Today's XRP price is around Rp37,202.31. You can buy around 0.00002688 XRP for Rp1. This price is based on data from CoinGecko.
However, based on data from CoinMarketCap, today's XRP price is Rp35,472.40 with a 2.26% increase in the last 1 hour.² Meanwhile, based on data from Pintu, today's Ripple price is Rp36,935.
$BTC The price of Bitcoin (BTC) today is Rp1,538,438,160. Its market capitalization has reached Rp33,836 trillion with a global volume reaching Rp1,572 trillion in the last 24 hours. The current circulating supply of BTC is 19,797,453 with a maximum limit of 21 million coins.
Today's XRP price is Rp37,714.88 with an increase of 6.98% in the last hour. Meanwhile, the XRP trading volume in the last 24 hours was Rp112.94 trillion with an increase of 36.38%