#Write2Eam #Write2Earn #Write2Earn. $LUNC is ranked 79th in listed coins. It dropped to 106th place 3 weeks ago and 99th last week and today it is in position. 70 counting at today's price 0.0002277. Good average. $LUNC
#Write2Earn #Write2Earn. In the last few hours $LUNC has presented some resistance but has had a good bullish trend in its price with 10.29% being at 0.00022701 at the time of publication.
Draw your own conclusions, analyze and get on that boat..🚢↗️📈💰
#Write2Eam #Writen2Earn After the latest burning of almost 2.1 billion Terra Luna Classic tokens $LUNC has experienced a strong and solid rise in price, being a bull on December 4, 2023 0.00025702 $LUNC $LUNC as of March 4, 2024 0.00020063 maintaining a solid 0.00018 in just 2 months.. Make your own calculations and get on that boat. Don't let them tell you... #Writen2Earn
#Write2Earn. #lunc According to information from some platforms. These are some of the currencies that have had bullish volatility in the last 72 hours
Do the math and draw your own conclusions and stick with it 🚢 💰💰📈 before you regret it.
$LUNC #lunc In just 12 hours little by little with its bearish and some consolidated bullish #lunac it is gaining value. Take advantage and get on your boat. And don't regret it later...