time homebuyers cover their down payments. "Clearly, housing has been a big point of pressure for younger voters. She’s speaking directly to that,” said Brendan Duke, who was a senior adviser in the Biden White House’s National Economic Council. Harris needs to galvanize young voters if she is to re-create the Democrats' winning coalition from 2020. In the NBC News survey of Gen Z registered voters under 30, 50% said they favored Harris, compared with 34% who preferred Trump. Substantial though a 16-point margin sounds, Biden beat Trump by 24 points in 2020 among voters in that age group, according to a comprehensive study by the Pew Research Center. #USellction2024 #trandingtopics #Write2Earn! #Holi_Box $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Harris is trying to cut into Trump's edge on the economy. It could decide the election.

WASHINGTON — Kamala Harris is looking to neutralize a glaring vulnerability that has jeopardized her prospects since she replaced Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee: voter frustration with high prices.
Harris is talking about the economy in hope of winning over voters who continue to feel nagging economic pain. It may be the most deliberate and clear break she has had with Biden since she took over the ticket.
Biden spent the past year touting "Bidenomics" and insisting that voters would come around and give him credit for a slew of legislative victories, without ultimately blaming him for the high cost of groceries and other necessities.
But Harris is more willing to lean into voter anxiety over the cost of living and pitch herself as the best candidate to mitigate pocketbook pressures. She isn't criticizing Biden. But her tone and message suggest she doesn't want to be cast simply as his protégée.
“We’ve lived through a historic inflation shock,” said a Harris campaign adviser, speaking on condition of anonymity. “That has affected every American economically in different ways, and it takes time for that to work through peoples’ lives.”
Harris has announced a flurry of proposals meant to assure voters that if she is elected she’d enact new laws to cut costs. She is also adopting a more populist message than Biden did when it comes to financial pressures that millions of people confront. Harris is casting profit-minded corporations and landlords as villains who've been jacking up grocery prices and rent.
Voters who've been crucial to Democratic victories in past elections hold a sour view of the economy, polling shows. Gen Z voters under age 30 ranked inflation and the cost of living as their biggest worry, far outstripping abortion, health care, threats to democracy and other issues, an NBC News survey this month found.
Inflation is already dropping. But prices remain about 20% higher than they were during the pandemic.
A CNBC survey of registered voters last month asked whether a victory by Harris or Donald Trump would leave them better off financially or whether their situations wouldn't change. A solid plurality, 40%, said they'd do better financially if Trump won, compared with only 21% who said they'd fare better under a Harris presidency.
Harris says her plans are good policy. But presidential campaigns aren’t think tanks; they’re built to win votes. What Harris is offering could boost her standing among key constituencies with whom she’s lagging or whose vote she needs to maximize.
Her face-to-face debate with Trump on Tuesday night is perhaps her best chance to drive her message that as the daughter of a single mother who struggled to buy a house, she empathizes with people's fears and has an antidote to economic anxiety.
"When I am elected president, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans," she said last month in a speech in North Carolina. "As president, I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans, like the cost of food."
Appeals to younger voters
Harris has made younger voters who are starting families and buying homes a special focus. She has rolled out plans to give a $6,000 tax credit to parents of newborns, along with a $25,000 subsidy to help first-time homebuyers cover their down payments.
"Clearly, housing has been a big point of pressure for younger voters. She’s speaking directly to that,” said Brendan Duke, who was a senior adviser in the Biden White House’s National Economic Council.
Harris needs to galvanize young voters if she is to re-create the Democrats' winning coalition from 2020. In the NBC News survey of Gen Z registered voters under 30, 50% said they favored Harris, compared with 34% who preferred Trump.
Substantial though a 16-point margin sounds, Biden beat Trump by 24 points in 2020 among voters in that age group, according to a comprehensive study by the Pew Research Center.
CFTC Loses Round One: Kalshi Cleared to Offer US Election Bets A federal judge this week sided with the prediction market Kalshi’s motion for summary judgment in its legal battle with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This decision opens the door for U.S. citizens to place bets on the upcoming November election. However, the ruling isn’t the final word just yet, as the CFTC can still appeal. Following the judge’s order, the commodities regulator immediately filed an emergency request for a two-week stay. Kalshi’s Legal Victory Could Change U.S. Election Betting Landscape, CFTC Files Emergency Motion In a legal twist last year, Kalshi, a financial exchange and prediction market, took the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to court. Kalshi, established in 2018 by Tarek Mansour and Luana Lopes Lara, allows users to trade on real-world event outcomes. The lawsuit, filed in November 2023, challenged the CFTC’s decision to block the company from offering specific event contracts, particularly those related to betting on the U.S. election, on its federally regulated platform. On Sept. 6, 2024, Judge Jia Cobb delivered a decision in favor of Kalshi, rejecting the CFTC’s cross-motion for summary judgment. Bloomberg Law reported that Kalshi’s CEO, Tarek Mansour, called the ruling a milestone. “Election markets are now legal in the United States for the first time in 100 years,” Mansour remarked. On the firm’s website, it states: Election markets are coming to Kalshi. We did it! Stay tuned for more info, and God bless America! Paradigm’s vice president of government affairs, Alexander Grieve, shared on X that he was delighted his firm supported the amicus. “Proud Paradigm contributed an amicus in this case, as (if it wasn’t clear already) the outcome of November’s election will have profound impact on the direction of crypto in this country,” Grieve said. “American companies need the ability to hedge political risk,” the Paradigm executive added. Right after the verdict, the CFTC swiftly filed an emergency motion requesting a two-week stay. They argued that “without the benefit of the court’s reasoning, the CFTC is unable to make an informed decision whether to appeal, nor is it able to fully brief a motion for stay pending any forthcoming appeal.” The regulator further added: Time is of the essence in the issuance of a stay. The CFTC expects that Plaintiff Kalshi will immediately list the relevant election contracts and that trading will begin as soon as the contracts list. Plaintiff has already announced on its homepage that ‘Election Markets are Coming to Kalshi!’ The news arrives at a moment when Polymarket, a blockchain-powered prediction platform, has seen a significant increase in volume and open interest, thanks to the upcoming 2024 election. Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers, including Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, have been pressing the CFTC to crack down on election prediction markets. “The last thing that voters heading to the polls need are bets waged on the outcome of that election,” the policymaker’s letter argued. What do you think about Kalshi’s win this week and the chance the CFTC may appeal the decision? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below. #trandingtopics #USellction2024 #Write2Earn! #Holi_Box $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

CFTC Loses Round One: Kalshi Cleared to Offer US Election Bets

A federal judge this week sided with the prediction market Kalshi’s motion for summary judgment in its legal battle with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This decision opens the door for U.S. citizens to place bets on the upcoming November election. However, the ruling isn’t the final word just yet, as the CFTC can still appeal. Following the judge’s order, the commodities regulator immediately filed an emergency request for a two-week stay.

Kalshi’s Legal Victory Could Change U.S. Election Betting Landscape, CFTC Files Emergency Motion

In a legal twist last year, Kalshi, a financial exchange and prediction market, took the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to court. Kalshi, established in 2018 by Tarek Mansour and Luana Lopes Lara, allows users to trade on real-world event outcomes. The lawsuit, filed in November 2023, challenged the CFTC’s decision to block the company from offering specific event contracts, particularly those related to betting on the U.S. election, on its federally regulated platform.

On Sept. 6, 2024, Judge Jia Cobb delivered a decision in favor of Kalshi, rejecting the CFTC’s cross-motion for summary judgment. Bloomberg Law reported that Kalshi’s CEO, Tarek Mansour, called the ruling a milestone. “Election markets are now legal in the United States for the first time in 100 years,” Mansour remarked. On the firm’s website, it states:

Election markets are coming to Kalshi. We did it! Stay tuned for more info, and God bless America!

Paradigm’s vice president of government affairs, Alexander Grieve, shared on X that he was delighted his firm supported the amicus. “Proud Paradigm contributed an amicus in this case, as (if it wasn’t clear already) the outcome of November’s election will have profound impact on the direction of crypto in this country,” Grieve said. “American companies need the ability to hedge political risk,” the Paradigm executive added.

Right after the verdict, the CFTC swiftly filed an emergency motion requesting a two-week stay. They argued that “without the benefit of the court’s reasoning, the CFTC is unable to make an informed decision whether to appeal, nor is it able to fully brief a motion for stay pending any forthcoming appeal.” The regulator further added:
Time is of the essence in the issuance of a stay. The CFTC expects that Plaintiff Kalshi will immediately list the relevant election contracts and that trading will begin as soon as the contracts list. Plaintiff has already announced on its homepage that ‘Election Markets are Coming to Kalshi!’
The news arrives at a moment when Polymarket, a blockchain-powered prediction platform, has seen a significant increase in volume and open interest, thanks to the upcoming 2024 election. Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers, including Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, have been pressing the CFTC to crack down on election prediction markets. “The last thing that voters heading to the polls need are bets waged on the outcome of that election,” the policymaker’s letter argued.
What do you think about Kalshi’s win this week and the chance the CFTC may appeal the decision? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.
Cryptocurrency Prices Today (September 8): The broader market today regained an upward movement after a slumping action recently. Bitcoin (BTC) price reattained the $54K level, whereas Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP traded dominantly in the green territory. Meanwhile, the global crypto market cap soared 1.28% in the last 24 hours to reach $1.93 trillion. However, the total market volume saw a phenomenal 56.43% decrease in value to $42.88 billion. Here’s a brief overview of some of the leading cryptocurrencies by market cap and their price action today, September 8. BTC Price gained nearly 1% in the past 24 hours to trade at $54,318. The coin’s 24-hour low and high were recorded as $53,799.05 and $54,838.15, respectively. #BTC☀ #Write2Earn! #Holi_Box {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Cryptocurrency Prices Today (September 8): The broader market today regained an upward movement after a slumping action recently. Bitcoin (BTC) price reattained the $54K level, whereas Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP traded dominantly in the green territory.
Meanwhile, the global crypto market cap soared 1.28% in the last 24 hours to reach $1.93 trillion. However, the total market volume saw a phenomenal 56.43% decrease in value to $42.88 billion.

Here’s a brief overview of some of the leading cryptocurrencies by market cap and their price action today, September 8.
BTC Price gained nearly 1% in the past 24 hours to trade at $54,318. The coin’s 24-hour low and high were recorded as $53,799.05 and $54,838.15, respectively.
Crypto Prices Today Sep 7: Bitcoin Crashes To $53K, Altcoins Plummet In Sync The broader market witnessed a price crash as U.S. jobs data and recession fears sparked volatility. Bitcoin (BTC) price sunk to the $53k level over the past day, whereas Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP prices slipped 4-7%. The global market cap noted a nearly 5% decline in value to $1.90 trillion today. However, the market volume surged 54.81% to $98.3 billion, stirring investor speculations. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BTC☀
Crypto Prices Today Sep 7: Bitcoin Crashes To $53K, Altcoins Plummet In Sync

The broader market witnessed a price crash as U.S. jobs data and recession fears sparked volatility. Bitcoin (BTC) price sunk to the $53k level over the past day, whereas Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP prices slipped 4-7%. The global market cap noted a nearly 5% decline in value to $1.90 trillion today. However, the market volume surged 54.81% to $98.3 billion, stirring investor speculations.

Dogs Coin Price Prediction 2024-2030 Here are the most important things you need to know from our Dogs price prediction: Our real-time $DOGS to USD price chart gives the current Dogs price as $0.0012 on August 30, 2024. Dogs has a current market cap of $658.88M, making it the 9th-largest meme coin by market cap just 3 days after launching. We predict $DOGS will continue to gain momentum through the final months of 2024, reaching $0.0014 by the end of the year. Our Dogs price prediction for 2025 indicates an average price of $0.0015 and we think the token could reach a price of $0.0034 by the end of 2030. {spot}(DOGSUSDT) $DOGS #DOGSONBINANCE
Dogs Coin Price Prediction 2024-2030
Here are the most important things you need to know from our Dogs price prediction:
Our real-time $DOGS to USD price chart gives the current Dogs price as $0.0012 on August 30, 2024.
Dogs has a current market cap of $658.88M, making it the 9th-largest meme coin by market cap just 3 days after launching.

We predict $DOGS will continue to gain momentum through the final months of 2024, reaching $0.0014 by the end of the year.
Our Dogs price prediction for 2025 indicates an average price of $0.0015 and we think the token could reach a price of $0.0034 by the end of 2030.

Today - According to on-chain data provider Lookonchain, a whale or institution has deposited 2,364 Bitcoin (BTC) worth nearly $140 million to one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. This massive move, occurring hours ago, has sparked speculation in the cryptocurrency market. Depositing to exchanges typically indicates an intention to sell, while withdrawals suggest an intent to buy. Whether this move signals selling or a strategic play remains unknown. According to Glassnode's most recent weekly report, net capital inflows into Bitcoin have slowed in recent months. This suggests a degree of equilibrium is reached between investors taking profit and loss. Notably, capital inflows into the Bitcoin market are rarely this quiet, with 89% of days seeing a greater capital inflow (excluding loss-dominated bear markets). #BTC☀ {spot}(BTCUSDT) According to Glassnode, the market has remained within a structurally ordered downtrend for over five months with a period of consolidation and accumulation following. This view is supported by on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, which indicated that the Bitcoin market cycle indicator is again in the bear phase. This observation was made by CryptoQuant head of Research, Julio Moreno, who also stated that from a valuation perspective, if the Bitcoin price pierces $56,000 to the downside, it stands the risk of a larger correction increase.
Today - According to on-chain data provider Lookonchain, a whale or institution has deposited 2,364 Bitcoin (BTC) worth nearly $140 million to one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. This massive move, occurring hours ago, has sparked speculation in the cryptocurrency market.

Depositing to exchanges typically indicates an intention to sell, while withdrawals suggest an intent to buy. Whether this move signals selling or a strategic play remains unknown.

According to Glassnode's most recent weekly report, net capital inflows into Bitcoin have slowed in recent months. This suggests a degree of equilibrium is reached between investors taking profit and loss.

Notably, capital inflows into the Bitcoin market are rarely this quiet, with 89% of days seeing a greater capital inflow (excluding loss-dominated bear markets).


According to Glassnode, the market has remained within a structurally ordered downtrend for over five months with a period of consolidation and accumulation following.
This view is supported by on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, which indicated that the Bitcoin market cycle indicator is again in the bear phase. This observation was made by CryptoQuant head of Research, Julio Moreno, who also stated that from a valuation perspective, if the Bitcoin price pierces $56,000 to the downside, it stands the risk of a larger correction increase.
Cryptocurrency Price Today (August 30): Bitcoin Dips Below $59,000, BEAM Becomes Top Gainer.... Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s oldest and most valued cryptocurrency, dipped below the $60,000 mark and continued to be on a freefall early Friday. Other popular altcoins — including the likes of Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC) — landed in the reds across the board as the overall Market Fear & Greed Index stood at 46 (Neutral) out of 100, as per CoinMarketCap data. The BEAM token emerged to be the biggest gainer of the lot, with a 24-hour jump of over 5 percent. DOGS became the biggest loser, with a 24-hour dip of nearly 18 percent. The global crypto market cap stood at $2.07 trillion at the time of writing, registering a 24-hour dip of 0.56 percent. Bitcoin (BTC) Price Today Bitcoin price stood at $58,787.47, registering a 24-hour loss of 0.93 percent, as per CoinMarketCap. According to Indian exchanges, BTC price stood at Rs 53.65 lakh. Ethereum (ETH) Price Today ETH price stood at $2,511.62, marking a 24-hour dip of 0.82 percent at the time of writing. Ethereum price in India stood at Rs 2.30 lakh. Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Today DOGE registered a 24-hour dip of 0.63 percent, as per CoinMarketCap data, currently priced at $0.09997. Dogecoin price in India stood at Rs 9.15. Litecoin (LTC) Price Today Litecoin saw a 24-hour gain of 0.30 percent. At the time of writing, it was trading at $62.13. LTC price in India stood at Rs 5,394.71. Ripple (XRP) Price Today XRP price stood at $0.5609, seeing a 24-hour dip of 2.02 percent. Ripple price in India stood at Rs 50.18. Solana (SOL) Price Today Solana price stood at $138.19, marking a 24-hour loss of 3.80 percent. SOL price in India stood at Rs 13,330.33. {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BTC
Cryptocurrency Price Today (August 30): Bitcoin Dips Below $59,000, BEAM Becomes Top Gainer....
Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s oldest and most valued cryptocurrency, dipped below the $60,000 mark and continued to be on a freefall early Friday. Other popular altcoins — including the likes of Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC) — landed in the reds across the board as the overall Market Fear & Greed Index stood at 46 (Neutral) out of 100, as per CoinMarketCap data. The BEAM token emerged to be the biggest gainer of the lot, with a 24-hour jump of over 5 percent. DOGS became the biggest loser, with a 24-hour dip of nearly 18 percent.
The global crypto market cap stood at $2.07 trillion at the time of writing, registering a 24-hour dip of 0.56 percent.

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Today

Bitcoin price stood at $58,787.47, registering a 24-hour loss of 0.93 percent, as per CoinMarketCap. According to Indian exchanges, BTC price stood at Rs 53.65 lakh.

Ethereum (ETH) Price Today

ETH price stood at $2,511.62, marking a 24-hour dip of 0.82 percent at the time of writing. Ethereum price in India stood at Rs 2.30 lakh.

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Today

DOGE registered a 24-hour dip of 0.63 percent, as per CoinMarketCap data, currently priced at $0.09997. Dogecoin price in India stood at Rs 9.15.

Litecoin (LTC) Price Today

Litecoin saw a 24-hour gain of 0.30 percent. At the time of writing, it was trading at $62.13. LTC price in India stood at Rs 5,394.71.

Ripple (XRP) Price Today

XRP price stood at $0.5609, seeing a 24-hour dip of 2.02 percent. Ripple price in India stood at Rs 50.18.

Solana (SOL) Price Today

Solana price stood at $138.19, marking a 24-hour loss of 3.80 percent. SOL price in India stood at Rs 13,330.33.
UK Police Charge Shop Owner Over Unregistered Bitcoin ATM An extensive crackdown on illicit digital asset businesses has begun with the charging of a man in the UK who ran an unlicensed cryptocurrency ATM. The UK police charged Habibur Rahman, 37, from East Ham, London, on August 28 with operating unregistered crypto ATMs and laundering thousands of pounds. The landmark event marks the UK’s first prosecution for crypto ATM operations, signaling an important step in the country’s efforts to combat illegal digital asset activities. #CryptoATM #Bitcoin❗ {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BTC
UK Police Charge Shop Owner Over Unregistered Bitcoin ATM
An extensive crackdown on illicit digital asset businesses has begun with the charging of a man in the UK who ran an unlicensed cryptocurrency ATM.
The UK police charged Habibur Rahman, 37, from East Ham, London, on August 28 with operating unregistered crypto ATMs and laundering thousands of pounds.

The landmark event marks the UK’s first prosecution for crypto ATM operations, signaling an important step in the country’s efforts to combat illegal digital asset activities.
Cryptocurrencies tumble amid a wave of long liquidations, bitcoin falls under $60,000 Cryptocurrencies extended declines from Tuesday as Asia futures pointed lower, triggering a wave of liquidations on the Bybit exchange. The price of bitcoin was last lower by 5.9% at $59,421.95 on Wednesday, according to Coin Metrics. Ether tumbled more than 4.5% to $2,469.50 Crypto markets moved down sharply, triggering a leverage driven liquidation," said Steven Lubka, head of private clients and family offices at Swan Bitcoin. "The move appears to have been kicked off by a material drop by Ethereum, which has been struggling all year versus bitcoin." According to CoinGlass, the futures market has seen $93.52 million in long ether liquidations, which forces traders to sell their assets at market price to settle their debts, across centralized exchanges. Some $85.93 million in bitcoin liquidations have occurred. #CryptoNewss "Leverage-driven flushes typically are great buying opportunities," Lubka added. "And while I expect markets to buy the dip on bitcoin, Ethereum may continue to struggle until investors have a reason to be positive on the asset again." For the year, bitcoin is still up 39%. Ether is holding onto a more modest 7% gain. August, a typically quiet month for crypto and risk assets at large, has been particularly volatile this year. However, cryptocurrencies aren't strangers to big pullbacks in bull markets. Bitcoin is still safely in the range its been sitting in since April – between $55,000 and $70,000. Trump has positioned himself as the pro-crypto candidate in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate, has yet to share a public view on the industry. "Traders don't like instability, and often go risk-off to cash in such environments," said Bartosz LipiƄski, CEO at crypto trading platform Cube.Exchange. "That is probably the case for today." $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Cryptocurrencies tumble amid a wave of long liquidations, bitcoin falls under $60,000

Cryptocurrencies extended declines from Tuesday as Asia futures pointed lower, triggering a wave of liquidations on the Bybit exchange.

The price of bitcoin was last lower by 5.9% at $59,421.95 on Wednesday, according to Coin Metrics. Ether tumbled more than 4.5% to $2,469.50

Crypto markets moved down sharply, triggering a leverage driven liquidation," said Steven Lubka, head of private clients and family offices at Swan Bitcoin. "The move appears to have been kicked off by a material drop by Ethereum, which has been struggling all year versus bitcoin."

According to CoinGlass, the futures market has seen $93.52 million in long ether liquidations, which forces traders to sell their assets at market price to settle their debts, across centralized exchanges. Some $85.93 million in bitcoin liquidations have occurred.


"Leverage-driven flushes typically are great buying opportunities," Lubka added. "And while I expect markets to buy the dip on bitcoin, Ethereum may continue to struggle until investors have a reason to be positive on the asset again."

For the year, bitcoin is still up 39%. Ether is holding onto a more modest 7% gain.

August, a typically quiet month for crypto and risk assets at large, has been particularly volatile this year. However, cryptocurrencies aren't strangers to big pullbacks in bull markets. Bitcoin is still safely in the range its been sitting in since April – between $55,000 and $70,000.

Trump has positioned himself as the pro-crypto candidate in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate, has yet to share a public view on the industry.

"Traders don't like instability, and often go risk-off to cash in such environments," said Bartosz LipiƄski, CEO at crypto trading platform Cube.Exchange. "That is probably the case for today."

Durov’s arrest was not political, Macron says French President Macron confirmed Durov’s arrest in an Aug. 26 post on the X social media platform. In the post, Macron addressed the “false information” being spread on social media, which alleged that Durov’s arrest was politically motivated. It was in “no way a political decision,” said Macron. Durov was arrested on Aug. 24 at an airport outside Paris, sparking rumors about his potential charges and enforcement actions against Telegram. On Aug. 25, Telegram issued a statement expressing solidarity with its founder, adding that Durov had nothing to hide in his frequent trips throughout Europe. On Aug. 26, Cointelegraph reported that French authorities could legally detain Durov until Aug. 28. In an Aug. 26 notice, French prosecutors said Durov was taken into custody as part of an investigation “against person unnamed.”
Durov’s arrest was not political, Macron says

French President Macron confirmed Durov’s arrest in an Aug. 26 post on the X social media platform.

In the post, Macron addressed the “false information” being spread on social media, which alleged that Durov’s arrest was politically motivated. It was in “no way a political decision,” said Macron.

Durov was arrested on Aug. 24 at an airport outside Paris, sparking rumors about his potential charges and enforcement actions against Telegram.

On Aug. 25, Telegram issued a statement expressing solidarity with its founder, adding that Durov had nothing to hide in his frequent trips throughout Europe.

On Aug. 26, Cointelegraph reported that French authorities could legally detain Durov until Aug. 28. In an Aug. 26 notice, French prosecutors said Durov was taken into custody as part of an investigation “against person unnamed.”
Toncoin Price Prediction: Why is TON price down today and how BNB’s market cap shot past Solana (SOL) in spite of recent crypto market events. The cryptocurrency market continues to experience notable shifts, with Toncoin (TON) capturing significant attention due to recent news surrounding Telegram’s cofounder. Analysts are now predicting a mixed bag of possibilities for TON, with optimistic outlooks suggesting a surge to as high as $10 if momentum continues, while others warn of a possible price correction.. In another head-turning development, BNB recently surpassed Solana (SOL) in market capitalization. Meanwhile, the JetBolt presale is generating significant buzz, drawing in early buyers eager to experience its groundbreaking features. This article will explore these latest crypto market developments in depth. New Coin JetBolt’s Presale Gains Momentum JetBolt, a recently launched coin, is emerging as a top crypto presale, quickly catching the attention of traders, and enthusiasts across the entire crypto community. JetBolt’s revolutionary features, from its zero gas technology, easy-to-earn staking, and AI-powered utility, are fueling its rising popularity. With such innovative features creating significantly growing buzz, this new crypto coin is now among the most-watched new crypto coins of 2024. $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $TON {spot}(TONUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Toncoin Price Prediction: Why is TON price down today and how BNB’s market cap shot past Solana (SOL) in spite of recent crypto market events.
The cryptocurrency market continues to experience notable shifts, with Toncoin (TON) capturing significant attention due to recent news surrounding Telegram’s cofounder. Analysts are now predicting a mixed bag of possibilities for TON, with optimistic outlooks suggesting a surge to as high as $10 if momentum continues, while others warn of a possible price correction.. In another head-turning development, BNB recently surpassed Solana (SOL) in market capitalization.
Meanwhile, the JetBolt presale is generating significant buzz, drawing in early buyers eager to experience its groundbreaking features. This article will explore these latest crypto market developments in depth.
New Coin JetBolt’s Presale Gains Momentum

JetBolt, a recently launched coin, is emerging as a top crypto presale, quickly catching the attention of traders, and enthusiasts across the entire crypto community. JetBolt’s revolutionary features, from its zero gas technology, easy-to-earn staking, and AI-powered utility, are fueling its rising popularity. With such innovative features creating significantly growing buzz, this new crypto coin is now among the most-watched new crypto coins of 2024.

Crypto Price Today Bitcoin Dips to $63K, Altcoins Show Mixed Results Crypto Price Today: On August 27, 2024, the crypto market shows a mix of gains and losses across various tokens, with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) experiencing slight downturns in their 24-hour trading cycles, whereas other altcoins like Solana (SOL) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) posted gains over the week. This detailed analysis will explore the significant factors influencing the prices of major cryptocurrencies and potential future movements driven by market sentiment, investor behavior, and external economic factors. Overview of Major Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC): The premier cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is currently priced at $63,048.99, experiencing a daily decrease of 1.51% but maintaining a weekly gain of 3.59%, as per CoinMarketCap. This slight pullback can be attributed to the recent discussions around Federal Reserve policies, which continue to be a pivotal influence on Bitcoin's price trajectory. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum, following its recent upgrade, is trading at $2,686.94. It saw a daily decrease of 2.34% but a modest weekly increase of 0.84%. Ethereum's volatility is partly due to ongoing adjustments post-upgrade and the market's speculative response to decentralized finance (DeFi) activities. Solana (SOL): Marked as one of the week's better performers with a 7.86% increase, Solana trades at $158.56. The growth is linked to its increasing adoption in decentralized applications (dApps) and continuous network improvements. Ripple (XRP) and Shiba Inu (SHIB): XRP sees a minor daily loss and a weekly decline, trading at $0.59. Conversely, Shiba Inu points upwards with a notable 7.14% increase over the week, despite a 2.32% drop in the day, possibly fueled by the meme coin's community-driven activities and speculative trading. Federal Reserve's Influence on Crypto Prices The Federal Reserve's monetary policies are a significant catalyst for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. The potential rate cut speculated for September could serve as a critical bullish signal for Bitcoin, pushing its price possibly above $68,000. Furthermore, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s recent dovish remarks at the Jackson Hole Symposium have sparked expectations of a more accommodative policy stance, which historically benefits risk assets like cryptocurrencies. This macroeconomic backdrop suggests a potentially favorable near-term outlook for Bitcoin and similar risk-sensitive digital assets. Bitcoin ETFs and Institutional Interest Another notable development is the substantial inflows into U.S.-listed spot Bitcoin ETFs, which saw their highest daily net inflows since July, totaling over $252 million. This surge indicates robust institutional interest, which may contribute to sustained buying pressure and support higher price levels for Bitcoin. Institutional investors' growing involvement is a bullish indicator, as it reflects increased acceptance and integration of Bitcoin within traditional investment portfolios. Market Dynamics: Winners and Losers The altcoin market shows diverse performance, with certain cryptocurrencies posting significant gains while others struggle. For instance: Helium (HNT) saw a substantial 14.26% increase, possibly driven by expanded use cases in IoT applications and positive community developments. Akash Network (AKT) and Klaytn (KLAY) also posted strong gains, highlighting the market's appetite for niche blockchain platforms that offer unique functionalities. Conversely, the market also witnessed notable declines: DOGS and Notcoin (NOT) fell by 19.21% and 11.22% respectively, reflecting the high volatility and risk associated with less-established tokens. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ALT {future}(ALTUSDT)

Crypto Price Today Bitcoin Dips to $63K, Altcoins Show Mixed Results

Crypto Price Today: On August 27, 2024, the crypto market shows a mix of gains and losses across various tokens, with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) experiencing slight downturns in their 24-hour trading cycles, whereas other altcoins like Solana (SOL) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) posted gains over the week. This detailed analysis will explore the significant factors influencing the prices of major cryptocurrencies and potential future movements driven by market sentiment, investor behavior, and external economic factors.

Overview of Major Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (BTC): The premier cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is currently priced at $63,048.99, experiencing a daily decrease of 1.51% but maintaining a weekly gain of 3.59%, as per CoinMarketCap. This slight pullback can be attributed to the recent discussions around Federal Reserve policies, which continue to be a pivotal influence on Bitcoin's price trajectory.

Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum, following its recent upgrade, is trading at $2,686.94. It saw a daily decrease of 2.34% but a modest weekly increase of 0.84%. Ethereum's volatility is partly due to ongoing adjustments post-upgrade and the market's speculative response to decentralized finance (DeFi) activities.

Solana (SOL): Marked as one of the week's better performers with a 7.86% increase, Solana trades at $158.56. The growth is linked to its increasing adoption in decentralized applications (dApps) and continuous network improvements.

Ripple (XRP) and Shiba Inu (SHIB): XRP sees a minor daily loss and a weekly decline, trading at $0.59. Conversely, Shiba Inu points upwards with a notable 7.14% increase over the week, despite a 2.32% drop in the day, possibly fueled by the meme coin's community-driven activities and speculative trading.
Federal Reserve's Influence on Crypto Prices

The Federal Reserve's monetary policies are a significant catalyst for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. The potential rate cut speculated for September could serve as a critical bullish signal for Bitcoin, pushing its price possibly above $68,000. Furthermore, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s recent dovish remarks at the Jackson Hole Symposium have sparked expectations of a more accommodative policy stance, which historically benefits risk assets like cryptocurrencies. This macroeconomic backdrop suggests a potentially favorable near-term outlook for Bitcoin and similar risk-sensitive digital assets.

Bitcoin ETFs and Institutional Interest
Another notable development is the substantial inflows into U.S.-listed spot Bitcoin ETFs, which saw their highest daily net inflows since July, totaling over $252 million. This surge indicates robust institutional interest, which may contribute to sustained buying pressure and support higher price levels for Bitcoin. Institutional investors' growing involvement is a bullish indicator, as it reflects increased acceptance and integration of Bitcoin within traditional investment portfolios.

Market Dynamics: Winners and Losers
The altcoin market shows diverse performance, with certain cryptocurrencies posting significant gains while others struggle. For instance:

Helium (HNT) saw a substantial 14.26% increase, possibly driven by expanded use cases in IoT applications and positive community developments.

Akash Network (AKT) and Klaytn (KLAY) also posted strong gains, highlighting the market's appetite for niche blockchain platforms that offer unique functionalities.

Conversely, the market also witnessed notable declines:

DOGS and Notcoin (NOT) fell by 19.21% and 11.22% respectively, reflecting the high volatility and risk associated with less-established tokens.
How is crypto doing today? Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap The total volume in DeFi is currently $3.32B, 6.44% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stable coins is now $46.93B, which is 90.95% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's dominance is currently 56.28%, an increase of 0.14% over the day. $DOGS {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
How is crypto doing today?

Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap

The total volume in DeFi is currently $3.32B, 6.44% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stable coins is now $46.93B, which is 90.95% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's dominance is currently 56.28%, an increase of 0.14% over the day.

Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire. Founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested at Bourget airport outside Paris for alleged offences related to his messaging app. Local sources said on Sunday that Durov, 39, had been travelling on his private jet from Azerbaijan and that a French arrest warrant targeted him as part of a preliminary investigation. The offences levelled at Durov by France’s OFMIN, an agency that deals with the prevention of violence against minors, include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organised crime, according to the AFP news agency, which quoted officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The Franco-Russian billionaire is also accused of failing to take action against the harmful use of Telegram. Durov faces possible indictment on Sunday, according to French media. TF1 TV and BFM TV, both quoting unidentified sources, said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app. One of the investigators told AFP they were surprised Durov entered France despite the warrant against him, adding “enough of Telegram’s impunity”. Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in France has demanded consular access to Durov and demanded that his rights be ensured, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Sunday. The embassy said France has so far “avoided engagement” on the situation with Durov. Russian diplomats are in contact with Durov’s lawyer, the embassy said. Russia-Ukraine war With its desirable encryption features, Telegram, whose user base is close to one billion, was created by Durov and his brother in 2013 in Russia. He fled the country in 2014 and travelled across the globe to search for a home for his company, including the German capital, Berlin, and San Francisco in the United States. But after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram became the main source of unfiltered and sometimes graphic content from both warring parties. The app is heavily used by Russian and Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. However, due to Telegram’s increasing popularity, several countries in Europe, including France, have scrutinised the app due to security and data breach concerns. Russia’s representative to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, accused France of acting as a “totalitarian” society. “Some naive persons still don’t understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies,” Ulyanov wrote on X. Several Russian bloggers have called for protests outside French embassies worldwide. Tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk also criticised Durov’s arrest, saying, “It’s 2030 in Europe, and you’re being executed for liking a meme.” Telegram did not immediately respond and the French Ministry of the Interior and police had no comment, the Reuters news agency said. #TelegramCEO #PavelDurov $TON {future}(TONUSDT)

Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France

Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire.
Founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested at Bourget airport outside Paris for alleged offences related to his messaging app.
Local sources said on Sunday that Durov, 39, had been travelling on his private jet from Azerbaijan and that a French arrest warrant targeted him as part of a preliminary investigation.
The offences levelled at Durov by France’s OFMIN, an agency that deals with the prevention of violence against minors, include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organised crime, according to the AFP news agency, which quoted officials speaking on condition of anonymity.
The Franco-Russian billionaire is also accused of failing to take action against the harmful use of Telegram.
Durov faces possible indictment on Sunday, according to French media.
TF1 TV and BFM TV, both quoting unidentified sources, said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.
One of the investigators told AFP they were surprised Durov entered France despite the warrant against him, adding “enough of Telegram’s impunity”.
Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in France has demanded consular access to Durov and demanded that his rights be ensured, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Sunday.
The embassy said France has so far “avoided engagement” on the situation with Durov. Russian diplomats are in contact with Durov’s lawyer, the embassy said.
Russia-Ukraine war
With its desirable encryption features, Telegram, whose user base is close to one billion, was created by Durov and his brother in 2013 in Russia.
He fled the country in 2014 and travelled across the globe to search for a home for his company, including the German capital, Berlin, and San Francisco in the United States.
But after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram became the main source of unfiltered and sometimes graphic content from both warring parties.
The app is heavily used by Russian and Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
However, due to Telegram’s increasing popularity, several countries in Europe, including France, have scrutinised the app due to security and data breach concerns.
Russia’s representative to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, accused France of acting as a “totalitarian” society.
“Some naive persons still don’t understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies,” Ulyanov wrote on X.
Several Russian bloggers have called for protests outside French embassies worldwide.
Tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk also criticised Durov’s arrest, saying, “It’s 2030 in Europe, and you’re being executed for liking a meme.”
Telegram did not immediately respond and the French Ministry of the Interior and police had no comment, the Reuters news agency said.
Crypto horoscope from August 26 to September 1 25 August 2024 New week, new crypto horoscope dedicated to the upcoming week from August 26 to September 1.  This week will be characterized by two transits:  Mercury goes direct again;Venus enters Libra from Thursday 29/8. For several months now, we have been dedicating space to the crypto horoscope written by Stefania Stimolo, an expert in astrology and blockchain. It is a weekly column with the horoscope of each zodiac sign available every Sunday only on The Cryptonomist. In our slogan of “Raccontiamo il Futuro”, we wanted to delve deeper into the topic, jokingly speaking, with this entertainment column.  Summary The crypto horoscope“Don’t Trust, Verify” The crypto horoscope We call it crypto horoscope for the simple fact that sector terminology is used.  Words like NFT, metaverse, and Over-The-Counter to describe actions and scenarios, but also trading terminology like bullish, bull run, bear market, or dump to identify the mood of each zodiac sign during the days of the week. Obviously, the famous to-the-moon to indicate the mood of that sign cannot be missing!  In general, you might experience a period of “hard-fork”, understood as an “inner split”, or pass your lightning torch to the next zodiac sign, meaning that the Sun is moving to the next sign.  Or, simply, you need to reflect on some situations that go into “verify,” that is, when the planet is in dissonance with respect to the zodiac sign. Not only that, with each new change of the Sun’s guard through the constellations of the zodiac, the roadmap of each sign will reach a new step.  Obviously, no investment advice is given; on the contrary, it is purely entertainment, just like any other horoscope. It must be said that many beginners in the sector have understood the specific crypto terminology also thanks to the horoscope on The Cryptonomist.  “Don’t Trust, Verify” Astrology is not an exact science, but it aims in its own way to predict the future. So why not associate the typical blockchain phrase “Don’t Trust, Verify” here as well.  In fact, what the author wants to propose is her interpretation of the planetary transits that occur during the week, describing the reaction of each zodiac sign, following the “logic” of traditional astrology.  For those who are astrology enthusiasts, they could stay updated even just with the transits that are communicated weekly, which, in some way, influence us. A Retrograde Mercury, rather than the days of Full Moon.  Others, on the other hand, might access the dedicated page, which is updated every Sunday, and read the horoscope of their zodiac sign, their ascendant, or why not, even the horoscope of friends and loved ones.  And so, for entertainment purposes only, don’t waste time and click here to read your horoscope for this week! #CryptoNewss $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Crypto horoscope from August 26 to September 1

25 August 2024

New week, new crypto horoscope dedicated to the upcoming week from August 26 to September 1. 
This week will be characterized by two transits: 
Mercury goes direct again;Venus enters Libra from Thursday 29/8.
For several months now, we have been dedicating space to the crypto horoscope written by Stefania Stimolo, an expert in astrology and blockchain. It is a weekly column with the horoscope of each zodiac sign available every Sunday only on The Cryptonomist.
In our slogan of “Raccontiamo il Futuro”, we wanted to delve deeper into the topic, jokingly speaking, with this entertainment column. 
The crypto horoscope“Don’t Trust, Verify”
The crypto horoscope
We call it crypto horoscope for the simple fact that sector terminology is used. 
Words like NFT, metaverse, and Over-The-Counter to describe actions and scenarios, but also trading terminology like bullish, bull run, bear market, or dump to identify the mood of each zodiac sign during the days of the week.
Obviously, the famous to-the-moon to indicate the mood of that sign cannot be missing! 
In general, you might experience a period of “hard-fork”, understood as an “inner split”, or pass your lightning torch to the next zodiac sign, meaning that the Sun is moving to the next sign. 
Or, simply, you need to reflect on some situations that go into “verify,” that is, when the planet is in dissonance with respect to the zodiac sign. Not only that, with each new change of the Sun’s guard through the constellations of the zodiac, the roadmap of each sign will reach a new step. 
Obviously, no investment advice is given; on the contrary, it is purely entertainment, just like any other horoscope. It must be said that many beginners in the sector have understood the specific crypto terminology also thanks to the horoscope on The Cryptonomist. 
“Don’t Trust, Verify”
Astrology is not an exact science, but it aims in its own way to predict the future. So why not associate the typical blockchain phrase “Don’t Trust, Verify” here as well. 
In fact, what the author wants to propose is her interpretation of the planetary transits that occur during the week, describing the reaction of each zodiac sign, following the “logic” of traditional astrology. 
For those who are astrology enthusiasts, they could stay updated even just with the transits that are communicated weekly, which, in some way, influence us. A Retrograde Mercury, rather than the days of Full Moon. 
Others, on the other hand, might access the dedicated page, which is updated every Sunday, and read the horoscope of their zodiac sign, their ascendant, or why not, even the horoscope of friends and loved ones. 
And so, for entertainment purposes only, don’t waste time and click here to read your horoscope for this week!
$TON {future}(TONUSDT) Ton Suddenly Going Down In 4 Hours 💔 Crazy Right? What Do You Think It's Going Up Again Everyone I Want To Know Your Opinion 😍 #tonecoin
Ton Suddenly Going Down In 4 Hours 💔
Crazy Right?
What Do You Think It's Going Up Again Everyone I Want To Know Your Opinion 😍

Bitcoin rises after Fed Chair Powell lays groundwork for interest rate cuts: CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets discusses his op-ed encouraging Kamala Harris to reject pressure from the crypto industry. Plus, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon discusses the state’s stablecoin project. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Bitcoin rises after Fed Chair Powell lays groundwork for interest rate cuts: CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets discusses his op-ed encouraging Kamala Harris to reject pressure from the crypto industry. Plus, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon discusses the state’s stablecoin project.
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