Binance Square
韭菜福星,天才交易员。 时刻保持敏锐嗅觉,做市场的头号玩家。
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13 years ago, a Bitcoin faucet website, you can get 5 Bitcoin airdrops by entering the verification code and address The lowest price of Bitcoin at that time was 0.03u ​​per unit, which is about 2 cents in RMB, and 5 Bitcoins are exactly 10 cents Did you receive it at that time? Did you hold it?
13 years ago, a Bitcoin faucet website, you can get 5 Bitcoin airdrops by entering the verification code and address

The lowest price of Bitcoin at that time was 0.03u ​​per unit, which is about 2 cents in RMB, and 5 Bitcoins are exactly 10 cents

Did you receive it at that time? Did you hold it?
你绝对不知道的当今币圈十大狠人: 1.那些满手山寨币的人,敢于在众多不确定性中放手一搏,勇气可嘉。他们在复杂多变的币圈市场中,不随大流,独辟蹊径,选择了风险与机遇并存的山寨币之路。 2.屡败屡战之人,有着不屈不挠的精神。即便在币圈历经多次失败,却依然怀揣着希望与勇气,继续在这个充满挑战的领域中前行。 3.只买一个币的人,可谓是极度专注与自信。他们将所有的信任与期望都寄托在一个币种上,有着破釜沉舟般的决心。 4.没有电脑还炒币的人,在硬件条件受限的情况下,依然凭借着对币圈的热情和执着,用各种可能的方式参与其中,令人佩服。 5.从不与人谈论币圈的人,神秘而独立。他们默默地在币圈中耕耘,不被外界的声音所干扰,坚守着自己的投资理念。 6.每赚 20%左右就清仓的人,有着明确的目标和果断的行动力。他们不贪婪,懂得在适当的时候及时止盈,落袋为安。 7.没有学习就敢重仓投资的人,可谓是胆大妄为。他们在缺乏知识储备的情况下,凭借着一腔热血和勇气,投入大量资金,风险极高。 8.没有固定收入就敢投资的人,有着冒险精神。他们在经济状况不稳定的情况下,依然敢于在币圈中寻找机会,勇气可嘉,但也充满风险。 9.跟任何人都说自己从不买币的人,低调而神秘。他们或许是出于某种原因,选择隐藏自己在币圈的投资行为,让人捉摸不透。 10.买入币种后耐心持有六个月以上的人,有着坚定的信念和超强的耐心。他们在币圈的风云变幻中,不为短期的波动所动,坚信自己的选择,等待着长期的回报。 $btc#币安上线CATI





6.每赚 20%左右就清仓的人,有着明确的目标和果断的行动力。他们不贪婪,懂得在适当的时候及时止盈,落袋为安。





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Sometimes I really don't want to trade in cryptocurrencies, but when I think about the situation in my hometown and my own conditions, I have to grit my teeth and persevere. Today, I got a call from home. It was raining heavily, the roof was leaking badly, and five chickens ran away. I am so tired. If you feel sorry for me, please guide me if you have a way!
Sometimes I really don't want to trade in cryptocurrencies, but when I think about the situation in my hometown and my own conditions, I have to grit my teeth and persevere. Today, I got a call from home. It was raining heavily, the roof was leaking badly, and five chickens ran away. I am so tired. If you feel sorry for me, please guide me if you have a way!
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In August, it was predicted that the bull market would come after the interest rate cut and water release in September! According to the current progress, the bull market is on the way, so it is urgent to pay attention to potential targets! Recommended project: $SNIFT by StarryNift Recommendation reason: Good track: stuck in the AI ​​track, also covers SocialFi + GameFi, which is the head in this comprehensive field, refer to Ultiverse Excellent investors: SIG led the investment, Binance and OKX both followed the investment, which shows that the team's strength is recognized Data head: StarryNift has been in a leading position on the BNB chain in the past six months, maintaining 1.5 million monthly active users. Recently, it also won the highest award in the game sector in the official Ecosystem Catalyst award event of BNB Chain. Long-term application of tokens: The use scenarios of tokens are also relatively diverse, such as paid AI SDK services, purchase of peripherals, governance, etc. In addition, SNIFT holders can also receive dividends from the project party's launchpad and enjoy the whitelist privileges of StarryLabs incubation projects. Old project listing: As a three-year project, it should be different from those who are eager to dump the market for arbitrage. It still has a bit of pattern, and 50% has been given to the community, which is to continue to build. In summary, you can DYOR and pay attention to the listing of StarryNift. It will be listed on September 26. If the price is suitable between 0.1-0.05, you can consider ambush!
In August, it was predicted that the bull market would come after the interest rate cut and water release in September!

According to the current progress, the bull market is on the way, so it is urgent to pay attention to potential targets!

Recommended project: $SNIFT by StarryNift
Recommendation reason:
Good track: stuck in the AI ​​track, also covers SocialFi + GameFi, which is the head in this comprehensive field, refer to Ultiverse
Excellent investors: SIG led the investment, Binance and OKX both followed the investment, which shows that the team's strength is recognized
Data head: StarryNift has been in a leading position on the BNB chain in the past six months, maintaining 1.5 million monthly active users. Recently, it also won the highest award in the game sector in the official Ecosystem Catalyst award event of BNB Chain.
Long-term application of tokens: The use scenarios of tokens are also relatively diverse, such as paid AI SDK services, purchase of peripherals, governance, etc. In addition, SNIFT holders can also receive dividends from the project party's launchpad and enjoy the whitelist privileges of StarryLabs incubation projects.
Old project listing: As a three-year project, it should be different from those who are eager to dump the market for arbitrage. It still has a bit of pattern, and 50% has been given to the community, which is to continue to build.

In summary, you can DYOR and pay attention to the listing of StarryNift. It will be listed on September 26. If the price is suitable between 0.1-0.05, you can consider ambush!
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Top 10 ruthless people in the current cryptocurrency circle: 1. Those who have a lot of altcoins dare to take a gamble in the midst of many uncertainties, and their courage is commendable. In the complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency market, they do not follow the crowd, but take a unique path and choose the path of altcoins where risks and opportunities coexist. 2. People who have repeatedly failed have an indomitable spirit. Even after many failures in the cryptocurrency circle, they still hold hope and courage and continue to move forward in this challenging field. 3. People who only buy one coin can be said to be extremely focused and confident. They put all their trust and expectations on one currency, with a determination to burn their boats. 4. People who do not have a computer but still speculate in cryptocurrencies, under the condition of limited hardware conditions, still rely on their enthusiasm and persistence in the cryptocurrency circle, and participate in it in various possible ways, which is admirable. 5. People who never talk about the cryptocurrency circle with others are mysterious and independent. They work silently in the cryptocurrency circle, are not disturbed by the voices of the outside world, and stick to their investment philosophy. 6. People who clear their positions every time they earn about 20% have clear goals and decisive action. They are not greedy and know how to stop profits in time and put their money in the bag. 7. People who dare to invest heavily without learning are bold and reckless. In the absence of knowledge reserves, they invest a lot of money with passion and courage, which is extremely risky. 8. People who dare to invest without a fixed income have an adventurous spirit. They still dare to look for opportunities in the currency circle when their economic situation is unstable. Their courage is commendable, but it is also full of risks. 9. People who tell anyone that they never buy coins are low-key and mysterious. Perhaps for some reason, they choose to hide their investment behavior in the currency circle, which makes people unpredictable. 10. People who patiently hold the currency for more than six months after buying it have firm beliefs and super patience. In the ever-changing currency circle, they are not moved by short-term fluctuations, firmly believe in their choices, and wait for long-term returns.
Top 10 ruthless people in the current cryptocurrency circle:

1. Those who have a lot of altcoins dare to take a gamble in the midst of many uncertainties, and their courage is commendable. In the complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency market, they do not follow the crowd, but take a unique path and choose the path of altcoins where risks and opportunities coexist.
2. People who have repeatedly failed have an indomitable spirit. Even after many failures in the cryptocurrency circle, they still hold hope and courage and continue to move forward in this challenging field.
3. People who only buy one coin can be said to be extremely focused and confident. They put all their trust and expectations on one currency, with a determination to burn their boats.
4. People who do not have a computer but still speculate in cryptocurrencies, under the condition of limited hardware conditions, still rely on their enthusiasm and persistence in the cryptocurrency circle, and participate in it in various possible ways, which is admirable.
5. People who never talk about the cryptocurrency circle with others are mysterious and independent. They work silently in the cryptocurrency circle, are not disturbed by the voices of the outside world, and stick to their investment philosophy.
6. People who clear their positions every time they earn about 20% have clear goals and decisive action. They are not greedy and know how to stop profits in time and put their money in the bag.
7. People who dare to invest heavily without learning are bold and reckless. In the absence of knowledge reserves, they invest a lot of money with passion and courage, which is extremely risky.
8. People who dare to invest without a fixed income have an adventurous spirit. They still dare to look for opportunities in the currency circle when their economic situation is unstable. Their courage is commendable, but it is also full of risks.
9. People who tell anyone that they never buy coins are low-key and mysterious. Perhaps for some reason, they choose to hide their investment behavior in the currency circle, which makes people unpredictable.
10. People who patiently hold the currency for more than six months after buying it have firm beliefs and super patience. In the ever-changing currency circle, they are not moved by short-term fluctuations, firmly believe in their choices, and wait for long-term returns.
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Recommended project: $APE Recommendation reason: 1. Rumor has it that ApeChain, which has been officially promoted since July, may be launched soon 2. Bayc's recently launched game is also developed based on apechain. There are many apechain-related projects recently, which may bring a lot of heat 3. After apechain is officially launched, $ape will be used as gas Purchase method: You can buy it on all major cex Recommended position: Currently 0.795, recommended stop loss 0.637, dyor
Recommended project: $APE
Recommendation reason: 1. Rumor has it that ApeChain, which has been officially promoted since July, may be launched soon
2. Bayc's recently launched game is also developed based on apechain. There are many apechain-related projects recently, which may bring a lot of heat
3. After apechain is officially launched, $ape will be used as gas
Purchase method: You can buy it on all major cex
Recommended position: Currently 0.795, recommended stop loss 0.637, dyor
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Ambush MKR, launched on September 18, 1:24,000 token split, this BN will support. In addition, the first Subdao Spark starts to issue tokens, you must hold SKY after the token swap to stake and mine, there is an expectation of rising
Ambush MKR, launched on September 18, 1:24,000 token split, this BN will support. In addition, the first Subdao Spark starts to issue tokens, you must hold SKY after the token swap to stake and mine, there is an expectation of rising
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I recommend AUCTION (Binance). The launch platform Bounce Brand has just announced that it will launch AUCTION Launchpad on the TON network next week. Recently, Binance has connected with 3 TON ecological projects, proving that the traffic on TON is indeed good. AUC followed closely to carry out the IDO of the TON ecosystem, and the rhythm is well grasped. At present, the market value of AUC on Binance is 90 million W, which is very small. If the popularity continues to rise, it will double.
I recommend AUCTION (Binance). The launch platform Bounce Brand has just announced that it will launch AUCTION Launchpad on the TON network next week. Recently, Binance has connected with 3 TON ecological projects, proving that the traffic on TON is indeed good. AUC followed closely to carry out the IDO of the TON ecosystem, and the rhythm is well grasped. At present, the market value of AUC on Binance is 90 million W, which is very small. If the popularity continues to rise, it will double.
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Simon's Cat Token is the most popular cat token on the planet, backed by the official Simon's Cat IP, with a fan base of over 20 million. We are working with Floki, BNB, TokenFi, and DWF to promote this project. Game Downloads: Over 20 million downloads on Google and Apple platforms TikTok Followers: 3.5 million followers YouTube Subscribers: 6.3 million subscribers Facebook Followers: 9.9 million followers Instagram Followers: 5.4 million followers Twitter Followers: 450,000 followers This makes $CAT the first meme coin with real value and brand support, not just castles in the air. Promotion Goals: CZ Binance founder is about to be released from prison. Make a video to promote BNB chain and Binance, saying that $CAT is the best beta tester for BNB. For example: BNB goes up 10%, $CAT goes up 100%. Simon's Cat is helped and promoted by FLOKI, a top 50 coin with a market cap of $1.2 billion. BNB chain is strongly supported. $CAT is the cheapest cat coin on the market, with more advantages than Popcat, Mew and Mog. It has not yet been listed on first-tier exchanges. Video content: CZ Binance founder is about to be released from prison. Make a video to promote BNB chain and Binance, emphasizing that $CAT is the best beta test product for BNB. For example: BNB rises 10%, $CAT rises 100%. September is the rising season for BNB, and $CAT is the best choice.
Simon's Cat Token is the most popular cat token on the planet, backed by the official Simon's Cat IP, with a fan base of over 20 million. We are working with Floki, BNB, TokenFi, and DWF to promote this project.

Game Downloads: Over 20 million downloads on Google and Apple platforms
TikTok Followers: 3.5 million followers
YouTube Subscribers: 6.3 million subscribers
Facebook Followers: 9.9 million followers
Instagram Followers: 5.4 million followers
Twitter Followers: 450,000 followers

This makes $CAT the first meme coin with real value and brand support, not just castles in the air.

Promotion Goals:
CZ Binance founder is about to be released from prison. Make a video to promote BNB chain and Binance, saying that $CAT is the best beta tester for BNB. For example: BNB goes up 10%, $CAT goes up 100%.
Simon's Cat is helped and promoted by FLOKI, a top 50 coin with a market cap of $1.2 billion.
BNB chain is strongly supported.
$CAT is the cheapest cat coin on the market, with more advantages than Popcat, Mew and Mog.
It has not yet been listed on first-tier exchanges.

Video content:
CZ Binance founder is about to be released from prison. Make a video to promote BNB chain and Binance, emphasizing that $CAT is the best beta test product for BNB. For example: BNB rises 10%, $CAT rises 100%.

September is the rising season for BNB, and $CAT is the best choice.
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In the cryptocurrency investment, many people do dream of getting rich overnight, but the reality is often cruel. Here are some practical suggestions and strategies to help you be more confident in your investment: Basic knowledge and analysis In-depth learning: Understand blockchain technology, the economic model of cryptocurrency, and market dynamics. The analysis of news and the use of technical indicators are indispensable. Application of technical indicators MACD divergence signal: When the price and MACD line diverge, it may indicate a reversal of the trend. KDJ indicator: Identify overbought and oversold areas to help determine buying and selling points. Support and resistance levels: These are key points where prices may rebound or break through. Investment strategy Rolling operation: In certain circumstances, you can consider adding positions, but be cautious. Floating profit adding positions: When there is floating profit, you can add positions appropriately, but make sure that the overall holding cost is reduced. Base position + T: Divide the funds into two parts, one part is the base position, and the other part is high-selling and low-buying. The specific ratio is determined according to personal risk tolerance. Time suitable for rolling positions New low volatility after long-term sideways trading: The market may be about to choose a direction. A big drop in a bull market: it may be a good time to buy the bottom. Breaking through major resistance or support levels: such a breakthrough often indicates a new trend. Mindset and planning Start from reality: do not easily set too high goals, and formulate strategies based on your own principal and risk tolerance. Avoid blindly adding positions: adding positions should be carried out while reducing the cost of holding positions. Summary Investing requires rationality and strategy. Don't be blinded by short-term profits, stay calm, continue to learn and adjust strategies. Remember, the market always has ups and downs, the key is how to find your own rhythm in the fluctuations. I hope these suggestions can help you avoid detours on the road of investment.
In the cryptocurrency investment, many people do dream of getting rich overnight, but the reality is often cruel. Here are some practical suggestions and strategies to help you be more confident in your investment:

Basic knowledge and analysis
In-depth learning: Understand blockchain technology, the economic model of cryptocurrency, and market dynamics. The analysis of news and the use of technical indicators are indispensable.

Application of technical indicators
MACD divergence signal: When the price and MACD line diverge, it may indicate a reversal of the trend.
KDJ indicator: Identify overbought and oversold areas to help determine buying and selling points.
Support and resistance levels: These are key points where prices may rebound or break through.

Investment strategy
Rolling operation: In certain circumstances, you can consider adding positions, but be cautious.
Floating profit adding positions: When there is floating profit, you can add positions appropriately, but make sure that the overall holding cost is reduced.
Base position + T: Divide the funds into two parts, one part is the base position, and the other part is high-selling and low-buying. The specific ratio is determined according to personal risk tolerance.

Time suitable for rolling positions
New low volatility after long-term sideways trading: The market may be about to choose a direction.
A big drop in a bull market: it may be a good time to buy the bottom.
Breaking through major resistance or support levels: such a breakthrough often indicates a new trend.

Mindset and planning
Start from reality: do not easily set too high goals, and formulate strategies based on your own principal and risk tolerance.
Avoid blindly adding positions: adding positions should be carried out while reducing the cost of holding positions.

Investing requires rationality and strategy. Don't be blinded by short-term profits, stay calm, continue to learn and adjust strategies. Remember, the market always has ups and downs, the key is how to find your own rhythm in the fluctuations. I hope these suggestions can help you avoid detours on the road of investment.
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12 characteristics of an economic recession: 1. Ordinary people are unemployed in large numbers. 2. Overproduction and insufficient consumption. 3. Factories close down or cut workers' wages. 4. A large number of debtors default on payments. 5. Some people live on the streets or rely on their parents. 6. Young people live in a small house with their parents and parents-in-law. 7. A large number of women are unemployed, and the number of fallen women is increasing. 8. Men don't want to fall in love, and women don't want to get married. 9. Men no longer pay attention to their appearance, and women no longer pursue fashion. 10. People reduce social interaction and mostly spend their time playing cards and chess. 11. Reverse urbanization appears, returning to the countryside. 12. Mental deficiency, the number of people suffering from mental illness has increased sharply $btc $eth #BTCUSDT
12 characteristics of an economic recession:

1. Ordinary people are unemployed in large numbers.

2. Overproduction and insufficient consumption.

3. Factories close down or cut workers' wages.

4. A large number of debtors default on payments.

5. Some people live on the streets or rely on their parents.

6. Young people live in a small house with their parents and parents-in-law.

7. A large number of women are unemployed, and the number of fallen women is increasing.

8. Men don't want to fall in love, and women don't want to get married.

9. Men no longer pay attention to their appearance, and women no longer pursue fashion.

10. People reduce social interaction and mostly spend their time playing cards and chess.

11. Reverse urbanization appears, returning to the countryside.

12. Mental deficiency, the number of people suffering from mental illness has increased sharply
$btc $eth #BTCUSDT
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Introduction to CARV ProtocolCARV @carv_official is committed to innovating the use and sharing of data in the gaming and AI fields, building a fair and transparent data ecosystem, promoting seamless exchange and value distribution of data, and transforming data into assets. 1. CARV Protocol The CARV protocol changes the way data is managed through six key layers: Identity Layer: Connect Web2 and Web3 identities to NFTs and Soulbound via ERC-7231, creating uniquely verifiable blockchain identities. Data authentication: Integrate and authenticate data using CARVLink, decentralized Oracle services, and on-chain proofs to ensure data credibility.

Introduction to CARV Protocol

CARV @carv_official is committed to innovating the use and sharing of data in the gaming and AI fields, building a fair and transparent data ecosystem, promoting seamless exchange and value distribution of data, and transforming data into assets.

1. CARV Protocol
The CARV protocol changes the way data is managed through six key layers:

Identity Layer: Connect Web2 and Web3 identities to NFTs and Soulbound via ERC-7231, creating uniquely verifiable blockchain identities.
Data authentication: Integrate and authenticate data using CARVLink, decentralized Oracle services, and on-chain proofs to ensure data credibility.
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Experts have given advice on the most transparent way of life for modern people: 1. Never let your daughter marry far away. 2. When buying a house, don't buy a large one. 3. Get your hair cut once a month, don't dye it, don't perm it, and don't apply for a credit card. 4. Don't spread family disgrace, and don't divide the room when quarreling. 5. Don't go anywhere during holidays, just lie at home and feel comfortable. 6. Don't try to please people who are far superior to you in ability and circle, it's useless. 7. The poorer you are, the more you need to buy social security. It's better to rely on medical insurance and social security than on your children for retirement. And you have to buy it for 15 years, and you won't refund it no matter how difficult it is. 8. If you don't go to a AA dinner, it's better to order takeout at home. 9. When taking the high-speed rail, if someone wants to change seats with you, first check whether his ticket is a full-trip ticket. 10. If you don't go to a class reunion, the classmates who will contact you will keep contacting you privately. ​11. When you are struggling to choose the first or the second, choose the second. ​12. If you don’t know where to go, go to the library. ​13. Reliable people are: they have an explanation for everything, everything has a destination, and everything has a response. ​14. When you are struggling to love or not love, choose not to love. ​15. Don’t tell anyone about your side job, and even if you do, you have to say that it doesn’t make money. ​16. When the seasons change, sell your unused items second-hand or donate them. ​17. You have a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, and he has a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. If you invite him to dinner, it is invalid socializing. ​18. Four things you don’t say in life: don’t say you are poor, don’t say you are too rich, don’t say you are too tired, and don’t say you are bitter. ​19. Be cautious when remarrying, as it is difficult for four surnames to live in one house. ​20. Marriage is about fate, and there is no need to pursue it too deliberately. Two people who are truly destined to be together will easily be together. #LifePoint
Experts have given advice on the most transparent way of life for modern people:

1. Never let your daughter marry far away.

2. When buying a house, don't buy a large one.

3. Get your hair cut once a month, don't dye it, don't perm it, and don't apply for a credit card.

4. Don't spread family disgrace, and don't divide the room when quarreling.

5. Don't go anywhere during holidays, just lie at home and feel comfortable.

6. Don't try to please people who are far superior to you in ability and circle, it's useless.

7. The poorer you are, the more you need to buy social security. It's better to rely on medical insurance and social security than on your children for retirement. And you have to buy it for 15 years, and you won't refund it no matter how difficult it is.

8. If you don't go to a AA dinner, it's better to order takeout at home.

9. When taking the high-speed rail, if someone wants to change seats with you, first check whether his ticket is a full-trip ticket.

10. If you don't go to a class reunion, the classmates who will contact you will keep contacting you privately.
​11. When you are struggling to choose the first or the second, choose the second.
​12. If you don’t know where to go, go to the library.
​13. Reliable people are: they have an explanation for everything, everything has a destination, and everything has a response.
​14. When you are struggling to love or not love, choose not to love.
​15. Don’t tell anyone about your side job, and even if you do, you have to say that it doesn’t make money.
​16. When the seasons change, sell your unused items second-hand or donate them.
​17. You have a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, and he has a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. If you invite him to dinner, it is invalid socializing.
​18. Four things you don’t say in life: don’t say you are poor, don’t say you are too rich, don’t say you are too tired, and don’t say you are bitter.
​19. Be cautious when remarrying, as it is difficult for four surnames to live in one house.
​20. Marriage is about fate, and there is no need to pursue it too deliberately. Two people who are truly destined to be together will easily be together. #LifePoint
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A year ago I stopped going to coffee shops and started making my own coffee at home. I ended up saving 5$ per day. -25$ per week -100$ per month -1200$ per year Finally I saved 1200 $, I bought it yesterday and it's only worth 12$ now.
A year ago I stopped going to coffee shops and started making my own coffee at home.

I ended up saving 5$ per day.

-25$ per week
-100$ per month
-1200$ per year

Finally I saved 1200 $, I bought it yesterday and it's only worth 12$ now.
See original
Recommended $IO Current price 1.55 1. A relatively resistant currency among recent altcoins 2. AI sector. has technical barriers, and the AI ​​industry also has real computing power demand application scenarios 3. The upcoming io token pledge. Miners need to pledge a certain amount of io to contribute computing power, similar to the early filcoin
Recommended $IO Current price 1.55
1. A relatively resistant currency among recent altcoins
2. AI sector. has technical barriers, and the AI ​​industry also has real computing power demand application scenarios
3. The upcoming io token pledge. Miners need to pledge a certain amount of io to contribute computing power, similar to the early filcoin
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Recommended project: $IDEX Recommendation reason: 1. Low market value and no contract 2. On-chain data is very active, and the exchange is recharged crazily. Price: 0.0460
Recommended project: $IDEX
Recommendation reason:
1. Low market value and no contract
2. On-chain data is very active, and the exchange is recharged crazily.
Price: 0.0460
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Recommended token dar Binance platform Recommended price 0.1347 Recommendation reason 1. Vote on September 5th to September 10th to change the name of dar to D 2. The total amount of renamed tokens remains unchanged 3. After the vote is passed, Binance will support the announcement and should be able to ambush
Recommended token dar Binance platform
Recommended price 0.1347
Recommendation reason
1. Vote on September 5th to September 10th to change the name of dar to D
2. The total amount of renamed tokens remains unchanged
3. After the vote is passed, Binance will support the announcement and should be able to ambush
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Recommend dusk Binance It has been adjusted for a long time $DUSK mainnet launch time: September 20, current FDV is 110 million US dollars. Price 0.24Usdt
Recommend dusk


It has been adjusted for a long time

$DUSK mainnet launch time: September 20, current FDV is 110 million US dollars.

Price 0.24Usdt
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Recommend $PYTH: After the interest rate cut, the market is expected to pick up, and DeFi will see a boom. Pyth is a strong competitor of Link in the oracle sector, and its business expansion is also good. It is expected to replicate Link's skyrocketing path. The current price is 0.27
Recommend $PYTH: After the interest rate cut, the market is expected to pick up, and DeFi will see a boom. Pyth is a strong competitor of Link in the oracle sector, and its business expansion is also good. It is expected to replicate Link's skyrocketing path. The current price is 0.27
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Recommended project: $bsw Recommendation reason: 1. Low market value and no contract 2. On-chain data is very active, and people are recharging to the exchange crazily. Price: 0.815
Recommended project: $bsw
Recommendation reason:
1. Low market value and no contract
2. On-chain data is very active, and people are recharging to the exchange crazily.
Price: 0.815
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